ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid: Validation failed: Users must exist - ruby-on-rails

I am trying to seed an sqlite3 db from a json file as a project. I have two models user and logins.
require 'json'
records = JSON.parse('db/people.json'))
records.each do |record|
User.create!(record.except('logins').merge('password' => 'encrypted password'))
records.each do |record|
When I run my rails db:seed it successfully seeds the users and then fails when creating the logins with this error ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid: Validation failed: Users must exist It may be something with my schema or my seed script im not sure which
ActiveRecord::Schema.define(version: 2020_03_30_164743) do
create_table "logins", force: :cascade do |t|
t.datetime "date"
t.datetime "created_at", null: false
t.datetime "updated_at", null: false
t.integer "user_id"
t.index ["user_id"], name: "index_logins_on_user_id"
create_table "users", force: :cascade do |t|
t.string "first_name"
t.string "last_name"
t.string "city"
t.string "state"
t.string "email", default: "", null: false
t.string "encrypted_password", default: "", null: false
t.string "reset_password_token"
t.datetime "reset_password_sent_at"
t.datetime "remember_created_at"
t.datetime "created_at", null: false
t.datetime "updated_at", null: false
t.index ["email"], name: "index_users_on_email", unique: true
t.index ["reset_password_token"], name: "index_users_on_reset_password_token", unique: true
Here is a link to my source code

it may work if you write the login inside the same loop..
records.each do |record|
u ='logins').merge('password' => 'encrypted password'))
u.logins = record['logins'].map{|l|}!


Rails 7 - Undo/Remove a Schema.rb add_foreign_key reference & start over

I have started my project with a Users table and have since migrated to using an Accounts table. In the process I have an old reference to the Users table still in my schema.rb file and I need to remove it and create a new reference, or update the reference.
I am trying to work out a migration that will allow me to do this, however it keeps throwing an error as there's no Users table and when it did exist, it never had an account_id , which you can see referenced in my schema.rb file.
I really just need my schema.rb file to update
"add_foreign_key "likes", "users", column: "account_id"
add_foreign_key "likes", "accounts", column: "account_id"
But am finding this impossible to do with a migration without generating an error.
Any suggestions?
ActiveRecord::Schema.define(version: 2022_01_18_013836) do
create_table "accounts", force: :cascade do |t|
t.string "email", default: "", null: false
t.string "encrypted_password", default: "", null: false
t.string "reset_password_token"
t.datetime "reset_password_sent_at", precision: 6
t.datetime "remember_created_at", precision: 6
t.datetime "created_at", precision: 6, null: false
t.datetime "updated_at", precision: 6, null: false
t.string "username"
t.string "first_name"
t.string "last_name"
t.index ["email"], name: "index_accounts_on_email", unique: true
t.index ["reset_password_token"], name: "index_accounts_on_reset_password_token", unique: true
create_table "likes", force: :cascade do |t|
t.integer "account_id", null: false
t.integer "product_id", null: false
t.datetime "created_at", precision: 6, null: false
t.datetime "updated_at", precision: 6, null: false
t.index ["account_id"], name: "index_likes_on_account_id"
t.index ["product_id"], name: "index_likes_on_product_id"
create_table "products", force: :cascade do |t|
t.string "product_name"
t.string "product_category"
t.string "product_type"
t.string "product_image"
t.datetime "created_at", precision: 6, null: false
t.datetime "updated_at", precision: 6, null: false
t.text "product_description"
t.string "product_country"
add_foreign_key "likes", "products"
add_foreign_key "likes", "users", column: "account_id"
Best way to resolve this is to create a migration that adds users back with only account_id then remove the foreign key, and drop the user table again.
Should be doable in 1 migration, however I went about it as follows.
I ended up creating a new Users table with just an account_id:integer
Created a migration to remove_foreign_key
Then created a migration to then drop that Users table again.
Schema file is looking correct now and I have all the migrations to trace my changes.

Active Admin No Method error in foreign key relationship

I am making a notes app using Active Admin for the first time and I am running into an error that confuses me because the relationship exists my migrations are present as far as I can see in the schema. I have 2 models currently Note that belongs_to Content and Content has_many :notes . I am trying to customize my show for Contents so it will display differently as seen below but I keep getting a no method error for notes this relationship is present and should work as it is a foreign key between both tables?
class Note < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :content
class Content < ApplicationRecord
has_many :notes
ActiveAdmin.register Content do
permit_params :name, note_ids: []
show title: 'Test' do
h3 'You have ' + pluralize(content.notes.count, 'note') + ' referencing ' + `#{}`
ActiveRecord::Schema.define(version: 2021_05_06_140826) do
# These are extensions that must be enabled in order to support this database
enable_extension "plpgsql"
create_table "active_admin_comments", force: :cascade do |t|
t.string "namespace"
t.text "body"
t.string "resource_type"
t.bigint "resource_id"
t.string "author_type"
t.bigint "author_id"
t.datetime "created_at", precision: 6, null: false
t.datetime "updated_at", precision: 6, null: false
t.index ["author_type", "author_id"], name: "index_active_admin_comments_on_author_type_and_author_id"
t.index ["namespace"], name: "index_active_admin_comments_on_namespace"
t.index ["resource_type", "resource_id"], name: "index_active_admin_comments_on_resource_type_and_resource_id"
create_table "admin_users", force: :cascade do |t|
t.string "email", default: "", null: false
t.string "encrypted_password", default: "", null: false
t.string "reset_password_token"
t.datetime "reset_password_sent_at"
t.datetime "remember_created_at"
t.datetime "created_at", precision: 6, null: false
t.datetime "updated_at", precision: 6, null: false
t.index ["email"], name: "index_admin_users_on_email", unique: true
t.index ["reset_password_token"], name: "index_admin_users_on_reset_password_token", unique: true
create_table "contents", force: :cascade do |t|
t.string "name"
t.datetime "created_at", precision: 6, null: false
t.datetime "updated_at", precision: 6, null: false
create_table "notes", force: :cascade do |t|
t.string "title"
t.text "body"
t.bigint "content_id", null: false
t.datetime "created_at", precision: 6, null: false
t.datetime "updated_at", precision: 6, null: false
t.index ["content_id"], name: "index_notes_on_content_id"
add_foreign_key "notes", "contents"
Are you sure that content is ActiveRecord object? It looks like it is instance of ActiveSupport SafeBuffer.

How to switch from a one to many relationship to a one to one relationship

In my rails app, I have a User who has many Companies and belongs to a Company. I would like to migrate effectively to a situation where a User has only one Company and still belongs to Company. Is it enough to change the line of code in User.rb to has_one :company
I have already made sure that in my database, all users have just one company. I would like to know the most effective way to complete the migration. This is my sample code for Company.rb belongs_to :user .
For the company create action, i have
def create
#company =
#company.user = current_user
This is my database schema
create_table "companies", force: :cascade do |t|
t.string "name"
t.text "description"
t.string "website"
t.string "location"
t.string "address"
t.datetime "created_at", null: false
t.datetime "updated_at", null: false
t.bigint "user_id"
t.string "photo"
t.string "logo"
t.index ["user_id"], name: "index_companies_on_user_id"
create_table "users", force: :cascade do |t|
t.string "email", default: "", null: false
t.string "encrypted_password", default: "", null: false
t.string "reset_password_token"
t.datetime "reset_password_sent_at"
t.datetime "remember_created_at"
t.integer "sign_in_count", default: 0, null: false
t.datetime "current_sign_in_at"
t.datetime "last_sign_in_at"
t.string "current_sign_in_ip"
t.string "last_sign_in_ip"
t.datetime "created_at", null: false
t.datetime "updated_at", null: false
t.boolean "admin", default: false, null: false
t.index ["email"], name: "index_users_on_email", unique: true
t.index ["reset_password_token"], name: "index_users_on_reset_password_token", unique: true

rails eager loading for one-to-many association

I have
class Article < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :template
class Template < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :articles
where Template model has got a room property. Now i'd like to build a list of all articles, where the articles template has a certain room value (say "bath").
I thought this is done by eager loading (resp: includes), but if i try
I get the error
SELECT "templates".* FROM "templates" WHERE "templates"."article_id" IN ('51', '52', '53', '54')
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PG::UndefinedColumn: ERROR: column templates.article_id does not exist
LINE 1: SELECT "templates".* FROM "templates" WHERE "templates"."art...
What am I doing wrong?
here's my schema.rb as asked
# encoding: UTF-8
# This file is auto-generated from the current state of the database. Instead
# of editing this file, please use the migrations feature of Active Record to
# incrementally modify your database, and then regenerate this schema definition.
# Note that this schema.rb definition is the authoritative source for your
# database schema. If you need to create the application database on another
# system, you should be using db:schema:load, not running all the migrations
# from scratch. The latter is a flawed and unsustainable approach (the more migrations
# you'll amass, the slower it'll run and the greater likelihood for issues).
# It's strongly recommended that you check this file into your version control system.
ActiveRecord::Schema.define(version: 20160913122551) do
# These are extensions that must be enabled in order to support this database
enable_extension "plpgsql"
create_table "articles", force: :cascade do |t|
t.string "title"
t.text "details"
t.integer "value_eur"
t.integer "deposit_eur"
t.integer "location_id"
t.integer "user_id"
t.datetime "created_at", null: false
t.datetime "updated_at", null: false
t.string "picture"
t.float "rate_eur"
t.string "rate_interval"
t.integer "template_id"
t.integer "quality"
add_index "articles", ["location_id"], name: "index_articles_on_location_id", using: :btree
add_index "articles", ["template_id"], name: "index_articles_on_template_id", using: :btree
add_index "articles", ["user_id"], name: "index_articles_on_user_id", using: :btree
create_table "locations", force: :cascade do |t|
t.string "street_and_no"
t.string "postcode"
t.string "city"
t.string "country"
t.integer "user_id"
t.datetime "created_at", null: false
t.datetime "updated_at", null: false
t.float "latitude"
t.float "longitude"
add_index "locations", ["user_id"], name: "index_locations_on_user_id", using: :btree
create_table "templates", force: :cascade do |t|
t.string "title"
t.text "details_hint"
t.float "rate_eur"
t.string "rate_interval"
t.string "picture"
t.datetime "created_at", null: false
t.datetime "updated_at", null: false
t.string "room"
create_table "users", force: :cascade do |t|
t.string "email", default: "", null: false
t.string "encrypted_password", default: "", null: false
t.string "reset_password_token"
t.datetime "reset_password_sent_at"
t.datetime "remember_created_at"
t.integer "sign_in_count", default: 0, null: false
t.datetime "current_sign_in_at"
t.datetime "last_sign_in_at"
t.inet "current_sign_in_ip"
t.inet "last_sign_in_ip"
t.datetime "created_at", null: false
t.datetime "updated_at", null: false
t.string "role"
t.string "nickname"
t.string "firstname"
t.string "lastname"
t.string "phoneno"
t.boolean "showemail"
t.boolean "showphone"
add_index "users", ["email"], name: "index_users_on_email", unique: true, using: :btree
add_index "users", ["nickname"], name: "index_users_on_nickname", unique: true, using: :btree
add_index "users", ["reset_password_token"], name: "index_users_on_reset_password_token", unique: true, using: :btree
add_foreign_key "articles", "locations"
add_foreign_key "articles", "templates"
add_foreign_key "articles", "users"
add_foreign_key "locations", "users"
Your templates table does not have an article_id column according to the schema.rb you posted so you will need to create that reference.
has_one :template
in the articles model to
belongs_to :template

Add constraint to table from Rails - ActiveRecord

I have two associated models in Rails. User, and Post.
Whilst adding a boolean value column, 'Avatar' to the posts table, I would like to make a true value unique to the user to which it belongs.
In other words users can only have one 'Avatar' post with a value of true. This is because these posts (which are pictures) can be used as a users Avatar.
The posts already belong to users, and users have many posts, so I would like to set the constraint that users only have one post with a value of true for Avatar. Also if a new Avatar is uploaded/selected, then for this action to cancel out and falsify any previous Avatar.
This is my migration file so far:
class AddAvatarToUserProfiles < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
add_column :posts, :avatar, :boolean, default: false
ActiveRecord::Schema.define(version: 20151018160617) do
# These are extensions that must be enabled in order to support this database
enable_extension "plpgsql"
create_table "comments", force: :cascade do |t|
t.text "comment"
t.datetime "created_at", null: false
t.datetime "updated_at", null: false
t.integer "post_id"
t.integer "user_id"
add_index "comments", ["post_id"], name: "index_comments_on_post_id", using: :btree
add_index "comments", ["user_id"], name: "index_comments_on_user_id", using: :btree
create_table "posts", force: :cascade do |t|
t.string "caption"
t.integer "likes"
t.datetime "created_at", null: false
t.datetime "updated_at", null: false
t.integer "user_id"
t.string "image_file_name"
t.string "image_content_type"
t.integer "image_file_size"
t.datetime "image_updated_at"
add_index "posts", ["user_id"], name: "index_posts_on_user_id", using: :btree
create_table "sessions", force: :cascade do |t|
t.string "session_id", null: false
t.text "data"
t.datetime "created_at"
t.datetime "updated_at"
add_index "sessions", ["session_id"], name: "index_sessions_on_session_id", unique: true, using: :btree
add_index "sessions", ["updated_at"], name: "index_sessions_on_updated_at", using: :btree
create_table "users", force: :cascade do |t|
t.datetime "created_at", null: false
t.datetime "updated_at", null: false
t.string "email", default: "", null: false
t.string "encrypted_password", default: "", null: false
t.string "reset_password_token"
t.datetime "reset_password_sent_at"
t.datetime "remember_created_at"
t.integer "sign_in_count", default: 0, null: false
t.datetime "current_sign_in_at"
t.datetime "last_sign_in_at"
t.inet "current_sign_in_ip"
t.inet "last_sign_in_ip"
t.string "provider"
t.string "uid"
add_index "users", ["email"], name: "index_users_on_email", unique: true, using: :btree
add_index "users", ["provider"], name: "index_users_on_provider", using: :btree
add_index "users", ["reset_password_token"], name: "index_users_on_reset_password_token", unique: true, using: :btree
add_index "users", ["uid"], name: "index_users_on_uid", using: :btree
add_foreign_key "comments", "posts"
add_foreign_key "comments", "users"
add_foreign_key "posts", "users"
Hoping the above is enough to make sense, I have searched docs to no avail, am thinking the solution should be simple enough.
You can add a custom validator in your Post model like this:
# post.rb
validate :unique_post_avatar
def unique_post_avatar
if { |p| p.avatar == true }.count > 1
errors.add(:avatar, "only one post avatar for this user can be true")
which is essentially selecting the user's posts where the avatar is true. If this count is greater than one, then it will throw validation error. I think this is what you are looking for :-)
