Wireshark - Finding HTTP and application layer payload from a given pcap file - wireshark

I am trying to trying to get the packets which contain application layer payloads like HTTP from a given pcap file.
I have tried using http in the Wireshark display filter. My doubt is that, is it the right way to get the http payload from the pcap file. Please help me on this.

Saving HTTP packets
To filter for http traffic in tshark, you would use a display filter (-Y). This is sample output showing what that would look like:
$ tshark -r input.pcap -Y http
25 1.051399 → server-13-35-127-122.sfo5.r.cloudfront.net HTTP
630 GET /online HTTP/1.1 0c:8d:db:90:cf:38 ← 6c:96:cf:d8:7f:e7
34 1.078368 server-13-35-127-122.sfo5.r.cloudfront.net → HTTP
404 HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified 6c:96:cf:d8:7f:e7 ← 0c:8d:db:90:cf:38
This shows them output as text (the default). To output them to a new file, use the -w flag:
$ tshark -r input.pcap -Y http -w modified.pcap
Export files
You can also export certain types of plaintext objects from tshark
$ output_folder="files"
$ tshark -r input.pcap --export-object http,$output_folder
$ ls $output_folder
example.png example.html ...
This article will walk you through generating a packet capture from which you can then export HTTP files.


tshark returns 0 results for filter icmp.no_resp but wireshark returns 12 resutls with the same filter

I am trying to do packet capture analysis with tshark on about 30000 files looking for a needle in the haystack.The files containing interesting needles contain icmp failures. I wrote a script which iterates though these files with tshark but they all return 0 results.
tshark -r <filename> -Y "icmp.no_resp"
tshark -r <filename> -Y "icmp.resp_not_found"
Both ofthese commands yield 0 results. However when I open a specific file and use the display filter "icmp.no_resp" or "icmp.resp_not_found" I see results.
Is this a bug in T-shark where it can't identify response not found?
I'm running tshark/wireshark v3.6.7 on Ubuntu
I figured it out.
tshark requires multiple passes to identify certain display filters. Doing a command like so creates this.
tshark -r <filename> -Y "icmp.resp_not_found" -2
I hope this helps someone in the future.

wire shark log file conversion to text file through cli (in windows7)

For some automation purpose I have below requirements for the Wireshark log file(.pcap).
1-Conversion of Wireshark logs(.pcap file ) to text file with detail of packets.
2-Conversion of Wireshark logs (.pcap file) to text file with some filter (eg: bssgp.pdu_type == 0x00) with detail of packets.
I know how to convert the wireshark files to text file through GUI,
But I need the cli commands for the same to automate the procedure.
Thanks in advance
To convert a .pcap file to text output, you can run:
tshark -V -r file.pcap > file.txt
If you only want to convert certain packets that match a Wireshark display filter, then using your filter, you can run:
tshark -Y "bssgp.pdu_type == 0x00" -V -r file.pcap > file.txt
If the -V option provides too much detail, you can limit the detail to specific protocol(s) by using the -O option instead. For example, to provide details for bssgp only and a summary for all other protocols, try:
tshark -Y "bssgp.pdu_type == 0x00" -O bssgp -r file.pcap > file.txt
Refer to the tshark man page for more details about these options.

Read all HTTP URLs from PCAp file

I try to get Read all HTTP URLs from PCAp file using this command line command:
tshark -R -e http.request.uri -r C:file.pcap
And got the message
tshark: -R without -2 is deprecated. For single-pass filtering use -Y.
What's wrong with my filter ?
Using the filter as single pass, like suggested, does it for me:
tshark -Y http.request.uri -r capturefile

Jenkins - Posting results to a external monitoring job is adding garbage to the build job log

I have a external monitor job that I'm pushing the result of another job to it with curl and base on this link :
Monitoring external jobs
After I create the job I just need to run a curl command with the body encoded in HEX to the specified url and then a build will be created and the output will be added to it but what I get instead is part of my output in clear text and the rest in weird characters like so :
Asking akamai to purge this urls:
http://xxx/sites/all/modules/custom/uk.png http://aaaaaasites/all/modules/custom/flags/jp.png
<html><head><title>401 Unauthorized</title> </h�VC��&�G����CV�WF��&��VC�������R&R��BWF��&��VBF�66W72F�B&W6�W&6S�����&�G�����F����F�RW&�F �6�V6�7FGW2�bF�R&WVW7B�2��F�RF��RF�v�B�2��6�Ɩ�r&6�w&�V�B��"F�6�V6�7FGW2�bF�RF�6�W#�v�F��rf�"���F�W&vRF��6O request please keep in mind this is an estimated time
Waiting for another 60 seconds
Asking akamai to purge this urls:
This is how I'm doing it :
export output=`cat msg.out|xxd -c 256 -ps`
curl -k -X POST -d "<run><log encoding=\"hexBinary\">$output</log><result>0</result> <duration>2000</duration></run>" https://$jenkinsuser:$jenkinspass# -H'.crumb:c775f3aa15464563456346e'
If I cat that file is all fine and even if I edit it with vi I can't see any problem with it.
Do you guys have any idea how to fix this ?
Could it be a problem with the hex encoding ? ( I tried hex/enc/dec pages with the result of xxd and they look fine)
I had the same issue, and stumbled across this: http://blog.markfeeney.com/2010/01/hexbinary-encoding.html
From that page, you can get the encoding you need via this command:
echo "Hello world" | hexdump -v -e '1/1 "%02x"'
An excerpt from the explanation:
So what the hell is that? -v means don't suppress any duplicate data
in the output, and -e is the format string. hexdump's very particular
about the formatting of the -e argument; so careful with the quotes.
The 1/1 means for every 1 byte encountered in the input, apply the
following formatting pattern 1 time. Despite this sounding like the
default behaviour in the man page, the 1/1 is not optional. /1 also
works, but the 1/1 is very very slightly more readable, IMO. The
"%02x" is just a standard-issue printf-style format code.
So in your case, you would do this (removing 'export' in favor of inline variable)
OUTPUT=`cat msg.out | hexdump -v -e '1/1 "%02x"'` curl -k -X POST -d "<run><log encoding=\"hexBinary\">$OUTPUT</log><result>0</result> <duration>2000</duration></run>" https://$jenkinsuser:$jenkinspass# -H'.crumb:c775f3aa15464563456346e'

Plot RTT histogram using wireshark or other tool

I have a little office network and I'm experiencing a huge internet link latency. We have a simple network topology: a computer configured as router running ubuntu server 10.10, 2 network cards (one to internet link, other to office network) and a switch connecting 20 computers. I have a huge tcpdump log collected at the router and I would like to plot a histogram with the RTT time of all TCP streams to try to find out the best solution to this latency problem. So, could somebody tell me how to do it using wireshark or other tool?
Wireshark or tshark can give you the TCP RTT for each received ACK packet using tcp.analysis.ack_rtt which measures the time delta between capturing a TCP packet and the ACK for that packet.
You need to be careful with this as most of your ACK packets will be from your office machines ACKing packets received from the internet, so you will be measuring the RTT between your router seeing the packet from the internet and seeing the ACK from your office machine.
To measure your internet RTT you need to look for ACKS from the internet (ACKing data sent from your network). Assuming your office machines have IP addresses like 192.168.1.x and you have logged all the data on the LAN port of your router you could use a display filter like so:
tcp.analysis.ack_rtt and ip.dst==
To dump the RTTs into a .csv for analysis you could use a tshark command like so;
tshark -r router.pcap -Y "tcp.analysis.ack_rtt and ip.dst==" -e tcp.analysis.ack_rtt -T fields -E separator=, -E quote=d > rtt.csv
The -r option tells tshark to read from your .pcap file
The -Y option specifies the display filter to use (-R without -2 is deprecated)
The -e option specifies the field to output
The -T options specify the output formatting
You can use the mergecap utility to merge all your pcap files into one one file before running this command. Turning this output into a histogram should be easy!
Here's the 5-min perlscript inspired by rupello's answer:
# For a live histogram of rtt latencies, save this file as /tmp/hist.pl and chmod +x /tmp/hist.pl, then run:
# tshark -i wlp2s0 -Y "tcp.analysis.ack_rtt and ip.dst==" -e tcp.analysis.ack_rtt -T fields -E separator=, -E quote=d | /tmp/hist.pl
# Don't forget to update the interface "wlp2s0" and "and ip.dst==..." bits as appropriate, type "ip addr" to get those.
while (<>) {
s/\"//g; $n=$_; chomp($n); $o++;
for ($i=$m;$i>=0;$i--) { if ($n<=$t[$i]) { $h[$i]++; $i=-1; }; };
if ($i==-1) { $h[0]++; };
print "\033c";
for (0..$m) { printf "%6s %6s %8s\n",$t[$_],sprintf("%3.2f",$h[$_]/$o*100),$h[$_]; };
The newer versions of tshark seem to work better with a "stdbuf -i0 -o0 -e0 " in front of the "tshark".
PS Does anyone know if wireshark has DNS and ICMP rtt stats built in or how to easily get those?
2018 Update: See https://github.com/dagelf/pping
