Notification status suddenly "undetermined" for all builds - ios

I am building an ejected Expo app (React Native w/ ExpoKit), and have recently run into an issue with notifications. I had them working previously with no issue, but recently, that suddenly changed, even though I didn't change anything relating to the notifications. Note that I am only using local notifications.
Anytime I try to add a notification, I get an "undetermined" status code, thus I can't add register notifications. This happens in the simulator, app built on device, and app distributed through TestFlight.
I tried downloading an older app version from TestFlight that had worked no problem before, but now I get the "undetermined" code on that version to! Does this mean that my device is the issue?
Thanks for any help you can give.

I figured out the answer. I did not have push notification entitlement configured, and adding that seemed to fix the issue. I’m still unsure why it worked before and suddenly stopped though.


Notifications not working on Whitelabel iOS app

So I am whitelabeling the app for iOS. I have already done this for Android and it is working very well. The issue I'm having is that the app works on the simulator, but it does not receive any notifications. I have followed these instructions to no avail. It seems as if the app is not able to communicate with Firebase. Additionally, when I first launch the app after installing, it asks if I want to enable notifications, so the app itself is working. I'm really not sure what to try next. Thank you for your help. If you need any additional information, just let me know.
So the simulator cannot receive push notifications. Seems strange, but that was the problem.

flutter ios app is not asking for notification permission

The ios app I made with flutter does not ask for notification permissions.
It wanted it in the first version of the app, but now it doesn't.
ios device setting:
apple developer console:
I am using firebase for notifications. When I did research on the subject, I saw that it was related to certificates, but I could not understand. I have not made such a setting for flutteer before. I'm waiting for your help
I found the problem. I made a mistake where I asked for notification permission. flutter firebase permission
it got resolved when i followed the directive on this page again.

Strange behaviours receiving notifications from firebase on iOS

I have a project with two iOS apps configured on iOS. First I created one app on firebase console, downloaded the configuration file (Google-services.plist), subscribed to a topic, and tried sending notifications from firebase console with success. Then, in the same XCode project, I changed the bundle identifier and the google-services.plist info with the info from another app. I deleted the app from the phone, made a clean and a build on the XCode project and tried to send notifications. I have no success, so I started making experiments.
After a while, I realized that I can send notifications to the device and to the topic so I tried sending notifications from the old app and then I realized that, strangely, I can receive notifications from the old app instead of the configurated app. It has no sense since the new app has a different bundle and a different google-services.plist pointing to the new bundle. Which could be my mistake?
Finally I found how to solve this. It seemed like Firebase notification server was the cause, so I deleted the two projects, created again and upload the .p12s again. Now all is working properly. I wrote these lines to help people with the same problem since I didn´t found anything similar on internet.

Receiving multiple Duplicate Push notifications from Firebase

I am facing a serious issue, I am receiving multiple push notifications from the server? Even the server is sending once.
I read on stackoverflow different posts that its due to calling
I checked and debugged the app, this method is calling only once in the AppDelegate.
Any suggestion will be helpful for me?
-There are certain reasons behind this issue, most of the solutions are "call once in the app "registerForRemoteNotifications".
First, check if you are not calling this method more than once in AppDelegate
-In my case, I debugged and checked my code, I am calling only once the above method.
from this link I realized, during development, I am again and again pulling "ipa" to the phone, let's check this solution if it works
First Uninstall your app from the phone
Install the app again, and check by sending push again
Now, in my case everything is just fine now, Xcode has this bug started in iOS 9 and till iOS 11, developers facing this issue. I hope if these above two solutions help you in understanding the problem.

Development push notifications suddenly stop working, but test flight push notifications still working

I've been developing an app using Firebase and it's Firebase messaging service for push notifications. I've had push notifications working perfectly for the past month or so, until today. I uploaded my app build onto testflight maybe ~4 days ago and have since still been making changes locally. Yesterday push notifications started acting weird with my just latest firebase token giving an error, and then today there are no errors, the notifications simply don't show up.
I decided to try debugging by sending a push notification straight through terminal and through an app I found "Pusher", but I've used before (without any problems) to send push notifications using my devices token. I got the latest token, and tested it manually through terminal and through the app, and both sent sucessfully but were not received. Thus, it seems the problem is somewhere between the apple servers and my app.
I then decided to checkout to the testflight commit, and the push notifications still weren't working in development. However, when I tested the app on testflight, push notifications did work. I'm incredibly confused, as this seems to imply it isn't an issue with my app or any changes I've made in the past few days (which makes sense as none of them really had anything to do with push notifications). I have two separate certificates, a development and a production for APNS which have expiration dates late in 2018.
If anyone has any insight into why notifications would suddenly stop working in development (while they are still working in production with no code differences between development and production) it would be greatly appreciated.
Multiple developers seem to have this issues right now, so its likely a problem with the push servers themselves. The messages do not even reach the devices.
Maybe this thread will go further:
