My windows 10 virtual machine under Virtual Box lost internet connection - connection

I have a computer with Windows 10 and a Virtual Machine (VBox) with a Windows 10 system that I use for work, I never had a problem since today : I launched it and didn't have any access to internet.
I didn't change anything since yesterday so I don't really understand what is happening.
I tried restarting the machine a few time but nothing changed, here's my configuration :
EDIT : I tried with differents interface type nothing worked

It may depends on your network device configuration.
First of all you should set you first interface to NAT and enable the second one to HOST ONLY ADAPTER
At least this config is what works for me, if it doesn't work, it may depends on your interface network devices config, but i don't know how that works on windows.


PocketBeagle Debian internet over USB

I am trying to follow directions from the book Exploring Beaglebone. I have also viewed this video which is wrong OSes. I have also read some posts (one, two).
Observed anomalies:
Network Preferences shows a warning of a self-assigned IP address and inability to support internet sharing:
macOS Network Preferences
Debian does not have a 'udhcpc' command but the following was executed:
Screen output
Has anyone been able to do internet over USB on macOS 10.13.2 and Debian 9 IoT?
So a quick intro to what options you have:
Manually enable routing + NAT (No idea how to do that on OSX)
Configure the board system to use DHCP client functionality instead to talk to a shared connection from e.g. OSX.
Permanently disable the script (should be in /opt somewhere) that assigns the current network settings and enables DHCP serving. Might also just be a part of a larger script.
Enable DHCP client (e.g. in /etc/network/interfaces or by using Connman or Network-manager)
The default Debian image should also expose a serial console over USB. You can use this to gain access to and configure the system even when your network connection doesn't work. Of course, the debug-UART should work as well, by using a USB-serial converter.
Another note: the DHCP client on Debian for manual execution is usually dhclient. The interface on the Beaglebone side will be named usb0 or usb1 (as newer images use two types for increased compatibility e.g. with OSX).
A good place to ask questions is usually the Beagleboard Google group

Unable to create hotspot

I was actually using a software mhotspot on my windows 10,so that i can create hotspot from my laptop,and it was working nicely. But few days back,my windows got updated and from then whenever I try to create the hotspot ,it shows me "Driver problem found !" . It may be for another reson but I suspect that it went wrong after the updation of Windows. I have tried almost every action to retrieve the hotspot,but no use. surely I am missing something crucial delicated fact. Anyone would help me please? I know this topic is bit odd. But I needed help badly and I believe I can get best help from this site.
You can create a hotspot very easily using cmd.
Give it a try.
Source: Create a hotspot in windows 10 using cmd
I solved my own problem. Actually in the updated windows 10 , microsoft hosted network virtual adapter is missing. But we can install windows 8 hosted network virtual adapter here. we need to goto device manager. And there from network adapter we need to uninstall the wireless LAN adapter . And after that installing windows 8's wireless LAN adapter would lead to the final solution.
Here is the link for windows 8's wireless LAN adapter.
And now we can easily create hotspot again from windows.

Connecting from a Delphi app to an Interbase server on the same machine

I have an XE8 project that (is supposed to) access an Interbase server running on the same machine. A few days ago it was working fine, but has developed the problem that if I attempted to set the Connected property of a TIBDatabase component to True, either in the IDE or in code at run-time, I get the error:
Connection rejected by remote interface
Attempting to connect to the server using the IBConsole utility also produces this error.
I've cleared as much of Interbase as I can find from the machine & its registry and re-installed it but the problem persists. Googling the message text finds a modest number of things, but I've tried the few suggested solutions to no useful effect.
Btw, the PortQry utility confirms that port 3050 is open and that the gds_db server is listening.
My question, obviously, is does anyone recognise this symptom and know how to fix it?
I eventually found the cause of this problem. I have an instance of the Firebird server installed on the problem machine and set up as a service, and at some point recently, its Startup Type had been changed from Disabled to Automatic and the fact that it was running was evidently causing the IB server to misbehave. Reverting it to `Disabled' caused the problem to vanish.
I imagine that it was actually the FB server that was the 'remote interface' that was rejecting the connection.

Error creating window handle Exception thrown on a single machine

I was hoping someone can point me in the right direction regarding an issue I am having with the message "Error creating window handle". I know this usually points to a memory leak problem with the code, however this only happens on a single machine. If the code was the issue, I would be expecting it to happen on other machines as well.
I have other machines that this application runs on that do not run into this problem. I have tried reproducing in on my development machine and other machines in the office. Neither has been successful. I have tried watching the memory in Task Manager on the offending machine and it does not skyrocket up before it throws the error.
The offending machine is running Windows XP Professional SP3. Any ideas on how to proceed would be great.
I have just had the same problem in two different applications. For us, the problem was triggered by setting the Windows theme to "Windows Classic" rather than "Windows XP Style". The control that fails is a System.Windows.Forms.ListBox inside a Developer Express XtraLayout container, and our fix is to replace it with a DevExpress.XtraEditors.ListBoxControl.

vmware player install hangs? vista 32bit

I am a noob trying to setup my computer so i can make a social networking website.
Sorry if its not kosher to ask here, but Hopefully one of you smart guys can help me.
I want to test some CMS (content management systems), firstly Elgg and then some others.
As far as ive read i can do this by using a virtual machine like VMware Player.
Now originally i wanted to try out Insoshi so i tried to use Cygwin and GitBash (also Putty tools) to download it (with no success). This involved me installing those programs and also trying to get an ssh environment variable working. So i gaveup on that (seeing that Elgg has more support anyhow i thought id try to try that). I uninstalled these programs, deleted leftover directories and deleted the added environment variable.
I also uninstalled DaemonTools (cos i thought it may be conflicting).
Im running Windows Vista 32bit and have always downloaded relevant installs for that system.
My problem is the VMware Player installer isn't doing anything. I launch it and it seems to hang straight away see pic
Am i missing something here?
Vmware page also suggests a virtual appliance (for cloud stuff) which i dont know much about yet. And i think that appliance is installed via the player else an image loader like Daemon Tools. Do i need this appliance first?
Why is the player not installing?
Ive tried both 3.14 and 3.13 build with same result?
I have about 4 gig of space left on my hd and have 3gig of ram.
I have looked at the programs installed on my computer and cant seem to find anything else that might conflict (but i am a n00b) and i also tried pausing my kapersky pure protection. Any help is severely appreciated, thanks.
As I recall there were a couple of conflicts with vmware
A quick look through the vmware forums I see:
virtualPC (no surprise)
nvidia 270.18 beta driver
I also remember there being talk on the forums about a specific executable name which caused issues, but Im struggling to remember what it was.
start regedit.exe
Browse to the following sub-key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Zones\
You should see keys named 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4. In my case I had a folder named "L" before the 0.
Remove the key with "L" (actually it is "└", unicode #2514)
P.S. This is due to Microsoft screws up the registry Internet Zone settings in the registry. With the "└" key, it cause Javascript not to be called from an application.
Got it from here.
