The provided API key is expired (for Directions API) - ios

I have looked into the first 15 "similar questions" to my question and none resolved my issue. Sometimes, the error I am getting for the same API request is "This IP, site or mobile application is not authorized to use this API key. Request received from IP address {*ip_address*}, with empty referer". I also searched for that and none of the solutions suggested helped in my case.
My current situation
I am calling in an iOS project
I am using an API key that is restricted to a Bundle ID
I have a list of items (let's refer to it as location items) that when clicked I call the Direction API to get route info
I am getting the two errors I mentioned above interchangeably. That means sometimes I get the expired error and sometimes I get the IP error. I get the errors for the same location item.
APIs enabled:
Directions API
Geolocation API
Maps SDK for iOS
Geocoding API
Places API
The Bundle ID is not the problem
I know that my Bundle ID is correct as I am using it with another service, which is Firebase. To eliminate the silly mistake of mistyping, I copied the same Bundle ID from my Firebase API credential. My API key for Firebase is restricted to the same Bundle ID and to the Firebase service. It is working without any issues.
API restrictions only
To eliminate the Bundle ID issue, I also tried None for the Application restrictions and chose to restrict APIs. I added the APIs I listed above one at a time and called the Directions API. Nothing worked, neither having a single API (Directions API) or having all of them.
The weird thing about Places API
A weird behavior I am getting is that I created a new API key and it worked without any restrictions. What is more weird is that I disabled Places API temporarily. I did this as I wanted to "refresh" my APIs. I read in another thread that the IP issue was resolved by disabling and re-enabling the Places API.So I turned it off but did not turn it on immediately. I used a new API key and clicking my location items yields to route info (I got the desired result).
Other restrictions (usage limit and billing)
I know that it is also not about the restriction of too many attempts on the Directions API. The documentation states that the limit is 50 requests per second. Besides, I did the "fast clicking of items" using the unrestricted API key and I always get a route info. Billing is also enabled on our project so that's not the issue either.
Stuck with an unrestricted key
Right now we are using an unrestricted key that is unacceptable. I wonder, why using an unrestricted key works perfectly and restricting it does not. I am sure I am missing a configuration but I have tried every possible combination that I can think of.

API keys restricted to your application's bundle ID won't work for backend web service requests such as Directions API. These API keys would only work for request made from Places SDK and Maps SDK for iOS. This is the reason why you are getting the error "This IP, site or mobile application is not authorized to use this API key. Request received from IP address {ip_address}, with empty referer".
According to Google Maps API key best practices, for API keys used for Web services sent directly from a mobile applications, you can do one or more of the following techniques to secure your API keys:
Use a proxy server. The proxy server provides a solid source for interacting with the appropriate Google Maps Platform API. Then restrict your API key with IP restrictions.
Obfuscate or encrypt the API key or signing secret. This complicates scraping of API keys and other private data directly from the application.
Use CA pinning or certificate pinning to verify the server resources are valid. CA pinning checks that a server's certificate was issued by a trusted certificate authority, and prevents Man-In-The-Middle attacks that could lead to a third party discovering your API key.


Error message "You can't sign in to this app because it doesn't comply with Google's OAuth 2.0 policy for keeping apps secure"

I am developing a web-based application that will allow my trusted staff to edit the titles, descriptions, tags, etc. of my YouTube channel. In attempting to "Opt In" to my own application, I was sent to the callback URI with an error message:
You can't sign in to this app because it doesn't comply with Google's OAuth 2.0 policy for keeping apps secure. You can let the app developer know that this app doesn't comply with one or more Google validation rules.
Some history - when I first attempted to obtain a code to exchange to an authorization token, it actually worked! However, as I was writing the code to harvest the code and exchange it for the authorization token, I repeated the "Opt In" process multiple times. Before I was ever able to perfect my code to exchange the code for an authorization token, I began getting the error message to the effect that the app is insecure and cannot be signed in to.
More history - after reading a Stack Overflow article describing something similar, I deleted the project, created a new project, generated a new Client ID and Client Secret, and then repeated the test with the same failure.
I am the only Test User of the app. I can't find any notification in my console alerting me to nature of the security issue triggering the failures. I have reviewed the OAuth policies at
OAuth 2.0 Policies
and cannot find anything even remotely wrong.
What is wrong and how can I fix it?
I also had the same issue.
For me, it turned out that my redirect_uri is not valid. The redirect_uri that gives error:
What are wrong in my case:
I should put a / before api.
vi is different from what I registered on GCP. It should be v1
I would suggest you to print out the redirect_uri when your app is performing code exchange, and verify every single characters carefully.
Additionally, check out the documentation of Redirect URI validation rules on Google to see if your redirect_uri comply with all the rules.
You probably changed the port where the project is running or you did not define the address where the project is running in Google Cloud.
Google Cloud → APIs and Services → Credentials → OAuth 2 Client ID → change Authorized JavaScript origin to the port that your app runs on the local or shared host.
The URL may take time to define, so it may not work right away, so you can also create a new credential.
For me the redirect_uri was correct, but as a result of an error, the access code was requested for a different client ID.

Spaceship failing with `This request is forbidden for security reasons - The API key in use does not allow this request`

I ran fastlane spaceship to enter the Spaceship playground. Then I logged in with an Apple ID that has App Manager access (to all apps).
Found a build and ran build.submit_for_testflight_review!
Then I got this error:
Spaceship::AccessForbiddenError: This request is forbidden for security reasons - The API key in use does not allow this request
The docs say:
Login with API tokens is not supported yet as API access is not generally available
Why is it talking about an API key in the error? I do have an api key and it only has developer access, but I'm only setting that api key up in a fastlane lane, which I'm not calling here because it's just the Spaceship playground. If it is using that API key somehow, how can I swap it out?
(Posted this on the Fastlane discussion forum but no one answered yet so I thought I'd try here)

Google Map API Key in Directions (iOS app)

i want to use google map api for route between two location. in my IOS application. i try create public key for project and enable uses API in developer console. but i got this error: this ip site or mobile application is not authorized to use this api key IOS. after this error i try create API key for Key restriction for (IP addresses (web servers, cron jobs, etc.)) and set my ip address and then routing is work fine. but when i try this from other device again and again i get this error.
i should use this URL for routing :
let url = "\(origin)&destination=\(destination)&mode=driving&key=APIKEY"
how can solve this problem for working my code in all devices.
The API key that you use with Google Maps web service (Directions API) supports an IP restriction as mentioned in the following document:
The issue is that you cannot know the IP addresses of all devices where your application is installed.
You have the following options:
Use unrestricted API key. Note that API key requires HTTPS connection, so the API key won't be intercepted from the request itself, because the request is encrypted. So, in this case you should procure that the API key is not put directly in your source code. If you can read it from config or the environment, it might be feasible.
Create an intermediate server. Your iOS application should send requests to the intermediate server, intermediate server should send requests to Google and pass responses back to your app. In this case you can restrict an API key by IP address of your intermediate server.
I hope this helps!

How does Google Cloud Platform API key restriction for iOS apps work?

According to:
We can create an API key to a GCP resource (e.g. Google Maps, Speech, Translate) restricted by "iOS apps" to a particular bundle ID. In principle this is great, but how does GCP actually implement this? How does GCP determine the client's bundle ID since only the client is only making standard HTTP requests to GCP -- presumably it's not reporting its bundle ID in the header?
I'd like to enable this for an API key but don't want to suddenly shut down my iOS client because somehow it's not reporting its bundle ID.
I think Google Translation API just identifies your app by value in request header key x-ios-bundle-identifier.
I tried using Postman to send a successful request with following parameters.
GCP API Key config
Postman request

Google API Client side usage - is the API Key mandatory?

I am using Google directions and geocode services in my iOS App, and it works fine. I am also using Google maps API.
For google maps, I am using an API Key, but for geocoding and directions services, I am calling them as any REST Webservice, without adding the API Key parameter, and it works.
My questions here are
Is the API Key mandatory for client-side calls ? Is it legal ?
If not, what are the risks?
If I add an API Key, the 2500 query per day per key limit will apply, or the limit will be per users IP address?
In I can read
All Directions API applications should use an API key
In I can read
All Geocoding API applications should use an API key
At the same time, I am not using Server side Geocoding/Directions, but Client side calls, and for now, I haven't sent any ApiKey when using it.
A key is not required for these webservices, they may work without.
The difference is the quota: without a key it will be based on the IP-address of the server. When your domain shares the same IP-address with other domains(usually it's the case) you will also share your quota with these domains.
The result: when applications placed at other domains with the same IP(may be houndreds) also request these services(without a key) you'll often hit the limits.
When you use the services on clientside(via the methods of the maps-Javascript-API) it doesn't matter at all, any limit will apply to the user of your application, not to the application.
