Rails ActiveRecord - find by substring of another string - ruby-on-rails

id | name
1 | jack
2 | tomas
I want to find a row if the name is a substring of Ttomas.
So the result should be
id | name
2 | tomas
Is this possible?

Yes, this is possible in Ruby on Rails and SQL. Depends a bit on the database you use, but something like this should work:
Modelname.where("? LIKE CONCAT('%', name, '%')", 'Ttomas')

It's possible.
The brute-force way would be to iterate through all your users and check if name is a substring. But this horribly inefficient.
If you want to utilize SQL lookups, you need to look into gems like pg_search or elasticsearch for full search functionality.


How to count and compare amount of regex matches

I want to use Sumo Logic to count how often different APIs are called. I want to have a table with API call name and value. My current query is like this:
| parse regex "GET.+443 (?<getUserByUserId>/user/v1/)\d+" nodrop
| parse regex "GET.+443 (?<getUserByUserNumber>/user/v1/userNumber)\d+"
| count by getUserByUserId, getUserByUserNumber
This gets correct values but they go to different columns. When I have more variables, table becomes very wide and hard to read.
I figured it out, I need to use same group name for all rexexes. Like this:
| parse regex "GET.+443 (?<endpoint>/user/v1/)\d+" nodrop
| parse regex "GET.+443 (?<endpoint>/user/v1/userNumber)\d+"
| count by endpoint

[splunk]: Obtain a count of hits in a query of regexes

I am searching for a list of regexes in a splunk alert like this:
... | regex "regex1|regex2|...|regexn"
Can I modify this query to get a table of the regexes found along with their count. The table shouldn't show rows with 0 counts.
regex2 17
regexn 3
The regex command merely filters events. All we know is each result passed the regular expression. There is no record or indication of why or how any event passed.
To do that, you'd have to extract a unique field or value from each regex and then test the resulting events to see which field or value was present. The regex command, however, does not extract anything. You'd need the rex command or the match function to do that.
Looks like | regex line is not needed. This is working for me. Notice the extra brackets.
| rex max_match=0 "(?P<countfields>((regex1)|(regex2)|..|(regexn)))"
| stats count by countfields

Ruby variable in Postgresql Regex

I have a table named orders with a column named comment in it.
I have a list of order ids, and I want to search through all the comment to see which order has referenced them.
So far I have worked out the regex part of the sql
Order.where('comment ~ \'\s\d{5}\' OR comment ~ \'^\d{5}\'')
.where("comment LIKE '%?%'", order_id)
But I can't seem to work out a way to make the query more flexible to find order_ids that have different length other than 5
Is it possible to make {5} more dynamic, to something like {#{order_id.to_s.length}}?
Just ran into this post
Using a boundary match would work even better for this case.
Order.where('comment ~ \'\y?\y\'', order_id)
Would do the trick.
We can pass digit_count
digit_count = order_id.to_s.length
Order.where('comment ~ \'\s\d{?}\' OR comment ~ \'^\d{?}\'', digit_count, digit_count)
if you are looking for specific order_id
Order.where("comment ~ \'\s#{order_id}\s\'")

powershell where-object specific number of numeric characters

I looked through some similar question but couldn't find an example of this sort of logic- what im looking for is a way to parse through a large return of usernames in powershell. User names that are not service accounts or kiosks have a specific naming convention of 6 grouped numeric characters: for example- username123456. I was thinking there has to be a way of using the where-object command but can't find anything on the syntax on technet or other PS resources. The one liner to get a return from the local domain is:
Search-ADAccount -PasswordNeverExpires | Select-Object Name, Enabled
This returns a list of domain accounts that have the password set to never expire. I want to only see the ones with the above naming convention ^^ I know you can achieve this with regex but my regex is quite rusty---if it can be done with where-object that would be optimal. I also looked into using pattern, but it seems to be for more complex returns than this... Thanks!
Are they under a specific OU? You could then use the -Searchbase parameter to limit the scope of the search to that OU.
Otherwise, Regex is probably going to be a good option to accomplish this.
Search-ADAccount -PasswordNeverExpires | Select-Object Name, Enabled | Where {
$_.name -match '\D\d{6}$'

Ruby On Rails searching database for word

I am new to rails. I am trying to search a database in MySQL where the term I am searching may be one word in the column string. For example if the cell was "this is a very lovely day" then I would like to be able to call that object by searching for the word 'lovely'
Thank you.
You need to do a LIKE query. (i.e. foo LIKE %bar%) The % represents a wildcard operator. bar% would be "starts with bar" and %bar% would be "contains bar." Note that contains searches cannot use column indexes and will be slow.
Suppose you had a Day class with the attribute description. In that case, you would do
Day.where("description LIKE '%lovely%')
by using Arel
days = Day.arel_table
