iOS Project Copy Crashes during FirebaseAuth - ios

So I'm working on a project using flutter in iOS, and I seem to have run into a brick wall.
First, I need to you know I DO have a 100% working copy of the project. No problems, No bugs, etc.
What I'm trying to do is create a second copy of the project with a few minor changes, and get that to work too. (Changes like text colour, and name of the app).
I'm using flutter to program this, running FirebaseAuth to authorize the end-user, and google-maps in the project afterwards.
Now after I made those minor changes, I can't seem to get the second project functional at all. (I've had it functional previously, but that build is lost. I should have used better source control).
Now I know I had to change the bundle identifier in XCode, which I've done both in the info.plist, and the General Tab of the xcode project. (Done opening up the workspace, not the project). Replaced the GoogleServices-Info.plist and added to the project through XCode. I've also replaced the value for the url scheme in the info.plist with the new value from the GoogleServices-Info.plist.
Also changed the API keys with the new ones I'm supposed to have for the new project. And made sure all the normal things like ensuring that Push Notifications are active on the project, etc.
So as far as I can remember, I've done everything that I should to get the project to function... But instead of stalling or giving me errors, it just crashes.
Running through Terminal using the command:
NO_PROXY=localhost,; flutter run --verbose
I get the following error.
Error connecting to the service protocol: failed to connect to
If I run it in Xcode I get the following error:
flutter: Phone Auth Verification Failed: Invalid token.
and if I run it in VSCode I don't even get that far.
Error connecting to the service protocol: failed to connect to
I checked on their individual git's and issues boards, but I couldn't find anything in flutter or firebase that leads me to any idea as to what is even going on.
Does anyone have something like a checklist of places I could look for possible errors? (I'm pretty sure it's likely just a setting in XCode I forgot to change, or something like that). Much appreciated.

Open the Project in Xcode then,
Window > Devices & Simulators
Select the device and
Uncheck Connect Via network.


Can't get debug token for Firebase App Check for my Flutter iOS App

So I recently started setting up app check for my existing Flutter project (for both android and iOS platforms). I've had no problem with android's "Play Integrity", got the necessary debug token, and can successfully send and retrieve data to/from firestore (app check for firestore is currently enforced for my project).
The problem is, I can not get such a debug key for my iOS app. I will list the sources I've used and what I've tried so far.
I have firebase_app_check: ^0.1.1+8 installed via pubspec.yaml
I also added pod 'FirebaseAppCheck' to my Podfile
I have the necessary initialization code in my main.dart: await FirebaseAppCheck.instance.activate(...);
For "DeviceCheck", I am using THE SAME private key that I am using
for "Sign in With Apple" (which I have implemented successfully). I
have also enabled the checkbox for DeviceCheck in the settings of
that private key (in Apple Developer).
For my App ID (Apple Developer > Identifiers > App IDs), I have also
enabled the checkbox for "App Attest".
I have put "-FIRDebugEnabled" as an argument passed on launch in
XCode > Product > Scheme > Edit Scheme.
I always uninstall my app from my iOS simulator (iOS 16.2) or real device (iOS 16.1.2),
before trying again, because I have read across multiple forums that
the debug token only gets printed to the output the first time you
run your app.
I have also added these 4 lines of code in my AppDelegate.swift from here:
let providerFactory = AppCheckDebugProviderFactory()
Official firebase docs "iOS+ (App Attest)":
I have NOT copied ANY code from this page of the official docs, as I assume it's for native iOS apps only, and not for flutter, and I don't know where exactly I would have to put that code. I have only added the pod dependency and run pod install.
I don't have a .entitlements file.
So after all those steps, I'm apparently supposed to expect to find a debug token in my run output, as in:
Yet the only relevant output I can find is the following:
Runner[72719:33546579] 10.3.0 - [FirebaseFirestore][I-FST000001] AppCheck failed: 'The operation couldn’t be completed. ( error 1.)'
If it matters:
I have NOT YET uploaded my iOS app to apple developer, app store connect or whatever (I'm not yet familiar with the process of publishing to the app store).
Neither have I uploaded my android app to Google Play console or created an app there (for this project).
Don't tell me anything about firestore rules. I already had that set up long ago, and everything worked just fine before I started integrating App Check.
Don't recommend any 3rd party plugins to me, I will only use official ones.
The firebase documentation says:
Tip: Confirm in your Xcode project's build settings that it passes the DEBUG flag to the Swift compiler
Try removing the '#if DEBUG' and '#endif' and run the app.
If it works, it mean you have missed that step
I was not able to find that build setting, so i just removed those lines from the AppDelegate, but i need to keep in mind to remove the other 2 lines while building the release mode
See this answer on the flutterfire Github issues page. Basically, call setAppCheckProviderFactory before GeneratedPluginRegistrant.register(with: self) in the app delegate file. I was investigating the same issue and it fixed it for me (the debug token was instantly printed out in Xcode's debug output). Hope it helps you as well!

React native IOS app web-services works on simulator but not real IOS device

I have done with all the settings of my react native project and trying to run on the IOS simulator, it's working fine. Means all the api working properly.
So now I have to share my .ipa file to team members for testing, so creating .ipa file I am using procedure defined on react nativeRunning On Device documentation.
For creating .ipa file using Xcode following below process:-
In Edit Scheme option, change Build Configuration to release.
Clean Build Folder
Create Build.
Archive build.
After that exporting .ipa file using valid certificate.
Solutions I have tried:-
Checked with this solution, because the domain I am using to hit web service is not secured.(It's http)
Enable Transport security flag.
Added main.jbundle (created using command line) to Copy Bundle Resource option in Build Phases.
While adding Alert in api call, getting below error (check image)
Still No luck.
Please let me know, what I am doing wrong?
Please check api server live link is working or not. In my case, I am testing whole api's on local network (In LAN). But when trying with live url, I am also facing this issue.
So that time I made one mistake, that my url should contain http:// but in actual it was https://.
It's pointing to main.jsbundle file, that means it's having issue
related with your code.
So check it once.

Meteor App Can't Run on iOS Device (Mobile Configuration Issue)

I'm having trouble with my iOS build. Not sure what it is.
After running meteor run ios-device command. It launches Xcode, but the "build and run" button is greyed out.
And when i expand the device drop-down, my phone is listed as "ineligible device" and the simulators is not even shown there.
I suspect there's something wrong inside my mobile-config.js file. Because when i remove this file, it runs as expected (but with default settings).
Hope someone can help explain this. I'm very new to both Meteor and iOS. Sending my packages and platform files as well for reference.
I had this issue too. There were one of two things that fixed it:
1) Make sure your project is linked up to your the correct iOS dev team/account & its not set to "none":
2) I had this issue come back again, besides fixing up the above.
So I restarted the computer, logged in and out and deleted the folder over at .meteor/local/cordova-build and ran meteor run ios-device to rebuild it. This was related to the mobile-config file because I changed the name of my app after I ran it the first time. Clearing up the cordova build stuff forced it to rebuild and perhaps this is why it fixe it.
I also deleted the previous app installed on the device (before I renamed the project in mobile-config.js. I did this because I suspected it had trouble installing because of the naming changes.

How to edit the Xcode Project for Meteor iOS integration?

I want to create an app icon, splash screen, edit the app name, and set some cordova / app settings.
meteor run ios opens up the simulator but doesn't open or the project. Where is that project and does this Xcode project ever get overwritten? I don't want to lose any settings I make.
For example I want to set the app url scheme so I can implement a redirect to the app. I also want to set cordova preferences to disallow over scroll. Typically I would do these things from within the .xcodeproj but where is it and when does it get overwritten / reset?
From what i have seen from the docs and my experience so far
meteor run ios only runs the iOS emulator with your code in it. The code related to this build is in .meteor/local/cordova-build but is temporary and will get overwritten all the time
meteor run ios-device -p yourlocalip:yourlocalport will launch XCode with the cordova-built .xcodeproject, and a local server on your computer. It is intended to make you able to run and debug your code from an actual iPhone device, with the changes you make on your computer to the code repercuted instantly on the iPhone screen. You need your computer and your phone to be on the same Wifi to enable this feature. The code related to this build is in .meteor/local/cordova-build but is temporary and will get overwritten all the time
meteor build /Path/To/Builds/Directory/NewBuild -p yourserverhost:yourserverip will actually create the cordova-built .xcodeproject pointing to your real server at the path you specified. From this project you can customize as much as you want BUT you will indeed loose these settings with a new build...
Except if you use the yourproject/cordova-build-override/ folder !
As described in the offical cordova meteor docs under "Advanced build configuration" everything you put in this folder will overwrite the files created by meteor during its build. So you can configure everything in the Cordova/Phonegap way there. If you were able to configure your features through Cordova usually, you will be able to do it there.
Bonus that I have learned the hard way :
Always destroy the .meteor/local folder before building one of those three things, i got stuck in a state where XCode remembered some of my changes to the .xcodeproject and everything was messed up. After destroying this folder, everything went back to normal :)
hope i helped
If you are looking for the path to the Xcode project in your filesystem, it is located at:
You'll have to navigate to your project directory and open .meteor because it is a hidden file.
Note: If you want to be able to see hidden files in finder on a mac, then type into your terminal defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE, and then restart finder. Change TRUE to FALSE to only see visible files.

How to restore my project wisely

So, it started as a simple test, where I had to delete my app from my iPhone (iOS4.3) just to check how the app behaves on a first run. (I am developing to support down to iOS4.3).
After the deletion, I wasn't able to run the app on my iPhone for some reason. The "Active Scheme" would show iOS Device, although I could manually select my own device from the list, the project wouldn't set my device by default. XCode would drop a message from the top saying:
Could not launch “project1” No such file or directory
I went through this SO post (EDIT: Therefore, restarting XCode, iPhone doing clean project, hard resetting my iPhone) but this didn't change anything, except I can now delete the Derived data in Organizer.
I have a working backup at hand though. Thing is it is a bit outdated as I made many changes to the project. I can run the backed up project, and it seems sane as good.
Now my question is how can I merge the files back into the sane project? The XCode project itself has changed a bit, frameworks were put in as well as some settings.
I tried to simply copy the changed files into the old project, but all I get is a SIGABRT upon the first run. I did a FileMerge look, and saw that for some reason my projectAppDelegate.m is non existant in the PBXBuild section of the .xcodeproj file. which I didn't touch. seems like a mess here.
How can I merge the new project to the old one correctly?
