Rails: How to lock ActiveRecords in order to avoid collisions in data trafic? [closed] - ruby-on-rails

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Closed 2 years ago.
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How can we lock an ActiveRecord and complete the operations on it before allowing another thread or request to make changes to the ActiveRecord?
I am building an eCommerce site which currently has a huge discount
campaign. Only one unit of your product left. And many people want to
buy it at the exact same time. In such scenario, I need to lock the

In Rails, you could use with_lock


How to create own screen time app (Same as Apple) using swift? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I need to create own screen time app in that I should be able to track which app is being used for how much time in mins/hours is that possible for us?
Thank you in advanced!
It is available only for the operating system. You cannot observe the screen time of the other applications except yours for security reasons.

I have purchase one item and need to distribute amount to two different merchant or sellar in one transaction using paypal node js [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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note:- I have already payment done with parallel payment but it depreciates any other way to implement?

Model student, subject, marks. Application logic [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I have Student that has_many Subjects thas has_one Mark. Where should I write logic to sum all student marks from one subject ? Im beginner so any links to documentation or somewhere else are appreciated.
Almost any time I need to interact with multiple models, I use a plain old Ruby object (aka, a "PORO"). I personally call these 'managers', but I believe it's more common to call them 'service' objects (or some variation). Google 'Rails service objects' and that ought to get you started.

How do I set a timer for a Parse object? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I would like to set individual timer for each parse (Parse.com) object so that the objects will disappear in a while. I am currently programming an iOS app. I will be appreciate that u guys can give specific answers.
I would read up on cloud code, and once you do, create a function that goes through your objects and deletes some based on your given parameters. On parse.com, you can schedule this function to run in intervals.

Implementing Price Tiers [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am curious if there are any common patterns for partitioning a web application by features? An example would be to sell at multiple price tiers.
What I am asking is there a common development pattern to partition features within an application
There isn't a pattern that I know of. One way of implementing what you want would be to give users roles dependant upon what price tier they have chosen and to then have role checking on specific features/views. Almost like a form of access control list, which is controlled by their purchased package.
