Can't get UIScrollView to scroll on Swift Storyboards? - ios

Hey guys,
I'm trying to get a UIScrollView to work here but it doesn't really work? I can't scroll it.
Here's what I've had:
- Scroll View (set constraints to be 0,0,0,0 to View)
-- contentView (set contraints to be 0,0,0,0 to scroll view, equal widths and heights as contentView, priority 250)
but I still haven't been able to scroll it? I've seen all tutorials and followed them and there is nothing that can fix it. Is there a setting that I have been missing? Is there something I might have accidentally toggled? Thank you in advance.

There are several things that you can tweak:
Go to Size Inspector of the View Controller (in your case - Edit Programmes View Controller), change the Simulated Size to Freeform.
Turn off the Content Layout Guides in the Size Inspector of the ScrollView
Add 0 Constraint to Top, Bottom, Leading, and Trailing
The contentView that is inside your ScrollView must have an equal Width with the ScrollView.
Then add Height Constraint according to the number that is already inside it.
I hope it can help.


iOS - UIScrollView not scrolling, though scroll bar is shown

I have a Scroll View, and inside it a UIView called "Content View", that contains all of my elements.
The Content view is equal to the Scroll view's top, bottom, leading and trailing. Also equal its width & height.
I also added self.scrollView.contentSize = self.contentView.frame.size
in ViewDidLoad.
When I scroll I can see a scroll bar going up and down on the side, and it seems like the page length is correct according to the bar, but the content itself does not scroll as you can see here:
What am I doing wrong?
I ran into this issue (or something very similar) where the scrollbar would scroll, but the content did not. It drove me crazy for a while because it seemed like everything inside of the scrollview was constrained correctly in Interface Builder. Finally, I noticed that the top item within the scrollview container (container = the view inside of the UIScrollView that contained all of my views) was constrained to the top by aligning with a view outside of the scrollview.
Once I removed the constraint that was aligning the top with an external view from the ScrollView and instead aligned it with the main container within the UIScrollView, everything worked fine. Hopefully that helps in case someone runs into this issue and the other mentioned solutions don't fix it.
The Content view is equal to the Scroll view's top, bottom, leading
and trailing. Also equal its width & height.
You need to remove the width and height constraints. Top, bottom, leading and trailing should stay. Also, remove that contentSize setting from viewDidLoad.
I assume you want vertical scroll. In that case, you should set contentView's width constraint to be equal to View's width (not scrollView's but View's which is the root of the hierarchy).
That should do the trick, assuming that vertical constraints of contentView's children are properly set up.
By default Content Layout Guides is enabled for a Scroll View. So when we pin the content view (main view inside the scroll view) on all 4 sides and equal width and equal height (with lower priority), it takes Frame Layout Guide for top constraint, this is the root cause of the issue where only scroll indicator moves and not the entire content.
You can uncheck Content Layout Guides from Scroll View Size Inspector. Or if you want to use it change the top constraint to Content Layout Guide instead of Frame Guide Layout and it worked as charm. Please refer below screenshot.
The 1st thing I had to do is what user3199693 said: remove that line from viewDidLoad (that made the wrong scroll bar I saw to go away). Also I set contentView's width constraint to be equal to top View's width, as he said.
That was good, but still didn't solve the problem. What did help was equal the height of the content view with top view.
Got the idea from here.

Not able to set ContainSize of my ScrollView through Storyboard

I am adding more than 8-9 controls in my ScrollView but I am not able to set ContaintSize of that ScrollView so that I can able to scroll and view all controlls.
I HAVE SET below constrains to my scrollview and add some controls into my scroll view with the help of contain view. respect to his superview
Scrollview.bottom respect to his superview
Scrollview.leading respect to his superview
Scrollview.trailling reapect to his superview
Than I have added UIView as contain view and set all constrain respect to scrollview.
Than added all controls into view but still its not scrolling as expected.
By below code I am able to set containview but its ststic one and cant assume that 1000 is my contanent height.
Scrollview.contentsize = CGSizeMake (Scrollview.frame.size.width,1000);
Above part is static as I have many lable with multiple line in it.
All data is dynamic comes from server si cant set it static.
Can any one help me out how to set autolayout of scrollview so I can get dynamic content size?
Edit: some time I am getting autolayout error into storyboard like below.
Scrollview has ambiguous scrollable content height
An while i reslove conflicts its not showing proper scrollview in my screen.
Faced the same issue recently. I'm sure that you did your research but here is the guide I used, nonetheless.
Also if you have many labels it would be good consider using a 'UITableView' or a 'UIStackView'.
Make sure you center the scroll view vertically and horizontally in respect to its container.
You have to define constraints for the scroll view like this..
ScrollView :
top ,left , bottom, right pinned to superview.
top, left , bottom , right pinned to scroll view
width pinned to main view
And make sure that every subview inside the container view should have constraints in such a way that it should define the height of container view.
As i understand your issue you forgot to set the height constraint of your contentView, just try by setting it.
No need to set the fix height of scrollView's contentSize, please see the below code.
self.scrollview.contentSize = CGSizeMake(self.contentView.frame.size.width, contentView.frame.origin.y + contentView.frame.size.height + 10);
Note: you need to add height and width constraint of contentView if you need scroll according to it.

dynamic height of of scrollview subviews in autolayout ios

I am creating a UIScrollView from xib, in which 3 view are there 2 UIViews and in middle an UIImageView. when I am setting constraints Xcode asked to set Y position constrains. But the problem is Y position constraint is blocking Scrollview to scroll down and automatically adjusting the views which looks ugly in landscape mode.
when I am delete that constraint it ask to fix height of subview. I searched a lot but I am new in autolayout so not understanding many of solutions. any help would be great.
You have to set all the height constraints in the content view.
But you also want the height of the Content to be proportional to the screen size.
To do this assign the height constraint of the imageview [equal|proportional|a-computation-of] to the view containing the UISCrollView.
It seems weird to skip levels of herarchy when assigning constraints between two views whose are not direct ancestor/sibling of each other but within a scrollview (at least) it is perfectly acceptable.
You are basically telling the scrollview that it's content has a known size and at same time setting this content to adapt dinamically to the screen size (if the constraints of the root uiview are set correctly)
|---UIImageView [heightConstr.constant=UIView1.height-UIView2.height-UIView3.height-margins]
This is the basic idea, to be done programmatically, then you can explore other solutions.
Unfortunately the constraint system in ios pretty much sucks when it's up to more complex equations involving more views for a single constraint.
UIScrollViewcan be tricky when adding constraints. You should always add a subView that will behave as the content view for your UIScrollView and all your subsequent views will go inside this content view.
Set your UIScrollViewconstraints as you would normally but set your content view to have leading, trailing, top and bottom to the UIScrollView but also add two more constraints which will be equal width and equal height to the viewController.view but will have a low priority (So that whichever direction your content will increase in, that constraint will break and automatically increase the content size of the scroll view by taking in the inferred height of the content view). Now go on and add constraints on all your subview as you normally would. Which i'm assuming would be:
Your topmost view will have top and leading and trailing to its superView and also a fixed height.
Your bottom view will have leading, trailing and bottom to its superView and also a fixed height.
Your UIImageViewwill have a leading, trailing and top to top most view and bottom to the bottom view.
Here is the screenshot just in case (To show the view hierarchy with the content view's constraints in the inspector)

UIScrollView bounces back when let go

I have a followed this answer Putting a UIScrollview in a viewcontroller (storyboard) to embed a scrollview in a viewcontroller (Mine is vertically instead of horizontally).
All the constrains are working except the fact that the view bounces back when it is let go. I have tried a lot of different solution, but none is working! Please help, I'm using autolayouts my main goal is to be able to show all the buttons on the screen through scrolling.
I have been trying all types of ways to increase the contentSize, but nothing happens - the scrollview won't scroll properly. I tried different codes from people with the same problem, but the bouncing won't stop. Am I doing anything wrong on my constraints? This is extremely frustrating, please help. My constraints (using autolayout) (as I said, I followed this answer Putting a UIScrollview in a viewcontroller (storyboard))
You have to increase your scrollView's contentSize to fit all of it's sub views.
You should add subview to scrollview, then add all other views to that subview.
Then add constraints between scrollView and contentView (leading, trailing, top, bottom) and contentView should have width and height constraints set properly (set width equal to scrollView width)... the content size will be calculated automatically.... just set height

Detect a UIScrollView's height dynamically

I have a real problem with detecting UIScrollView height. I searched a lot and found this solution:
So I dragged from Content View to View and made Equal Height. But I does not work for me.
I also tried to calculate scrollView height according to elements height in it, but I do not think that it's a right way.
How can I set UIScrollView height dynamically? What is the correct way for doing it?
Your ScrollView should add a ContentView like this:
select your scrollView and in size Inspector bottom, set the width like this:
for more details on how to handle scrollView in Interface Builder your can check out this AppleDoc Working with Scroll Views
Hope this help you!
You only way to set height of your scrollView is by calculating the height of individual objects added to scrollview.
Programatically, calculate the height of each UI object and at the end set content height to scrollview.
[scView setContentSize:CGSizeMake(300, height)];
In above line, 'height' is nothing but a sum of all heights of all UI objects calculated.
By doing the below stuff's, I was able to implement UIScrollView with Automatic height based on the contents inside.
Add scrollview to the main view.
Add one ContentView inside this container scroll view.
Give proper constraints inside this content
view to the container scroll view as well as to its internal UI
Components. Please note that you should not give fixed height to the
content View. The constraints of the content view should grow
according to the UI Components inside
This might give you a layout
warning as 'Unambigous.... '. To fix this, give 'Equal Heights' constraint relation between content view and scroll view
Try the above steps, and this will solve your issue :)
Do you want to add item (UIView, UILabel...) in your UIScrollView by auto layout? If so, just put these in it and create correct constraints for them.
The key point is each item which in UIScrollView have top, leading, bottom and trailing side constraints to their superview. Most important is Make Sure that your UIScrollView has top, leading, bottom and trailing Descendant Constraints to its sub-items. It will calculate correct content height of scroll view for you.
In your solution, if your contentView has zero frame, it will not give you any height for scroll view.
