How do we deploy a project in Nimbella to any of the public cloud platforms? - serverless

As per my knowledge Nimbella is a serverless cloud platfrom which allows a developer to deploy their application in any public cloud platform since it has a cloud agnostic nature and thereby avoid vendor lock-in.
"Nimbella is cloud-agnostic and can run on public and private clouds thus naturally supporting a hybrid or multi-cloud strategy. As a developer, you can code once and run on all clouds or your local machine, because you can deploy the Nimbella platform anywhere." -(from Nimbella official document.)
So my question is,I didn't see any area which connect the application in Nimbella with any of the public cloud services. How can we deploy the application in Nimbella in any of the public cloud services(AWS,Firebase)?

Nimbella's serverless functions are powered by Apache OpenWhisk (github, web) which makes it possible to run your serverless code on any cloud that is powered by OpenWhisk - in addition to Nimbella, there are other cloud providers that offer OpenWhisk as a service: IBM and Adobe I/O Runtime. There is also a "Nimbella lite" Digital Ocean droplet. Nimbella can be deployed on-prem or a cloud of your choice but this is currently offered as an enterprise feature.
Serverless functions for OpenWhisk have one of the purest function signature: JSON dictionary -> JSON dictionary, and the programming model is consistent across languages supported by the project. Additionally, one can run a Container as a function, so that it less necessary for a developer to make a distinction between function and container. The programming model for serverless functions developed for OpenWhisk make them highly portable as well.


Can we use a spring cloud based micro service running in multiple nodes as SCDF applications?

I am newbie in SCDF. I have few micro services running behind Spring Cloud platform. Each services got multiple nodes. Can we use those existing services into SCDF platform as either SOURCE, PROCESSOR or SINK? If so, how would I get them into dashboard as they are already deployed as services!
SCDF doesn't probe on a given K8s cluster/namespace to automatically build the streaming data pipelines.
Today, it is imperative that the streaming/task "definitions" are created and deployed in SCDF first, and only then it is possible to monitor, scale, and manage the applications.
In case it wasn't apparent already, SCDF can only orchestrate the deployment and the management for event-streaming and batch/task Spring Boot applications. Not all kinds of application workloads are possible.

How to deploy docker app using docker-compose.yml in cloud foundry

I have a docker-compose.yml file which have environment variable and certificates. I like to deploy these in cloud foundry dev version.
I want to deploy microgateway on cloud foundry link for microgateway is below-
In cloud native world, you instantiate the services to your foundation beforehand. You can use prebuilt services (auto-scaler) available from the market place.
If the service you want is not available, you can install a tile (e.g redis, mysql, rabbitmq), which will add services to the market place. Lot of vendors provide tiles that can be installed on PCF (check on for the full list).
If you have services that are outside of cloud foundry (e.g. Oracle, Mongo, or MS Sql Server), and you wish to inject them into your cloud foundry foundation, you can create do that by creating User Provide Services (cups).
Once you have a service, you have to create a service instance. Think of it as provisioning a service for you. After you have provisioned i.e. created a service instance, then you can bind it to one or more apps.
A service instance is scoped to an org and a space. All apps within a org - space, can be bound to that service instance.
You deploy your app individually, by itself, to cloud foundry (jar, war, zip). You then bind any needed services to your app (e.g db, scaling, caching etc).
Use a manifest file to do all these steps in one deployment.
PCF 2.0 is introducing PKS - Pivotal Container Service. It is implementation of Kubo within PCF. It is still not GA.
Kubo, Kubernetes, and PKS allow you to deployed your containerized applications.
I have played with MiniKube and little bit of Kubo. Still getting my hands wet on PKS.
Hope this helps!

Is there a commercially supported option for a standalone Spring Cloud Data Flow?

We're looking at using Spring Cloud Task / Spring Cloud Data Flow for our batch processing needs as we're modernising from a legacy system. We don't want or need the whole microservices offering ... we want to be able to deploy jobs/tasks, kick off batch processes, have them log to a log file, and share a database connection pool and message queue. We don't need the whole PaaS that's provided by Spring Cloud Foundry, and we don't want to pay for that, but we do want the Data Flow / Task framework to be commercially supported. Is such an option available?
Spring Cloud Data Flow (SCDF) builds upon spring-cloud-deployer abstraction to deploy stream/task workloads to a variety of runtimes including Cloud Foundry, Kubernetes, Mesos and Yarn - see this visual.
You'd need a runtime for SCDF to orchestrate these workloads in production setting. If there's no scope for cloud infrastructure, the YARN based deployment could be a viable option for standalone bare-metal installation. Please review the reference guide and Apache Ambari provisioning tools for more details. There's a separate commercial support option available for this type of installation.

Spring Cloud Data Flow support of Swarm

Currently I can see that Spring Cloud Data Flow has these servers: Local, YARN, Cloud Foundry, Mesos, and Kubernetes; is there any plan for Swarm support?
Caleb: Spring Cloud Data Flow's deployer implementation is based on Spring Cloud Deployer's service provider interface (SPI), so there's currently SPI implementation for Local, CF, Yarn, Kubernetes, and Mesos. These implementations are managed in separate repos, too.
This decoupling provides flexibility and it is easy to extend to add new deployers. Though we haven't attempted to add Docker Swarm deployer yet, we would love to review contributions from the community.

Is CloudFoundry compatible with Docker/CoreOS?

I am interested in installing OpenStack to a couple of physical we have lying around, and then, somehow, deploying CloudFoundry on top of of it, as the PaaS.
I am also interested in playing around with Docker and CoreOS, and see that an integration between OpenStack and CoreOS already exists.
My question: if I have OpenStack/Nova spinning up VMs running CoreOS, and hence be Docker/container-based, will this be compatible with CloudFoundry, or is CloudFoundry somehow incompatible with Docker containers?
Cloud Foundry is installed using a specialised tool called Bosh. It has support for Openstack and I think would require deployment using Ubuntu VMs (open to correction on this point). Cloud Foundry has not integrated Docker yet, that is coming in the next version, google "Cloud Foundry" and "Diego".
maybe I'm not fully understanding here, but I was under the impression
that containers can't just stand on their own. They would require
living inside a VM. So my thinking/hope was that I could use
CloudFoundry to spin up VM instances, and inside those instances,
deploy containers. Thoughts?
Containers are completely standalone, they are a form of lightweight virtualization. Cloud Foundry is a platform for deploying your application. It runs on virtual machines (or physical servers) and instances of your application are compiled and run on the CF hosts within containers. Currently the container tech used by CF is something called Warden. Diego is a new CF component coming in 2015 that will offer Docker support.
then what is the difference between CF Diego and Kubernetes, which
also seems to be about deploying/distributing your container across
pools of nodes? Do they serve different, similar or identical
purposes? In other words, would there be a use case for having both CF
Diego and Kubernetes managing your app deployments, if so, what?
Kubernetes is a Google sponsored project for orchestrating containers across multiple hosts. Cloud Foundry goes further because it also contains features for building and versioning applications that are deployed. It's worth noting that Redhat have a competing PAAS solution called Openshift. The next version (already available in github) has integrated Kubernetes and added in all the missing application build support, making it comparable to what Cloud Foundry offers. Both CF Diego and Openshift V3 are due for delivery sometime in 2015.
I see from your other questions, you're familiar with Camel. You'd be interested in the fabric8 framework which has recently integrated Openshift V3. (Fabric is the upstream project for the JBoss Fuse product)
