F# unable to catch DivideByZeroException - f#

I atempt to catch an exception when dividing by 0 is performed but, no mater the implementation, code shows nothing of substance, always claiming that the result is "infinity" (meaning, from what I get, that it just performed the division and ignored everything else)
What is the reason for this and how to remedy it?
open System
type instruction =
| PUSH of float
type stack = float list
exception BLEDNY_PROGRAM of (instruction * stack)
exception DivideByZeroException
let intInstr (x, y) =
match x, y with
| ADD, a::b::ys -> (b + a) :: ys : stack
| SUB, a::b::ys -> (b-a)::ys
| MUL, a::b::ys -> (b*a)::ys
| SQR, a::ys -> (a * a)::ys
| DIV, a::b::ys -> try (b/a)::ys with | :? System.DivideByZeroException -> (printf "Błąd: dzielenie przez zero"; ys)
| PUSH x, ys -> x::ys
| _ , _ -> raise (BLEDNY_PROGRAM(x, y));
let intpProg(is) =
let rec iPS = function
| ([],x::xs) -> x
| (i::is, xs) -> iPS(is, intInstr(i, xs))
let il3 = [PUSH 3.0; PUSH 0.0; DIV];
let e = intpProg(il3)
printfn "%A" e

A float in F# is a 64-bit IEEE 754 double-precision number. They have well-defined values for ±zero, ±infinity, and NaN.
For all floating point divisions by zero (except decimal), a DivideByZeroException is not thrown, but rather, the type's special representation is used.
> let ``+∞``, ``-∞`` = 1.0 / 0.0, -1.0 / 0.0;;
val ( -∞ ) : float = -infinity
val ( +∞ ) : float = infinity
In your example, dividing by zero would give you Double.PositiveInfinity.
Integer values (int, long, uint, etc.,) all throw a divide by zero as you'd expect.


Possible to optimize pattern-matching code segment in one line?

I am wondering if there is a way to write this line without piping h to calcVol function twice?
| h :: t when (h |> calcVol) > maxVol -> maxLoop t (h |> calcVol)
Where h is a tuple containing three dimensions, and calcVol returns a float value.
I know that I could explicitly define a vol value as:
| h :: t ->
let vol = calcVol h
if vol > maxVol then...
I am wondering if there is a way to do this nicely in one line?
If all the uses of vol were before the arrow, you could do this:
| h :: t when let vol = (h |> calcVol) in vol > maxVol -> // Something
But let assignments in the when clause left of the arrow do not carry over to the right-hand side. Demonstration:
let f x = x + 5
let l = [1; 2]
match l with
| a :: b when let y = f a in y = 6 -> "Six"
| _ -> "Other"
This works, and returns "Six". But:
let f x = x + 5
let l = [1; 2]
match l with
| a :: b when let y = f a in y = 6 -> sprintf "Six = %d" y
| _ -> "Other"
This does not work, producing the error:
error FS0039: The value or constructor 'y' is not defined.
So unfortunately, you can't have the one-line version you want and you'll have to go with the longer approach (with a let followed by an if, as you demonstrate in the second half of your answer).
Using active patterns a solution could look like this:
let calcVol v = v
let (|MaxVol|) maxVol = function
| [] -> (maxVol, [])
| h :: t -> ((max (calcVol h) maxVol), t)
let rec maxLoop list m =
match list with
| [] -> m
| MaxVol m (c, t) -> maxLoop t c
let vs = [ -1; 42; 3 ]
maxLoop vs System.Int32.MinValue // 42
Another possibility with better readability might be to first calculate the volumes (e.g. by mapping) and then find the maximum. Difficult to tell without the complete code...

Could the dictionary of operations be eliminated from this generalized Set definition?

I am trying to generalize the concept of a Set in F#. Among other things I want to define sets using inequalities. This would help me simplifying some sections of my code. So I created a type MySet as follows:
type Comparison = | GE
| GT
| LE
| LT
| EQ
type ComparisonOps<'t> = { gt: 't->'t->bool
ge: 't->'t->bool
eq: 't->'t->bool
le: 't->'t->bool
lt: 't->'t->bool }
type MySet<'t when 't : comparison> =
| List of list<'t>
| Sequence of seq<'t>
| Array of 't []
| String of string
| Set of Set<'t>
| Compare of (ComparisonOps<'t>*Comparison*'t)
Note: I intend to make MySet recursive later, allowing for unions and intersections, but for the purposes of this question this is not necessary.
The whole point of the new MySet type is to allow checking if elements of different types belong to sets of different cases. This is implemented by this function:
let elementOf<'t when 't : comparison> (st: MySet<'t>) (x: 't) : bool =
match st with
| List xs -> List.contains x xs
| Sequence s -> Seq.contains x s
| Array a -> Array.contains x a
| Set st -> Set.contains x st
| String str -> match box str with
| :? string as s -> match box x with
| :? string as z -> s.Contains z
| _ -> false
| _ -> false
| Compare (comp: ComparisonOps<'t>*Comparison*'t) ->
let compOps, cmp, y = comp
match cmp with
| GT -> compOps.gt x y
| GE -> compOps.ge x y
| EQ -> compOps.eq x y
| LE -> compOps.le x y
| LT -> compOps.lt x y
Note: I also plan to generalize elementOf allowing for function application, but again this is not needed here.
The function works:
let myStringSet = MySet.String("XYZ")
let strb = "X" |> elementOf<string> myStringSet
printfn "strb = %b" strb // strb = true
let myListSet = MySet.List([0..10])
let listb = 5 |> elementOf<int> myListSet
printfn "listb = %b" listb // listb = true
let myCompSet = MySet.Compare((ComparisonFloat, GT, 0.0))
let compb = -1.0 |> elementOf<float> myCompSet
printfn "compb = %b" compb // compb = false
let myCompSet2 = MySet.Compare((ComparisonString, LT, "XYZ"))
let compb2 = "XA" |> elementOf<string> myCompSet2
printfn "compb2 = %b" compb2 // compb2 = true
That is great, but I wonder if I really need to create the dictionary of operations ComparisonOps, since operations like < are polymorphic on the types int, float and string anyway.
Eliminating ComparisonOps could considerably simplify the code. Is that possible?
As Fyodor Soikin notes, it sounds like maybe what you want is to define a set as all elements satisfying a predicate:
type MySet<'t> = | MySet of ('t -> bool)
Then set operations are easy to define:
let intersect (MySet p1) (MySet p2) = MySet(fun t -> p1 t && p2 t)
And all of your specific constructors can just be turned into simple functions:
let ofList l = MySet(fun t -> List.contains t l)
let lt x = MySet(fun t -> t < x)

How to write a arithmetic expression using a discriminated union in F#?

Recently, I started learning F# and I am a bit struggling with discriminated unions and function signatures.
I am trying to define an arithmetic expression (for sum, product, multiply, average etc) as a discriminate union and write a function that evaluates it.
However, I can't figure out what I am doing wrong. Could anyone point me in the right direction? This what I've tried so far:
Attempt 1
type Expr =
| Sum of int * int
| Avg of int * int
| Mul of int * int
let Evaluate (input : Expr) =
match input with
| Sum(a,b) -> a + b
printfn "%A" (Sum(5,10))
My output is :
Sum (5,10)
Attempt 2
I also tried something like :
type Expr = int -> int -> int
let evaluate (a : Expr) (b : Expr) =
match a,b with
| a,b -> (fun a -> a + b)
printfn "%A" (evaluate 5 10)
since all common arithmetic expressions (like sum, product, multiply, average etc) take two integer inputs and output a single integer.
I am getting errors for: 'This expression was expected to have type Expr but here has type Int'.
edit 1
let evaluate (input : Expr) =
match input with
| Sum(a,b) -> a + b
| Avg(a,b) -> a + b / 2
| Mul(a,b) -> a * b
let evaluate = function
| Sum(a,b) -> a + b
| Avg(a,b) -> a + b / 2
| Mul(a,b) -> a * b
Your first attempt comes close.
type Expr =
| Sum of int * int
| Avg of int * int
| Mul of int * int
let evaluate = function
| Sum(a,b) -> a + b
| Avg(a,b) -> a + b / 2
| Mul(a,b) -> a * b
As commented you left out the evaluation of the expression.
Also there's no reason for using printfn "%A", since we know the return type.
Sum(5,10) // Expr
|> evaluate // int
|> printfn "%i" // unit
In your second attempt you're mixing things up a bit.
type Expr = int -> int -> int
As Lee (again) correctly points out, this signature represents a function with 2 arguments.
let add : Expr = fun a b -> a + b
Or shorthand
let add : Expr = (+)
As Expr represents an arithmetic operator, following evaluate function combines them.
let evaluate (a : Expr) (b : Expr) =
match a,b with
| a,b -> (fun a -> a + b)
If you're intent was to sum two input integers, a and b should've been of type int.
If you want to combine multiple expressions, FuneSnabel's proposal is the way to go.
For example: (1 + 2) * (3 + 4)
type Expr =
| Cte of int
| Add of Expr * Expr
| Mul of Expr * Expr
let rec eval = function
| Cte(i) -> i
| Add(a,b) -> eval a + eval b
| Mul(a,b) -> eval a * eval b
Mul( Add(Cte 1,Cte 2) , Add(Cte 3,Cte 4) )
|> eval
|> printfn "%i"
Attempt 1 looks about right but limited as it doesn't allow you to create expressions like 1+2+3.
Instead you could try something like this:
type Expr =
| Constant of int
| Add of Expr*Expr
| Sub of Expr*Expr
| Mul of Expr*Expr
| Div of Expr*Expr
A bit more flexible and with support for bindings like x, y and so on:
type Expr =
| Constant of int
| Binding of string
| BinaryOp of string*(int -> int -> int)*Expr*Expr
| UnaryOp of string*(int -> int)*Expr

How to write code in F# for what functors do in OCaml?

I have many programs written in OCaml, some of them use functors. Now, I am considering of writing and re-writing a part of code in F# (to benefit some advantages that OCaml does not have). One thing I am afraid of is to write code in F# for what functors do in OCaml.
For instance, how could we emulate this example from OCaml manual in F#?
type comparison = Less | Equal | Greater
module type ORDERED_TYPE = sig
type t
val compare: t -> t -> comparison
module Set =
functor (Elt: ORDERED_TYPE) -> struct
type element = Elt.t
type set = element list
let empty = []
let rec add x s =
match s with
[] -> [x]
| hd::tl ->
match Elt.compare x hd with
Equal -> s (* x is already in s *)
| Less -> x :: s (* x is smaller than all elements of s *)
| Greater -> hd :: add x tl
module OrderedString = struct
type t = string
let compare x y = if x = y then Equal else if x < y then Less else Greater
module OrderedInt = struct
type t = int
let compare x y = if x = y then Equal else if x < y then Less else Greater
module StringSet = Set(OrderedString)
module IntSet = Set(OrderedInt)
let try1 () = StringSet.add "foo" StringSet.empty
let try2 () = IntSet.add 2 IntSet.empty
Here is a bit different approach that achieves same outcome using a generic class and one object per type.
type Comparison = Less | Equal | Greater
type Set<'a>(compare : 'a -> 'a -> Comparison) =
member this.Empty : 'a list = []
member this.Add x s =
match s with
| [] -> [x]
| hd::tl ->
match compare x hd with
| Equal -> s (* x is already in s *)
| Less -> x :: s (* x is smaller than all elements of s *)
| Greater -> hd :: this.Add x tl
let compare x y = if x = y then Equal else if x < y then Less else Greater
let compareFloats (x : float) (y : float) = if x = y then Equal else if x < y then Less else Greater
// Note that same generic compare function can be used for stringSet and intSet
// as long as the type parameter is explicitly given
let stringSet = Set<string>(compare)
let intSet = Set<int>(compare)
// Type parameter not needed, because compareFloats is not generic
let floatSet = Set(compareFloats)
let try1 () = stringSet.Add "foo" stringSet.Empty // -> ["foo"]
let try2 () = intSet.Add 2 intSet.Empty // -> [2]
let try3 () = floatSet.Add 3.0 floatSet.Empty // -> [3.0]
As you noticed, F# doesn't have functors - F# modules cannot be parameterized by types. You can get similar results in F# using the object oriented parts of the language - interfaces, generic classes and inheritance.
Here's a heavy handed approach at emulating your example.
type Comparison = Less | Equal | Greater
/// Interface corresponding to ORDERED_TYPE signature
type IOrderedType<'a> =
abstract Value: 'a
abstract Compare: IOrderedType<'a> -> Comparison
/// Type that implements ORDERED_TYPE signature, different instantiations
/// of this type correspond to your OrderedInt/OrderedString modules.
/// The 't: comparison constraint comes from the fact that (<) operator
/// is used in the body of Compare.
type Ordered<'t when 't: comparison> (t: 't) =
interface IOrderedType<'t> with
member this.Value = t
member this.Compare (other: IOrderedType<'t>) =
if t = other.Value then Equal else if t < other.Value then Less else Greater
/// A generic type that works over instances of IOrderedType interface.
type Set<'t, 'ot when 't: comparison and 'ot :> IOrderedType<'t>> (coll: IOrderedType<'t> list) =
member this.Values =
coll |> List.map (fun x -> x.Value)
member this.Add(x: 't) =
let rec add (x: IOrderedType<'t>) s =
match coll with
| [] -> [x]
| hd::tl ->
match x.Compare(hd) with
| Equal -> s (* x is already in s *)
| Less -> x :: s (* x is smaller than all elements of s *)
| Greater -> hd :: add x tl
Set<'t, 'ot>(add (Ordered(x)) coll)
static member Empty = Set<'t, 'ot>(List.empty)
/// A helper function for Set.Add. Useful in pipelines.
module Set =
let add x (s: Set<_,_>) =
/// Type aliases for different instantiations of Set
/// (these could have easily been subtypes of Set as well)
type StringSet = Set<string, Ordered<string>>
type IntSet = Set<int, Ordered<int>>
let try1 () = Set.add "foo" StringSet.Empty
let try2 () = Set.add 2 IntSet.Empty
The functional way in F# would rely mostly on type inference avoiding OOP structures like interface or types with member.
type Comparison = Less | Equal | Greater
type OrderedSet<'t> = 't list // type alias, not really necessary
module OrderedSet =
let empty : OrderedSet<_> = List.empty // just an empty list
let values (s : OrderedSet<_>) : OrderedSet<_> = s // identity function
let add compare x (s : OrderedSet<_>) : OrderedSet<_> =
let rec addR s =
match s with
| [] -> [x]
| hd::tl ->
match compare x hd with
| Equal -> s (* x is already in s *)
| Less -> x :: s (* x is smaller than all elements of s *)
| Greater -> hd :: addR tl
addR s
let compare x y = if x = y then Equal else if x < y then Less else Greater
let compareFloats (x : float) y = if x = y then Equal else if x < y then Less else Greater
let addGeneric v = add compare v
let addFloat v = add compareFloats v
And it is used like this:
let try1 () = OrderedSet.addGeneric "foo" OrderedSet.empty |> OrderedSet.addGeneric "bar"
let try2 () = OrderedSet.addGeneric 2 OrderedSet.empty |> OrderedSet.addGeneric 3
let try3 () = OrderedSet.empty
|> OrderedSet.addFloat 3.0
|> OrderedSet.addFloat 1.0
|> OrderedSet.addFloat 2.0
try1() |> printfn "%A" // OrderedSet<string> = ["bar"; "foo"]
try2() |> printfn "%A" // OrderedSet<int> = [2; 3]
try3() |> printfn "%A" // OrderedSet<float> = [1.0; 2.0; 3.0]
The type alias type OrderedSet<'t> = 't list and the functions empty and values are not really necessary but they help to mask the actual implementation (in case that is desirable).

f# how to filter mixed data type for a specific type

I m trying to filter a mixed data type for a specific type, say float (ideally this would be dynamic though)
here my example:
let testobj = [8.0 , 1.0, "bla" ; 8.0 , 1.0, "bla"]
let testfun data = data |> List.filter (fun a ->
match a.GetType() with
| float -> a
| _ -> 0.0)
now this should return [8.0 , 1.0, 0.0 ; 8.0 , 1.0, 0.0] for testobj but I m gettting an error that the function is of type bool
This isn't what you want to do.
F# wants lists to be homogeneous and your list is not homogeneous. float and string don't share a common base class so you're not going to get a list from it.
What F# wants you to do is to use a discriminated union for this. So if you have this type:
type Composite =
| Num of float
| Str of string
you can define your list like this:
let data = [ Num(8.0); Num(1.0); Str("bla"); Num(8.0); Num(1.0); Str("bla") ]
and from there you can pattern match on the types and your function looks like this:
let testfun d = d |> List.map (fun a ->
match a with
| Num x -> a
| _ -> Num(0.0) )
data|> testfun |> printfn "%A"
And the output will be:
[Num 8.0; Num 1.0; Num 0.0; Num 8.0 ; Num 1.0 ; Num 0.0;]
If you want floats in the end and not Composites, do this:
let testfun1 d = d |> List.map (fun a ->
match a with
| Num x -> x
| _ -> 0.0 )
which sheds the composite type. And everything (and I mean everything) in that code is type strong and type-safe.
From a real-world maintenance point of view, I would eschew the _ case in the matches and instead use all my types, reasoning that if I extend Composite to include another type I would want the compiler to scream at me and look at each function that uses it rather than silently assuming that 0.0 or Num(0.0) is really what I wanted.
For example, if I added integers to that type, this would do exactly the wrong thing if I wanted to sum the contents of a list of composites.
Given that you're stuck/hell-bent on a weakly-typed data set, then you want something like this:
let testfun2 d = d |> Array.map (fun (a:Object) ->
match a with
| :? float as x -> x
| _ -> 0.0
let data:Object[] = [|8.0; 1.0; "bla"; 8.0; 1.0; "bla"|]
data |> testfun2 |> printfn "%A"
which will print what you expect. Note that I'm using proper Array syntax and not list syntax.
However this is feeling really wonky for F#. See how I have to adorn a and d with types? In my previous code, the language can figure it all out. If I don't adorn either, I get compiler errors because we're really going against the grain of the type system.
If I were you, I would be inclined to do something like this first:
let recast d = d |> Array.map (fun (a:Object) ->
match a with
| :? float as x -> Num x
| :? string as x -> Str x
| _ -> raise (ArgumentException("that was unexpected: " + a.GetType().Name))
which turns this into an Array of Composite which is now type strong. If you tack on |> Array.toList after the Array.map, you get a list (if you want that).
