R-Leaflet Map - Help me to Combine 2 legends in R leaflet - r-leaflet

I making an R Leaflet Map and I have 2 legend. how to combine them?

Understanding the structure of your map (str(mapObject))object in R can be a helpful starting point. This can be useful for making "aftermarket" edits to legends.
I tried this as a solution to your problem:
# Concatenate the vectors that define each set of colors and their corresponding values:
# loading shapes of countries from the package spData
world <- st_read(system.file("shapes/world.gpkg", package="spData"))
africa <- world[world$continent == "Africa",]
asia <- world[world$continent == "Asia", ]
asiaPal <- colorNumeric("Reds", domain = asia$pop)
africaPal <- colorNumeric("Blues", domain = africa$pop)
map <- leaflet() %>%
addProviderTiles(providers$CartoDB.Positron) %>%
addPolygons(data = asia,
color = ~asiaPal(asia$pop)) %>%
addPolygons(data = africa,
color = ~africaPal(africa$pop)) %>%
addLegend("bottomright", pal = asiaPal, values = asia$pop, title = "Asian Population") %>%
addLegend("bottomright", pal = africaPal, values = africa$pop, title = "African Population")
# Colors
map$x$calls[[5]]$args[[1]]$colors <-
c(map$x$calls[[5]]$args[[1]]$colors, map$x$calls[[4]]$args[[1]]$colors)
# Labels
map$x$calls[[5]]$args[[1]]$labels <-
c(map$x$calls[[5]]$args[[1]]$labels, map$x$calls[[4]]$args[[1]]$labels)
# Get rid of Old Legend:
map$x$calls[[4]] <- NULL
where your legends result from elements 4 & 5 of map$x$calls.
This doesnt work very nicely. I suspect it's because these list elements are not the end result, and the elements of the map object are provided to javascript/html when rendering the map. That said, I dont know if it's easily possible to do what you are trying to achieve, without poking around in the actual HTML that results.


question for dask output when using dask.array.map_overlap

I would like to use dask.array.map_overlap to deal with the scipy interpolation function. However, I keep meeting errors that I cannot understand and hoping someone can answer this to me.
Here is the error message I have received if I want to run .compute().
ValueError: could not broadcast input array from shape (1070,0) into shape (1045,0)
To resolve the issue, I started to use .to_delayed() to check each partition outputs, and this is what I found.
Following is my python code.
Step 1. Load netCDF file through Xarray, and then output to dask.array with chunk size (400,400)
df = xr.open_dataset('./Brazil Sentinal2 Tile/' + data_file +'.nc')
lon, lat = df['lon'].data, df['lat'].data
slon = da.from_array(df['lon'], chunks=(400,400))
slat = da.from_array(df['lat'], chunks=(400,400))
data = da.from_array(df.isel(band=0).__xarray_dataarray_variable__.data, chunks=(400,400))
Step 2. declare a function for da.map_overlap use
def sumsum2(lon,lat,data, hex_res=10):
hex_col = 'hex' + str(hex_res)
lon_max, lon_min = lon.max(), lon.min()
lat_max, lat_min = lat.max(), lat.min()
b = box(lon_min, lat_min, lon_max, lat_max, ccw=True)
b = transform(lambda x, y: (y, x), b)
b = mapping(b)
target_df = pd.DataFrame(h3.polyfill( b, hex_res), columns=[hex_col])
target_df['lat'] = target_df[hex_col].apply(lambda x: h3.h3_to_geo(x)[0])
target_df['lon'] = target_df[hex_col].apply(lambda x: h3.h3_to_geo(x)[1])
tlon, tlat = target_df[['lon','lat']].values.T
abc = lNDI(points=(lon.ravel(), lat.ravel()),
values= data.ravel())(tlon,tlat)
target_df['out'] = abc
print(np.stack([tlon, tlat, abc],axis=1).shape)
return np.stack([tlon, tlat, abc],axis=1)
Step 3. Apply the da.map_overlap
b = da.map_overlap(sumsum2, slon[:1200,:1200], slat[:1200,:1200], data[:1200,:1200], depth=10, trim=True, boundary=None, align_arrays=False, dtype='float64',
Step 4. Using to_delayed() to test output shape
print(b.to_delayed().flatten()[0].compute().shape, )
(1065, 3)
(1045, 0)
(1090, 3)
(1070, 0)
which is saying that the output from da.map_overlap is only outputting 1-D dimension ( which is (1045,0) and (1070,0) ), while in the da.map_overlap, the output I am preparing is 2-D dimension ( which is (1065,3) and (1090,3) ).
In addition, if I turn off the trim argument, which is
c = da.map_overlap(sumsum2,
print(c.to_delayed().flatten()[0].compute().shape, )
The output becomes
(1065, 3)
(1065, 3)
(1090, 3)
(1090, 3)
This is saying that when trim=True, I cut out everything?
#-- print out the values
(1065, 3)
array([], shape=(1045, 0), dtype=float64)
#-- print out the values
array([[ -47.83683837, -18.98359832, 1395.01848583],
[ -47.8482856 , -18.99038681, 2663.68391094],
[ -47.82800624, -18.99207069, 1465.56517187],
[ -47.81897323, -18.97919009, 2769.91556363],
[ -47.82066663, -19.00712956, 1607.85927095],
[ -47.82696896, -18.97167714, 2110.7516765 ],
[ -47.81562653, -18.98302933, 2662.72112163],
[ -47.82176881, -18.98594465, 2201.83205114],
[ -47.84567 , -18.97512514, 1283.20631652],
[ -47.84343568, -18.97270783, 1282.92117225]])
Any thoughts for this?
Thank You.
I guess I got the answer. Please let me if I am wrong.
I am not allowing to use trim=True is because I change the shape of output array (after surfing the internet, I notice that the shape of output array should be the same with the shape of input array). Since I change the shape, the dask has no idea how to deal with it so it returns the empty array to me (weird).
Instead of using trim=False, since I didn't ask cutting-out the buffer zone, it is now okay to output the return values. (although I still don't know why the dask cannot concat the chunked array, but believe is also related to shape)
The solution is using delayed function on da.concatenate, which is
delayed(da.concatenate)([e.to_delayed().flatten()[idx] for idx in range(len(e.to_delayed().flatten()))])
In this case, we are not relying on the concat function in map_overlap but use our own concat to combine the outputs we want.

Index values from table into another table

I want to store the values by selecting the keys of a table into another table, for example:
polyline = {color="blue", thickness=2, npoints=4}
stuff = {"polyline.color":[polyline.thickness]}
Should produce:
blue 2
However, I get the following error:
input:3: '}' expected near ':'
local polyline = {color="blue", thickness=2, npoints=4}
local stuff = {polyline.color, polyline.thickness}
I believe, You're mixing in some Python syntax. Do you notice using two different (wrong) ways of accessing the values?
I guess, this is what You've meant with your snippet of Lua code:
polyline = {color = "blue", thickness = 2, npoints = 4}
stuff = {[polyline.color] = polyline.thickness}
for key, val in pairs(stuff) do
print(key, val)

gridExtra colour different columns with tableGrob

I have a question regarding tableGrob/grid.table from the gridExtra package. Is there a way to customize different colors for each column? So far and in this stackoverflow link, I have only found how to customize for different rows or cell specific.
Much obliged for any suggestion if possible!
you can pass a vector of colours (fills) for each individual cell,
fills <- rep(blues9, each=nrow(iris[1:4, 1:3]))
tt <- ttheme_default(core=list(bg_params=list(fill=fills)))
grid.table(iris[1:4, 1:3], theme=tt)
grid.table column color/fill: This example is gradient fill for a single column.
# build a vector color/fill choice for the first two columns
blkz <- rep(c("NA", "NA"), times = c(4,4)) #NA is for transparent
# generate continuous color scales based off a vector of colors from https://themockup.blog/posts/2020-05-16-gt-a-grammer-of-tables/
red_color_generator <- scales::col_numeric(c("red", "white"), domain = NULL)
redz2 <-red_color_generator(seq(10, 60, by = 10))[1:4] #%>% scales::show_col()
# cmobine the two vectors
blkz_redz <- c(blkz, redz2)
tt <- ttheme_default(core=list(bg_params=list(fill= blkz_redz, col = "gray56")))
grid.table(iris[1:4, 1:3], theme=tt)
To make the color fill conditioned on the value in the variable. Follow this steps.
#conditional color mapper function
clrize <-
function(df, x) {
df %>%
mutate(cc =
ifelse(x == 1.3, "#FFB299",
ifelse(x == 1.4, "#FF8969",
ifelse(x == 1.5, "#FF5B3A",
#map this to the column build a vector
dt <- iris[1:4,1:3] %>% as.data.frame()
# apply color based on the value on petal.length variable
clrize(dt, dt$Petal.Length) -> redz3
# cmobine the two vectors
blkz_redz <- c(blkz, redz3$cc) # cc is var added inside the function
tt <- ttheme_default(core=list(bg_params=list(fill= blkz_redz, col = "gray56")))
grid.table(iris[1:4, 1:3], theme=tt)

Citing within an RMarkdown table

I am attempting to create a table which has citations built into the table. Here is a visual of what I am trying to achieve.
As far as I know you can only add footnotes in rowvars or colvars in kableExtra (love that package).
# Create a dataframe called df
Component <- c('N2','P3')
Latency <- c('150 to 200ms', '625 to 800ms')
Location <- c('FCz, Fz, Cz', 'Pz, Oz')
df <- data.frame(Component, Latency, Location)
Below is my attempt after reading through kableExtra's Git page
# Trying some code taken from the kableExtra guide
row.names(df) <- df$Component
df[1] <- NULL
dt_footnote <- df
names(dt_footnote)[1] <- paste0(names(dt_footnote)[2],
row.names(dt_footnote)[2] <- paste0(row.names(dt_footnote)[2],
kable(dt_footnote, align = "c",
# Remember this escape = F
escape = F, "latex", longtable = T, booktabs = T, caption = "My Table Name") %>%
kable_styling(full_width = F) %>%
footnote(alphabet = "Jones, 2013",
symbol = "Footnote Symbol 1; ",
footnote_as_chunk = T)
But this code only works on the headers. The ultimate goal would be if I could use a BibTex reference such as #JonesFunctionalMixedEffectModels2013 such that the final part of the code would look like
footnote(alphabet = #davidsonFunctionalMixedEffectModels2009,
symbol = "Footnote Symbol 1; ", footnote_as_chunk = T)
Anyone have any ideas?
What I did at the end was to generate a temporary table with pander, then copy the references' number manually to my kable
caption = "Temporal",
style = "simple",
justify = "left")

Pc-Stable from pcalg

I am using the pc-stable from the package ‘pcalg’ version 2.0-10 to learn the structure . what I understand this algorithm does not effect the the order of the input data because it is order_independent. when I run it with different order ,I got different graph. can any one help me with this issue and this is my code.
randindexMatriax <- matrix(0,10,ncol(TrainData))
numberUnique_val_col = vector()
pdf("Graph for Test PC Stable with random order.pdf")
for (i in 1:10)
V <- colnames( TrainDataRandOrder)
UD <-data.frame(TrainDataRandOrder)
numberUnique_val_col= sapply(UD,function(x)length(unique(x)))
suffStat <- list(dm = TrainDataRandOrder,nlev = c(numberUnique_val_col[1],numberUnique_val_col[2], numberUnique_val_col[3],numberUnique_val_col[4],
numberUnique_val_col[5],numberUnique_val_col[6], numberUnique_val_col[7],
numberUnique_val_col[18],numberUnique_val_col[19], numberUnique_val_col[20]), adaptDF = FALSE)
pc.fit <- pc(suffStat, indepTest= disCItest, alpha=0.01, labels=V, fixedGaps = NULL, fixedEdges = NULL,NAdelete = TRUE, m.max = Inf,skel.method = "stable", conservative = TRUE,solve.confl = TRUE, verbose = TRUE)
The "Stable" part of PC-Stable only affects the Skeleton phase of the algorithm. The Orientation phase is still order-dependent. Do the two graphs have identical "skeletons"? That is, if you convert all directed edges into undirected edges, are the two graphs identical?
If not, you may have uncovered a bug in pcalg! Please post a sample dataset and two orderings of the columns that produce graphs with different skeletons.
