Many panels with buttons Play vidéos in c# with vlcPlugin - vlc

I want to Play an URL like this "http//:........" in my application with vlcPlugin (axVlc..21) , i use 3 or 4 user controls 'panels) with buttons to Play everyone a live channel, but when i use a panel and if i clik the buuton i have not the axVlc..21 , and i don't know how i déclare différent panels to Control vlcplayer!!
please help me ..
Greetings !


TThread inside component's Code -Delphi 7

I have created a new component to play the wave & MP3 files the component contains Tprogressbar and Play Button for tracking the playing position , and I have acheived this by using TIdThreadComponent inside loop , The components works perfect , But I want to use the TThread instead of TIdThreadComponent , Thank you in advance ..
As Mr.Fpiette I have Used TTimer instead of the Tthread ... & It works perfect..
the result :

Chartboost Reward Video Always Shows Up As "Earn 1 Coin." How Can I Change That? (Swift)

Ok so I recently integrated Chartboost ads into my app. I created a reward video button, but I want to change how it says "Earn 1 Coin" to "Earn 10 Coins." How can I do it?
Here's what code runs if the button is pressed:
There's a dashboard option to change this, please refer to this link to their helpsite, it should tell you everything you need to know.
Here is the solution :
1. Go to your Dashboard of Chartboost
2. Select your current app
3. In App, go to App Setting drop down menu
4. Select Rewarded Video
5. Now You will get the option Reward Per View to change that value

Xcode/Objective-C implementing a players turn toggle

I'm new to the whole VCM programming structure and more specifically to objective-c.
Right now i'm working on an iOS app that is like the game "connect 4." This Xcode project is my practice project that i've been using to play around/learn how to make iOS apps so there are several files and lots of commented out code, so Ill try my best to provide the necessary content from my project.
App State:
Right now I have a 10x10 grid of blue square/buttons. I'm still in the early stages of implementing the functionality of the game. Rather than making each square its own button, I created 10 frames and 10 buttons. Each row is a single button, which is broken up into 10 squares.
I currently have the squares change their color to red and become disabled once clicked. If I click multiple times.. the squares turn red when pressed. Heres a screenshot example run:
What Im wanting to do:
I want to build off of what I have, but not exactly sure how to keep track of which "players turn" it is. For example.. I want the first clicked square to turn red, representing player1's move. I want the second click to turn the button, say green, representing player2's move.. then the next move will be player 1's move.
I know Ill have to make sure the button is/was ENABLED and valid before switching which players turn it is.
How should I go about doing this? This is more of a general question, but I'll provide needed code snippets if necessary. Thanks!
In your .h file add an integer (variable)
int Turn = 1;
In your .m file you can do:
if(Turn == 1)
// Player one is playing
Turn = 2;
else if(Turn == 2)
// Player two is playing
Turn = 1;

On iPads, easier to hide native control bar or hide videoJS control bar?

In video-js.css, I have set .vjs-control-bar to bottom:-36px, which places it below the video, and visibility: visible; and opacity: 1; so it never fades. That's how I want it, but on iPads, the Quicktime control-bar inserts itself on the video (and fades, but reappears on touch). Both work.
After reading this - - I tried changing nativeControlsForTouch!==1) to nativeControlsForTouch!==0) - I'm assuming "0" = "false" - but the QT controls are still there. Does anyone have a way of hiding the iPad controls?
Alternative - is there a way to hide the videojs control-bar, but only on mobiles with native players, not on PCs that don't?
I can hide the QT control bar on iPad 7 by adding data-setup='{"nativeControlsForTouch": false}'... to the video tag, but that doesn't work with video.js, only with, where I find if (vjs.TOUCH_ENABLED && player.options()['nativeControlsForTouch'] !== false). In video.js I find: nativeControlsForTouch!==0).
If I delete that data-setup from the video tag, it has both control bars with as well. I'm no expert - what's going on?
Here's links to the files:
Try using <video data-setup='{"customControlsOnMobile": true}' …. This is false by default and controls whether the video.js controls will be shown instead of native.

Hide automatic visability of HTML5 video controls at beginning of video play but maintain all other default control behaviour

I have a high(er) resolution (500 x 403) "video intro" that a client wants me to add to the beginning of a "main" video they delivered to me. The main video is low res (200 x 150).
I can EITHER makes the intro low res and add it (which the client doesn't like) OR I can double the resolution of the main video and add it (which balloons the bandwidth required to download and play the movie.) Also not optimal as this is destined for mobile.
I have a third solution I am going to use. I am playing the high res "intro video" and when that ends I am automatically loading the main video and playing it right behind the intro by creating a playlist containing the intro and the main video.
The problem I have is the default controller behavior for HTML 5 video is to be visible for the first 2 or 3 seconds of a video and then fade out. This is fine for the first video in the playlist however I would like the control to not show at the beginning of subsequent videos. The intro is only 6 seconds and the appearing and disappearing controls look messy and I would like both videos to appear as one.
I have tried using "videoPlayer.removeAttribute("controls");" however this kills the controls entirely so if a user taps the video later to intentionally bring the controls back up later nothing happens. Ideally I would like to keep all the default behavior with the exception of showing the controls at the beginning of the video.
I have seen some long winded attempts at trying to modify video.js to achieve something of this nature but ideally I can do something to the native features to enable this.
Any ideas?
Original code:
<script type="text/javascript">
var xx=1;
var nextVideo = new Array();
nextVideo[0] = "Content/videos/Logo_Animate_537.mp4";
nextVideo[1] = "Content/videos/Main.mp4";
nextVideo[2] = "Content/videos/Logo_Animate_537.mp4";
$("#videoPlayer").bind('ended', function(){
} else {
videoPlayer.src = nextVideo[xx];;
//+++++++++++++++++++ This section was added as the solution ++++++++++++++
$("#videoPlayer").on('click touchstart', function () {
<video id="videoPlayer" width="537" height="403" controls poster="images/main.jpg">
<source src="Content/videos/Logo_Animate_537.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
It seems like you have two options here. The first one is to simply remove and replace the controls attribute as you need. This would be the simplest solution, as
element.setAttribute('controls', '')
will simply put the controls back when you need them. The other option is to not use the browser controls at all, define your own custom controls, and hide or show them as you wish.
