Run the Jenkins pipeline nightly and after every commit - jenkins

We would like to run the Jenkins pipeline:
nightly, but only if there was any commit in the chosen branches (dev or master)
and after every commit
With the caveat that nightly build should also tigger additional step (long-running integration tests).
Is it possible? How can we configure this in Jenkinsfile?

So, your question boils down to several:
How can I run a nightly build?
How can I stop a build if no commits were made in the last 24 hours?
How can I run a "long-running" stage, but not always?
Let's address these one by one.
You can have a nightly build by using cron or parameterizedCron, if you install the ParameterizedCron plugin. As you seem to want to run your job in all the branches, this may look like e.g.
pipeline {
agent any
triggers {
// schedule a nightly build at random time after 0am on dev branch, 1am on master
cron(env.BRANCH_NAME == 'dev' ? '0 * * * *' : '')
cron(env.BRANCH_NAME == 'master' ? '1 * * * *' : '')
To address the other points, you need to know why your build is running. It may be triggered by a person, or cron, or a commit. Once you make sure it's cron that triggered the build, you may want to explore git log for the time of the latest commit.
def currentBuildReason() {
def timerCause = currentBuild.rawBuild.getCause(hudson.triggers.TimerTrigger.TimerTriggerCause)
if (timerCause) { echo "Build reason: Build was started by timer"; return "TIMER" }
timerCause = currentBuild.rawBuild.getCause(org.jenkinsci.plugins.parameterizedscheduler.ParameterizedTimerTriggerCause)
if (timerCause) { echo "Build reason: Build was started by parameterized timer"; return "TIMER" }
def userCause = currentBuild.rawBuild.getCause(hudson.model.Cause$UserIdCause)
if (userCause) { echo "Build reason: Build was started by user"; return "USER" }
println "here are the causes"
echo "${currentBuild.buildCauses}"
return "UNKNOWN"
and later:
if ( currentBuildReason() == "TIMER" and env.BRANCH == "master" ) {
def gitLog = sh script: "git log", returnStdout: true
// look for the date, and stop the build
Finally, you can run steps on condition. One way to do it is to define a parameter for your job, indicating whether the integration tests should run. This will allow a person to run them even if not nightly, when they select the box. E.g.
pipeline {
parameters {
booleanParam(name: 'RUN_LONG_TEST', defaultValue: false,
description: "Should long-running tests execute?")
and later
stage('Integration tests') {
agent { node { label "integration_test_slave" }}
when {
beforeAgent true
expression {params.RUN_LONG_TEST}
steps {
// run integration test
To schedule the nightly with the param selected, you need the parameterizedCron plugin:
pipeline {
agent any
triggers {
// schedule a nightly build at random time after 0am on dev branch, 1am on master
parameterizedCron(env.BRANCH_NAME == 'dev' ? '0 * * * * % RUN_LONG_TEST=true' : '')
parameterizedCron(env.BRANCH_NAME == 'master' ? '1 * * * * % RUN_LONG_TEST=true'' : '')
Alternatively, you may disregard the parameter if only the nightlies should run it, and analyze the value of currentBuildReason(). When it equals to TIMER, these tests should run.


How to block upstream/downstream build in Jenkins declarative pipeline?

I have 3 downstream build jobs which are triggered when 1 upstream job 'Project U' has been built successfully. Example:
triggers {
pollSCM('H/5 * * * *')
upstream(upstreamProjects: 'Project U', threshold: hudson.model.Result.SUCCESS)
This works as expected, however, if code changes are committed to all parts at the same time, the upstream and downstream builds start building simultaneously.
I want to avoid this, because the downstream builds will run twice, and the first run is quite useless as the upstream commit has not been built yet. So I would like to configure the downstream jobs to block their build while the upstream job is building.
I know how to do this in Jenkins Freestyle job in the user interface (also see this answer):
But I cannot find how to do this in a Jenkins declarative pipeline?
This approach works:
waitUntil {
def job = Jenkins.instance.getItemByFullName("Project U")
!job.isBuilding() && !job.isInQueue()
When this downstream is started, it will check if the upstream job is either active or queued, and if so, will wait until its build has finished.
I haven't been able to find out how to programmatically access the current job's upstream job(s), so the job names need to be copied. (There is a method getBuildingUpstream(), which would be much more convenient, but I haven't found a way to obtain the current Project object from the Job instance.)
I finally ended up creating this function in the Jenkins shared library:
Wait until none of the upstream jobs is building or being queued any more
upstreamProjects String with a comma separated list of Jenkins jobs to check
(use same format as in upstream trigger)
def call( Map params) {
projects = params['upstreamProjects'].split(', *')
echo 'Checking the following upstream projects:'
if ( projects.size() == 0) {
echo 'none'
} else {
projects.each {project ->
echo "${project}"
waitUntil {
def running = false
projects.each {project ->
def job = Jenkins.instance.getItemByFullName(project)
if (job == null) {
error "Project '${project} not found"
if (job.isBuilding()) {
echo "Waiting for ${project} (executing)"
running = true
if (job.isInQueue()) {
echo "Waiting for ${project} (queued for execution)"
running = true
return !running
The nice thing is that I can just copy the parameter from the upstream trigger, because it uses the exact same format. Here's an example of how it looks like:
pipeline {
triggers {
pollSCM('H/5 * * * *')
upstream(upstreamProjects: 'Project U1, Project U2, Project U3', threshold: hudson.model.Result.SUCCESS)
stages {
stage('Wait') {
steps {
// Wait for upstream jobs to finish
waitForJobs(upstreamProjects: 'Project U1, Project U2, Project U3')

Jenkins - How to run a stage/function before pipeline starts?

We are using a Jenkins multibranch pipeline with BitBucket to build pull request branches as part of our code review process.
We wanted to abort any queued or in-progress builds so that we only run and keep the latest build - I created a function for this:
def call(){
def jobName = env.JOB_NAME
def buildNumber = env.BUILD_NUMBER.toInteger()
def currentJob = Jenkins.instance.getItemByFullName(jobName)
for (def build : currentJob.builds){
def exec = build.getExecutor()
if(build.isBuilding() && build.number.toInteger() != buildNumber && exec != null){
new CauseOfInterruption.UserInterruption("Job aborted by #${currentBuild.number}")
println("Job aborted previously running build #${build.number}")
Now in my pipeline, I want to run this function when the build is triggered by the creation or push to a PR branch.
It seems the only way I can do this is to set the agent to none and then set it to the correct node for each of the subsequent stages. This results in missing environment variables etc. since the 'environment' section runs on the master.
If I use agent { label 'mybuildnode' } then it won't run the stage until the agent is free from the currently in-progress/running build.
Is there a way I can get the 'cancelpreviousbuilds()' function to run before the agent is allocated as part of my pipeline?
This is roughly what I have currently but doesn't work because of environment variable issues - I had to do the skipDefaultCheckout so I could do it manually as part of my build:
pipeline {
agent none
environment {
VER = '1.2'
PROJECTPATH = "<project path>"
TOOLVER = "2017"
options {
skipDefaultCheckout true
stages {
stage('Check Builds') {
when {
branch 'PR-*'
steps {
// abort any queued/in-progress builds for PR branches
stage('Checkout') {
agent {
label 'buildnode'
steps {
checkout scm
It works and aborts the build successfully but I get errors related to missing environment variables because I had to start the pipeline with agent none and then set each stage to agent label 'buildnode' to.
I would prefer that my entire pipeline ran on the correct agent so that workspaces / environment variables were set correctly but I need a way to trigger the cancelpreviousbuilds() function without requiring the buildnode agent to be allocated first.
You can try combining the declarative pipeline and the scripted pipeline, which is possible.
Example (note I haven't tested it):
// this is scripted pipeline
node('master') { // use whatever node name or label you want
stage('Cancel older builds') {
// this is declarative pipeline
pipeline {
agent { label 'buildnode' }
As a small side comment, you seem to use: build.number.toInteger() != buildNumber which would abort not only older builds but also newer ones. In our CI setup, we've decided that it's best to abort the current build if a newer build has already been scheduled.

Jenkins: Schedule Particular Stage with single pipeline

I have a single pipeline where it' declarative and I've several stages such as below triggers via webhook.
I would like to execute and scheduled Stage B at a certain time which can also run without trigger via webhook. Clearly it needs to run when triggers via webhook and also run when it will be schedule. Can I handle this without creating seperate job or pipeline in Jenkins ?
beforeAgent true
expression{return env.GIT_BRANCH == "origin/development"}
//Do something
stage ('B'){
when {
beforeAgent true
expression{return env.GIT_BRANCH == "origin/development"}
steps {
script {
//Run Tests
beforeAgent true
expression{return env.GIT_BRANCH == "origin/development"}
//Do something
You can discover what caused your pipeline to run. This may be cron trigger, manual trigger, code commit trigger, webhook trigger, comment on GitHub, upstream job, etc. (depending on plugins installed, the list may be long.)
Here's and example of code to understand what the trigger was. This example sets the environment variable TRIGGERED_BY.
def checkForTrigger() {
def timerCause = currentBuild.rawBuild.getCause(hudson.triggers.TimerTrigger.TimerTriggerCause)
if (timerCause) {
echo "Build reason: Build was started by timer"
env.TRIGGERED_BY = 'timer'
def userCause = currentBuild.rawBuild.getCause(hudson.model.Cause$UserIdCause)
if (userCause) {
echo "Build reason: Build was started by user"
env.TRIGGERED_BY = 'user'
def remoteCause = currentBuild.rawBuild.getCause(hudson.model.Cause$RemoteCause)
if (remoteCause) {
echo "Build reason: Build was started by remote script"
env.TRIGGERED_BY = 'webhook'
// etc.
println "We haven't caught any of triggers, might be a new one, here is the dump"
def causes = currentBuild.rawBuild.getCauses()
println causes.dump()
I think that a build might have more than one trigger, if so the order of your clauses is important.
Once you have this figured out, you can run your stages only when the trigger fits your definition.
stage ('B'){
when {
beforeAgent true
anyOf {
expression{return env.GIT_BRANCH == "origin/development"}
environment name: 'TRIGGERED_BY', value: 'timer'
environment name: 'TRIGGERED_BY', value: 'webhook'
Not in a clean or first-class manner, but yes you can do it effectively.
For any job which has been run at least once, you can click "replay" for the previous run.
You will then be presented with the Jenkinsfile in a text edit box. At this point you can perform any edit you want to the Jenkinsfile (including pasting in a completely unrelated Jenkinsfile if you wanted) and Jenkins will execute the modified version. For your specific case, you can delete all the stages you don't want to re-run and just leave behind the one (or two, etc) you want.

Jenkins Scripted Pipeline: different operations depending on which cron triggers

I have a scripted pipeline and I'd like to execute different operations:
every day: run tests
every weekend: run very long static analysis task
I know I can define multiple triggers with
pipelineTriggers([cron("0 12 * * *"), cron("* * * * 6")])
But I don't know how I can then define the job later
if (???) {
sh "run complex task"
} else if (???) {
sh "run tests"
How can I find out which of the cron rules triggered my task?
I believe you can't get to the cron information during the build. TimerTriggerCause contains only information that the build was triggered by timer.
node {
pipelineTriggers([cron("* * * * *")])
def timeTriggerCause = currentBuild.rawBuild.getCause(hudson.triggers.TimerTrigger.TimerTriggerCause)
println timeTriggerCause?.getShortDescription()
Couple of solutions:
Check date during the build
Use multiple pipelines. You can separate all the logic into one pipeline with boolean parameter (i.e. RunComplexTask). Other pipelines (triggered by timer) would call this pipeline and pass proper value for boolean parameter.
EDIT: I've added example of multiple pipeline setup
node {
properties([pipelineTriggers([cron('* * * * 6')])])
build job: 'PIPELINE_MAIN', parameters: [booleanParam(name: 'RunComplexTask', value: true)]
node {
properties([pipelineTriggers([cron('0 12 * * *')])])
build job: 'PIPELINE_MAIN', parameters: [booleanParam(name: 'RunComplexTask', value: false)]
echo "Running complex task"
echo "Running tests"
Pipeline main has this boolean parameter I've mentioned.

Jenkins continuous delivery pipeline skip stage based on input

A simplified pipeline will look something like:
1. build
2. unit test
3. deploy to dev
4. integration tests
5. deploy to prod
For step #5 I've setup a Jenkins pipeline input command. We won't be deploying to prod on every commit so if we abort all those jobs it will have a big list of grey builds. Is it possible to have a skip option so the build can still be shown as green blue?
There is a better solution I just found. You can access the result of the input like by using the return value. The user has to check the checkbox, to run the optional stage. Otherwise the steps of the stage are skipped. If you skipp the whole stage, the stage will disappear and that "cleans" the stage view history.
stage('do optional stuff?') {
userInput = input(
id: 'userInput', message: "Some important question?", parameters: [
booleanParam(defaultValue: false, description: 'really?', name: 'myValue')
stage('optional: do magic') {
if (userInput) {
echo "do magic"
} else {
// do what ever you want when skipping this build
currentBuild.result = "UNSTABLE"
How about:
stage('Deploy') {
when { branch 'master' }
steps {
sh '...'
the stage will be skipped for commits on other branches and will be green.
Can't you do something like this, it will be blue/green whatever you choose from input, and you can then run the deployment depending on it too?
def deployToProduction = true
input 'Deploy to Production'
deployToProduction = false
println "Deploying to production"
Instead of using pipeline as a code Jenkins2 feature, you can setup Jobs with downstream/upstream configuration.
Build -> Unit test -> Deploy to Dev -> Integration tests -> Promote to Prod -> Deploy to Prod
At present it gives more control to choose which version of pipeline you wish to Prod.
For greater visibility you can configure Delivery Pipeline using Delivery-Pipeline-Plugin.
