I need a guard character to separate two pieces of information that will be URI encoded together. Is it OK to use one of the lower 32 ASCII control characters? Aside from rendering weird in the browser dev console, will there be any weird unintended effects? Of course, I will avoid commonly used characters like carriage return, tab, and null.
My specific use case: encoding text that is dropped into the browser:
Optional filename if a file was dropped
text contents
URI encoded guard character: '%12'
I understand it is possible this character might be part of a filename and/or text, but I'm OK with this ambiguity.
On Wikipedia you see URLs like these:
https://zh.wiktionary.org/wiki/附录:字母索引 (but copy-pasting the URL results in the equivalent https://zh.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E9%99%84%E5%BD%95:%E5%AD%97%E6%AF%8D%E7%B4%A2%E5%BC%95).
https://th.wiktionary.org/wiki/หน้าหลัก (which when copy-pasted becomes
First, I'm wondering what is happening here, what the encoding transformation is called and what it's doing and why it's doing that. I don't see why you can't just have the original native characters in the URL.
Second, I'm wondering if what Wikipedia is doing is considered valid. If it is okay to include these non-ASCII glyphs in the URL, and if not, why not (other than perhaps because the standard says so). Also would be interested to know how many browsers support showing the link in the URL bar using the native glyphs vs. this encoded thing, and even would be interesting to know how native Chinese/Thai/etc. people enter in the URL in their language, if they use the encoding or what (but that probably makes this question too complicated; still would be an interesting bonus).
The reason I ask is because I would like to put let's say words/definitions of a few different languages onto a webpage, and I would like to make the url show the actual word used in the language. So in english it might be /hello, but the equivalent word/definition in Thai would be /สวัสดี. That makes way more sense to me than having to make it into the encoding thing.
From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uniform_Resource_Identifier
Strings of data octets within a URI are represented as characters. *Permitted characters within a URI are the ASCII characters for the lowercase and uppercase letters of the modern English alphabet, the Arabic numerals, hyphen, period, underscore, and tilde.[14] Octets represented by any other character must be percent-encoded.
Not all Unicode characters can be used in URIs. Characters that aren't supported can still be encoded using Percent Encoding. You can see the non-ascii characters in the URL field because your browser chooses to display them that way, the actual HTTP requests are done using the encoded strings.
If we type into firefox or chrome
It takes us to
Which is a mirror of unicodesnowmanforyou.com
What I don't understand is by what rules the unicode snowman can decode to xn--n3h, it doesn't look anything like utf-8 or urlencoding.
I think I found a hint while mucking around in python3, because:
>>> '☃'.encode('punycode')
But I still don't understand the xn-- part. How are domain names internationalised, what is the standard and where is this stuff documented?
It uses an encoding scheme called Punycode (as you've already discovered from the Python testing you've done), capable of representing Unicode characters in ASCII-only format.
Each label (delimited by dots, so get.me.a.coffee.com has five labels) that contains Unicode characters is encoded in Punycode and prefixed with the string xn--.
The label encoding first copies all the ASCII characters, then appends the encoded Unicode characters. The Unicode characters are always after the final - in the label, so one is added after the ASCII characters if needed.
More detail can be found in this page over at the w3 site, and in RFC 3987. For details on how Punycode actually encodes labels, see the Wikipedia page.
When using Chatstep, I noticed when typing a room name, it automatically updates in the URL bar, plus spaces are allowed! You can even share the link with a space, and the recepient can join seamlessly. Here is an example of what I'm talking about: "https://chatstep.com/#this is a space test" (just copy and paste inside the quotations, SE is messing up the clickable link)
As I thought spaces in links were impossible, how is this possible?
URLs always need to be encoded if they contain any kind of special characters, including space. That is usually done with percent encoding, but for space characters the special encoding to a plus sign '+' can be used.
(A literal '+' itself is a reserved character before encoding and would need to be encoded to '%2B'.)
However, modern browsers show some intelligence when dealing with URLs and can apply that encoding transparently when necessary. If you're on Firefox, try using Live HTTP Headers or Firebug to see the request actually sent to the server when you click that link.
Another way would be to enforce the percent character in the URL. If %20 equals "Space" and %25 equals "%", then replacing spaces by %2520 will write %20 in your URL, keeping it unified (rather than separated by spaces).
Example: https://chatstep.com/#this%2520is%2520a%2520space%2520test
Result: https://chatstep.com/#this%20is%20a%20space%20test
I was curious if I should encode urls with ASCII or UTF-8. I was under the belief that urls cannot have non-ASCII characters, but someone told me they can have UTF-8, and I searched around and couldn't quite find which one is true. Does anyone know?
There are two parts to this, but they both amount to "yes".
With IDNA, it is possible to register domain names using the full Unicode repertoire (with a few minor twists to prevent ambiguities and abuse).
The path part is not strictly regulated, but it's possible to encode arbitrary strings in the path. The browser could opt to display a human-readable rendering rather than an encoded path. However, this requires heuristics, as there is no way to specify the character set and encoding of the path.
So, http://xn--msic-0ra.example/mot%C3%B6rhead is a (fictional example, not entirely correct) computer-readable encoded URL which could be displayed to the user as http://müsic.example/motörhead. The domain name is encoded as xn--msic-0ra.example in something called Punycode, and the path contains the label "motörhead" encoded as UTF-8 and URL encoded (the Unicode code point U+00F6 is reprecented with the two bytes 0xC3 0xB6 in UTF-8).
The path could also be mot%F6rhead which is the same label in Latin-1. In this case, deducing a reasonable human-readable representation would be much harder, but perhaps the context of the surrounding characters could offer enough hints for a good guess.
In isolation, %F6 could be pretty much anything, and %C3%B6 could be e.g. UTF-16.
I have some link resources with none latin characters like åäö
These are usually user uploaded files
The problem is that i am not successfull in encoding them
using filename.encodeAsURL seems to not encode it the right way
For example the character ö is turned into o%CC%88
Testing to type the same thing in firefox and copy the contents gives %C3%B6
What are the difference between these encodings and what should i use to get the correct encoding??
Both encodings are correct. You are actually seeing the encoding of two different strings.
The key here is noticing the o at the beginning of the string:
o%CC%88 is the letter o followed by Unicode Character Combining Diaeresis, which combines with the previous character when rendered.
%C3%B6 is Unicode Character Latin Small O With Diaeresis.
What you are seeing is that in the first case, the string entered is something like these two characters: o ¨, which are actually rendered as ö.
In the second case, it's the actual character ö.
My guess is you are seeing the difference between two different inputs.
Update based on below discussion: If you are dynamically processing Unicode characters, and you do not have control over the input methods, you can try to normalize the Unicode, using java.text.Normalizer (Java 1.6 or newer).
Normalizing attempts to ensure that all characters are consistently represented, so that accented characters are always represented by a combined character or always by the character+combining mark.
Rough example:
String.metaClass.normalizeUnicode = {
return java.text.Normalizer.normalize(delegate, java.text.Normalizer.Form.NFC)
input = input.normalizeUnicode()
There are four forms of normalization. I picked the one that seems to be best for your case based on the description of how they work, but you may prefer to try the other ones and see what works most consistently.
All that being said, if you are try to representing Unicode characters in a URL, and they are not being loaded and processed by the code directly, it's probably best to avoid using non-latin characters altogether. Not only does this have the benefit of consistently, but also significantly shorter and more legible URLs. boo.pdf is a lot easier to read than bo%CC%88o.pdf.