Adding new person and new deal at the same time - zapier

So I've got Zapier, pipedrive and Wordpress and what I'm doing is I've got zapier connected to wordpress through a webhook and I'm then creating a deal when a new entry is submitted through contact form 7.
The deal is automatically being created but the person associated with the deal is not being added. How can I create a deal, add the new person and link the person with the deal and make it all automatically happen? The goal is to send an email to the deal contact person email address once the new deal is created.
Thanks for your time!

I'm currently working on this as well; What I had to do was create a new person first, and then create a new deal using the newly created person's ID to associate the deal with them.


Ruby on Rails API Deleted Account but Don't want lose all booking system

There is a lot of changing with Data Protection and GDPR. I am not sure which is the right method for me to develop it.
The reason I was looking for advice because of the new Apply policy on account of deletion requirements extended
We are using ROR API. and we have mobile App but we don’t have deletion account, only Deactivate Account cos we need to keep a record on booking history.
I was thinking something like that.
Create a new table “old_user_table” with old user_id, first name, second name, email, and booking slug.
It will allow keep all users who did previous booking. And deleted their user ID in the app. We need to keep all records for booking for audit purpose in the last 5-10 years in the app.
The user setup with this app, the user but never booking, then the user will not transfer to “old_user_table” cos the user booking nothing.
Does it make sense? Something like that? Or do you have a better alternative?
(FYI I’m not RoR Developer but I want to make sure I have better knowledge or better case before meeting with Ruby developers & IOS developer).
That approach won't be GDPR compliant since you are keeping PII in the old_ table.
If you want to keep the old bookings I would replace the user_id for some new random generated UUID that has no link with the real user, and then remove the user from the database.

Ways of retaining data from web form

I have a function to code where I need to enter details of an student in a web form.
The system will do 2 verifications:
If the email address of the student is in the system.
If the name of the student is in the system.
If any of the above is true then the system will send the list of matches in a new page for user of system to check if the student is already in the system or not. If not, the new student is created in system by clicking on the create new button in the web page.
My question is how do I store the information obtained in the 1st web form so as to be able to create a new student in case it does not exit. Do I need to create a new model to collect the details from the 1st web form or is there any other way of doing this? Cause I will not be needing the web form data if the student already exist.
I am coding in .net 4.6 and MVC5.

how to edit and commit a domain with its hasmany domain

I'm currently have the task to move our java-application code to a web-application.
I would decide to use grails for this task. (I developed already a few simple applications in grails and they worked nicely.)
But with one behaviour, I have my serious problems.
Giving a domain model with:
a customer has many addresses
an address belongs to customer and has many contacts
a contact belongs to address
edit: Because I use the "belongsTo" setting, the cascading save would not be a problem (I think).
What I would need:
While creating a customer I need the possibility to attach a few addresses and there I should have the possibility to add a few contacts.
But all should be committed to the database after pressing the save button in the customer view. (The same with editing a customer...)
Current behaviour:
With the default controllers and views, I first need to commit the customer and could than add the addresses the same with the contacts (first commit the address and than add the contacts).
(as I understand correctly) the data binding is used by default in the "generate-controller" and "generate-view" resulting classes.
The thing where I have no idea is, how to handle the web-page-flow, that I could add an address and there a few contacts, without saving the customer domain before. And after switching several times between the views "customer.create", "address.create" and "contact.create" having the whole structure still present.
(I tried to save the customer-domain in the session-object and in the create.address view save-method, I fetched the customer from the session and added the addressInstance to the address-list of the customer, saved the customer again in the session and switched back to a new editSession-action for the customerInstance which fetches the instance to be edited from the session. But it seemed to me, that only the customerInstance is contained in the session and not the associated objects... [omg, hope I could make me understand...])
Would my needed workflow somehow be possible? (Hopefully you could point me to some documentation or examples, please)
Thanks in advance,
There are many possibilities, here are a few suggestions that may help you find a solution:
The user friendliest design is to create all three objects on the same page (Why would a user want to switch between three screens to setup a new Customer?). This takes a bit more work on the page but you can create/edit and save the customer in one go.
If you have separate screens to add Customer, Address & Contact let the user start with creating the customer. save it. When the user adds an Address pass along the Customer id. save it linked to the Customer (you have the id). Same for Contacts.
If you don't want the user to explicitly save the Customer before he can add an Address you can save the Customer automatically when the user clicks "add address" on the Customer page. Same for Contacts.
If you don't want to show the unfinished customer to someone else you can add an in creation flag on the customer to filter unfinished Customers (or you use another table to link to unfinished users, if you dislike the 'state' information on the customer). When the user finally decides the Customer is ready (pressing save on the Customer page) you clear the unfinished state (or remove it from the unfinished table) to make the new Customer visible to all users.
Doing it like this you could even recover from session timeouts and offer the user to continue creation of the customer.

How to dynamically populate Jira custom fields?

I'm new to the Jira admin side of things after having used it in a previous company as an end-user for several years. We are using the standard Jira workflow. The scenario I'm struggling with is the following. I'm attempting to match some of the functionality of our old-proprietary issue database. Right now I'm using many of the standard Jira fields, with only two new custom fields (both single Select Lists populated manually by me):
1) Customer = customer name who sent the new issue email to our support team
2) Customer Contact = the main customer contact, currently populated by the custom list
I created these two custom fields because we have external customers who call or email issues they have using our hosted software. Currently our system creates a simple new issue when a customer sends an email to our support email account. Our support team then goes in and cleans up the data and makes sure that all the required Jira fields have data, the comments are good, reproducible steps, etc. (Currently we do not strip out the customer domain name to auto-populate the Customer custom field, but I might try doing that soon.)
Our support team is asking that I add the following two new customer fields:
3) Customer phone number
4) Customer connection / login info
What I would like to implement is a system that goes something like this:
Customer name gets inputted (either automatically by grabbing domain name of customer email address or manually by our support team) into the Customer custom field. Customer name selected should be "pushed" into the Customer Contact Select List to help sub-select values for that particular customer.
The Customer Contact Select list should be "smart" or dynamic in that some pre-processing is done where the Customer name is grabbed so that it doesn't show ALL customers contacts for the tech support person to select, it just shows them the customer contacts for the customer that was selected.
Along with the filtered customer contacts, I would want to only see the Customer phone number for the contact that was populated in the Customer Contact select list.
And finally I would want to see the Customer connection information for the particular Customer that was selected.I've done this type of smart combo boxes in the past when I created Java / Database applications, so I have a feeling that this is possible in Jira. I'm just looking for the easiest way to implement this. It seems like there might be some external plugins that might help do this (ex. the values for the Custom fields are stored in a database table so they can be queried and the proper filtered result sets can be populated into the select lists.), or maybe using post functions (update issue), etc. But before I spent more effort investigating, I know this sort of thing has to be somewhere common and wanted to ask the Jira admin experts what the best practice would be for this type of functionality in custom fields. Please share your experience with how to solve this type of scenario. Thanks in advance!
Here is the way that tells how to import multiple options at once. Probably that would help u.
and here is the complete code to update another select list using new select list.
How to add new values to select list field in jira dynamically or using plug-in

Giving a user a 'primary key' inside their data domain

I have a rails app that consists of lots of accounts.
Inside these accounts users can create tickets.
What is the best way to give each ticket a Id that is sequential inside their account?
Obviously managing the id's myself seems to be the initial answer, but this seems to be filled with all sort of edge cases that would cause issues (for instance, two tickets writing down to the DB at once...)
I think you'll end up managing them yourself - I've implemented something similar previously, account stored 'current_ticket_id' and then when a ticket (for example) get's created it is still stored with a global PK but then an observer assigns it a friendly_ticket_id and then increments to one on the account model for the next time round. You can use the friendly_ticket_id scoped to the account via your URLs to make sure you get the right ticket back.
