Is there a way to log changes in Jenkins server configuration? - jenkins

I'm looking for something like the Job Config history plugin but to log the changes in the Jenkins server itself (any change under the /manage section or credentials).
I tested the Audit Trail plugin, but it only logs who and when, but nothing about the content of the change.
I'm using the roles based strategy, so there is a reduced group of people able to do changes, but I still need more precise information.

Job Config History Plugin also tracks system configuration. Just click on Job Config History (on the left-side menu) on the main dashboard (outside of any job). When there, you can see all server configuration changes with all features like diffs and raw XML access.


How to see who modified global credentials in Jenkins

I have a Jenkins server with multiple users that are able to create and modify Global credentials. Is there any way I can audit and see who did what with the credentials - who modified them, who added new creds, etc. Preferably, presented in nice way similar to Job Config History plugin. Thanks
I had a similar question a few days ago. You can use the Audit Trail Plugin (GitHub) to audit changes to credentials. It logs the HTTP requests that modify credentials. However, it doesn't have a "config history"-style visualisation.
(Soon, it may also be able to log what jobs access the credentials)
You can do that using the Job Configuration History Plugin.
Link should be something like:
What I noticed is that all changes are shown as if they were been done by 'System' - though they all were done by a specific user.

versioning and deployment of application configuration files to server

We use visual svn for version control. I have few cloud web servers where my websites are running.
I would like to create some repositories for the websites content. I checkout them in local editors (notepad ++), edit them and checkin to SVN. But when check-in to visualSVN, I would like them to get deployed to the webservers docroot. In some cases I would like to restart the webserver too.
Is it possible using Jenkins+deployment plugins. I am very new to jenkins, can somebody help me with some information how we can achieve this.
It is one of the scenarios Jenkins is designed for (Continuous Delivery, aka. CD). Your perfect plan might look like this:
Get a new instance of Jenkins up/running (for experiments) (if you're familiar with Docker it is one of the best ways to experiment with Jenkins);
Configure Subversion Plugin in Jenkins (integration with SVN);
Setup your first FreeStyle job in Jenkins that polls your Visual SVN server for changes (things you check-in to SVN) and learn how that works (* * * * * <~-
this polls changes from your source control an every minute, great for experiments);
Setup your second FreeStyle job that connects to one of your webservers (probably via SSH) and creates a file (simple "touch hello_world.log" is great to start with) in a special folder dedicated for that kind of tests (DO NOT MESS WITH YOUR PRODUCTUION CONTENT FOLDER(s));
Setup your third FreeStyle job that combines your experiences acquired in #1 and #2, and still writes to a test folder;
Compare results of the job output with your production deployment expectations (eq. files in place, content is processed the right way, configuration files are looking good and etc.);
Try it out on one of the production web servers, one folder/site at a time;
Apply your newly crafted delivery pipeline to the rest of servers/sites;
Learn how backup your Jenkins instance and actually make your first backup;
Try to restore your Jenkins instance from the backup made in the previous step;
Decide whether it is okay for you to maintain your own Jenkins instance or you will be better off with a hosted version of it (CloudBees Inc.);
Learn more about Pipeline in Jenkins and possibly (because it is not immediately obvious) migrate your FreeStyle job(s) to Pipeline DSL
and/or Jenkinsfile;
At times you might need to get back to "Get Started with Jenkins" manual and look up for the ideas or answers, it is okay - do not give up and feel free to post your questions here, at SO.
Hope these ideas will help you to get started.

Jenkins: Tracing the history of unsaved new test definition (copied from another test definition)?

Recently, in our enterprise production setup, it seems someone has tried to setup a new job / test definition by using another (copying) from identical job. However, (s)he seems to have NOT saved (and probably, am guessing here, closed the browser with the session being lost).
But the new job got saved though it was not set to stable or active; we knew about this because changes uploaded to gerrit, started failing in this newly setup partial job (because, these changes were in certain repos that met certain TDD settings).
Question: Jenkins system does not have trace of who setup the system in 'configure versions' option. Is there anyway to know the details of who setup the job / when was that done ?
No, Jenkins does not store that information by default.
If your Jenkins instance happen to be running behind an Apache or Nginx web server, there might be access logs that can help you. To find out when the job was created you could look at when its config.xml file was created/modified.
However, there are a few plugins that can add this functionality so that you won't have this problem again:
JobConfigHistory Plugin – Tracks changes in your job configurations and gives the ability to restore old versions.
Audit Trail Plugin – Keeps a log of who performed particular Jenkins operations, such as configuring jobs.

How to find out who changed the permission settings in Jenkins?

I am using Folder plugin and AD groups to control access to folder. This morning a team can't access their project anymore and later I found the AD group assignment in Assign Roles has been changed to wrong groups. Is there a way to find out which id did it? We only have a few admin ids.
Jenkins does not appear to keep an audit trail by default, as stated in this post on, the folks that develop Jenkins.
The relevant lines:
Many Jenkins users look for a recommend a strategy for keeping an audit trail. This article is supposed to be a gap filler until more comprehensive compliance capabilities in JE/JOC are developed.
There are two open source plugins that enable you to track “WHO did WHAT?” in Jenkins:
The first plugin listed is Audit Trail Plugin which looks to provide exactly what you are seeking.
The description from the plugins page:
Keep a log of who performed particular Jenkins operations, such as configuring jobs.
This plugin adds an Audit Trail section in the main Jenkins configuration page. Here you can configure log location and settings (file size and number of rotating log files), and a URI pattern for requests to be logged. The default options select most actions with significant effect such as creating/configuring/deleting jobs and views or delete/save-forever/start a build. The log is written to disk as configured and recent entries can also be viewed in the Manage / System Log section.
I spent a few minutes looking through Jenkins various xml and log files, but could not find a log that contained something useful (username and/or timestamp). In this case it seems user auditing isn't built into Jenkins as of yet. Unfortunately it appears that you might not be able to determine who made those changes after the fact.

Jenkins: prevent from reloading configuration

I am currently doing an analysis whether jenkins could fit for our needs.
Therefore I need to know something about (NOT) reloading configurations:
I know that there is an explicit way to reload a configuration (via WebGUI and CLI).
Is there also a way to PREVENT Jenkins from reloading configs?
One requirement is that the CI-System reads in all config-files (general and job-configs) ONCE at the start of the ci-system. And afterwards a modification of the config-files shall take NO effect!
Do you know whether this is already the case (except I press that button under "manage Jenkins" | "reload Configuration from hard disk" [exact options might sound a little different because I only have a German version here])
Would be very thankful for your help,
I run a Git repo to control the config.xml files so have experience of the xml files changing while Jenkins is running.
I can confidently state that Jenkins will not reread the config.xml file unless you specifically ask it to via the UI or cli. In fact if the config is changed via the UI any changes that has been done to the config.xml file will be overwritten with the in-memory version.
