Changing JENKINS_HOME to another hard disk - jenkins

I tried many tutorials I found on the internet on how to change the location of my JENKINS_HOME.
I still encountered these errors:
On the jenkins app - Unable to create the home directory ‘/mnt/2fe95e40-f8ba-418e-804c-0a25571f7b0c/jenkins’. This is most likely a permission problem.
On the jenkins logs - SEVERE hudson.util.BootFailure#publish: Failed to initialize Jenkins
In the the tutorials they are saying that one of the reasons to change the JENKINS_HOME is the issue of the disk space, but their steps were always to change the directory to a new /home/<new_folder>. They are still using the same drive, they just change the folder it does not fix their disk space problem.
Does anyone know how to use the another hard disk as the new JENKINS_HOME? Without having to use
SymLink or Symbolic Link that point to another drive.
I am using Ubuntu 18.04.1 x64

I would do a fresh install on the new hard disk, then make a backup from the old location and restore it on the new disk.
If you do not agree with this approach you should check which user has permission on the Jenkins files and folders on the new hard disk.
stat [yourfilename or yourfolder]
Compare with JENKINS_USER variable in etc/default/jenkins.
Change the user if needed on the new location:
chown -R your_user /var/lib/jenkins
You will need to restart Jenkins and maybe reboot the machine.
As a second option, maybe Jenkins can not create its home directory in the new place. You can create the directory manually and then change JENKINS_HOME to point to it.
More info:
Run jenkins job as another user
Can't get Jenkins to start using Tomcat


Change /tmp folder for jenkins in debian

I recently had a low disc space issue in jenkins. Although the home directory has sufficient space, the /tmp did not and it brought my master down.
I tried many ways to fix this
Discard old build and deleting old workspaces
Restarting jenkins
Tried to setup a node with same config and starting it, but that failed saying i dont have sufficient permission for copying remote.jar
Since my server is debian, I could not find any file where I could set set
Many people talked about jenkin file or config file, but I could not find it.
The only thing that worked was , this plugin hpi, which I installed through Advanced tag in plugins.
Also, I went manually to the /tmp folder in root and then deleted it contents to start the jenkins again. So my question is:
How do i change the /tmp folder in jenkins?
The jenkins home directory is /mnt/data/jenkins, however the tmp it uses it root/tmp. Why is it so? The /mnt/data/jenkins has lots of free space and i manually created a /tmp folder there, but it only takes the /tmp from the root
My colleague found the answer out
open '/etc/defaults/jenkins' file using command 'less /etc/defaults/jenkins'
Add argument
Once you restart jenkins, you will be able to see the storage of the new space

Unable to revert or restore changes in a folder mapped to a different Volume (macOS)

There's a problem with TFS everywhere plugin for Eclipse if I try to revert or restore a file under a source control and if the folder/file is mapped to a different volume than the actual project.
When I try to restore or revert it, I get an error: Failed to rename /Users/*/*/*/*/.tf1/8/d54f18aa-bdce-4ab7-958a-01eaaf0c36c1.tmp to /Volumes/macOSData/*/*/*/*/*/some_file.cs. Check the file and directory permissions.
Log has additional line:
2018-07-31 12:44:39,814 WARN [ModalContext] ( Main rename failed (source permissions problem?), trying to rename temp file back
There's no problem while I get specific version of the project, even with overriding existing files, so there permissions are fine, at least for getting files. Also, this does not happen when the file is on the same volume as the local TFS mapping.
Setting all permissions to 777 does fix the problem, but this marks all files with +x making them all "changed", making this solution unacceptable.
I tried mapping the base folder to a second drive (i.e. force creating a .tf folder on a second drive), but this doesn't help. The error will appear when I try to revert stuff on the main volume.
I tried using symlinks so the mapping stays within the same volume, but still no luck.
Is there any way to solve this? Or everything should be on the same volume?
After a whole day of digging around and poking with jshell, this appears to be a bug with File.renameTo() in Java on macOS. renameTo function silently fails without any exception even though there's no permission issue to write to the destination. This happens only when writing to a different volume.
I have submitted a pull request into TFS Everywhere repo on github with a workaround for this issue.
Anyone interested can compile plugin with this changes to get things working:

not able to locate in toolbox

I'm trying to run ./gradlew build command, which has artifactory_contextUrl property used in build.gradle file. is located in C:\Users\XXX.gradle folder, when I build the project in windows Intellij it takes the file in user folder and so gets the contexturl and everything is fine but,
when I try to build the project in docker toolbox it couldnt find it.
Toolbox starts with some location in C folder.
I tried with placing at the same level as build.gradle it works fine in toolbox. Eventually I dont want to keep the at buils.gradle level
What should I do? Does any one has any suggestions?
Well, I guess the docker toolbox (whatever it is, I don't know it) does run with another user account and thus does not find your file in your user directory.
The file is actually called, isn't it? In your question you use and and only the latter is valid.
To solve your problem you can either make sure the is also in the users home directory that is used in the docker toolbox. To find out which directory this is, you can run Gradle with -d and search for Gradle user home, there it tells you which directory is the one where the is expected.
Alternatively you can use -P artifactory_contextUrl=asdf to set the property from the commandline, or use the system property org.gradle.project.artifactory_contextUrl or environment variable ORG_GRADLE_PROJECT_artifactory_contextUrl to set the project property.

How to change sprocket's temp cache directory for rails app to another file location

I'm running my development environment inside of a Ubuntu VM hosted by a Windows OS, so I'm using a windows-hosted NFS which the VM uses. I've been having problems lately with 'too-quick' file access (sprockets tries to unlink a file but fails, and I can do so manually only seconds later). This frequent problem shows up as: Permission denied # unlink_internal - /home/vagrant/rails/[some-random-string]. This crops up with different asset references every time, so I know it's not a problem with the files themselves.
My stop-gap solution was to use memcached as sprockets' cache method (instead of filestore).
This works, however when I want to debug rendering time/iteration within my logs, I don't want memcached running. Ideally I'd like to set the entire app's temp directory to the local file system of the VM instead of the NFS mounted folder that my rails app resides in - unless someone has a better solution.

Jenkins console output has an error with log permissions

My jenkins setup is not overly complicated, there are just a bit over 200 jobs; the problem I'm having is as follows:
The jobs folder is mounted on NFS drive;
Some of the jobs are creating log file fine, but then it is loosing permissions completely (it becomes 000), resulting in an error on the console regarding log file permissions:
I've checked and rechecked permissions on the folder and all the jobs, but nothing is there stands out that could explain what's the cause of the problem. It's not an issue on its own, but some of the jobs are quite important, and without manually fixing permissions, they can't be debugged.
Any hints would be welcome.
I had the same issue, it's more than likely that your version control (e.g Perforce/SVN) sets log files to read only permissions when synced.
An easy work around to this problem is to add an "Execute Windows Batch Command" build step where you cd into the directory containing your log file and change it's permissions.
Use the commands:
attrib -r
This will alter the permissions of your log file and allow your jobs to write to the file. I'm sure there's other ways of dealing with this issue but this is a pretty quick and easy way.
