Keeping Argument/Parameters in same line as much as possible - clang-format

I'm trying to match my clang-format as close as possible to our eclipse formatter.
In this migration I have realised that eclipse prefers to keep the parameters/arguments in same line as much as possible:
If I change BinPackParameters i will either get:
I want to have the same behaviour as eclipse:
"Keep putting parameters in same line as function/method name then wrap when column limit is reached"
How can I achieve this?
I'm extending Google style

A few thoughts:
You shouldn't use images to show us code. No big deal, but it makes it hard for somebody to cut and paste your example code to investigate the problem.
I think the setting you're looking for is AlignAfterOpenBracket: DontAlign. Given the two inputs you show above, the command clang-format -style='{BasedOnStyle: Google,AlignAfterOpenBracket: DontAlign}' gives:
virtual int *XXXXXXXXXXXXX(int *parentaaaa, unsigned int x.unsigned int y,
int index, int resolution, int zoom);
virtual int XXXXXXXXXXXXX(int *attrasdasdasd, char *outstr,
unsigned char mode, unsigned int minlen, unsigned int maxlen);
However, there are cases with AlignAfterOpenBracket: DontAlign where clang-format will move all parameters to the next line. You may be seeing one of those cases, and I don't believe there is any good workaround for this. Because of this, you may want to use AlignAfterOpenBrackets: Align (which is the default for Google style). This doesn't exactly match your Eclipse example, but it is reasonably close most of the time. For example, the command clang-format -style='{BasedOnStyle: Google}' gives:
virtual int* XXXXXXXXXXXXX(int* parentaaaa, unsigned int x.unsigned int y,
int index, int resolution, int zoom);
virtual int XXXXXXXXXXXXX(int* attrasdasdasd, char* outstr,
unsigned char mode, unsigned int minlen,
unsigned int maxlen);
Your eclipse example (the first example in your question) has the continuation lines indented further. To exactly match that, you would use ContinuationIndentWidth: 8. So the command clang-format -style='{BasedOnStyle: Google,AlignAfterOpenBracket: DontAlign, ContinuationIndentWidth: 8}' gives:
virtual int *XXXXXXXXXXXXX(int *parentaaaa, unsigned int x.unsigned int y,
int index, int resolution, int zoom);
virtual int XXXXXXXXXXXXX(int *attrasdasdasd, char *outstr,
unsigned char mode, unsigned int minlen, unsigned int maxlen);
For more information about these style options, see the documentation.
A good place to experiment with style options, and to see what is different between different versions of clang-format, is the configurator.


how can I make a uint32 in F#?

I have an .NET api, from RabbitMQ, that takes a uint32
the method is:
void BasicQos(uint prefetchSize, ushort prefetchCount, bool global);
in C#:
channel.BasicQos(0, 1, false);
but in F#, the same line gives:
[FS0001] This expression was expected to have type 'uint32' but here has type 'int'
but I can't figure out how to declare a number as unsigned in F#; how can I do this?
UInt32 and UInt32Converter exist but I couldn't see how I could use them to convert / cast, etc.
Check out the docs page on literals here, but the short form is that you need the u suffix: 0u is an unsigned 32-bit integral zero. You could also use the uint32 function to convert a signed 32-bit int to an unsigned 32-bit int, but this would be work done at runtime as opposed to a compile-time value.

Beaglebone Black - What is the "magic" field in the board ID header structure?

Beaglebone's bootloader (U-Boot) seems to check for the magic number to determine the board ID. The magic number is a hexadecimal value of "0xEE3355AA". Is this simply a unique number that was randomly chosen? Or does this value carry more information?
struct am335x_baseboard_id {
unsigned int magic;
char name[HDR_NAME_LEN];
char version[4];
char serial[12];
char config[32];
char mac_addr[HDR_NO_OF_MAC_ADDR][HDR_ETH_ALEN];
U-boot uses it to identify the board as a BeagleBone.
0xEE3355AA says its the production version

Alternatives to type casting when formatting NS(U)Integer on 32 and 64 bit architectures?

With the 64 bit version of iOS we can't use %d and %u anymore to format NSInteger and NSUInteger. Because for 64 bit those are typedef'd to long and unsigned long instead of int and unsigned int.
So Xcode will throw warnings if you try to format NSInteger with %d. Xcode is nice to us and offers an replacement for those two cases, which consists of a l-prefixed format specifier and a typecast to long. Then our code basically looks like this:
NSLog(#"%ld", (long)i);
NSLog(#"%lu", (unsigned long)u);
Which, if you ask me, is a pain in the eye.
A couple of days ago someone at Twitter mentioned the format specifiers %zd to format signed variables and %tu to format unsigned variables on 32 and 64 bit plattforms.
NSLog(#"%zd", i);
NSLog(#"%tu", u);
Which seems to work. And which I like more than typecasting.
But I honestly have no idea why those work. Right now both are basically magic values for me.
I did a bit of research and figured out that the z prefix means that the following format specifier has the same size as size_t. But I have absolutely no idea what the prefix t means. So I have two questions:
What exactly do %zd and %tu mean?
And is it safe to use %zd and %tu instead of Apples suggestion to typecast to long?
I am aware of similar questions and Apples 64-Bit Transition guides, which all recommend the %lu (unsigned long) approach. I am asking for an alternative to type casting.
Specifies that a following [...] conversion specifier applies to a size_t or the corresponding signed integer type argument;
Specifies that a following [...] conversion specifier applies to a ptrdiff_t or the corresponding unsigned type argument;
And from
size_t is used to represent the size of any object (including arrays) in the particular implementation. It is used as the return type of the sizeof operator.
ptrdiff_t is used to represent the difference between pointers.
On the current OS X and iOS platforms we have
typedef __SIZE_TYPE__ size_t;
typedef __PTRDIFF_TYPE__ ptrdiff_t;
where __SIZE_TYPE__ and __PTRDIFF_TYPE__ are predefined by the
compiler. For 32-bit the compiler defines
#define __SIZE_TYPE__ long unsigned int
#define __PTRDIFF_TYPE__ int
and for 64-bit the compiler defines
#define __SIZE_TYPE__ long unsigned int
#define __PTRDIFF_TYPE__ long int
(This may have changed between Xcode versions. Motivated by #user102008's
comment, I have checked this with Xcode 6.2 and updated the answer.)
So ptrdiff_t and NSInteger are both typedef'd to the same type:
int on 32-bit and long on 64-bit. Therefore
NSLog(#"%td", i);
NSLog(#"%tu", u);
work correctly and compile without warnings on all current
iOS and OS X platforms.
size_t and NSUInteger have the same size on all platforms, but
they are not the same type, so
NSLog(#"%zu", u);
actually gives a warning when compiling for 32-bit.
But this relation is not fixed in any standard (as far as I know), therefore I would
not consider it safe (in the same sense as assuming that long has the same size
as a pointer is not considered safe). It might break in the future.
The only alternative to type casting that I know of is from the answer to "Foundation types when compiling for arm64 and 32-bit architecture", using preprocessor macros:
// In your prefix header or something
#if __LP64__
#define NSI "ld"
#define NSU "lu"
#define NSI "d"
#define NSU "u"
NSLog(#"i=%"NSI, i);
NSLog(#"u=%"NSU, u);
I prefer to just use an NSNumber instead:
NSInteger myInteger = 3;
NSLog(#"%#", #(myInteger));
This does not work in all situations, but I've replaced most of my NS(U)Integer formatting with the above.
According to Building 32-bit Like 64-bit, another solution is to define the NS_BUILD_32_LIKE_64 macro, and then you can simply use the %ld and %lu specifiers with NSInteger and NSUInteger without casting and without warnings.

MAX / MIN function in Objective C that avoid casting issues

I had code in my app that looks like the following. I got some feedback around a bug, when to my horror, I put a debugger on it and found that the MAX between -5 and 0 is -5!
NSString *test = #"short";
int calFailed = MAX(test.length - 10, 0); // returns -5
After looking at the MAX macro, I see that it requires both parameters to be of the same type. In my case, "test.length" is an unsigned int and 0 is a signed int. So a simple cast (for either parameter) fixes the problem.
NSString *test = #"short";
int calExpected = MAX((int)test.length - 10, 0); // returns 0
This seems like a nasty and unexpected side effect of this macro. Is there another built-in method to iOS for performing MIN/MAX where the compiler would have warned about mismatching types? Seems like this SHOULD have been a compile time issue and not something that required a debugger to figure out. I can always write my own, but wanted to see if anybody else had similar issues.
Enabling -Wsign-compare, as suggested by FDinoff's answer is a good idea, but I thought it might be worth explaining the reason behind this in some more detail, as it's a quite common pitfall.
The problem isn't really with the MAX macro in particular, but with a) subtracting from an unsigned integer in a way that leads to an overflow, and b) (as the warning suggests) with how the compiler handles the comparison of signed and unsigned values in general.
The first issue is pretty easy to explain: When you subtract from an unsigned integer and the result would be negative, the result "overflows" to a very large positive value, because an unsigned integer cannot represent negative values. So [#"short" length] - 10 will evaluate to 4294967291.
What might be more surprising is that even without the subtraction, something like MAX([#"short" length], -10) will not yield the correct result (it would evaluate to -10, even though [#"short" length] would be 5, which is obviously larger). This has nothing to do with the macro, something like if ([#"short" length] > -10) { ... } would lead to the same problem (the code in the if-block would not execute).
So the general question is: What happens exactly when you compare an unsigned integer with a signed one (and why is there a warning for that in the first place)? The compiler will convert both values to a common type, according to certain rules that can lead to surprising results.
Quoting from Understand integer conversion rules []:
If the type of the operand with signed integer type can represent all of the values of the type of the operand with unsigned integer type, the operand with unsigned integer type is converted to the type of the operand with signed integer type.
Otherwise, both operands are converted to the unsigned integer type corresponding to the type of the operand with signed integer type.
(emphasis mine)
Consider this example:
int s = -1;
unsigned int u = 1;
NSLog(#"%i", s < u);
// -> 0
The result will be 0 (false), even though s (-1) is clearly less then u (1). This happens because both values are converted to unsigned int, as int cannot represent all values that can be contained in an unsigned int.
It gets even more confusing if you change the type of s to long. Then, you'd get the same (incorrect) result on a 32 bit platform (iOS), but in a 64 bit Mac app it would work just fine! (explanation: long is a 64 bit type there, so it can represent all 32 bit unsigned int values.)
So, long story short: Don't compare unsigned and signed integers, especially if the signed value is potentially negative.
You probably don't have enough compiler warnings turned on. If you turn on -Wsign-compare (which can be turned on with -Wextra) you will generate a warning that looks like the following
warning: signed and unsigned type in conditional expression [-Wsign-compare]
This allows you to place the casts in the right places if necessary and you shouldn't need to rewrite the MAX or MIN macros

How do I transfer an integer to __constant__ device memory?

I have a weird problem, so I thought I would ask and see if someone more experienced than me could see a solution.
I am writing a program with CUDA C/C++, and I have some constant integers that specify various things, like coordinates of the bounds of the calculation, etc.. Currently I just have those things in global device memory. They are accessed by every thread in every kernel call, and so I figured that if they are in global memory, then they never are being cached or broadcast (right?). And so these little integers are taking up a lot (relatively) of overhead, and have a lot of 'read redundancy.'
So I declare in a header:
__constant__ int* number;
I include that header, and, when I do memory stuff, I do:
cutilSafeCall( cudaMemcpyToSymbol(number, &(some_host_int), sizeof(int) );
I pass number into all my kernel's then:
__global__ void magical_kernel(int* number, ...){
//and I access 'number' like this
int data_thingy = big_array[ *number ];
My code crashes. With number in global memory, it is just fine. I have determined that it crashes sometime upon accessing number within the kernel. This means that either I am accessing or allocating it wrong. If it holds the wrong value, it will also cause a crash, because it is used to index into arrays.
To conclude, I will ask a few questions. First, what am I doing wrong? As a bonus: is there a better way than constant memory to accomplish this task - I don't know the value of number at compile time, so a simple #define won't work. Will constant memory even speed the code up at all, or has it been cached and broadcasted all along? Could I somehow put the data in shared memory for each threadblock and have it remain in shared memory through multiple kernel calls?
There are several problems here:
You have declared number as a pointer, but never assigned it a value which is valid address in GPU memory
You have a variable scope onflict: the argument variable int * number defined in magic_kernel is not the same variable as the __constant__ int * variable defined as compilation unit scope.
The first argument of the cudaMemcpyToSymbol call is almost certainly incorrect.
If you don't understand why either of the first two point are true, you have some revision to do on pointers and scope in C++.
Based on your response to a now deleted answer, I suspect what you are actually trying to do is this:
__constant__ int number;
__global__ void magical_kernel(...){
int data_thingy = big_array[ number ];
cudaMemcpyToSymbol("number", &(some_host_int), sizeof(int));
i.e. number is intended to be an integer in constant memory, not a pointer, and not a kernel argument.
EDIT: here is an exmaple which shows this in action:
#include <cstdio>
__constant__ int number;
__global__ void magical_kernel(int * out)
out[threadIdx.x] = number;
int main()
const int value = 314159;
const size_t sz = size_t(32) * sizeof(int);
cudaMemcpyToSymbol("number", &value, sizeof(int));
int * _out, * out;
out = (int *)malloc(sz);
cudaMalloc((void **)&_out, sz);
cudaMemcpy(out, _out, sz, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
for(int i=0; i<32; i++)
fprintf(stdout, "%d %d\n", i, out[i]);
return 0;
You should be able to run this yourself and confirm it works as advertised.
