Error while labelling data for Visual Recognition box detection in Watson Studio - watson-studio

I am using Watson Studio to build a Visual Recognition model for detecting farms in satellite images by using Object detection.
When I try to add labels (with add objects) to the pictures I have uploaded to the model the following error occurs:
An error occurred while updating farm_vb_1.png
Error in Watson Visual Recognition service: Received empty image data response.
My question is why I get this message and how I can fix it?
Thanks in advance.


Turtlebot3 slam multi map merge - no map received error

Following the tutorial here:, I have been trying to set up a multi-robot slam simulation using turtlebot 3. I am running ROS neotic on ubuntu 20.04.
Currently, I am getting the error "no map received" in rviz
shown here.
Some changes I have made are to add some static transform publishers, to multi_map_merge.launch to fix another error, "no transform from to map" and to edit the topic name of base_scan in turtlebot3_waffle.gazebo.xacro from scan to /scan to fix the "For frame [base_scan]: Frame [base_scan] does not exist", which removed the error from laser_scan in rviz.
the "no map received error" has been present in rviz with both the errors above and has not appeared since solving them.
here is my tf tree from tf view_frames, part1, part2.
The robot state publisher section is identical for all 3 robots and all are connected to base_footprint.
Here is my rqt graph as well.
From the above graphs, I think the problem lies with the /scan topic, in the rqt graph the scan topic for each robot is not receiving data from gazebo, when running slam for one robot the rqt graph, has gazebo publishing to /scan, and using rostopic info /scan is receiving data in my multi slam simulation however the "robotnamespace"/scan topics are not. however, I am new to ros and am unsure if this is the cause of the problem or not.
I am unsure how to proceed in fixing this error, and any help would be appreciated.

Get Backend name when I use VideoCapture

OpenCV: 2.4.11, Visual Studio 2013
I try to get Backend name when I use VideoCapture but failed.
I succeeded with OpenCV 4.5.4 (with Visual Studio 2019), but 'getBackendName' seems doesn't exist in the OpenCV 2.4.11.
Here is the error message.
error C2039: 'getBackendName' : is not a member of 'cv::VideoCapture'
Is there any way that I can get backend name with OpenCV 2.4.x?
Thank you in advance!
Please let me know if you need any further information.
Best regards,

Validation Errors when using multiple IsEmbedded references

I'm encountering a problem when trying to create a DSL for use in Visual Studio IDE.
I'm trying to use Visual Studio Modeling SDK to generate a Visual Studio Extension allowing for the drawing of Fault Trees1 and Reliability Block Diagrams2 plus also some Markov Models3 for reliability analysis.
As part of this I'd like two have two 'things', a Gate, and an Event, which both have an output port. As the OutPort would not be shared with other objects, and is really inherent in the object itself, I've tried to make this IsEmbedded.
However the Validation Engine appears to complain when I have this IsEmbedded and 1..1 multiplicity. With a Validation Error that it must be 0..1 multiplicity. Now that I have configured this however, I'm still getting the same Validation Error.
I did post this on the MSDN Visual Studio Forum4, however with no success (I was redirected to Stack Overflow).
Does anyone know of good resources for the Modeling SDK?
Whilst the DSL platform appears to be well suited to do what I'm after, if there is another way of getting the Toolbox drag/drop and node layout capability (easily) within Visual Studio then I'm happy to hear about it.

Run "introduction_to_svm.cpp" from OpenCV 2.4.11 but got wrong support vectors

I am new in using OpenCV, I run the "introduction_to_svm.cpp" sample code with Visual Studio 2010 on Windows 7(64bit) PC, but could not get the right support vectors in the result image, the returned support vector is point(0,0), which is not the right answer. Have anyone ever encountered similar problem ?
I have received response from opencv's "questions", see, thanks anyway.

openCV from window to ios

I want to train openCV from a server and send the xml generated by openCV to an ios device where an app will recognize the face using the xml trainned by the server. I will use openCV in both app but the server has window (trainning) and the device has ios (recognition).
So my main question is very simple:
The xml generated in openCV window version can be used an openCV IOS version without any trouble? Somebody made something similar who can give me some tips?
In window I will use .Net.
I think they won't have trouble because they are same libraries (openCV), so I suppose they have same internal algorithms but I want to be sure before start the project.
Best Regards and thanks for your time
There is no problem, but you must train with images taken from your devices. It is normal to have multiple xml sets depending on your different cameras. Normally you release these with the binary, and not as a download but still...
