Can push data to SQL Server database from kaizala data - kaizala-action

Is it possible to store kaizala data in a SQL Server database and how to integrate kaizala with SQL Server. If any way to do this kindly guide to me.

After raising the case to Microsoft right now no functionality available to access the web service and push data to server.


Publish ASP.NET MVC app with SQL Server database to free Azure account

Just want to know that I have my ASP.NET MVC application and related SQL Server database. I have signed up for a free Azure account.
I want to know if I can publish my app and database to Azure with this free account. The purpose of that, I want to check how the things are working properly and also since I working from home, selected user's want to see the progress of my project.
you need to have paid subscription for SQL server feature. Try finding SQL server express also know that SQL server will separately require you to pay SQL server license key. I would suggest to look into free SQL server hosting accounts instead of directly using Azure SQL server.

Store UmbracoIdentity data in SQL Server

I have implemented Umbraco using UmbracoIdentity for membership and everything was going fine until I deployed my solution to an Azure Web App. On azure I am getting permission errors because UmbracoIdentity is using a SQL Server CE database stored in the App_Data folder.
For reference the error I am getting is:
Exception type: SqlCeException
There is a file sharing violation. A different process might be using the file. [ ...\wwwroot\App_Data\UmbracoIdentity.sdf ]
My Umbraco data is being stored in an SQL database and I would like to store my UmbracoIdentity membership data here as well. I would appreciate any help in how to setup SQL Server as the user store for membership data.
You need to implement the IExternalLoginStore.cs interface and then configure the application to use it. It should be fairly simple to implement as you can use the SQL Server CE implementation as an example. I've done one for Azure Table Storage - you can check the Readme at to get an idea of how to configure the app to use a custom external login store (which for me was the least obvious part).

iOS (Swift) project needs to read an Azure SQL database

I am creating an iOS project that needs to read a SQL database in Azure. I have the database Server location, port, username, and password. I don't need to write to the database, just read it. I am more familiar with Firebase or Parse and have never used Azure. How do I even go about starting this? I tried the sample project that Azure makes for you but I don't have any tables? Do I need this? Any help would be welcome.
Azure Mobile App Service can connect with your existing SQL database
this thread explains the process where you use the existing SQL database. With this option Azure manages most of the inner workings for you.
If you want to build the Rest API from "scratch" using your existing SQL database You have some more options:
Azure API Management allows you to publish API's securely and at scale, A server less Azure Function like the example in this article Rest API with Azure Functions and Azure SQL Database or build a rest API using an Azure Logic App which doesn't require you to write code. You could also use Nodejs or many other tools you just need to evaluate what would work best for your use case.

How to automatically pull data from client's webservice

I am trying to find the best solution to build the application at work.
1) My client has a web service, I need to have a automatically process to pull data from client web service, store in a database. The data will be displayed in a aspnet MVC web application. Once new data coming in, I want to notify the current user (something like a badge)
Question 1: I have two ideas for the process to pull data from client's web service,
A)I create a WCF service, and host it as a Windows Service
B)Create a console application and get the schedule task to run the console application
Question 2: I am thinking to use SignalR to indicate users of the new data, but in the backend how do get SignalR to check the data changes?
Thanks very much guys
Question 1: I have two ideas for the process to pull data from
client's web service, A)I create a WCF service, and host it as a
Windows Service B)Create a console application and get the schedule
task to run the console application
Did you mean WCF client? To pull data from client's web service you need a WCF client not a service? The rest looks ok to me here.
Question 2: I am thinking to use SignalR to indicate users of the new
data, but in the backend how do get SignalR to check the data changes?
SignalR is just a mean to send notifications to clients. The way you check for updates depends on the nature of the notification. So you would better elaborate on this part to get a better advice. A common way to do it is to have a notifications log table/queue which you can check for updates, process them and send to the clients. Don't forget to remove or mark processed notification in the table.
Alternatively, you can host SignalR in a windows service with a WCF client and a timer to pull data from web services. You can notify your web users directly from the windows service. Please see this article Tutorial: SignalR Self-Host
Hope it help!

How to hide SQL Server database structure

I need to deliver ASP.NET MVC application to client. It uses a SQL Server database.
Is there any way that I hide the database structure from users? They will be admins on server and do installation.
