Nothing happens when copying file with Dockerfile - docker

I use docker-compose for a simple keycloak container and I've been trying to install a new theme for keycloak.
However I've been unable to copy even a single file to the container usnig a Dockerfile. The Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml are in the same directory
Neither of these commands work or cause any events or warnings in the logs.
COPY test /tmp/
COPY /home/adm/workspace/docker/keycloak-cluster/docker/kctheme/theme/login/. /opt/jboss/keycloak/themes/keycloak/login/
Copying manually with
sudo docker cp test docker_keycloak_1:/tmp
works without any issues.

Quick understanding on Docker.
docker build: Create an image from a Dockerfile
docker run: Create a container from an image.
(you can create yourself the image or use a existing image from docker hub )
Based on what you said, you have 2 options.
Create a new docker image based on the existing one and add the theme.
something like
# Dockerfile
FROM jboss/keycloak
COPY test /tmp/
COPY /home/adm/workspace/docker/keycloak-cluster/docker/kctheme/theme/login/. /opt/jboss/keycloak/themes/keycloak/login/
and then use docker build to create your new image
Volume the theme in the correct directory
using docker-compose volume
version: '3'
- "./docker/kctheme/theme/login:/opt/jboss/keycloak/themes/keycloak/login"

Files have to be in the same directory or a subdirectory of the directory with your Dockerfile build file if you use COPY, and have to be present at build time. No absolute paths.
/tmp as destination is also a bit tricky, because the startup process of the container might have a /tmp cleanout, which means that you would never see that file in a running container.


Docker Container (Website) Content not Updating

I have built a project with a webhost (httpd:2.4)
(Dockerfile Content:
FROM httpd:2.4
COPY . /usr/local/apache2/htdocs )
It's hosting a static website... and I'd like to be able to change that / publish future changes but that doesn't work in the way I was expecting it to...
I'm using
git clone [repository]
cd [repository]
docker-compose -f docker-compose/docker-compose.yml up -d
to run the project, which works perfectly fine
The problem is that I should be able to make changes to the website.
I supposed it would just work like that:
docker-compose -f docker-compose/docker-compose.yml down
changing the index.html (save)
docker-compose -f docker-compose/docker-compose.yml up -d
But even though (for the test) I deleted every single character in my index.html, it still shows up exactly the same as before
What am I missing? What commands would I have to run for the changes to get applied?
If you have a dockerfile, the file containing the below,
FROM httpd:2.4
COPY . /usr/local/apache2/htdocs
It means you are building a custom docker image for your need. And you are also using the COPY command to copy the project to your docker image which is done when building the custom docker image. This is a good solution to copy the code in the docker image for distribution purposes however might not be the best for development purposes.
If changes are made to the project, this is not reflected in the custom docker image until that docker image is rebuilt. After rebuilding the image, the current files of the project are copied to the docker image. Then after restarting the docker compose and by also using the latest image built, the changes will be visible.
If you do not want to build a docker image each time a change is made, it might be best to create a docker-compose file which will map your project directly to /usr/local/apache2/htdocs. This way when the changes made to the project will be reflected instantly without any build process.
Sample docker compose file with the project mapping to /usr/local/apache2/htdocs, this docker compose file needs to be located in the directory where the index.html lives.
version: '3.9'
image: httpd:latest
container_name: webserver
- '8080:80'
# mapping your root project's directory to htdocs
- ${PWD}:/usr/local/apache2/htdocs
This problem may arise if you have referenced a docker image inside your docker-compose.yml file instead of building the image there. When you reference an image, docker-compose up will create the corresponding containers with the exact same image.
You need to:
Build the image again AFTER you have made changes to your html file and BEFORE running docker-compose.
Build the image inside docker-compose.yml like this

Using the same volume for two Docker containers

I have two containers, one of which provides a file that I need in another container, and I want to make the first container write that file to a volume, then have the second container access that volume and read the file.
I have the following docker-compose.yml file:
version: '3'
context: .
dockerfile: Dockerfile-gradle
- web_data:/workdir
- build_jar
- "8080:80"
build: .
- web_data:/workdir
FROM gradle:latest AS builder
USER root
RUN mkdir /workspace
ADD . /workspace
RUN cd /workspace && gradle shadowJar --no-daemon
RUN mkdir /workdir
RUN cp /workspace/build/libs/datainfrastructure-1.0-SNAPSHOT-all.jar /workdir/stat.jar
FROM openjdk:8-jre-slim AS java
USER root
RUN java -jar /workdir/stat.jar
First of all, I assumed that having created the volume in docker-compose.yml I would automatically get the directory /workdir without having to create it manually, which seems to not be the case. So I create it using mkdir and I do actually get my data saved: I can go to var/lib/docker/volumes on my host machine and find the corresponding volume with the data the container wrote. Great.
Well, secondly, now I need to use this volume with another container, which also does not have the workdir directory existing already. So if I try to access /workdir/stat.jar, it does not exist, and if I manually create /workdir, it's an empty directory. How do I get the files on the volume that the first container put there? Am I missing something in either Dockerfiles or docker-compose.yml?
When you build a Docker image, the Dockerfile has no access to Docker networking, volumes, or any other part of the Docker ecosystem. It's not unreasonable to think of docker build as acting like Maven or Gradle: it produces an image that you can copy to other systems and run elsewhere, but then at build time it can't access data that will eventually be present when you run it.
Correspondingly, as a general rule, Docker images should be self-contained. An image should usually contain its language runtime and any code or artifacts necessary to run the application; sharing code (or jar files) via volumes isn't usually a best practice. (Of particular note, if you do this successfully, Docker will always use the old jar file in the volume, in both containers, in preference to what's built into the image.)
In this context it seems more like you're looking for a multi-stage build. You can combine these two Dockerfiles together, and then COPY the jar file from the first image to the second one. That results in
FROM gradle:latest AS builder
WORKDIR /workspace
COPY . .
RUN gradle shadowJar --no-daemon
FROM openjdk:8-jre-slim AS java
WORKDIR /workdir
COPY --from=builder /workspace/build/libs/datainfrastructure-1.0-SNAPSHOT-all.jar stat.jar
CMD java -jar /workdir/stat.jar
In the docker-compose.yml file, you can delete volume along with the no-op container that does the build:
version: '3.8'
- "8080:80"
build: .
I assumed that having created the volume in docker-compose.yml I would automatically get the directory /workdir without having to create it manually
That is not supposed, when you declare a volume mapping for some service you only declare mapping between volume and path in the future container. Your container image should guarantee that something exists on that path.
I need to use this volume with another container, which also does not have the workdir directory existing already
Your confusion is probably related to the fact that you expect volumes to work in build time that is not true unfortunately.

Docker volumes not mounting/linking

I'm in Docker Desktop for Windows. I am trying to use docker-compose as a build container, where it builds my code and then the code is in my local build folder. The build processes are definitely succeeding; when I exec into my container, the files are there. However, nothing happens with my local folder -- no build folder is created.
version: '3'
image: webapp-build
context: .
dockerfile: Dockerfile
- 5000:5000
- "./build:/srv/build"
FROM node:8.10.0-alpine
# add files from local to container
ADD . /srv
# navigate to the directory
# install dependencies
RUN npm install --pure-lockfile --silent
# build code (to-do: get this code somewhere where we can use it)
RUN npm run build
# install 'serve' and launch server.
# note: this is just to keep container running
# (so we can exec into it and check for the files).
# once we know that everything is working, we should delete this.
RUN npx serve -s -l tcp:// build
I also tried removing the final line that serves the folder. Then I actually did get a build folder, but that folder was empty.
I've also tried a multi-stage build:
FROM node:12.13.0-alpine AS builder
COPY . .
RUN yarn
RUN yarn run build
FROM node:12.13.0-alpine
RUN yarn global add serve
COPY --from=builder /app/build .
CMD ["serve", "-p", "80", "-s", "."]
When my volumes aren't set (or are set to, say, some nonexistent source directory like ./build:/nonexistent), the app is served correctly, and I get an empty build folder on my local machine (empty because the source folder doesn't exist).
However when I set my volumes to - "./build:/app" (the correct source for the built files), I not only wind up with an empty build folder on my local machine, the app folder in the container is also empty!
It appears that what's happening is something like
1. Container is built, which builds the files in the builder.
2. Files are copied from builder to second container.
3. Volumes are linked, and then because my local build folder is empty, its linked folder on the container also becomes empty!
I've tried resetting my shared drives credentials, to no avail.
How do I do this?!?!
I believe you are misunderstanding how host volumes work. The volume definition:
In the compose file will mount ./build from the host at /srv/build inside the container. This happens at run time, not during your image build, so after the Dockerfile instructions have been performed. Nothing from the image is copied out to the host, and no files in the directory being mounted in top of will be visible (this is standard behavior of the Linux mount command).
If you need files copied back out of the container to the host, there are various options.
You can perform your steps to populate the build folder as part of the container running. This is common for development. To do this, your CMD likely becomes a script of several commands to run, with the last step being an exec to run your app.
You can switch to a named volume. Docker will initialize these with the contents of the image. It's even possible to create a named bind mount to a folder on your host, which is almost the same as a host mount. There's an example of a named bind mount in my presentation here.
Your container entrypoint can copy the files to the host mount on startup. This is commonly seen on images that will run in unknown situations, e.g. the Jenkins image does this. I also do this in my save/load volume scripts in my example base image.
tl;dr; Volumes aren't mounted during the build stage, only while running a container. You can run the command docker run <image id> -v ./build/:/srv/build cp -R /app /srv/build to copy the data to your local disk
While Docker is building the image it is doing all actions in ephemeral containers, each command that you have in your Dockerfile is run in a separate container, each making a layer that eventually becomes the final image.
The result of this is that the data flow during the build is unidirectional, you are unable to mount a volume from the host into the container. When you run a build you will see Sending build context to Docker daemon, because your local Docker CLI is sending the context (the path you specified after the docker build, ususally . which represents the current directory) to the Docker daemon (the process that actually does the work). One key point to remember is that the Docker CLI (docker) doesn't actually do any work, it just sends commands to the Docker Daemon dockerd. The build stages shouldn't change anything on your local system, the container is designed to encapsulate the changes only into the container image, and give you a snapshot of the build that you can reuse consistently, knowing that the contents are the same.

Mount files in read-only volume (where source is in .dockerignore)

My app depends on secrets, which I have stored in the folder .credentials (e.g. .credentials/.env, .credentials/.google_api.json, etc...) I don't want these files built into the docker image, however they need to be visible to the docker container.
My solution is:
Add .credentials to my .dockerignore
Mount the credentials folder in read-only mode with a volume:
# docker-compose.yaml
version: '3'
build: .
- ./.credentials:/app/.credentials:ro
This is not working (I do not see any credentials inside the docker container). I'm wondering if the .dockerignore is causing the volume to break, or if I've done something else wrong?
Am I going about this the wrong way? e.g. I could just pass the .env file with docker run IMAGE_NAME --env-file .env
My issue was to do with how I was running the image. I was doing docker-compose build and then docker run IMAGE_NAME, assuming that the volumes were build into the image. However this seems not to be the case.
Instead the above code works when I do docker-compose run app(where app is the service name) after building.
From the comments, the issue here is in looking at the docker-compose.yml file for your container definition while starting the container with docker run. The docker run command does not use the compose file, so no volumes were defined on the resulting container.
The build process itself creates an image where you do not specify the source of volumes. Only the Dockerfile and your build context is used as an input to the build. The rest of the compose file are all run time settings that apply to containers. Many projects do not even use the compose file for building the image, so all settings in the compose file for those projects are a way to define the default settings for containers being created.
The solution is to using docker-compose up -d to test your docker-compose.yml.

Docker VOLUME for different users

I'm using docker and docker-compose for building my app. There are two developers now for the project hosted on github.
Our project structure is:
Now we have ./dockerfiles/dev/docker-compose.yml like this:
container_name: sup-dev
build: ./build
and ./dockerfiles/dev/build/Dockerfile:
FROM sup:dev
# docker-compose tries to find .profile relative to build dir:
# ./dockerfiles/dev/build
COPY .profile /var/www/
We run container like so:
docker-compose up -d
Everything works fine, but due to different OS we have our code in different places: /home/aliance/www/project for me and /home/user/other/path/project for the second developer. So I can not just add volume instruction into Dockerfile.
Now we solve this problem in this wrong way:
- I am using lsyncd with my personal config to transfer files into the container
- While the second one uses volume instruction into Dockerfile but not commited it.
May be you know how can I write an unified Dockerfile for docker-compose to volume out code into app container from different paths?
The file paths on the host shouldn't matter. Why do you need absolute paths?
You can use paths that are relative to the docker-compose.yml so they should be the same for both developers.
The VOLUME instructions in the Dockerfile are always relative to the build context, so if you want, you can use something like this:
container_name: sup-dev
build: ..
dockerfile: build/Dockerfile
That way the build context for the Dockerfile will be the project root.
Maybe you should keep your Dockerfile at the root of your project. Then you could add an instruction in the Dockerfile:
COPY ./ /usr/src/app/
or (not recommended in prod)
VOLUME /usr/src/app
+ (option while running the container as I don't know docker-compose)
-v /path/to/your/code:/usr/src/app
