Remove initiallyInactive queue - ios

I have array of photos that needs to be downloaded, but download function can download only one photo at a time. I neeed to make sure that download function is completed before I call it for other photo. I create .initialyInactive DispatchQueue and queue is activated in completion block of download function. This is woking, and photos are downloaded, but my question is how to cancel download process? Can I somehow to remove not activated queues?
My code logic looks something like this..
func downloadPhoto(photo: Photo, completion: (_ success: Bool) -> Void) {
... completion(true) ..
for photo in photos {
let queue = DispatchQueue(label: "Download queue\(counter)", qos: .userInitiated, attributes: .initiallyInactive)
self.inactiveQueues[counter] = queue
queue.async {
self.downloadPhoto(photo: photo) { (success) in
if success {
} else {
Ant other solution to my problem is great too. Thanks.

There are several options:
Historically we’d use a custom, asynchronous, Operation subclass. See (or see for alternate AsynchronousOperation implementation). That gives us a cancelable operation and we can easily control the degree of concurrency.
If you want to download them one at a time, you could set the queue’s maxConcurrentOperationCount to 1. Then you can just add your download operations to a single OperationQueue, and if you want to cancel them, you’d call queue.cancelAllOperations().
If you are targeting iOS 13 and later, Combine makes this even easier. See for example of downloading a series of images using Combine (both sequentially as well as with a controlled degree of concurrency).
All of this having been said, I’d encourage you to reconsider the choice to download the images sequentially. In my random test, increasing the max allowed concurrency to 6 resulted in downloads that were, overall, twice as fast as the serial behavior.


GCD: URLSession download task

I have a requirement to download large number of files - previously only one file could be downloaded at a time. The current design is such that when the user downloads a single file, a URLSession task is created and the progress/completion/fail is recorded using the delegate methods for urlsession. My question is, how can I leave a dispatch group in this delegate method? I need to download 10 files at a time, start the next 10 when the previous ten finishes. Right now, if I leave the dispatch group in the delegate method, the dispatch group wait waits forever. Here's what I've implemented so far:
self.downloadAllDispatchQueue.async(execute: {
self.downloadAllDispatchGroup = DispatchGroup()
let maximumConcurrentDownloads: Int = 10
var concurrentDownloads = 0
for i in 0..<files.count
if self.cancelDownloadAll {
if concurrentDownloads >= maximumConcurrentDownloads{
concurrentDownloads = 0
if let workVariantPart = libraryWorkVariantParts[i].workVariantPart {
concurrentDownloads += 1
//call method for download
self.downloadAllDispatchGroup!.notify(queue: self.downloadAllDispatchQueue, execute: {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
In the delegates:
func downloadDidFinish(_ notification: Notification){
if let dispatchGroup = self.downloadAllDispatchGroup {
self.downloadAllDispatchQueue.async(execute: {
Is this even possible? If not, how can I achieve this?
If downloadAllDispatchQueue is a serial queue, the code in your question will deadlock. When you call wait, it blocks that current thread until it receives the leave call(s) from another thread. If you try to dispatch the leave to a serial queue that is already blocked with a wait call, it will deadlock.
The solution is to not dispatch the leave to the queue at all. There is no need for that. Just call it directly from the current thread:
func downloadDidFinish(_ notification: Notification) {
When downloading a large number of files, we often use a background session. See Downloading Files in the Background. We do this so downloads continue even after the user leaves the app.
When you start using background session, there is no need to introduce this “batches of ten” logic. The background session manages all of these requests for you. Layering on a “batches of ten” logic only introduces unnecessary complexities and inefficiencies.
Instead, we just instantiate a single background session and submit all of the requests, and let the background session manage the requests from there. It is simple, efficient, and offers the ability to continue downloads even after the user leaves the app. If you are downloading so many files that you feel like you need to manage them like this, it is just as likely that the end user will get tired of this process and may want to leave the app to do other things while the requests finish.

Waiting for two NSOperation to finish without blocking UI thread

I just read long introduction to NSOperationQueues and NSOperation here.
My question is the following. I need to run two operations is the same time. When both those tasks finished I need to make another calculations based on results from two finished operations. If one of the operations fails then whole operation should also fails. Those two operations does not have dependencies and are completely independent from each other so we can run them in parallel.
How to wait for this 2 operation to finish and then continue with calculations? I don't want to block UI Thread. Should I make another NSOperation that main method is creating two NSOperations add them to some local (for this operation) queue and wait with waitUntilAllOperationsAreFinished method. Then continue calculations?
I don't like in this approach that I need to create local queue every time I creating new operation. Can I design it that way that I can reuse one queue but wait only for two local operations? I can imagine that method waitUntilAllOperationsAreFinished can wait until all tasks are done so it will blocks when a lot of tasks will be performed in parallel. Any design advice? Is creating NSOperationQueue expensive? Is there any better ways to do it in iOS without using NSOperation & NSOperationQueue? I'm targeting iOS 9+ devices.
In Swift 4, you can do it this way:
let group = DispatchGroup()
// async {
// enter the group
taskA(onCompletion: { (_) in
// leave the group
taskB(onCompletion: { (_) in
group.notify(queue: DispatchQueue.main) {
// do something on task A & B completion
And there is an excellent tutorial on GCD from

Swift - How to get an unknown number of asynchronous operations to execute one after the other (synchronously)?

I have a set of asynchronous operations of an unknown amount that need to executed one after another because they are updating the same resource. At the end of all the executions, I want a single point of completion to be notified that they're all complete.
e.g. I have a basket that has an unknown number of eggs in it (numEggs). I need to call api.removeEgg(eggID:fromBasket:completion:) for numEggs times - but i don't want the subsequent egg to be removed until the previous egg is completely removed, as they cannot modify the basket at the same time. When all of the eggs are removed, the client code should be notified once.
Which is the best mechanism to achieve this given the amount of tasks is unknown? I've attempted to use DispatchGroup, but it seems the asynchronous tasks are kicked off at the same time. OperationQueue would work the same way.
NOTE: This is not a duplicate of this question: Calling asynchronous tasks one after the other in Swift (iOS)
The difference is that I do not know the number of asynchronous tasks that need to be completed one-after-the-other. In the referenced post, the type of the tasks are known at compile time and can simply be chained - I don't know until runtime how many asynchronous tasks I'll need to execute.
You can add a dependency on a certain operation that has to happen afterwards.
For example,
let operation = RandomOperation()
let laterOperation = RandomOperation()
what it does is the laterOperation waits to start until the previous operation ends its process.
-- it seems that you have an unknown number of operation to take care of.
I recommend you make a custom class of "group operation".
And all the custom class does is to have a queue which is OperationQueue
and variable operations.
at the end, you add operations to queue by
Recursive function:
func removeAllEggs(eggIDs: [String], completion:#escaping () -> ()) {
var ids = eggIDs
let id = ids.last
Alamofire.request(endpoint, method: .post, parameters: parametes, encoding: JSONEncoding.default, headers: headers).responseData { response in
// check response etc...
if ids.count > 1 {
removeAllEggs(eggIDs: ids, completion: completion)
} else {
// you just sent the last item
return completion()
and to use it:
func callItHere() {
removeAllEggs(eggIDs: allEggs) {
// Done! poof! all gone!

running asynchronous tasks in a synchronous order

I have a list of files i need to upload to my server.
I want to upload each file only if the file before it uploaded successfully.
I'm looking for an elegant way to implement this.
For example using coroutines like feature.
So is there a feature like coroutines in swift?
Is there any other elegant way to implement this?
You could use an OperationQueue. Create one like this:
lazy var queue: OperationQueue = {
let queue = OperationQueue()
queue.maxConcurrentOperationCount = 1
return queue
and then add an operation to it like this:
self.queue.addOperation {
// The code you want run in the background
Having set the maxConcurrentOperationCount to 1 it operates as a serial queue not running the next task until the current one has finished.
That's the most basic functionality but there are all kinds of more advanced things you can do so check out the documentation OperationQueue
Why not create a List of files and on the completion handler of one upload just check if the list is not empty and kick off the next one? Rather than a complicated coroutines setup I think it can be simpler by just maintaining an upload list/queue.
You can create a serial queue for that, using Grand Central Dispatch. Compared to OperationQueue suggested in on of the answers given here it has the advantage of saving quite an amount of overhead. Please see this post for details on that.
This creates the serial queue:
let serialQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "someQueueIdentifier", qos: .background)
Choose the quality of service parameter according to your needs.
Then, you could have a loop, for example, from which you place your background jobs into this queue:
while <condition> {
serialQueue.async {
// do background job
A serial queue will run one job at a time and the whole queue will be executed asynchronously in the background.

Wait until Boolean is True in Swift?

I have cells that have buttons that trigger the downloading of their respective PDF from online. I want it so that only one download can occur at a time, and the other ones (if their button is clicked) wait for it to finish.
I cannot use any sort of queue, because the queue operation calls the download methods but does not wait for them to complete before moving on.
Is there any way that I can only move on once the did finish download function says that it is ready by passing a boolean or something? I am pretty lost here so any direction is greatly appreciated.
I cannot use any sort of queue, because the queue operation calls the download methods but does not wait for them to complete before moving on.
This can be accomplished using NSOperation Queues. The key is that your download tasks have to be async NSOperation subclasses where you mark the operation as finished when the download finishes. More importantly, these operations should be queued on a serial queue. Then, operations will be executed only one at a time in FIFO order.
However, it takes a bit of boilerplate to get NSOperations setup this way. Another good way to do it is using Dispatch Groups.
// A serial queue ensures only one operation is executed at a time, FIFO
let downloadsQueue = dispatch_queue_create("com.youapp.pdfdownloadsqueue", DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL)
let downloadGroup = dispatch_group_create()
func queueDownload(from url: NSURL) {
// Register this download task with the group
// Async dispatch the download task to our serial queue,
// so that it returns control back without blocking the main thread
dispatch_async(downloadsQueue) {
downloadPDF(with: url) { (pdf, error) in
// handle PDF data / error
// { .. }
// leave the dispatch group in the completion method,
// notifying the group that this task is finished
func downloadPDF(with url: NSURL, completion: (pdf: NSData?, error: ErrorType?) -> ()) {
// make network request
// call completion with PDF data or error when the download request returns
