How can I read a message from a tidtcpserver context without removing it from the read buffer? I want to preview the message and leave it where it is.
Indy is not really designed for peeking data, it would rather that you read whole data, letting it block until the requested data has arrived in full.
That being said, TIdBuffer does have a PeekByte() method:
function PeekByte(AIndex: Integer): Byte;
B: Byte;
if AContext.Connection.IOHandler.InputBuffer.Size > 0 then
B := AContext.Connection.IOHandler.InputBuffer.PeekByte(0);
Or, if you are looking for something in particular in the buffer (ie, a message delimiter, etc), TIdBuffer has several overloaded IndexOf() methods:
function IndexOf(const AByte: Byte; AStartPos: Integer = 0): Integer; overload;
function IndexOf(const ABytes: TIdBytes; AStartPos: Integer = 0): Integer; overload;
function IndexOf(const AString: string; AStartPos: Integer = 0;
AByteEncoding: IIdTextEncoding = nil
{$IFDEF STRING_IS_ANSI}; ASrcEncoding: IIdTextEncoding = nil{$ENDIF}
): Integer; overload;
Index: Integer;
Index := AContext.Connection.IOHandler.InputBuffer.IndexOf(SingleByte);
Index := AContext.Connection.IOHandler.InputBuffer.IndexOf(ArrayOfBytes);
Index := AContext.Connection.IOHandler.InputBuffer.IndexOf('string');
I want know if is possible hook a callback function for example like EnumWindowsProc() using inline hook approach? and if yes, could provide a code snippet (example) please?
Thank you.
EnumWindowsProc is a callback implemented in other app. I not call it inside my app.
And i want hook EnumWindowsProc in this other app, by dll injection.
You have to handle EnumWindows at first, then you have to replace pointer to original EnumWindowsProc to yourself.
My example is valid fow win32
unit Patch;
procedure PatchEnumWindows(Patch: Boolean);
uses SysUtils, SyncObjs, Windows;
OldEnumWindows: array [0..INSTR_SIZE-1] of Byte;
EnumWindowsPatched: Boolean = False;
function PatchedEnumWindows(EnumWindowsProc: Pointer; Param: Pointer); stdcall;
// You have to replace original EnumWindowsProc to yourself
procedure ApiRedirect(OrigFunction, NewFunction: Pointer; var Old);
TEMP_JMP: array[0..INSTR_SIZE-1] of Byte = ($E9,$90,$90,$90,$90,$C3);
JmpSize: DWORD;
JMP: array [0..INSTR_SIZE-1] of Byte;
OldProtect: DWORD;
JmpSize := DWORD(NewFunction) - DWORD(OrigFunction) - 5;
if not VirtualProtect(LPVOID(OrigFunction), INSTR_SIZE, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, OldProtect) then
raise Exception.CreateFmt('%s', [SysErrorMessage(GetLastError)]);
Move(OrigFunction^, Old, INSTR_SIZE);
Move(JmpSize, JMP[1], 4);
Move(JMP, OrigFunction^, INSTR_SIZE);
VirtualProtect(LPVOID(OrigFunction), INSTR_SIZE, OldProtect, nil);
procedure PatchEnumWindows(Patch: Boolean);
OrigEnumWindows: Pointer;
if Patch <> EnumWindowsProcPatched then begin
OrigEnumWindows := GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle('user32.dll'), 'EnumWindows');
if Patch then begin
ApiRedirect(OrigEnumWindows, #PatchedEnumWindows, OldEnumWindows);
else begin
Move(OldEnumWindows, OrigEnumWindows, INSTR_SIZE);
EnumWindowsPatched := Patch;
I'm a Delphi developer and have never programmed for netware. But I need to find the owner of a file on a netware share. After some research, I got this code snippet from a newsgroup (original author: Chris Morgan). It's basically a way to dynamically load netware dll and get the "owner" information of a file. Please look at the function GetNetwareFileOwner.
The problem is, I don't have direct access to a netware share for testing. I'm sending a small test program every time to a user who tests it by selecting a file on the netware share and then reports the results. I'm getting the error code by a small code insert after the call NWIntScanExtenedInfo where it fails with the error codes given below. Any ideas what can be wrong?
Error codes:
1) At first, the following code gave error 899E (INVALID_FILENAME) on the above call. The file name was in English--no special characters there. And the file was selected on the share with a regular File Open dialog.
2) After that, suspecting a case problem, I commented the two AnsiUpperCase lines to keep the name in original case exactly as the File Open Dialog received it. This gives the error 89FF now (NO_FILES_FOUND_ERROR).
P.S. I compiled the test with Delphi 2007. May be there is a structure problem of the top structure. I haven't checked the byte length and alignment. Will do so.
// netware records and function definitions
// sizeof(NW_EXT_FILE_INFO) should be 140 bytes - check byte alignment
sequence: integer;
parent: integer;
attributes: integer;
uniqueID: shortint;
flags: shortint;
nameSpace: shortint;
nameLength: shortint;
name: array[0..11] of shortint;
creationDateAndTime: integer;
ownerID: integer;
lastArchiveDateAndTime: integer;
lastArchiverID: integer;
updateDateAndTime: integer;
lastUpdatorID: integer;
dataForkSize: integer;
dataForkFirstFAT: integer;
nextTrusteeEntry: integer;
reserved: array[0..35] of shortint;
inheritedRightsMask: word;
lastAccessDate: word;
deletedFileTime: integer;
deletedDateAndTime: integer;
deletorID: integer;
reserved2: array[0..15] of shortint;
otherForkSize: array[0..1] of integer;
// functions defined in CALWIN32.DLL
TNWCallsInit = function(reserved1: pointer;
reserved2: pointer): integer; stdcall;
TNWCallsTerm = function(reserved: pointer): integer; stdcall;
TNWParseNetWarePath = function(const path: pchar; var conn: cardinal;
var dirhandle: cardinal; newpath: pchar): integer; stdcall;
TNWAllocTemporaryDirectoryHandle = function(conn: cardinal;
dirhandle: cardinal; const path: pchar; var newdirhandle: cardinal;
rightsmask: pshortint): integer; stdcall;
TNWDeallocateDirectoryHandle = function(conn: cardinal;
dirhandle: cardinal): integer; stdcall;
TNWIntScanExtendedInfo = function(conn: cardinal; dirhandle: cardinal;
attrs: shortint; iterhandle: Pinteger; const searchPattern: pchar;
var entryinfo: NW_EXT_FILE_INFO; augmentflag: shortint): integer;
TNWGetObjectName = function(conn: cardinal; objID: integer;
objname: pchar; objtype: pword): integer; stdcall;
FA_NORMAL = $00;
FA_HIDDEN = $02;
FA_SYSTEM = $04;
// return codes
// get file owner for Netware server file
function GetNetwareFileOwner(const FilePath: string): string;
hcalwin: HINST;
NWCallsInit: TNWCallsInit;
NWParseNetWarePath: TNWParseNetWarePath;
NWAllocTemporaryDirectoryHandle: TNWAllocTemporaryDirectoryHandle;
NWIntScanExtendedInfo: TNWIntScanExtendedInfo;
NWGetObjectName: TNWGetObjectName;
NWDeallocateDirectoryHandle: TNWDeallocateDirectoryHandle;
NWCallsTerm: TNWCallsTerm;
retcode: cardinal;
filedir: string; { DOS path of parent folder
(upper case) }
nwfilename: string; { DOS filename (upper case) }
nwfiledir: array[0..255] of char; { Netware path of
parent folder }
rights: shortint;
i: integer;
entryinfo: NW_EXT_FILE_INFO;
objtype: word;
Result := '';
// load netware client library and required functions
hcalwin := LoadLibrary('calwin32.dll');
if hcalwin<=0 then exit; // netware client not present on PC
#NWCallsInit := GetProcAddress(hcalwin,'NWCallsInit');
#NWParseNetWarePath := GetProcAddress(hcalwin,'NWParseNetWarePath');
#NWAllocTemporaryDirectoryHandle := GetProcAddress(hcalwin,
#NWIntScanExtendedInfo :=
#NWGetObjectName := GetProcAddress(hcalwin,'NWGetObjectName');
#NWDeallocateDirectoryHandle := GetProcAddress(hcalwin,
#NWCallsTerm := GetProcAddress(hcalwin,'NWCallsTerm');
// initialise netware libs
if NWCallsInit(nil,nil)<>SUCCESSFUL then exit;
filedir := AnsiUpperCase(ExtractFileDir(FilePath));
retcode := NWParseNetWarePath(pchar(filedir),hconn,hdir,nwfiledir);
if retcode=NOT_MY_RESOURCE then exit; // local or non-netware disk
// get a dir handle
// get the file info
i := -1;
nwfilename := AnsiUpperCase(ExtractFileName(FilePath));
retcode := NWIntScanExtendedInfo(hconn,hdir,
if retcode=SUCCESSFUL then begin
// get file owner name from ID
retcode := NWGetObjectName(hconn,entryinfo.ownerID,
if retcode=SUCCESSFUL then
SetLength(Result,Length(Result)) // got owner
else SetLength(Result,0); // failed to get owner
// deallocate dir handle
// clean up
Are you sure about stdcall? Tru cdecl and so on.
Also, You done give information about delphi's version.
If you use a version BEFORE delphi2009 pchar is a one-byte char.
But if you use delphi2009 or next, pchar is 2 byte char.
So, if you need one byte char you must use PAnsiChar insthead.
I don't know if netware dll parameters are unicode or ansi...
While working with openSSL library, I met a problem with EVP_EncryptFinal_ex.
Concretely, it fails with fatal error ./crypto/evp/evp_enc.c(348) OpenSSL internal error, assertion failed: b <= sizeof ctx -> buf every time, not depending on algorithm (aes or des).
Here is my code. It is simplified as much as possible.
procedure AESTest;
key : TBytes;
keyLen : Integer;
dataIn : string;
dataOut : TBytes;
inLen, outLen, resLen : integer;
// Context of an algorithm pointer
e_ctx : Pointer;
// 256 bit key
keyLen := 32;
setlength(key, KeyLen);
RAND_bytes(#(key[0]), KeyLen);
// Input data to encrypt
dataIn := 'Simple data of 29 bits length';
inLen := length(dataIn);
// Init ctx
e_ctx := EVP_CIPHER_CTX_new();
EVP_EncryptInit_ex(e_ctx, EVP_aes_256_cbc, nil, #key[0], nil);
// Prepare ouput buf in order to openSSL docs
outLen := inLen + EVP_CIPHER_CTX_block_size(e_ctx) - 1;
setlength(dataOut, outLen);
EVP_EncryptUpdate(e_ctx, #dataOut[0], outLen, #dataIn[1], inLen);
EVP_EncryptFinal_ex(e_ctx, #dataOut[outLen], resLen);
outLen := outLen + resLen;
setlength(dataOut, outLen);
// ... here goes decryption part but it does not matter now
Just to be precise, imports used:
LIB_DLL_NAME = 'libeay32.dll';
PEVP_CIPHER : Pointer;
function EVP_CIPHER_CTX_new : PEVP_CIPHER_CTX; cdecl; external LIB_DLL_NAME;
procedure EVP_CIPHER_CTX_init(a: PEVP_CIPHER_CTX); cdecl; external LIB_DLL_NAME;
function EVP_aes_256_cbc : PEVP_CIPHER_CTX; cdecl; external LIB_DLL_NAME;
function RAND_bytes(Arr : PByte; ArrLen : integer) : integer; cdecl; external LIB_DLL_NAME;
function EVP_CIPHER_CTX_block_size(ctx: PEVP_CIPHER_CTX): integer; cdecl; external LIB_DLL_NAME;
function EVP_EncryptInit_ex(ctx: PEVP_CIPHER_CTX; cipher_type: PEVP_CIPHER; Engine : Pointer; key: PByte; iv: PByte): integer; cdecl; external LIB_DLL_NAME;
function EVP_EncryptUpdate(ctx: PEVP_CIPHER_CTX; data_out: PByte; var outl: integer; data_in: PByte; inl: integer): integer; cdecl; external LIB_DLL_NAME;
function EVP_EncryptFinal_ex(ctx: PEVP_CIPHER_CTX; data_out: PByte; var outl: integer): integer; external LIB_DLL_NAME;
I actually tried to read source codes (evp_enc.c) and found the assertion:
OPENSSL_assert(b <= sizeof ctx->buf);
Here b is size of a block for current cypher. This assertion makes sense, but still I can't figure out how it could be failed in my code.
I am trying to beat this problem for a couple of days already, and I would be grateful for any advices.
UPDATE: Here are two lines from evp_enc.c:
OPENSSL_assert(b <= sizeof ctx->buf);
according to the code, b is a size of block for current cipher, for aes_256_cbc it is 16 bit long.
The problem is in your declaration of the function EVP_EncryptFinal_ex. You shoud add cdecl directive (like in all other functions).
So, the new declaration will be:
function EVP_EncryptFinal_ex(ctx: PEVP_CIPHER_CTX; data_out: PByte; var outl: integer): integer; cdecl; external LIB_DLL_NAME;
Does anyone know a 100% clone of the C/C++ printf for Delphi?
Yes, I know the System.Format function, but it handles things a little different.
For example if you want to format 3 to "003" you need "%03d" in C, but "%.3d" in Delphi.
I have an application written in Delphi which has to be able to format numbers using C format strings, so do you know a snippet/library for that?
Thanks in advance!
You could use the wsprintf() function from Windows.pas. Unfortunately this function is not declared correctly in the Windows.pas so here is a redeclaration:
function wsprintf(Output: PChar; Format: PChar): Integer; cdecl; varargs;
external user32 name {$IFDEF UNICODE}'wsprintfW'{$ELSE}'wsprintfA'{$ENDIF};
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
S: String;
SetLength(S, 1024); // wsprintf can work only with max. 1024 characters
SetLength(S, wsprintf(PChar(S), '%s %03d', 'Hallo', 3));
If you want to let the function look more Delphi friendly to the user, you could use the following:
function _FormatC(const Format: string): string; cdecl;
StackSlotSize = SizeOf(Pointer);
Args: va_list;
Buffer: array[0..1024] of Char;
// va_start(Args, Format)
Args := va_list(PAnsiChar(#Format) + ((SizeOf(Format) + StackSlotSize - 1) and not (StackSlotSize - 1)));
SetString(Result, Buffer, wvsprintf(Buffer, PChar(Format), Args));
const // allows us to use "varargs" in Delphi
FormatC: function(const Format: string): string; cdecl varargs = _FormatC;
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
ShowMessage(FormatC('%s %03d', 'Hallo', 3));
It's not recommended to use (ws)printf since they are prone to buffer overflow, it would be better to use the safe variants (eg StringCchPrintF). It is already declared in the Jedi Apilib (JwaStrSafe).
Well, I just found this one:
function sprintf(S: PAnsiChar; const Format: PAnsiChar): Integer;
cdecl; varargs; external 'msvcrt.dll';
It simply uses the original sprintf function from msvcrt.dll which can then be used like that:
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
var s: AnsiString;
SetLength(s, 99);
sprintf(PAnsiChar(s), '%d - %d', 1, 2);
I don't know if this is the best solution because it needs this external dll and you have to set the string's length manually which makes it prone to buffer overflows, but at least it works... Any better ideas?
more clean approach without unnecessary type casting
function sprintf(CharBuf: PChar; const Format: PAnsiChar): Integer;
cdecl; varargs; external 'msvcrt.dll';
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
var CharBuf: PChar;
CharBuf:=StrAlloc (99);
sprintf(CharBuf, 'two numbers %d - %d', 1, 2);
If you happen to cross compile for Windows CE App. use coredll.dll instead of msvcrt.dll
I want to upgrade my application from Indy 9 to 10 with Delphi 2007.
In this thread there is a call to Indy9 TIdUDPBase.SendBuffer but this won't compile in Indy10 as the method parameter don't exists. The third parameter aBuffer is a var parameter and I didn't find any such method signature in Indy10.
Any alternative method to call ?
procedure TSenderThread.Execute;
vTimeData: TTimeDataRecord;
I: Integer;
FElapsed: Int64;
vLastTimerElappsed: Int64;
vTimeData.Size := SizeOf(TTimeDataRecord);
vTimeData.ClientCount := 1;
Priority := tpHighest;
FIdUDPClient := TIdUDPClient.Create(nil);
FIdUDPClient.BroadcastEnabled := True;
while not (Terminated or Application.Terminated) do
//Measure Time frame
vLastTimerElappsed := FTimerElappsed;
FElapsed := ((FTimerElappsed-vLastTimerElappsed)*1000000) div FFrequency;
vTimeData.TotalTimeFrame := FElapsed;
if FRunning then
FElapsed := ((FTimerElappsed-FStart)*1000000) div FFrequency;
vTimeData.CurrentMessageTime := FElapsed;
vTimeData.CurrentMessageTime := 0;
//Copy Values
vTimeData.AccumulatedTime := InterlockedExchange(TimeData.AccumulatedTime,0);
vTimeData.MessageCount := InterlockedExchange(TimeData.MessageCount,0);
for I := 0 to TimeClassMax do
vTimeData.TimeClasses[I] := InterlockedExchange(TimeData.TimeClasses[I],0);
// Calls procedure TIdUDPBase.SendBuffer(AHost: string; const APort: Integer; var ABuffer; const AByteCount: integer);
// This is changed in Indy10, unable to compile
FIdUDPClient.SendBuffer('', UIPerfPort, vTimeData, TimeData.Size);
vTimeData is basically an array of integers.
TTimeDataRecord = record
Size: Integer; //Size of record structure is transfered and compared for safty reasons.
ClientCount: Integer;
AccumulatedTime: Integer; //This is the accumulated time busy in microseconds
CurrentMessageTime: Integer; //This is the time the current message has been processed. If several computers report a high value at the same time it indicates a freeze!
TotalTimeFrame: Integer; //This is the total time measured in microseconds
MessageCount: Integer;
TimeClasses: array [0..TimeClassMax] of Integer;
you have a method with same name
procedure TIdUDPClient.SendBuffer(const AHost: string; const APort: TIdPort;
const ABuffer: TIdBytes);
Instead of an untyped buffer it expects an array of bytes. What is your data like? You just need to write your data as an array of bytes. Something like:
Buffer: TIdBytes;
SetLength(Buffer, YourSizeOfData);
Move(YourData, Buffer[0], YourSizeOfData);
FIdUDPClient.SendBuffer('', UIPerfPort, Buffer);
But as I said it depends on the type of the data. The approach is ok however.
Now that I can see that you have a record you have two options:
Just move the whole record to array of bytes.
Move(#aRecord, Buffer[0], (6 + TimeClassMax) * SizeOf(Integer));
Have a CopyToBytes method in your record that does the actual copy. More general I guess.
TTimeDataRecord = record
Size: Integer; //Size of record structure is transfered and compared for safty reasons.
ClientCount: Integer;
AccumulatedTime: Integer; //This is the accumulated time busy in microseconds
CurrentMessageTime: Integer; //This is the time the current message has been processed. If several computers report a high value at the same time it indicates a freeze!
TotalTimeFrame: Integer; //This is the total time measured in microseconds
MessageCount: Integer;
TimeClasses: array [0..TimeClassMax] of Integer;
procedure CopyToBytes(var Buffer: TIdBytes);
Implementation of the CopyToBytes
procedure TTimeDataRecord.CopyToBytes(var Buffer: TIdBytes);
// copy the data however you see fit