(Jira Software Server) IntelliJ won't recognize the atlassian imports - jira

We are currently using Jira Software Server (version 8.7.1) and have tried running our code in the Script Console on IntelliJ. But it seems to have a problem recognizing the imported classes although we made sure to specify the correct directory for it to import them.
These are the errors we get while running the scriptrunner code in IntelliJ
We are at loss here and we would really appreciate your help!


Jar files for DL4J - using DL4J without building using Maven

I want to use DL4J [https://deeplearning4j.org/] and tried the instructions on the setup guide [https://deeplearning4j.org/gettingstarted]. I am facing problems while building using Maven (build failure). Do I need to really use Maven to build everything. I just want to write some basic programs and run the examples which comes with DL4J. I am unable to find a list of jar files which i can import into my project and compile the examples. Any help is appreciated.
The developers suggest to stick to Java 8 to avoid dependency-problems with Maven. If you are using Java 9 or OpenJDK (like on Linux), consider a switch to Java 8 to get Maven running.
You should consider to use IntelliJ IDE which manages automatically dependencies download and integration with maven.
If you're already using IntelliJ try to remove m2 folder (which contains all maven dependencies) and choose auto-import option in settings of the IDE.
You can try to use the last maven version too by download it and then configuring it into settings.
Like gurvinder372 said, more information about your problem should be great for us.

TFS plugin to use with PyCharm

I am looking for a free source code management TFS plugin to use with the PyCharm IDE. I've been looking around and cannot seem to get anything to work properly.
Please try TFS Integration.
Based on the description in the page it should be compatible with PyCharm
Compatible with: IntelliJ IDEA PhpStorm WebStorm PyCharm
RubyMine AppCode GoLand Rider
Also this for your reference : Using TFS Integration
It supports PyCharm Community Edition, refer to this link for details : https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/4578-tfs-integration/update/12400.
That's the only plugin for PyCharm for now. The IntelliJ IDEA is required So, you can have a try for IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition to check if that works for you.

Intellig IDEA x Grails

I tested several IDEs for developing grails applications. Tested the Spring IDE, did not like because I thought slow and crashes every time.
Tested by netbeans, and the result was the same as before.
Was reading about IntelliJ IDEA. Current problem, even doing the command "grails integrate-with --intellij" mentioned on the website https://grails.org/IDEA+Integration not enabled the option of creating projects in grails .
After running the command above returns nothing.
What should I do?
you will need the ultimate edition of IntelliJ to get grails support
With ultimate you can simply open an existing grails project (see this answer) or create a project from the File/New Project... menu.
grails integrate-with --intellij creates three files in the directory (yourproject.(iml|ipr|iws)). You can open the .ipr file with IntelliJ and have the project loaded (it might ask to convert the file).
Also you can just create new project (pick Gradle and then Grails) or you can just use the directory as existing source where you create-app-ed your project and IntellIj will see, that it is Grails.
Be aware, that it will only work with the Ultimate Edition and not the Community Edition

Groovy Grape configuration on intellij idea 13.1

I have recently migrated to IntelliJ IDEA 13.1 and I'm using it with groovy 2.3. I have used the IDE's support for grab annotations in groovy scripts where with just the key stroke of alt+return the IDE smartly downloads grab dependencies and adds it to the projects classpath. But all of a sudden it has stopped working and I have no clue what's wrong. It also does not log anything specific other that it can't find the dependencies. The same script works perfectly fine when launched from groovy console.
Let me know if anybody has encountered this or if you know where to look for the problem.
It was a proxy setting issue. There is no way to override the proxy settings for grapes in the IDE. So the IDE proxy settings were affecting Grapes download.

DotNetNuke Install.aspx?mode=InstallResources Automation

I am trying to automate the build and installation of DNN modules on a build server. We are currently using DNN 5.5 and TFS for source control and build automation. The TFS build works as expected (getting, compiling, building/copying DNN packages) but when executing the Install.aspx?mode=InstallResources URL we get the "Site is under construction". The event log for DNN does not reveal any information. If I log in to the build server using my Id or the build server id and run the this script, everything works as expected. It’s when the script is started from the scheduler that the DNN InstallResouces URL has issues. The build id used is an administrator on the build server. I have search the web for others doing the same but only found one that stated they wrote an exe utility that submits a HTTP request and parses the response for the success or fail of the resources. Is this the only option? Any other ideas?
I would recommend that you nit work with Instances of your software from build. It is a bad practice and you need many workarounds to get things going. I would recommend that you install Release Management which is specifically designed to do what you are asking. It just has better tooling and configuration options for this.
I created a post on this not to long ago and you can get more info in Professional ALM with Visual Studio 2013 on building and configuring a release pipeline. This way you are deploying tested binaries and not creating untested new ones for future deployments.
Resolution: The issue was resolved by setting the correct permissions for the TFS build user to execute the DNN install resources. The script being executed needed to load the Windows user profile when the script was being executed.
