How can I view output from two consoles simultaneously in Spyder? - spyder

(How) can I view output from two consoles simultaneously in Spyder? Currently both consoles are in the same pane (or when undocked, in the same window) and I can only see one or the other.

(Spyder maintainer here) Sorry but that is not possible.


What is a window in SwiftUI?

The closest documentation I could find was about WindowGroup. I came across this when I was looking at how to convert a View into a bitmap.
The documentation on what is being represented here[0].rootViewController.view is pretty scarce which I believe is because they weren't expecting people to access it. Could someone give me a breakdown of what windows are? How is it different from views?
Think about a PC or a Mac
A window consists of a frame area and body area that lets the user view and interact with content in an app. A window can appear onscreen alongside other windows, or it can fill the entire screen.
Imagine 2 Safari windows or 2 Xcode windows.
A Window contains Views such as buttons, menus, lists, images, etc.[0].rootViewController.view
Is UIKit based code not SwiftUI, you won't find any documentation on it with the SwiftUI Framework documentation but there are plenty of "old" references that break down what it is.

Spyder: Is it possible to have two rows of file tabs?

I'm using spyder with two panels (in column format), and currently, I'm working with a bunch of scripts simultaneously. Unfortunately, the file tabs in the tab bar are squeezed together and I cannot see their names properly. It makes it hard to switch back and forth between scripts effectively. Having the file tabs in two rows would solve this issue, but I couldn't locate where to set this up. Makes me wonder if it's possible in the first place. Does anyone know if it's possible and if yes, where I can find it?
I know about cmd+P/ctrl+P which brings up a list of open files, but this is a lot slower. It would be nice if I could see what the tabs actually say so I can just switch with a single click.
(Spyder maintainer here) No, it's not possible to have two or more rows of tabs in the editor and it's not something we plan to add in the future, sorry.

Should I use UILabels?

I'll start developing a new project and my app will simulate a real machine. This real machine has a screen with approximately 150 mm.
This screen is used to insert data and to show some outputs to the user. It's like those printer's little screen. You know, with some options.
In order to replicate it in my app... Should I use a lot of UILables? One per line and column? Or, is there any other way to do it? What's the best practice?
Thank you
Well, if we look at Apple Documentation we'll see that
A view that displays one or more lines of read-only text, often used in conjunction with controls to describe their intended purpose.
So that means that if you want just show some text to the user, UILabel is your choice. To be honest, I can't see how it's related to best practices, but if you weren't sure – this is okay to use UILabel for your case. You just need to set them up properly.
You can use more than 1 rule in 1 UILabel, by setting the amount of lines in the attribute inspector

How can i develop a Dual Listbox in ENYO

I want to add a dual listbox in one of the page developed using ENYO. How can i achieve this. Is there any plugin i can try for. Thanks!!!
Just use 2 enyo.List or enyo.Repeater kinds and have two arrays of items; one for the left side and one for the right. Put the lists in an enyo.FittableColumns with the buttons between them.

Does every iOS project have only one window or does it often do so?

Please look at the title.
And what situations needs two or more windows?
Thank you for answering my question. I am a beginner.
It always has just one window. The only situation where you can implement a second window is when you want to display different Views over the AV-Adapter on an external screen than on your device (not screen mirroring).
