iOS Media Player Thumbnail and M3U8 - ios

I like to know what I need to do to my m3u8 web video to present a thumbnail within the iOS player like the one attached. So far, I only get to see the web site‘s fav icon. The webpage also has an og:image and and the video tag has a poster image. This example shows my m3u8 video embedded in an html video tag:
My m3u8 playlist only contains videos. I tried the video tag‘s poster attribute, but that did not affect the player.
I would like to see something related to the video content like this:


Youtube video embedding thumbnail

I have a youtube video playlist of 15 videos.
On my website when someone clicks a link, I am displaying a specific video within the playlist (example: video 5 of 15). My issue is that since YouTube no longer allows autoplay if you have the audio on, the video will display properly on the page, but it always shows the thumbnail of the first video in the playlist (not the thumbnail of video 5 in this example) which confuses the viewer because they think they are looking at the wrong video and therefore don't press the play button.
Does anyone know what I can do to make the correct thumbnail to show?
Note: I don't want to embed only video 5 (in this example) because I want video 6 to start playing automatically once video 5 completes.

URL syntax for Youtube videos in fullscreen WITHOUT embedding video

I like to be able to share youtube music video URLs that automatically start in full-screen. The only way I know how to do this is by sharing the video as an embedded video; such as:
Unfortunately, as you can see, that does not work on copyrighted videos. So.. what's the trick to playback youtube videos automatically in fullscreen without embedding it? I tried the below URL format, but that didn't work either. Surely there has to be a way to do this>

Remove the AVPlayerViewController from the wkwebview after it plays an inline video

So I have wkwebview which displays an html text that includes video urls as well. On tapping the video thumbnail, the wkwebview launches the AVPlayer to play the video just fine. But after viewing the video, I need to remove the player so that other information on the wkWebview is visible.But the player makes the wkwebview go blank. I am attaching the screenshots
1. normal article with text and video thumbnail(calendar icon)
2. Video being played normally
3. After video being played, the rest of the wkwebview going blank.
I want to get back to state 1 from 3.

How to fetch and embed the latest YouTube video from a channel, but redirect to YouTube on clicking the play button?

I am trying to embed the latest YouTube video from a channel. However, the video has disabled playback on third-party websites. Rather than displaying the error message to the user, I would like to simply display the video so that when the user clicks to play the video, they are redirected to watch on YouTube. How can I achieve this?
Alternatively, I would be fine with fetching the title, image, and URL and displaying them as HTML, if this is possible.
It'd be better to just put the image and URL.
Given that you know your video id:
All URLs are in the format<video id>
Each video has 4 corresponding images which are<video id>/0.jpg<video id>/1.jpg<video id>/2.jpg<video id>/3.jpg
0.jpg is a full size image, while the other three are thumbnails.

Playing youtube videos on iOS

I was wondering how are apps like McTube ( playing youtube videos. It looks like a custom MPMoviePlayerController but is that allowed?
BTW I need autoplay which I couldn't achieve with UIWebView, that's why i was wondering.
Some YouTube videos can be played back in a MPMoviePlayerController - some cannot. When you query a video through the YouTube Data API (link here) you'll get back all the content types available for a particular videos, including the Flash player, 3GPP, MP4 (if available), etc. You can use these URLs to load up a MPMoviePlayerController.
This is perfectly fine, but as I've said - not all videos are available to embed this way. Some videos (mainly ones that require adverts to be displayed) can't be put into native controllers.
