Cordova Plugin With Electron Support - electron

I'm trying to expand a custom cordova plugin to support electron platform (not browser!) using nodeJS.
However as Electron platform support in Cordova is new, I cannot find any examples out there.
Can anyone point me towards an example? Just need a start to help me get my head around it.
Many thanks!


How to make AppImage?

Developing Electron/React app using Electron Forge’s TypeScript + Webpack template.
How can I output AppImage? Given stack uses Webpack, it is my understanding that I can’t use electron-builder.
Somehow Electron Forge doesn’t appear to ship with AppImage support (see issue).
Thanks for helping out!

Auto deploy .apk to Android Things using gitlab ci scripting

I recently started in a project where Android Things is used.
When I joined the team, I read up on Android Things.
I very much like the Android Things Console and the way it can push updates.
However, instead of uploading a new version of an apk by clicking around in the webUI of Android Things Console I would prefer uploading a new version to Android Things console by using some scripting (preferably in gitlab CI).
Does anyone here know of a way to do that?
I can't find anything about this in the Android Things documentation.
Thanks in advance!
At this time, there is no API you can use to upload APKs. You will need to do it manually via the Android Things Console. But I do understand how this would be helpful for your workflow.

How to use HighCharts dart library in Flutter app?

I'm looking into using HighCharts Dart library to build visualisation for my flutter app. Base on the example here, I'm not too sure how to integrate it into the flutter app.
After looking around, it seems like there isn't chart library for flutter app, other than building from scratch. Do you know if this issue has been addressed or still in progress?
Thanks for your time!
I know your looking for direct integration, but you can use the node export server.
How I use it is, I post to highchairs on the server, get the SVG, and display that in flutter. It's not as nice as local, but it works for a good number of use cases.
The same technique can be applied using any server-side SVG chart renderer.

Smartface Creating an iOS plugin

I've installed the CLI tools.
Now what do you do in order to make a plugin.
I've tried looking at the guides however I can't figure out exactly what to do?
I'm also puzzled as to where you create the plugin whether It's on The Command Prompt or Node.js or the Smartface Studio itself.
To create a plugin, you need native environment from the system. In your case, XCode.
My reccomendation to learn plugins is this tutorial by Smartface Team:
This is the most basic plugin you could write, but it still shows the fundamentals of plugin writing for Smartface.
P.S. You will need a Mac to develop iOS plugins (just to be sure that you know that).
Hope that helps! :)
I was revisiting this question and I realized that I was very vague...
To answer your question, you have to develop your plugin in Native Environment (as I said), and when you build it's package, you have to put it in the same directory of the other files you'll need (PluginConfig and all of that), and run, in command prompt, the command to make the file.
Now it's better :)

Is QNX® Momentics IDE for BlackBerry® 10 Native SDK Version: 10.0.4 providing Drag and drop functionality in Blackberry 10 native SDK development?

I have a good experience with BlackBerry Java Development Environment. I need to know about QNX based IDE for development of Blackberry 10. I successfully installed and ran a small example.
But here I am not finding any drag and drop IDE. I expected that it contain that type of editor, but unfortunately I am not able to find this feature. I am using following IDE:
QNX® Momentics IDE for BlackBerry® 10 Native SDK
Version: 10.0.4
Also the IDE is not showing all hints. How to get Hints?
Is it required manually include header files?
Please help me where can I find this feature in this IDE?
Just to let you know, drag and drop is now available in Momentics (version 10.0.9). You can drag UI components into your code window and it will auto populate the code for you.
Hi i got following answer from Blackberry adviser
This is currently not available. Please consult the BB NDK documentation for information and updates:
If there is error on your qml file that will show it on right square corner so you can come to know that something is wrong on qml. for adding header file and all it not gives any hint like eclips android and eclipse bb is give to users. You have to manually find which header file is missing and add that.
