Adding Example RequestBody in swagger micronaut - swagger

I generated swagger for micronaut using the instructions provided in
So I have a controller method like:
public HttpResponse addAndAssignTarget(#PathVariable("id") Long projectId, #Body #Parameter() JsonNode user) {
I am not using a POJO for adding users for another reason which is out of context for this question. Thus, the generated swagger ui shows {} as example for request body. I would like to change this to something like. How can I do this?
"data" : {
"type": "projects",
"attributes": {
"name": "some-name1",
"description": "some-description",
"partner_company": "some-compnay"

It looks much better if you use POJO. However, you can add an example as string, but the problem with that if you have any nested objects the quotation marks won't look nice (will be escaped "):
public HttpResponse addAndAssignTarget(#PathVariable("id") Long projectId,
#Body #RequestBody(content = #Content(schema = #Schema(example = "[0, 2, 3]"))) JsonNode user){
Also it is not a Paramater, but a #Body and #RequestBody for annotation purposes.
Output will be:
"[0, 2, 3]"


How can I get OpenApi-Generator to produce nullable DateTimeOffset?

My API exposes some endpoints with DateTime? and others with DateTimeOffset?.
I want to generate an API Client using OpenApi-Generator, that will create client code for each endpoint, respecting the differences between the types.
OpenApi-Generator offers the option to useDateTimeOffset=true, which will generate the client using DateTimeOffset everywhere regardless of whether the API was exposing DateTime or DateTimeOffset. As such, I don't want to use that.
So to resolve the requirement without that, I'm attempting to create a Filter in which I will specify that in the case of DateTimeOffset? the generator should use the type DateTimeOffset and make it nullable.
This is the Filter:
public class FixDateTimeOffsetTypeSchemaFilter : ISchemaFilter
public void Apply(OpenApiSchema model, SchemaFilterContext context)
if (context.Type == typeof(DateTimeOffset?))
model.Format = "date-time-offset-nullable";
model.Type = "DateTimeOffset";
model.Nullable = true;
and this is an example of the output from that:
"/Api/MyApiEndpoint": {
"get": {
"tags": [
"operationId": "General_MyApiEndpoint",
"parameters": [
"name": "startDatetime",
"in": "query",
"schema": {
"type": "DateTimeOffset",
"format": "date-time-offset-nullable",
"nullable": true
When I run this and generate the client from that JSON, the the DateTimeOffset objects are never nullable. It doesn't seem to respect that instruction.
What do I need to change to make it work, so that when I specify DateTimeOffset should be nullable, it appears as nullable in the code?
It looks like this is a known problem:
And here is the pull request that solves it:
Also check this link:

How do I set "Parameter content type" using Swashbuckle?

My swagger ui shows "Parameter content type" with various entries: "application/json-patch+json", "text/json", "application/json", and "application/*+json".
I only want "application/json".
There's a similar unsolved issue on the repo, which uses this visual (older ui, but same idea):
Is there some way to set this?
Swashbuckle.AspNetCore version 4.0.1
Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.Filters version 4.5.5
Use the [Produces] and [Consumes] attributes. Swashbuckle (and others, like NSwag) will convert them into the appropriate Swagger documentation.
The [Consumes] attribute's constructor's first parameter is String contentType:
public ConsumesAttribute ( string contentType, params string[] otherContentTypes );
Like so:
public class MyController : ControllBase
[HttpPost( "/foo/bar" )]
[Consumes( MediaTypeNames.Application.Json )] // "application/json"
[Produces( typeof(MyResponseDto) ) ]
public async Task<IActionResult> Post( [FromBody] MyRequestDto dto )

Can a web api post method contains more than one parameter?

I have this method in a controller in a web api
public class UserController : ApiController
public HttpResponseMessage Login(string name, string password){
but if I try a ajax request:
type: "POST",
url: "http://localhost:19860/Api/User/Login",
data: { name: "name", password: "12345" },
success: succ,
error: err
It gives me the error:
Message: "No HTTP resource was found that matches the request URI 'http://localhost:19860/Api/User/Login'."
MessageDetail: "No action was found on the controller 'User' that matches the request."
but, if i remove the parameters it works!
public class UserController : ApiController
public HttpResponseMessage Login(){
string name= HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["name"];
string password= HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["password"];
// name and password have the value that i passed in the ajax call!!
why it is like this?
For reasons unrelated to this question, I can't change the web api, so I have to mantain the:
public HttpResponseMessage Login(string name, string password)
Can I mantain this format and be able to make the ajax call?
You can not post multiple parameter to Web-API methods as mentioned in this blog post
There is few alternative to this as follow.
1. Try to pass it on queryString.
Change your ajax function call like below.
type: "POST",
url: "http://localhost:19860/Api/User/Login?name=name&pass=pass",
data: { name: "name", password: "12345" },
success: succ,
error: err
you will get name = name and password = pass in your api controller.
2. Create your own binder as implemented in this blog post.
3. Wrap all the Web-API method parameter in one object or type (recommended).
From the above you can use 1st and 2nd approach as you mentioned in your question you can not change your api method signature.

Posting json array with strings to Asp.Net MVC action controller is always null

I cannot get Asp.Net MVC to bind a list of strings sent as an json object unless I wrap them in a class. I have a hard time believing that it is a must to wrap the list like that. Been looking at various examples and what not for a few hours, but cannot get any other solution to work. What am I missing? Working and non-working code below.
type: "POST",
traditional: true,
url: "keyapi/activate.json",
data: JSON.stringify({ "keys": [ "1", "2" ] }),
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
success: function (data) {
When using an action controller such as the one below "keys" will be null.
public Response<List<string>> ActivateKeys(List<string> keys)
return KeyService.ActivateKeys(test.Keys);
If I add a class to wrap the list it works. Am I forced to do so, or am I missing something here? The code below works, using the same jquery post code.
public Response<List<string>> ActivateKeys(Test test)
return KeyService.ActivateKeys(test.Keys);
public class Test
List<string> Keys { get; set; }
I'd suggest two things
1) Replace
data: JSON.stringify({ "keys": [ "1", "2" ] }),
data: JSON.stringify([ "1", "2" ] ), // <-- Send the array directly
doing this you'll be passing an array as parameter instead of an object containing an array propery named keys
2) If previous suggestion alone doesn't work, replace
ActivateKeys(List<string> keys)
ActivateKeys(IList<string> keys) // <-- Use interface IList<T>
as not 100% sure if mvc engine would be able to resolve to List<string>

Passing Dynamic JSON Object to Web API - Newtonsoft Example

I need to pass a dynamic JSON object to my Web API controller so that I can process it depending on what type it is. I have tried using the JSON.NET example that can be seen here but when I use Fiddler, I can see that the passed in JObect is always null.
This is an exert from the example pasted into Fiddler:
POST http://localhost:9185/api/Auto/PostSavePage/ HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Fiddler
Content-type: application/json
Host: localhost
Content-Length: 88
{AlbumName: "Dirty Deeds",Songs:[ { SongName: "Problem Child"},{ SongName:
Ans here is my very simple Web API controller method:
public JObject PostSavePage(JObject jObject)
dynamic testObject = jObject;
// other stuff here
I am new to this and I have a couple of questions around this area:
Am I doing something wrong in this particular example?
Arguably, more importantly, is there a better way to pass in a dynamic JSON object (from an JavaScript AJAX post)?
As per Perception's comment your JSON doesn't look valid. Run it through JSONLint and you get:
Parse error on line 1:
{ AlbumName: "Dirty De
Expecting 'STRING', '}'
Change it to have " around the field names:
"AlbumName": "Dirty Deeds",
"Songs": [
"SongName": "Problem Child"
"SongName": "Squealer"
Also have you tried swapping out your JObject for either a JToken or a Dynamic object (e.g. here)?
public JObject PostSavePage(JToken testObject)
// other stuff here
public JObject PostSavePage(dynamic testObject)
// other stuff here
Thanks to everyone who helped here. Unfortunately, I never got to the bottom of what was wrong.
I ported the project over piece by piece to a new project and it works fine.
For info, I have a RouteConfig class, which is quite simple at the moment:
public class RouteConfig
private static string ControllerAction = "ApiControllerAction";
public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)
name: ControllerAction,
routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{action}/{id}",
defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional }
My call into the API now uses JSON.Stringify:
$.ajax("http://localhost:54997/api/values/PostSavePage/", {
data: JSON.stringify(jObject),
contentType: 'application/json',
type: 'POST'
The original API action works.
Note, that I'm only playing with this at the moment so the code is not the best but I thought it may be useful in basic form in case someone else has a similar issue.
