Getting the wrong URL - url

I am trying to get the current URL in Google HTML services , But I do not get the correct one , I use the following methods.
function pprueba(url){
console.log("Prueba : "+url);
console.log("Pruena 2 :"+window.location.href);
console.log("Pruena 3 :";
console.log("Pruena 4 :"+window.location);
console.log("Pruena 5 :"+$(this).attr('href'));
in the server side I have this function , the first prueba are getting as parameter the result of getScriptUrl.
function getScriptUrl() {
var url = ScriptApp.getService().getUrl();
return url;
Prueba :
Pruena 2 :
Pruena 3 :undefined
Pruena 4 :
Pruena 5 :undefined
but what I expect is


Retrieve Variable from URL mvc 6

devo recuperare una variabile da url in mvc, come posso fare?
Devo recuperare NNN dall'url, inserirlo in un input form html.
Hello I have to retrieve a variable from url in mvc, what can I do? example I need to retrieve NNN from url, insert it into an html input form.
https: // localhost: 7249 / Candidati / AssCodBarre / 0 / BLFRCC81E17F839N / NNNN
Get Path Name:
var pathname = window.location.pathname;
It will return: "/Candidati/AssCodBarre/0/BLFRCC81E17F839N/NNNN"
var arr = pathname.split("/");
Assume your variable is always in the last position. So,
var _val = arr[arr.length - 1];
"_val" contains your desired variable value.

Geting DataTime from database through Javascript

I have a MVC Web Application Im trying to Ajax call an action method to retrieve some datetime from the database, the problem is the value comes as "/Date(386028000000)/"
its a DateOfBirth actually which I m using a java script function to calculate the age:
function (DOB) {
var birthday = +new Date(DOB);
return ~~(( - birthday) / (31557600000));
Anyway i can fix the Date Format and get only the date in a proper format or change the Java-Script method to accept the current format of the date value ?
I got it
var FixedDate = new Date();
FixedDate .setTime(DOB.replace("/Date(", "").replace(")/", ""));
return ~~(( - FixedDate) / (31557600000));
Click here to check the Demo
Sample Javascript/JQuery
var = MyDate_String_Value = "/Date(386028000000)/"
var value = new Date
parseInt(MyDate_String_Value.replace(/(^.*\()|([+-].*$)/g, ''))
var dat = value.getMonth() +
1 +
"/" +
value.getDate() +
"/" +
Result - "3/27/1982"

Behavior of load() when chunk function returns nil

From the Lua 5.1 documentation for load():
Loads a chunk using function func to get its pieces. Each call to func must return a string that concatenates with previous results. A return of an empty string, nil, or no value signals the end of the chunk.
From my testing, this is not actually true. Or, rather, the documentation is at a minimum misleading.
Consider this example script:
function make_loader(return_at)
local x = 0
return function()
x = x + 1
if x == return_at then return 'return true' end
return nil
x = 0
x = x + 1
until not load(make_loader(x))()
The output is the number of successive calls to the function returned by make_loader() that returned nil before load() gives up and returns a function returning nothing.
One would expect the output here to be "1" if the documentation is to be taken at face value. However, the output is "3". This implies that the argument to load() is called until it returns nil three times before load() gives up.
On the other hand, if the chunk function returns a string immediately and then nil on subsequent calls, it only takes one nil to stop loading:
function make_loader()
local x = 0
return {
x = x + 1
if x == 1 then return 'return true' end
return nil
get_x=function() return x end
loader = make_loader()
This prints "2" as I would expect.
So my question is: is the documentation wrong? Is this behavior desirable for some reason? Is this simply a bug in load()? (It seems to appear intentional, but I cannot find any documentation explaining why.)
This is a bug in 5.1. It has been corrected in 5.2, but we failed to incorporate the correction in 5.1.
I get slightly different results from yours, but they are still not quite what the documentation implies:
function make_loader(return_at)
local x = 0
return function()
x = x + 1
print("make_loader", return_at, x)
if x == return_at then return 'return true' end
return nil
for i = 1, 4 do
This returns the following results:
make_loader 1 1
make_loader 1 2
make_loader 2 1
make_loader 2 2
make_loader 2 3
make_loader 3 1
make_loader 3 2
make_loader 4 1
make_loader 4 2
For 1 it's called two times because the first one was return true and the second one nil. For 2 it's called three times because the first one was nil, then return true, and then nil again. For all other values it's called two times: it seems like the very first nil is ignored and the function is called at least once more.
If that's indeed the case, the documentation needs to reflect that. I looked at the source code, but didn't see anything that could explain why the first returned nil is ignored (I also tested with empty string and no value with the same result).

JQUERY call to Controller Action: String Parameter truncated if containing 'space' character

I have a view that accepts 2 string parameters and 2 date values. User hits search button and they get filtered output to the screen. This all works perfectly well until a user inputs a string with a space. i.e. they can search for 'waste' but not 'waste oil'.
Interestingly, in the latter, the parameter is ok from Javascript before the call is made. But on entering the controller code it goes form being 'waste oil' on client to 'waste'. When this happens the other parameters get set to NULL crashing the system.
I've tried replacing the spaces if present with '#' character then stripping out and putting back in ' ' on the controller side. This is a messy fudge and only appears to work with one parameter.
There must be a simple explanation for this parameter data loss, any comments much appreciated
Not sure a code example is needed but here it is anyway if it help:
My controller header :
public ActionResult IndexSearch(int? page, string searchText,string searchTextSite,string StartDate,string EndDate)
My HTML Javascript :
function Search(sSearchText,sSite) {
sSearchText = sSearchText.toString().replace(" ", "#");
sSite = sSite.toString().replace(" ", "#");
alert($("#AbsolutePath").val() + "Waste.mvc/IndexSearch?searchText=" + sSearchText + "&searchTextSite=" + sSite + "&StartDate=" + $('#StartDate').val() + "&EndDate=" + $('#EndDate').val());
$("#ResultsList").load($("#AbsolutePath").val() + "Waste.mvc/IndexSearch?searchText=" + sSearchText + "&searchTextSite=" + sSite + "&StartDate=" + $('#StartDate').val() + "&EndDate=" + $('#EndDate').val(),
function() {
$('#LoadingGif').empty().html('<img src="' + $("#AbsolutePath").val() + 'Content/images/ajax-loader.gif" alt="Loading image" />');
You are not URL encoding your parameters when sending the AJAX request because you are using string concatenations when building the url. You could use the following technique in order to have properly encoded values:
var url = $('#AbsolutePath').val() + 'Waste.mvc/IndexSearch';
var data = {
searchText: sSearchText,
searchTextSite: sSite ,
StartDate: $('#StartDate').val(),
EndDate: $('#EndDate').val()
$('#ResultsList').load(url, data, function() {
Now you will get correct values on the server.

Send HTTPService Request in flex 3 with '-' in the URl Paramerters to get Google Feeds

I am developing application in flex 3 which interacts with the Google feeds to produce my results. The URL to which i want to send request is something like this
Now i can send and receive results with q parameter, but in the next two parameters has a '-' (start-index and max-results). I am using HTTPService to send the requeset like this.
SearchService.url = "";
SearchService.method = "GET";
SearchService.contentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
Here SearchService is the HTTPService
var params:Object = new Object();
params.q = searchText;
params.start-index = 11;
params.max-results = 100;
Now my flex IDE throws me a error stating 'Cannot assign a non-reference value'. Only if i send the request with this parameters, i could put pagination in my application. So how can i send HTTPService request with '-' in the URL parameters?
You can do:
var params:Object = new Object();
params["q"] = searchText;
params["start-index"] = 11;
params["max-results"] = 100;
Validated and tested to work properly! :)
