uploading file using input field - asp.net-mvc

I created a web app using asp.net-mvc and Jquery
when I added the below code my application automatically stop running without throwing any error, I don't know Whether it is my visual studio 19 or IIS which is being crashed
<label for="myfile">Select a file:</label>
<input type="file" id="myfile" name="myfile">
To verify I created an asp.net mvc sample project and paste the above code in the index page but the same problem comes
what can I do to solve this?

Do you have
property in your form element?

<form id="upload">
<input type="file" id="file" class="form-control">
$('#upload').submit(function (e) {
e.preventDefault(); // stop the standard form submission
var File_Name = $("#file").prop('files')[0].name;
var ext = File_Name.split('.').pop();
if (ext == "pdf" || ext == "docx" || ext == "doc" || ext == "png" || ext ==
"jpg" || ext == "jpeg" || ext == "txt") {
var lastIndex = $("#file").prop('files')[0].name.lastIndexOf(".") + 1;
var form = new FormData();
form.append("file", $("#file").prop('files')[0]);
url: '/Main/SaveDocument',
type: 'POST',
data: form,
cache: false,
contentType: false,
processData: false,
success: function (data) {
console.log(data.UploadedFileCount + ' file(s) uploaded successfully');
if (data == "999") {
swal("Note", "Some Error Occurred. File Not uploaded successfully.", "error");
error: function (xhr, error, status) {
console.log(error, status + " " + xhr);
else {
swal("Note", "File Type Not Supported.", "warning");
public ActionResult SaveDocument()
var file = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Files["file"];
var CheckCnic = hr_FTPEntities.File_description.Where(x => x.uploader_CNIC == userCNIC).FirstOrDefault();
if(CheckCnic == null)
HttpPostedFileBase filebase = new HttpPostedFileWrapper(file);
if (filebase.ContentLength > 0)
var fileName = Path.GetFileName(filebase.FileName);
string path = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath(basePath + departmentName) + "/");
File_description file_Description = new File_description();
int fileCount = hr_FTPEntities.File_description.Select(x => x).ToList().Count + 1;
int lastIndexOfDot = fileName.LastIndexOf(".") - 1;
string finalFileName = fileName.Substring(0, lastIndexOfDot) + "_" + fileCount + fileName.Substring(lastIndexOfDot + 1);
file_Description.file_name = finalFileName.ToString();
filebase.SaveAs(path + (finalFileName));
catch(Exception ex)
return Json("999");
return Json("000");
return Json("888");

You could try to use the below code:
View(Index.cshtml) :
<input type="file" id="FileUpload1" />
<input type="button" id="btnUpload" value="Upload Files" />
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.3/jquery.min.js"></script>
$('#btnUpload').click(function () {
// Checking whether FormData is available in browser
if (window.FormData !== undefined) {
var fileUpload = $("#FileUpload1").get(0);
var files = fileUpload.files;
// Create FormData object
var fileData = new FormData();
// Looping over all files and add it to FormData object
for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
fileData.append(files[i].name, files[i]);
// Adding one more key to FormData object
fileData.append('username', 'test');
url: '/Home/UploadFiles',
type: "POST",
contentType: false, // Not to set any content header
processData: false, // Not to process data
data: fileData,
success: function (result) {
error: function (err) {
} else {
alert("FormData is not supported.");
Controller (HomeController.cs):
public ActionResult UploadFiles()
// Checking no of files injected in Request object
if (Request.Files.Count > 0)
// Get all files from Request object
HttpFileCollectionBase files = Request.Files;
for (int i = 0; i < files.Count; i++)
//string path = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "Uploads/";
//string filename = Path.GetFileName(Request.Files[i].FileName);
HttpPostedFileBase file = files[i];
string fname;
// Checking for Internet Explorer
if (Request.Browser.Browser.ToUpper() == "IE" || Request.Browser.Browser.ToUpper() == "INTERNETEXPLORER")
string[] testfiles = file.FileName.Split(new char[] { '\\' });
fname = testfiles[testfiles.Length - 1];
fname = file.FileName;
// Get the complete folder path and store the file inside it.
fname = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/Uploads/"), fname);
// Returns message that successfully uploaded
return Json("File Uploaded Successfully!");
catch (Exception ex)
return Json("Error occurred. Error details: " + ex.Message);
return Json("No files selected.");
Make sure your IIS site contains the upload folder and enough permission to access the folder.
If you still face the same issue then try to use the different browser.
check event viewer logs or try to collect the dup and analyze the dump using the DebugDiag tool.


Summernote image upload with .NET Core

Im really struggling to get SummerNote to upload an iamge in .NET core. The trouble is the IFormFile file parameter is null when a new image is uploaded.
I initialise Summernote using the following -
height: ($(window).height() - 300),
callbacks: {
onImageUpload: function(image) {
Here is the uploadImage function -
function uploadImage(image) {
var data = new FormData();
data.append("image", image);
url: '/EmailTemplate/UploadImage',
cache: false,
contentType: false,
processData: false,
data: data,
type: "post",
success: function(url) {
var image = $('<img>').attr('src', 'http://' + url);
$('#MessageBody').summernote("insertNode", image[0]);
var imgNode = document.createElement('img');
imgNode.src = url;
$('#MessageBody').summernote('insertNode', imgNode);
error: function(data) {
And finally, here is the controller -
public async Task<IActionResult> UploadImage(IFormFile file)
string message;
var saveimg = Path.Combine(_hostingEnvironment.WebRootPath, "Images", file.FileName);
string imgext = Path.GetExtension(file.FileName);
if (imgext == ".jpg" || imgext == ".png")
using (var uploadimg = new FileStream(saveimg, FileMode.Create))
await file.CopyToAsync(uploadimg);
message = "The selected file" + file.FileName + " is saved";
message = "only JPG and PNG extensions are supported";
// return "filename : " + saveimg + " message :" + message;
return Content(Url.Content(saveimg));
The parameter is called file while the field name is image. To fix this use the same name, either file or image.
The IFormFile type represents the value of an input type=file field. IFormFile parameters are bound to fields based on their name. There may be many file fields in the same form so the type isn't enough to determine the field.
Field binding is explained in the Sources section of the Model Binding document.

Received files from axios in c# mvc

I trying, searching since several hours and no success
I've a mvc/vue/quasar application where I try to upload a photo from a button
In my cshtml file
<q-input type="file" ref="myFileAvatar" v-on:change="handleFileUpload()" v-model="avatar" style="display:none" accept="image/*"/>
<q-btn round color="primary" icon="cloud_upload" #click="getAvatar" ></q-btn >
I send file from my js, method section
getAvatar: function () {this.$refs.myFileAvatar.$el.click()},
handleFileUpload() {
//const files = Array.from(this.avatar).filter((file) => { return file.size < 102500 && file.type.substring(0, 6) == 'image/' });
let formData = new FormData();
formData.append('ownerID', this.profildata.ownerid);
formData.append('file', this.avatar);
axios.post('/forms/default/uploadProfilImage', formData, { headers: { 'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data' } })
.then(function (response) {
And in my controler
public JsonNetResult uploadProfilImage(Guid ownerID, HttpPostedFileBase file)
resultModel resultUpload = new resultModel();
if (this.Request.Files != null && this.Request.Files.Count == 1)//My old version with q-uploader
else { resultUpload.status = resultMessage.resultValue.error; resultUpload.message = "Oups, ou sont les fichiers"; }
return JsonNetResult.JsonNet(resultUpload);
Problem : file is null even if in developper mode in chrome, I see file is a FileList
ownerID is good... I try several type instead of HttpPostedFileBase but nothing (execpt object give a array of string...)
thanks for your help
It's a type of parameter problem like I thougth
handleFileUpload() {
if (this.avatar[0].size < 102500 && this.avatar[0].type.substring(0, 6) == 'image/') {
let formData = new FormData();
formData.append('file', this.avatar[0]);//One file
formData.append('ownerID', this.profildata.ownerid);
let self = this
axios.post('/forms/default/uploadProfilImage', formData, { headers: { 'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data' } })
.then(function (response) {
if (response.data.status == 0) { self.profildata.idFichierAvatar = response.data.model.id; } else { self.showNotifError(response.data.message); }
this.avatar = '';
else { this.showNotifError("L'image ne répond pas aux critères");}
and mvc side
public JsonNetResult uploadProfilImage(HttpPostedFileBase file,Guid ownerID )
resultModel resultUpload = new resultModel();
if (file != null)
else { resultUpload.status = resultMessage.resultValue.error; resultUpload.message = "Oups, ou sont les fichiers"; }
return JsonNetResult.JsonNet(resultUpload);
##UPDATE : Multiple##
And for multiple files
in q-input add multiple property
in server side :
public JsonNetResult uploadProfilImage(HttpPostedFileBase[] files,Guid ownerID )
And To send files from js
handleFile() {
let formData = new FormData();
for (var i = 0; i < this.newfiles.length; i++) {
let fichier = this.newfiles[i];
formData.append('files[' + i + ']', fichier);
formData.append('ownerID', this.ownerid);
let self = this
axios.post('/files/joinFile/uploadFiles', formData, { headers: { 'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data' } })
.then(function (response) {
if (response.data.status == 0) { self.files = response.data.model; } else { self.showNotifError(response.data.message); }
this.newfiles = '';
I hope it's full for everyone who have same problem :-)

Image Upload using MVC API POST Multipart form

My View :-
<form class="commentform commentright" enctype="multipart/form-data" >
<textarea class="simpleta required" name="Body" placeholder="Discuss this vehicle with other members of Row52."></textarea>
<input type="file" id="fileuploadfield" name="fileuploadfield"/>
<input type="submit" value="Submit" class="btn btn-inverse btn-small"/>
<input type="hidden" name="ParentId" value="0"/>
<input type="hidden" name="VehicleId" value="#Model.VehicleId"/>
<span class="commentcount"><span class="numberofcomments">#Model.Count</span>#count</span>
<div class="feedback"></div>
<img id="img" src="" />
JQuery :-
submitComment: function (form, type) {
var self = this;
var $this = $(form);
var formData = $this.serialize();
var $message = $this.find('.feedback');
var val = validation({ $form: $this });
if (val.checkRequired()) {
$this.indicator({ autoStart: false, minDuration: 100 });
var files = $("#fileuploadfield").get(0).files;
if (files.length > 0) {
if (window.FormData !== undefined) {
var data = new FormData();
for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
data.append("file" + i, files[i]);
else {
alert("This browser doesn't support HTML5 multiple file uploads!");
else {
$.ajax('/api/v2/comment/Post/', {
type: 'POST',
contentType: 'multipart/form-data',
// I have also use contentType: false,
processData: false,
data: formData
}).done(function (d) {
Controller :-
public Task<HttpResponseMessage> Post()
var provider = new MultipartMemoryStreamProvider();
var task1 = Request.Content.ReadAsMultipartAsync(provider);
var userId = User.Id;
return task1.Then(providerResult =>
var file = GetFileContent(providerResult);
var task2 = file.ReadAsStreamAsync();
string originalFileName = file.Headers.ContentDisposition.FileName.Replace("\"", "");
string extension = Path.GetExtension(originalFileName);
string fileName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + extension;
return task2.Then(stream =>
if (stream.Length > 0)
var kernel = WindsorContainerFactory.Create(KernelState.Thread, ConfigurationState.Web);
CloudBlobContainer container = GetContainer();
var userRepo = kernel.Resolve<IUserRepository>();
var logger = kernel.Resolve<ILogger>();
logger.Fatal("Original File Name: " + originalFileName);
logger.Fatal("Extension: " + extension);
logger.Fatal("File Name: " + fileName);
var user = userRepo.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == userId);
var path = CreateImageSize(stream, 500, fileName, userId, container, logger);
if (user != null)
user.AvatarOriginalFileName = fileName;
user.AvatarOriginalAbsolutePath =
ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CdnUserEndpointUrl"] + path;
user.AvatarOriginalRelativePath = path;
user.AvatarCroppedAbsolutePath = "";
user.AvatarCroppedFileName = "";
user.AvatarCroppedRelativePath = "";
Logger.Error("User is null. Id: " + userId.ToString());
var response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Moved);
response.Headers.Location = new Uri("/Account/Avatar", UriKind.Relative);
return response;
Following Error get :-
"Invalid 'HttpContent' instance provided. It does not have a content type header starting with 'multipart/'. Parameter name: content"
There's no standard Task.Then method in .NET framework, and I couldn't find any implementation details in the code you posted. I'd assume it was taken from here:
Processing Sequences of Asynchronous Operations with Tasks
If that's the case, you may be loosing AspNetSynchronizationContext context inside your Task.Then lambdas, because the continuation may happen on a different ASP.NET pool thread without proper synchronization context. That would explain why HttpContent becomes invalid.
Try changing the implementation of Task.Then like this:
public static Task<T2> Then<T1, T2>(this Task<T1> first, Func<T1, Task<T2>> next)
if (first == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("first");
if (next == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("next");
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<T2>();
if (first.IsFaulted) tcs.TrySetException(first.Exception.InnerExceptions);
else if (first.IsCanceled) tcs.TrySetCanceled();
var t = next(first.Result);
if (t == null) tcs.TrySetCanceled();
else t.ContinueWith(delegate
if (t.IsFaulted) tcs.TrySetException(t.Exception.InnerExceptions);
else if (t.IsCanceled) tcs.TrySetCanceled();
else tcs.TrySetResult(t.Result);
}, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext());
catch (Exception exc) { tcs.TrySetException(exc); }
}, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext());
return tcs.Task;
Note how the continuations are now scheduled using TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext().
Ideally, if you can use .NET 4.5, you should be using async/await: Using Asynchronous Methods in ASP.NET 4.5. This way, the thread's synchronization context is automatically captured for await continuations.
The following may facility porting:
Implementing Then with Await.

Forms authentication cookie is not persisting or is not getting past through an ajax request?

I am at a loss as to why my authentication cookie disappears. I am using Valums Ajax Upload in conjunction with a couple other ajax requests to build a user's avatar. It is very random as to when the cookie disappears. I can upload 4 files without an issue, then 2 files maybe (after another login). It seems after I call the CreateAvatar method, that is where there might be an issue, but like I said, it doesn't happen all the time. What am I missing?
$(function () {
//This is the Upload Method
var fileCount = 0;
var uploader = new qq.FileUploader({
element: document.getElementById('file-uploader'),
action: '/Admin/Avatar/AvatarUpload',
debug: true,
params: {
'userId': '#ViewBag.UserId'
onSubmit: function (id, fileName) {
onComplete: function (id, fileName, responseJson) {
if (responseJson.success) {
if (createAvatar(responseJson.file, responseJson.imageId)) {
} else {
//alert('There was an error when trying to save ' + fileName);
} else {
$("span.qq-upload-file:contains(" + fileName + ")").text(responseJson.errorMessage);
if (fileCount == 0) {
onCancel: function (id, fileName) {
if (fileCount == 0) {
//This Creates the Avatar Object
function createAvatar(fileName, imageId) {
var avatarUploadModel = {
UploadFileName: fileName,
UserId: '#ViewBag.UserId',
ImageId: imageId
url: '/Admin/Avatar/CreateAvatar/',
type: 'POST',
cache: false,
timeout: 100000,
data: JSON.stringify(avatarUploadModel),
contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
dataType: "json",
error: function (xhr, status, error) {
alert(error + " " + status);
success: function (data) {
if (data.success) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
//This loads the partial to view the avatar after upload
function loadAvatar(avatarModel) {
url: '/Admin/Avatar/AvatarEdit',
type: 'GET',
cache: false,
timeout: 100000,
data: avatarModel,
dataType: "html",
error: function (xhr, status, error) {
alert(error + " " + status);
success: function (data) {
Login Method:
var user = _userService.GetByUserName(model.Username);
var authTicket = new
FormsAuthenticationTicket(1, //version
user.Id.ToString(), // user name
DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(40), //Expiration
model.RememberMe, //Persistent,
var encTicket = FormsAuthentication.Encrypt(authTicket);
HttpContext.Response.Cookies.Add(new HttpCookie(FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName, encTicket));
return Json(new {success = true, url = model.ReturnUrl}, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
Upload Method on Controller:
public ActionResult AvatarUpload(HttpPostedFileBase fileData)
var id = Guid.NewGuid();
string fileName;
var serverPath = Server.MapPath("~/Areas/Admin/TemporaryUploads/");
if (fileData != null)
var fileRenamed = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(id + "_" + fileData.FileName);
fileName = Server.MapPath("~/Areas/Admin/TemporaryUploads/" + fileRenamed);
var ajaxUploadFileData = Request["qqfile"];
fileName = Path.Combine(serverPath, id + "_" + Path.GetFileName(ajaxUploadFileData));
using (var output = System.IO.File.Create(fileName))
return Json(new {success = true, file = fileName, imageId = id}, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
Create Avatar Method:
public ActionResult CreateAvatar(AvatarModel avatarModel)
var image = new WebImage(avatarModel.UploadFileName).Resize(400, 400, true);
var imageFileName = Path.GetFileName(avatarModel.UploadFileName);
var avatar = new Domain.YogaDiVitaContext.Model.Avatar()
CreatedById = Guid.Parse(HttpContext.User.Identity.Name),
ModifiedById = Guid.Parse(HttpContext.User.Identity.Name),
UserId = avatarModel.UserId,
Image = new Image()
CreatedById = Guid.Parse(HttpContext.User.Identity.Name),
ModifiedById = Guid.Parse(HttpContext.User.Identity.Name),
OriginalImageRelativePath = "original/" + imageFileName
var user = UserService.FindById(avatarModel.UserId);
if (user.Avatar != null)
avatar = _avatarService.Create(avatar);
user.Avatar = avatar;
var basePath = Server.MapPath("~/" + avatar.ToAvatarBasePath(GlobalVariables.AvatarPath));
Directory.CreateDirectory(basePath + "/thumbnail");
Directory.CreateDirectory(basePath + "/fullsize");
Directory.CreateDirectory(basePath + "/original");
image.Save(Server.MapPath("~/" + avatar.ToAvatarOriginalPath(GlobalVariables.AvatarPath)));
avatarModel.Width = image.Width;
avatarModel.Height = image.Height;
avatarModel.Top = image.Height*0.1;
avatarModel.Left = image.Width*0.9;
avatarModel.Right = image.Width*0.9;
avatarModel.Bottom = image.Height*0.9;
avatarModel.OriginalImagePath = "/" + avatar.ToAvatarOriginalPath(GlobalVariables.AvatarPath);
return Json(new {success = true, avatarModel}, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
catch (Exception exception)
return Json(new {message = exception.Message}, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
Load Avatar Partial:
public ActionResult AvatarEdit(AvatarModel avatarModel)
return PartialView("AvatarCropPartial", avatarModel);

Downloading File in ASP mvc .net

I Put The Download Link in jqgrid, my Files are Stored on server not in database, files are of different types(extension)
i want user should download file when he clicks on download link
Code For Loading jqgrid is as Follws
public object GetJSONFormatProjectDetails(List<ProjectMasterDTO> listProjectDTO, int SkipCount)
var data = (listProjectDTO.Select(c => new
id = c.ProjectID,
cell = new[]
c.Year + " Years " +c.Month + " Months " + c.Day + " Days" ,
(c.FilePath != "NA" ) ? "<a href='#' style='color:green' onclick='DownLoadFile(\""+URLEncrypt.EncryptParameters(new string[]{ "filepath =" +c.FilePath.Replace("/","$").Replace(" ","#").Trim()})+"\");return false;'>"+(c.FilePath != "NA" ? "DownLoad":"Not Available") + " </a>" : "<span style='color:Red' >Not Available</span>"
return data;
JS File Code is As Follows
function DownLoadFile(param) {
url: "/Home/GetFile?parameter=" + param,
cache: false,
type: "POST",
async: false
Code in Controller as follows
public ActionResult GetFile(string parameter)
string queryStringParameters = Request.QueryString["parameter"];
if (queryStringParameters == null)
throw new Exception("Url is tampered");
string[] parameterArray = queryStringParameters.Split('/');
string param = null;
string hash = null;
string key = null;
if (parameterArray.Length == 3)
param = parameterArray[0];
hash = parameterArray[1];
key = parameterArray[2];
if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(parameter)))
Dictionary<string, string> parameters = URLEncrypt.DecryptParameters(new string[] { param, hash, key });
string FilePath =string.Empty ;
parameters.TryGetValue("filepath", out FilePath);
FilePath = FilePath.Replace('$','\\');
// DownloadFile(FilePath);
string name = Path.GetFileName(FilePath);
string ext = Path.GetExtension(FilePath);
string type = "";
// set known types based on file extension
if (ext != null)
switch (ext.ToLower())
case ".pdf":
type = "Application/pdf";
case ".doc":
case ".docx":
type = "Application/msword";
case ".jpg":
case ".bmp":
case ".tiff":
case ".png":
case ".gif":
case ".jpeg":
type = "Application/Image";
type = "Application";
Response.AppendHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=" + name);
if (type != "")
Response.ContentType = type;
String FullFilePath = #"F:\MHTOLL\ContractUploadDetails\" + name;
//return File(new FileStream(path + fileName, FileMode.Open), "text/plain", fileName);
// return File(new FileStream(FullFilePath, FileMode.Open), type, name);
return File(FullFilePath, type,name);
return null;
Dont mind now about return null and exception handling
also suggest for displaying .gif animation for downloading file.
I don't think you can use an AJAX call to download a file.
I think this answer will get you what you want. Be sure to read the comments about the download prompt and MIME types. Download File Using Javascript/jQuery
I recently encountered the same issue and realized that AJAX will not work to download a file. Try an ActionLink instead:
#Html.ActionLink("ButtonName", "controllerFunctionName", "controllerName", new { functionParamName = paramValue })
And you would include your function in the controller:
public ActionResult controllerFunctionName(type functionParamName){
// do your download here
