Exclude unmatched postal codes in Tableau [closed] - join

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I have two tables First is called "All postal codes" and 2nd is called the "Office_Location_Postal_Codes". How do I use these tables to get Postal Codes from First Table which are not in 2nd table?
I tried to leave join, but I think it won't get the correct result. What should I do to get the unmatched postal codes from "All postal codes" Table.
Note : My first table is in SQL server and 2nd one is in Excel File

I have resolved the issue by taking Right join with office postalcodes and filter out offices = Null
Step 1 Right Join
You can also use left join depending on the Master Table. My Master table is in right thats why i take right join
Step 2 Filter Where Office = Null
Put office field (or the field where postal code is located) on filter shelf and select 'NULL' only


Scrape from website and save into different columns in a spreadsheet [closed]

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Closed 11 months ago.
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Suppose there's a website that has a list of details of some companies, for example, name, HQ area, turnover, etc. How do I scrape that data and fill it into different columns (like name, turnover) with each row having the details of a separate company?
Google Sheets allow you to import html tables or list with the IMPORTHTML(url, query, index) function.
For example, using the Wikipedia page List of largest companies by revenue as an example.
We want the data from the main table, so the first thing that we have to do, is to know what index it occupies in the page. To do this, we can use document.querySelectorAll('table') or $$('table'), as you can see from the result, the table that we want is in the position 5 of the array, so inside our google sheet we can use:
From here, you should change the query parameter to list and find what index it occupies within the page using the method described above. In any case, you could always use IMPORTXML(url, xpath_query), and knowing the XPath of the information, you could come up with a similar solution.

Data Validation - List from range [closed]

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Closed 12 months ago.
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I have two sheets one with my Listings which need to be assigned to a master category and a subcategory IF AVAILABLE. So I have two columns for my master category and the subcategory.
The second sheet, Categories, contains also two columns, one for each. The first column lists the master categories and the second column the subscategories which in some cases cells are empty.
I added a data validation on my Listings sheet column and I can select the Master Category from a dropdown list. What I would like to do is have a dropdown list to the Subcategory that pulls the subcategories from the Categories sheet but ONLY the ones that belong to the master category.
I tried to do it with a LOOKUP formula but the same formula that works OK in the sheet, returns a "Please enter a valid range" error.
Here is an example:
OK, I figured it out. I was taking the wrong approach. I created a data validation for the first column that pulled all the categories. On the second column I added a VLOOKUP that brought the master category (if available).

field num_med cannot be modified [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I've put this code in a speedbutonclick but when I'was trying to execute it I got the message that said field num_med cannot be modified
the code is
procedure TAddEdiMedForm.SpeedButton1Click(Sender: TObject);
DM.MedicamentTable.InsertRecord([ Edit1.Text, Edit2.Text, Edit3.text,
Edit4.Text, Edit5.Text, Edit6.Text,
The problem is trying to insert a value for an AutoInc field, which you are trying to do with your InsertRecord statement. You need to retrieve the AutoInc value (from the server) after the new row is inserted, not try and force a value from the client side!
Since you can't specify a value for the AutoInc field when you add a new row, you need to avoid using InsertRecord. Instead, call Insert on tthe dataset, populate the other (non-AutoInc) fields by individual assignment statements, then call Post. How best to retrieve the AutoInc value depends on the back-end server, though FireDAC usually does a pretty good job of doing this for you - look up how to get the value from the Online Help or google it.
You should have mentioned that the Num_med field is an AutoInc in your q, not blithely say that it is an Int field in a comment in reply to a query for info you should have supplied in the first place. In future, please exercise a bit of consideration for readers here by including all relevant info in your initial q.

UISearchController filter using two strings [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have been following the tutorial for creating a UISearchController using https://www.raywenderlich.com/113772/uisearchcontroller-tutorial
Everything is set up and working perfectly. I have two categories in my dataArray: Borough and Neighborhood. I set up my searchBar to only look into the values for Neighborhood. I created buttons for the different boroughs and what i'm hoping to achieve is when the button is pressed it will show all the possible values for that borough, but I can't seem to find anything to do this
I believe what you are saying is that you want to search for a text value entered via the search bar in the Neighbourhood values and to specifically look for the Neighbourhood in a given Borough. Correct?
If that is the case, all you'd have to do is modify your search condition. If your search condition is currently something like (to borrow from the rw.com tutorial):
return row.neighbourhood.lowercaseString.containsString(searchText.lowercaseString)
Then you'd have to modify the condition to include a check for the Borough name too - and here, we'll assume the borough variable contains the Borough name that you selected via button press:
return row.neighbourhood.lowercaseString.containsString(searchText.lowercaseString) && row.borough == borough
That should return only array values which have the specified Neighbourhood name and are in the given Borough. If that is not what you wanted, then you might want to provide a bit more detail such as the structure of the data array, how the Neighbourhoods and Boroughs are linked, and perhaps even a screenshot of the UI so that we can see how you select a Borough in the UI.

VLOOKUP on continuous form [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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On K250 cell I've this put a formula so that when user submit data via form formula will work.
But problem is when someone submit a form, row K250 is getting down as K251 & submitted form taking palce K250. I've found some other guys are talking about using Array. I've tried this one but didn't work.
Whats the solution?
If i understood your problem correctly then do this:
Instead of giving a fixed range , use name ranges to avoid this problem.
To access name ranges you can use F3 key while typing vlookup.
Following are some screenshots to help you out.
It should work even your cells shift towards down, if the shifting is happening towards right then you might want to select the entire sheet to avoid confusion.
Hope this helps to solve your problem.
When a form submission is made in Google Sheets, a new row is inserted in the sheet receiving the form submissions, and yes, this will "push down" any formulae that were previously in that row.
And yes, one solution is to use an array formula. Something like this could be entered in row 1:
=ArrayFormula(IF(ROW(F:F)=1;"Column Header";IFERROR(VLOOKUP(F:F;Available!$C$1:$E$72;3*SIGN(ROW(F:F));0)))
Multivalue Parallel Lookup Solution
Note: if this answer is in the right ballpark, I will try and edit your question and tags accordingly.
