navigator.sendBeacon not called from unload - onunload

According to MDN and the specs, navigator.sendBeacon is intended to be called from window unload.
Now, it does not seem to work anymore if you close the last tab of your browser, or your entire browser window.
Can anyone confirm if this is by design? If so, is there a workaround to send lastminute data on unload?
I tested with this sample file, in Firefox 74 and Chrome 81, looking for calls with Fiddler.
<title>unload test page</title>
window.addEventListener("unload", function () {
<p><div>unload test page</div></p>

MDN states (as of 1/12/2021):
It’s intended to be used in combination with the visibilitychange
event (but not with the unload and beforeunload events)
When visibilitychange transitions to hidden, you can treat that as when the tab/browser is closing and use sendBeacon then.
Example code from MDN:
document.addEventListener('visibilitychange', function logData() {
if (document.visibilityState === 'hidden') {
navigator.sendBeacon('/log', analyticsData);


Listen to Firefox WebExtension sidebar closing

I am working on a WebExtension using the sidebar.
When the sidebar is open, the extension performs some operations on the current tab. When it is closed, I want to revert these operations.
Is this possible? I didn't see methods like browser.sidebarAction.addEventListener.
I adapted GnxR's idea in the following:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<div id="panel"></div>
<script src="static.js"></script>
window.addEventListener('beforeunload', (event) => {
console.log('Sidebar will be closed!');
// Do stuff
window.addEventListener('pagehide', (event) => {
console.log('Sidebar is hidden!');
// Do stuff
window.addEventListener('unload', (event) => {
console.log('Sidebar is unloaded!');
// Do stuff
When closing the extension (both from the cross bar and programmatically), I get the following in the browser console:
Sidebar is hiding! static.js:6:3
Sidebar is unloaded! static.js:10:3
Therefore it seems that both pagehide and unload events can be used,
but that beforeunload is never fired.
The sidebar is an alsmot-regular independent webpage, in which you can listen to usual JS events. In order to know when the sidebar is closing, you can use beforeunload in the sidebar's JavaScript:
window.addEventListener('beforeunload', (event) => {
console.log('Sidebar is closing!');
// Do stuff

access custom dom function from firefox add-on

I am working on a Firefox Add, using the newest SDK. The problem I am having, is that when ever I try to run a custom dom function it doesn't work.
The firefox add-on must be able to loop through all tabs, and if the correct one is open based on the title, run a specific function, like: mydom.checkIt();
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>My Web</title>
mydom = {};
mydom.checkIt = function (){
Then the add-on source code would be something like:
var tabs = require('sdk/tabs');
for (let tab of tabs)
if(tab.title=='My Web')
tabs.on('activate', function(tab) {
contentScript: "if(typeof(mydom)!=='undefined')mydom.checkIt();else console.log('no defined');"
But this doesn't work and it says always: "no defined"
Any ideas?
You have to get into the dom js scope with unsafeWindow or wrappedJSObject. So contentWindow.wrappedJSOBject.checkIt() works from bootstrap addon (not sure about sdk)
Warning though, this may not be e10s friendly and we should find a way to support that

Suppress the “are you sure you want to leave this page” popup in the Delphi TWebbrowser control

I have an Delphi application that uses TWebbrowser component to automate navigation to another web application we have.
My problem is that sometimes IE shows the infamous 'Are you sure you want to leave this page' message and when this happens, my app can't navigate to another pages unless an user clicks on 'Leave this page' button. I can't edit the website code to remove this warning, unfortunately.
This message is plaguing my app for weeks, and I could not reach to a proper solution anymore. What I did is to keep a background process do manually send a keystroke when this window is show, but this is not a good solution because nobody can use the computer while my app is working.
I saw possible solution for C# in the topic below but I need a Delphi code instead.
Supress the "are you sure you want to leave this page" popup in the .NET webbrowser control
Any help is very, very appreciated.
Thanks :)
This message is shown by the underlying MSHTML engine if the web page handles window.onbeforeunload event. Usually, it's there for a reason, to let the user know his/her input hasn't been saved or submitted yet. The prompt suppression script from the answer you linked doesn't work for cases when the page uses addEventListener("beforeonload", handler) or attachEvent("onbeforeunload", handler). I don't think there's a reliable way of doing this, without resorting to low-level Windows hooks.
[UPDATE] The following script (look for "Inject this script") is a hack which aggressively suppresses the page's own handlers for onbeforeunload event, via setInterval. It should work in 99% of cases, but it still leaves a gap for the page to override onbeforeonload right before navigating away.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
<script type="text/javascript">
window.attachEvent("onbeforeunload", function (ev) {
window.event.returnValue = "onbeforeunload via window.attachEvent()";
window.addEventListener("beforeunload", function (ev) {
window.event.returnValue = "onbeforeunload via window.addEventListener()";
window.onbeforeunload = function (ev) {
window.event.returnValue = "onbeforeunload via window.onbeforeunload";
<script type="text/javascript">
// Inject this script
(function () {
var onbeforeunloadHandler = function (ev) {
if (ev) {
if (ev.stopPropagation)
if (ev.stopImmediatePropagation)
ev.returnValue = undefined;
window.event.returnValue = undefined;
var handler = null;
var intervalHandler = function () {
if (handler)
window.detachEvent("onbeforeunload", handler);
// window.attachEvent works best
handler = window.attachEvent("onbeforeunload", onbeforeunloadHandler);
// handler = window.addEventListener("beforeunload", onbeforeunloadHandler);
// handler = window.onload = onbeforeunloadHandler;
window.setInterval(intervalHandler, 500);
Go away
To inject this script with Delphi, you'd probably need to resort to low-level WebBrowser/MSHTML COM interfaces, like IWebBrowser2, IHTMLDocument2, IHTMLScriptElement, in a very similar way it's done in the linked answer. With some more efforts, the same can also be done via late binding, using IDispatch::GetIDsOfNames and IDispatch::Invoke only. If you're asking for exact Delphi code, I don't have one.
The other answer you link to handles the browser's Navigated event. In it, it injects a script element into the page and into each frame on the page. That script assigns a new value to window.alert so that when other code on the page calls it, it does nothing.
This code resets the event handler:
WrkIHTMLWindow2: IHTMLWindow2;
WrkIHTMLWindow2Disp: IHTMLWindow2Disp;
WrkIHTMLWindow2 := IHTMLDocument2Disp(WrkIWebBrowser2.Document).parentWindow;
if WrkIHTMLWindow2.QueryInterface(IHTMLWindow2Disp, WrkIHTMLWindow2Disp) = S_OK then
if not VarIsNull(WrkIHTMLWindow2Disp.onbeforeunload) then
WrkIHTMLWindow2Disp.onbeforeunload := NULL;

jQuery does not work in IE9 in first attemp; on pressing F5 (refresh) it works

(I have already asked this question; here I am adding more details)
I have return a jQuery which returns the text entered in input element on change event. This jQuery works fine in FireFox but fails in Internet Explorer (IE9).
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#UserName").change(function () {
alert("Text Entered Is :"+$("#UserName").val());
1) I am using ASP.NET MVC; to reach the page having above jquery I am using Html.ActionLink
2) On IE when I reach on the page of above jQuery it does not work; but when I press F5 and refresh the page it works.
3) On Firefox I do not need to refresh the page; it works on very first attempt.
Please help...
The $(document).ready() event depends on an event called DOMContentLoaded (in Chrome, not really sure about firefox, but it is there by some name).
This event is fired as soon as the HTML has been loaded and all the relevant files have been brought in (the CSS and the JS files).. Chrome, Safari (WebKit) and Firefox(Gecko) are pretty predictable at firing this particular event. It bubbles up the stack like clockwork and once caught, you can play fiddle with it, for all anyone cares.
However, as far as IE is concerned, up till version 7 (I think) they never implemented this event. Given that, the implementation in the recent versions is not so efficient as well.
I have faced this problem time and again.
One workaround for this that has worked everytime is to fire the event manually at the end of the HTML:
<script type="text/javascript">
Hope this helps
A great way of seeing whether the event gets fired is to add somekind of action in the code. SOmething like:
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#UserName").change(function () {
alert("Text Entered Is :"+$("#UserName").val());
alert blocks the execution of the code, due the single threaded nature of Javascript. Therefore, you can use this to get a pseudo-stacktrace of your code. load page dynamically

So I was using to create a page where there's a custom menu at the bottom and each button loads an external HTML page into main container. I had to hack around to make this work so I was wondering if there's a better way of doing it.
I started using the $('.main').load('pages/test.html') and it doesn't work. Instead I had to do:
forge.file.getLocal('pages/test.html', function (file) {
forge.file.string(file, function (str) {
which is kinda messy.
Also if the str HTML content as a img tag, the img doesn't show since the src attribute gets messed up. So I had to do another hack:
forge.file.getLocal('pages/test.html', function (file) {
forge.file.string(file, function (str) {
var $main = $('.main');
//Hack to resolve img src
var imgPath;
$main.find('img').each(function () {
var $this = $(this);
// First 8 chars is "file:///"
imgPath = $this.prop('src').substr(8);
forge.file.getLocal(imgPath, function (file) {
$this.prop('src', file.uri);
Any better way of purely loading an external HTML page without all the hassle?
Testing with forge platform v1.4 (at the time of writing, v1.4.18) on Android 4.1 and iOS (both the iPhone simulator and an iPad), I seem to be able to use jQuery's load method without any extra effort. Here's the structure for my testcase:
Here's the contents of index.html
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="js/jquery-1.7.1.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
<div class="content">
And pages/hello.html:
<b>hello world</b><img src="face.png">
Which resulted in this just after app launch:
One gotcha I can see with this approach is that the src attribute for the img tag had to be relative to index.html. If you're still having problems then a more specific testcase and/or details of forge platform version used as well as what devices/simulators you tested on might be useful.
