How to access object field in qaf step from stored variable - qaf

In my previous question I was looking for a way to access and store return value of the function in qaf step. I was provided with the following:
When create new user using "{'name':'user1','password':'user123'}"
And store into 'newUser'
Then system should have user '${newUser}'
Now, I'd like to know how to get value from object/collection stored.
If it is a simple object named newUser which has field Id. How would I pass Id on next step?
And, if return is List, how to get by index from stored list?

Resolved issue on my own. If anyone faces same unknowns, here is how I solved it.
For requirements to work around response data, parsing same stored objects in properties by specific fields or collecting data from other structures such as Maps or Lists, create common functions with #QAFTestStep annotation to get data for class member name, map by key or list by index and so on... Add those in common steps and then write stepname text in gherkin format with parameters specified. Let me know if someone needs help, always ready to help out...


Looping through list of objects created by createEntry() and editing their properties before doing submitChange()

Good afternoon fellow developers,
I have come across a scenario where I found myself needing to retrieve the list of pending changes from my model and editing a specific property of those entries before sending them to my back-end.
These are new entities I created using the createEntry() method of the OData model v2. But, at the time of creation of said entities, I do not possess the value I need to add to them yet. This is the list of entities I retrieve by using the getPendingChanges() method on my model:
What I need to do is to loop through each of these newly created entities and set a specific property into them before actually sending them to my back-end with the submitChanges() method. Bare in mind that these are entry objects created by the createEntry() method and exist only in my front-end until I am able to submit them with success.
Any ideas that might point me in the right direction? I look forward to reading from you!
I was able to solve this issue in the following way:
var oPendingChanges = this.model.getPendingChanges();
var aPathsPendingChanges = $.map(oPendingChanges, function(value, index) { return [index];});
aPathsPendingChanges.forEach(sPath => oModel.setProperty("/" + sPath + "/PropertyX","valueFGO"));
The first two instructions retrieve the entire list of pendingChanges objects and then builds an array of paths to each individual entry. I then use that array of paths to loop through my list of pending changes and edit into the property I want in each iteration of the loop. Special thanks to the folks at for the guidance!

How to build structured realtime firebase database for iOS, swift?

I am currently setting up my realtime firebase database to my iOS application.
It is my first time trying to structure user data in a firebase database, and I am really, really struggling with understanding a few key things.
A bit of context to my application's database needs:
When a new user is created, the attributes assigned directly to the user are:
Later on, the user needs the option of creating personal diaries!
Each of these diaries being arrays/lists of objects... Where each object in a diary furthermore holds a few attributes in a list/array.
After reading everything I could find anywhere, I picture my database something like this:
I am terribly sorry if it becomes too specific - I will try to make the question as open as possible:
My question is:
How to create the different "children" programmatically and how to find the keys leading back to them, so I can refer to them at other times again? (when editing an attribute in a child).
A few methods I have tried:
setValue([ArrayOfObjects]) --> This creates the desired array, but I can't seem to find e.g. index 3 in this array, to allow user to change his/her email later on.
childByAutoID() --> This as well creates my array, but gives several other problems: User can only store one diary, still can't find the paths to specific indexes...
setValue(), andPriority() --> Can't seem to make the priority function. (Is this function also outdated??)
And a few more...
If anyone can tell me how to achieve just the first few steps in setting up my database structure, I will be forever grateful - I have spent literally all day on it and I am not moving forward ...
Or, at least tell me, if I am on the right track regarding my desired setup of the database. Is it flat enough? Is there a smarter way to store all these user created lists?
Thank you so much! :-)
I don't know Swift so my examples are in Dart but the methods are similar I believe.
First off, I would split the Users node into two. One to hold the user data, which is normally pretty static, and the other to hold the diaries. You would use the same uid key as reference to both. This way you have less nesting to worry about and therefore it is much easier to CRUD the data. If you are using Firebase to authenticate your users then I would use the unique key that Firebase creates for each user as the keys for these two nodes.
To create a user data node record the Dart code would be something like:
referenceUserData.child(<authenticated user id>).set({
"age": <age value>,
"email": <email value>,
"name": <name value>,
To create a user diary node object record the Dart code would be something like:
referenceUserData.child(<authenticated user id>).child(<diary key>).child(<diary object key>).set({
"object info value 1": <object value>,
"object info value 2": <object value>,
"object info value 3": <object value>,
You could also create all the object records at once by writing them as a List (array) using .set().
You also need to decide what your diary key should be. You could use Firebase to generate a unique key by using .push().set().
To read eg. the user data then your call could be:
.child(<authenticated user id>)
(DataSnapshot snapshot) {
if (snapshot.value != null) {
<code to process your snapshot value>
BTW, 'priority' is legacy from the early days of Firebase RTDB so I wouldn't try to use it.

How to store data in workitem using key value pair in TFS using object model

I have heard that there is an api method available in TFS Object model api, through which i can store in the work item using key value pair and this data is not visible in UI as it is not any field value. This data can only be retrieved through api. I have searched but i was not successful up till now. If any one know such type of method so please share it.
My main purpose to store some metadata in it but it should not visible to the User and also user can not update it. Secondly i did not have to use any field, as fields vary from work item to work item and even from Process template to Process template.
Thanks in advance.
I suppose that you mean this link:
To set a value of key-value you could use this method:
VSS.getService(VSS.ServiceIds.ExtensionData).then(function(dataService) {
// Get value in user scope
dataService.getValue("userScopedKey", {scopeType: "User"}).then(function(value) {
console.log("User scoped key value is " + value);
This document is the details information about the methods in VSS.ServiceIds.ExtensionData service.

How to update value in angular ui typeahead directive if no matching option is found

I've an array of objects containing title and salary which is used in typeahead directive.
I display department name and get entire object as value.
If none of the options match, I want user entered string to be converted to object still. Is there any way to update that?
This answer is pretty late, but I would just use ng-blur (to trap the end of the users input) along with a variable bound to typeahead-no-results. Then test if the variable is true in the method bound to ng-blur, and, if so, make an object out of the String supplied by the user and push it to your data source. Simple example found here.

Hydrate related objects

I am looking for a simple way to hydrate a related object. A Note belongs to a Document and only owners of a Document can add Notes so when a user tries to edit a Note, I need to hydrate the related Document in order to find out if the user has access to it. In my Service layer I have the following:
public void editNote(Note note)
// Get the associated Document object (required for validation) and validate.
int docID = noteRepository.Find(note.NoteID).DocumentID;
note.Document = documentRepository.Find(docID);
IDictionary<string, string> errors = note.validate();
if (errors.Count > 0)
throw new ValidationException(errors);
// Update Repository and save.
Trouble is, noteRepository.InsertOrUpdate(note) throws an exception with "An object with the same key already exists in the ObjectStateManager." when the repository sets EntityState.Modified. So a number of questions arise:
Am I approaching this correctly and if so, how do I get around the exception?
Currently, the controller edit action takes in a NoteCreateEditViewModel. Now this does have a DocumentID field as this is required when creating a new Note as we need to know which Document to attach it to. But for edit, I cannot use it as a malicious user could provide a DocumentID to which they do have access and thus edit a Note they don't own. So should there be seperate viewmodels for create and edit or can I just exclude the DocumentID somehow on edit? Or is there a better way to go about viewmodels such that an ID is not required?
Is there a better way to approach this? I have read that I should just have a Document repository as an aggregate and lose the Note repository but am not sure if/how this helps.
I asked a similar question related to this but it wasn't very clear so hoping this version will allow someone to understand and thus point me in the right direction.
Based on the information provided by Ladislav Mrnka and the answer detailed here: An object with the same key already exists in the ObjectStateManager. The ObjectStateManager cannot track multiple objects with the same key, it seems that my repository method need to be like the following:
public void InsertOrUpdate(Note note)
if (note.NoteID == default(int)) {
// New entity
} else {
// Existing entity
//context.Entry(note).State = EntityState.Modified;
But how do I get the oldNote from the context? I could call context.Entry(Find(note.NoteID)).CurrentValues.SetValues(note) but am I introducing potential problems here?
Am I approaching this correctly and if so, how do I get around the exception?
I guess this part of your code loads the whole Node from the database to find DocumentID:
int docID = noteRepository.Find(note.NoteID).DocumentID;
In such case your InsertOrUpdate cannot take your node and attach it to context with Modified state because you already have note with the same key in the context. Common solution is to use this:
But for edit, I cannot use it as a malicious user could provide a DocumentID to which they do have access and thus edit a Note they don't own.
In such case you must add some security. You can add any data into hidden fields in your page but those data which mustn't be changed by the client must contain some additional security. For example second hidden field with either signature computed on server or hash of salted value computed on server. When the data return in the next request to the server, it must recompute and compare signature / hash with same salt and validate that the passed value and computed value are same. Sure the client mustn't know the secret you are using to compute signature or salt used in hash.
I have read that I should just have a Document repository as an aggregate and lose the Note repository but am not sure if/how this helps.
This is cleaner way to use repositories but it will not help you with your particular error because you will still need Note and DocumentId.
