How can I send email via microsoft-graph using my application? - microsoft-graph-api{id}/sendMail
What does the {id} refers to?

The id refers either to the email address or to the id of the user you want to send the email from. You can also replace /users/{id} by /me which is a shortcut to the current user.


Change the Sender in Outlook using Redemption, but not with an account in the profile

I'm attempting to create Outlook emails that should be sent "from" someone other than the person actually sending the email. The idea is to prefill the email, display it in Outlook, allowing the end user to modify before sending. As a part of that process, I would like to use a different email address, which is a true email address, but is not an account in the end user's profile.
If this were SMTP, I could use the Net.Mail classes, which will accept any smtp address as the sender. Like this:
string from = "";
System.Net.Mail.MailMessage mail = new System.Net.Mail.MailMessage(from, to);
My question then, is it possible to do this using Redemption? All the examples that I've been able to find talk about either accessing the "Sender" property, or the "SendUsingAccount" property. From what I can tell, these both require an Account in the user profile.
If you are sending using Exchange (as well as most SMTP servers), it will not let you spoof the sender. The user must actually have the right to send as that user.

How to add a image or thumbnail to email sender on Rails Mailer?

I want to set a logo for the LCA Systems mail that I am sending from my application to be as the others bellow. Now it is showing just an Interrogation point. Is there any way to replace this interrogation to an image?
If you create a Google+ profile using your sending email address. If that address is, simply create a Google+ account using that address.
Other email clients will use Gravatar. Sign up for an account using the email address you use to send messages.
There is no universal method to get all email clients to use one central avatar for personalization.
Good luck.

Is it possible for users to contact each other without knowing their email addresses via Mandrill?

My website allow User A send email to User B through a form. Currently if User B want to reply, he need to login to my website and use the same form.
User A dont know the User B's email address and vice versa.
I would like to allow User B reply to User A directly using his mail client without need to login to my website (while still keep both email addresses confidentially). So User A send a message to User B using the form. User B can reply to user A using his email client, and user B can reply to user A using email client too without reveal their email address.
I was told this is possible with Mandrill Webhook. Is that correct? Can anybody please show me how?
Thanks a lot.
I think what you need to do is inbound email processing.
First, create an inbound domain in your Mandrill dashboard.
Set up routes / webhooks in your dashboard (for example, sending an email to will send a POST to
In your application, process the received message and decide if you have to send it to one of your user, and more important, which user.
To do so, you can add a unique ID inside your emails. So you just have to read this ID when you receive an email, and you know who is the sender and who should be the receiver. Of course, you should also check the sender's email address.
More informations about the first two steps:

Setting default from address of email in ios

In my app, there is an email functionality which should send email from an id, which is not configured with mail app. From address will be like .. some thing like that.
How can I hard code the from address of an email ?
It's impossible to send email from account where user isn't authorised in.
For your aims it's better implement email functionality on server side that could be authorised to send emails from address that you specified.
As per my comment - you can't, you should use reply-to for that, or send a request to a server to send the email. The from gets set from the selected email address you eventually chose to send the email with.
For example:
I don't think there's anyway to do this using MFMailComposeViewController.

Getting user Email Yahoo Oauth (using Scribe-Java API)

Trying to access user profile from Yahoo using Oauth system and for that i am taking help of Scribe-Java API
its working fine except one issue whcih i am sure not related to the API i am using
In my yahoo profile i have following settings
Yahoo! Email --->
Email---> Primary - Change
So what i am getting back is which means i am not able to get correct information of the logged in user.Once i am able to get guid i am sending the request to following URL
any way i can get the yahoo mail id to which user is associated in place of other id even if that is set as primary or along with any other email id all i want is to get the yahoo mail id of the user by which he/she logged in to the system.
Is there any specific reason you must get the yahoo account's email?
I also facing the same problem as you earlier.
After think over, primary email means to be the contactable email for the user.
So may be that's why yahoo make it that way.
Of course it will be good if they can provide one more email which is account's email.
But if you just want to have unique identifier, we can use the guid.
So may be you can check again, does your requirement must have the account's email?
or you just need an email where user set primary because they preferred to be contactable by that email?
Now I will just make use of the primary email return from Yahoo for my OAuth
