How determinate number of rounds in TFF context - tensorflow-federated

In TFF, It is necessary to determinate number of rounds. So, to obtain optimal performance of our model, How we can know the optimal number of rounds?

TFF does not necessarily need you to specify the number of rounds for federated training beforehand. TFF is more about specifying the federated aspect of your computation (which you can essentially think of as specifying the communication), and considers actually "running" the rounds to be at the system level.
When you write TFF, generally you are writing at three levels (explanation of this statement here); the question you are asking (and every concern TFF considers a "system concern") is at the Python level. Since Python controls the actual invocation of your computation written in TFF, you can stop training with any criterion expressible in Python. E.g. if you want to monitor performance on a validation set and use that as a stopping criteria, this is entirely doable. If you have a tff.utils.IterativeProcess ip, and evaluation function eval_fn (see here for an example), this could be implemented as something like:
while True:
data = sample_client_data()
state, metrics =, data)
eval_metrics = eval_fn(state)
if condition(eval_metrics):
Abstractly: since the Python drives the experiment process, you can stop whenever you want to, based on any observable characteristic of the training procedure. Therefore you do not in fact need to know how many rounds you will be running beforehand.
A more direct answer to the original question is, I think at this point in the history of FL, not quite achievable for the general case; nobody (as far as I am aware) knows of reliable system-level settings for FL at this point. This is not surprising; it is somewhat akin to knowing beforehand how many epochs one should specify in datacenter training, which I think tends to be quite problem-dependent. FL is similar in this regard. Practically speaking, my advice tends to be: monitor performance on a validation set, run for as long as you can, and keep the state of your highest-performing model on the val set around. I think a more general answer than this may be quite difficult.


would we ever compute the cost J(θ) on the *test* set?

I'm pretty sure that the answer is no, but wanted to confirm...
When training a neural network or other learning algorithm, we will compute the cost function J(θ) as an expression of how well our algorithm fits the training data (higher values mean it fits the data less well). When training our algorithm, we generally expect to see J(theta) go down with each iteration of gradient descent.
But I'm just curious, would there ever be a value to computing J(θ) against our test data?
I think the answer is no, because since we only evaluate our test data once, we would only get one value of J(θ), and I think that it is meaningless except when compared with other values.
Your question touches on a very common ambiguity regarding the terminology: one between the validation and the test sets (the Wikipedia entry and this Cross Vaidated post may be helpful in resolving this).
So, assuming that you indeed refer to the test set proper and not the validation one, then:
You are right in that this set is only used once, just at the end of the whole modeling process
You are, in general, not right in assuming that we don't compute the cost J(θ) in this set.
Elaborating on (2): in fact, the only usefulness of the test set is exactly for evaluating our final model, in a set that has not been used at all in the various stages of the fitting process (notice that the validation set has been used indirectly, i.e. for model selection); and in order to evaluate it, we obviously have to compute the cost.
I think that a possible source of confusion is that you may have in mind only classification settings (although you don't specify this in your question); true, in this case, we are usually interested in the model performance regarding a business metric (e.g. accuracy), and not regarding the optimization cost J(θ) itself. But in regression settings it may very well be the case that the optimization cost and the business metric are one and the same thing (e.g. RMSE, MSE, MAE etc). And, as I hope is clear, in such settings computing the cost in the test set is by no means meaningless, despite the fact that we don't compare it with other values (it provides an "absolute" performance metric for our final model).
You may find this and this answers of mine useful regarding the distinction between loss & accuracy; quoting from these answers:
Loss and accuracy are different things; roughly speaking, the accuracy is what we are actually interested in from a business perspective, while the loss is the objective function that the learning algorithms (optimizers) are trying to minimize from a mathematical perspective. Even more roughly speaking, you can think of the loss as the "translation" of the business objective (accuracy) to the mathematical domain, a translation which is necessary in classification problems (in regression ones, usually the loss and the business objective are the same, or at least can be the same in principle, e.g. the RMSE)...

How to differentiate between real improvement and random noise?

I am building an automatic translator in moses. To improve its performance, I use log-linear weight optimisation. This technique has a random component, which can affect slightly the final result (but I do not know exactly how much).
Suppose that the current performance of the model is 25 BLEU.
Suppose now I modify the language model (e.g. change the smoothing), and I get a performance of 26 BLEU.
My question is: how can I know if the improvement is because the modification, or is just noise from the random component?
This is pretty much what statistics is all about. You can basically do one of the two things (from the basic set of solutions, of course there are many more advanced):
try to measure/model/quantify the effect of randomness, if you know what is causing it, you might be able to actually compute how much it can affect your model. If analytical solution is not possible, you can always train 20 models with the same data/settings, gather results and estimate noise distribution. Once you have this you can perform statistical tests to check whether the improvement is statistically significant (for example by ANOVA tests).
simpler approach (but more expensive in terms of data/time) is to simply reduce the variance by averaging. In short - instead of training one model (or evaluating model once) which has this hard to determine noise component - do it many times, 10, 20, and average the results. This way you reduce the variance of the results in your analysis. This can (and should) be combined with the previous option - since now you have 20 results per run, thus you can again use statistical testes to see whether these are significantly different things.

Incorporating Transition Probabilities in SARSA

I am implementing a SARSA(lambda) model in C++ to overcome some of the limitations (the sheer amount of time and space DP models require) of DP models, which hopefully will reduce the computation time (takes quite a few hours atm for similar research) and less space will allow adding more complexion to the model.
We do have explicit transition probabilities, and they do make a difference. So how should we incorporate them in a SARSA model?
Simply select the next state according to the probabilities themselves? Apparently SARSA models don't exactly expect you to use probabilities - or perhaps I've been reading the wrong books.
PS- Is there a way of knowing if the algorithm is properly implemented? First time working with SARSA.
The fundamental difference between Dynamic Programming (DP) and Reinforcement Learning (RL) is that the first assumes that environment's dynamics is known (i.e., a model), while the latter can learn directly from data obtained from the process, in the form of a set of samples, a set of process trajectories, or a single trajectory. Because of this feature, RL methods are useful when a model is difficult or costly to construct. However, it should be notice that both approaches share the same working principles (called Generalized Policy Iteration in Sutton's book).
Given they are similar, both approaches also share some limitations, namely, the curse of dimensionality. From Busoniu's book (chapter 3 is free and probably useful for your purposes):
A central challenge in the DP and RL fields is that, in their original
form (i.e., tabular form), DP and RL algorithms cannot be implemented
for general problems. They can only be implemented when the state and
action spaces consist of a finite number of discrete elements, because
(among other reasons) they require the exact representation of value
functions or policies, which is generally impossible for state spaces
with an infinite number of elements (or too costly when the number of
states is very high).
Even when the states and actions take finitely many values, the cost
of representing value functions and policies grows exponentially with
the number of state variables (and action variables, for Q-functions).
This problem is called the curse of dimensionality, and makes the
classical DP and RL algorithms impractical when there are many state
and action variables. To cope with these problems, versions of the
classical algorithms that approximately represent value functions
and/or policies must be used. Since most problems of practical
interest have large or continuous state and action spaces,
approximation is essential in DP and RL.
In your case, it seems quite clear that you should employ some kind of function approximation. However, given that you know the transition probability matrix, you can choose a method based on DP or RL. In the case of RL, transitions are simply used to compute the next state given an action.
Whether is better to use DP or RL? Actually I don't know the answer, and the optimal method likely depends on your specific problem. Intuitively, sampling a set of states in a planned way (DP) seems more safe, but maybe a big part of your state space is irrelevant to find an optimal pocliy. In such a case, sampling a set of trajectories (RL) maybe is more effective computationally. In any case, if both methods are rightly applied, should achive a similar solution.
NOTE: when employing function approximation, the convergence properties are more fragile and it is not rare to diverge during the iteration process, especially when the approximator is non linear (such as an artificial neural network) combined with RL.
If you have access to the transition probabilities, I would suggest not to use methods based on a Q-value. This will require additional sampling in order to extract information that you already have.
It may not always be the case, but without additional information I would say that modified policy iteration is a more appropriate method for your problem.

Should 'deceptive' training cases be given to a Naive Bayes Classifier

I am setting up a Naive Bayes Classifier to try to determine sameness between two records of five string properties. I am only comparing each pair of properties exactly (i.e., with a java .equals() method). I have some training data, both TRUE and FALSE cases, but let's just focus on the TRUE cases for now.
Let's say there are some TRUE training cases where all five properties are different. That means every comparator fails, but the records are actually determined to be the 'same' after some human assessment.
Should this training case be fed to the Naive Bayes Classifier? On the one hand, considering the fact that NBC treats each variable separately these cases shouldn't totally break it. However, it certainly seems true that feeding in enough of these cases wouldn't be beneficial to the classifier's performance. I understand that seeing a lot of these cases would mean better comparators are required, but I'm wondering what to do in the time being. Another consideration is that the flip-side is impossible; that is, there's no way all five properties could be the same between two records and still have them be 'different' records.
Is this a preferential issue, or is there a definitive accepted practice for handling this?
Usually you will want to have a training data set that is as feasibly representative as possible of the domain from which you hope to classify observations (often difficult though). An unrepresentative set may lead to a poorly functioning classifier, particularly in a production environment where various data are received. That being said, preprocessing may be used to limit the exposure of a classifier trained on a particular subset of data, so it is quite dependent on the purpose of the classifier.
I'm not sure why you wish to exclude some elements though. Parameter estimation/learning should account for the fact that two different inputs may map to the same output --- that is why you would use machine learning instead of simply using a hashmap. Considering that you usually don't have 'all data' to build your model, you have to rely on this type of inference.
Have you had a look at the NLTK; it is in python but it seems that OpenNLP may be a suitable substitute in Java? You can employ better feature extraction techniques that lead to a model that accounts for minor variations in input strings (see here).
Lastly, it seems to me that you want to learn a mapping from input strings to the classes 'same' and 'not same' --- you seem to want to infer a distance measure (just checking). It would make more sense to invest effort in directly finding a better measure (e.g. for character transposition issues you could use edit distances). I'm not sure that NB is well-suited to your problem as it is attempting to determine a class given an observation(s) (or its features). This class will have to be discernible over various different strings (I'm assuming you are going to concatenate string1 & string2, and offer them to the classifier). Will there be enough structure present to derive such a widely applicable property? This classifier is basically going to need to be able to deal with all pair-wise 'comparisons' ,unless you build NBs for each one-vs-many pairing. This does not seem like a simple approach.

Interpreting the parameters of the evaluate() function of a item-based recommender in Mahout

I am working with boolean values, trying to evaluate a recommending engine in Mahout. My questions are about the selection of the "correct" parameters of the evaluate function. Apologize in advance for the lengthy post.
IRStatistics evaluate(RecommenderBuilder recommenderBuilder,
DataModelBuilder dataModelBuilder,
DataModel dataModel,
IDRescorer rescorer,
int at,
double relevanceThreshold,
double evaluationPercentage) throws TasteException;
1) Can you think of an example in which the following two parameters must be used:
- DataModelBuilder dataModelBuilder
- IDRescorer rescorer
2) For the double relevanceThreshold variable, I set the value GenericRecommenderIRStatsEvaluator.CHOOSE_THRESHOLD, however, I was wondering if a "better" model could be built by setting a different value.
3) In my project, I need to recommend at most 10 items per user. Does this mean that it shouldn't make sense to set a value bigger than 10 for variable int at?
4) Given that I don't bother if I have to wait a lot for building the model, is it a good practice to set variable double evaluationPercentage equal to 1? Can you think of any case where 1 will not give the optimum model?
5) Why precision / recall (note that I am working on boolean data) increases as long as the number of recommendations (i.e. variable int at) increases (I proved that experimentally)?
6) Where does the spiting of both testing and training tests is taking place within mahout, and how could I change that percentage (unless if this is not the case for item-based recommendations)?
Accurate recommendations alone do not guarantee users of recommender systems an effective and satisfying experience, so measurements should be taken only as a reference point. That said, ideally real users would use your system against a baseline you set (like random recommendations) and do A/B test and see which has better performance. But that can be troublesome and not quite practical.
Precision and recall at N recommendations, are not a great metrics for recommenders. You are better off using a metric like AUC (area under the curve)
Have a look a the Mahout in Action book example (link)
Letting Mahout choose a threshold is fine, but it will be more computationally expensive
Yes, if you are making 10 recommendations, evaluating at 10 makes a lot of sense
Depends on the size of your data really. If using 100% (that is 1.0) is fast enough, I would use that. But if you do use something different (less), I would strongly suggest you use RandomUtils.useTestSeed(); when testing so you know the sampling will be done in the same manner every time you evaluate. (don't use it in production though)
Not sure. Depends on how your data looks like. But normally if precision increases, recall decreases and vice versa. See F1 Score (also available from Mahout IRStatistics)
For IRStatistics I'm not entirely sure where it happens (or if it happens at all). Notice it doesn't even take a % for division into training and test. Although there might be a default somewhere. If I were you I would go through the Mahout code and find out.
