ScrollView inertia effect manually, iOS, Swift - ios

I have UICollectionView which I'm dragging from code (don't ask me why it's very long story:)).
And my code is working pretty well:
func move(prevPoint: CGPoint, curPoint: CGPoint) {
let xDiff = curPoint.x - prevPoint.x
let yDiff = curPoint.y - prevPoint.y
let xSign = xDiff == 0 ? 1 : (xDiff / abs(xDiff))
let ySign = yDiff == 0 ? 1 : (yDiff / abs(yDiff))
let x = max(min(abs(xDiff), maxPickerStep), minPickerStep) * -xSign * xMultiplier
let y = max(min(abs(yDiff), maxPickerStep), minPickerStep) * -ySign
let offset = CGPoint(x: collectionView.contentOffset.x + x, y: collectionView.contentOffset.y)
let cell = (collectionView.visibleCells.first as? ColorsCollectionViewCell)
let innerOffset = cell?.colorCollectionView.contentOffset ?? .zero
let inset = (cell? ?? 0) * 2
let innerYContentOffset = min(max(innerOffset.y + y, -inset), (cell?.colorCollectionView.contentSize.height ?? 0) - inset)
cell?.colorCollectionView.contentOffset = CGPoint(x: innerOffset.x, y: innerYContentOffset)
collectionView.contentOffset = offset
But in addition to scrolling, I want to achieve the same effect as in UICollectionView when scrollView moves by inertia after user takes away finger. Thanks.

First thing first, I think that moving the scroll view manually is most certainly a thing I would avoid.
Probably there is something much simpler to fulfill the behavior you need.
So I highly suggest you, and any other reader, to not go further in the reading of this post and, instead, go ahead and try to solve the problem that guided you here in the first place.
You could also ask another question here on Stack Overflow to maybe get help to try to avoid you to manually update the scrollView position.
So if you are still reading, this article is probably the way to go with implementing something that really feels like a UIScrollView. Doing anything else will probably really look and feel awful.
Basically it consists of using UIKit Dynamics to control the inertia.
So you can create an object that conforms to UIDynamicItem (with a non-zero CGRect), and change its center instead of the scrollView contentOffset, than use a UIDynamicAnimator and its UIDynamicBehavior to set up the inertia and to connect the changes during the animation to the corresponding contentOffset in the scrollView using the UIDynamicBehavior's action block.
Assuming that you have an item that is a UIDynamicItem, and an animator that is a UIDynamicAnimator, the handling of the panGesture recognizer would look something like this:
func handlGestureRecognizer(panGesture: UIPanGestureRecognizer) {
switch panGesture.state {
case .began:
case .changed:
// Update scroll view position
case .ended:
var velocity = panGesture.velocity(in: panGesture.view!)
velocity.x = -velocity.x
velocity.y = -velocity.y
// You probably need to check for out of bound velocity too, and also put velocity.x to 0 if the scroll is only scrolling vertically
// This is done to just save the current content offset and then change it alongside the animation from this starting point = scrollView.contentOffset
let decelerationBehavior = UIDynamicItemBehavior(items: [item])
decelerationBehavior.addLinearVelocity(velocity, for: item)
decelerationBehavior.resistance = 2.0
decelerationBehavior.action = {
// Connect the item center to the scroll contentOffset. Probably something like this:
scrollView.contentOffset =
You than just need to play up with the values of the behavior and be careful with the velocity you put into the behavior having extra care in looking at the edge cases (if you scroll over the min/max for example)
PS: After all I've written, I still believe you should strongly consider not doing this and, instead, go with the standard scrollView scrolling, avoiding manual updates.

You can try to play with decelerationRate and see if it satisfies your needs.
collectionView.decelerationRate = UIScrollView.DecelerationRate(rawValue: 1)


iOS: Programmatically move cursor up, down, left and right in UITextView

I use the following code to move the cursor position to 5 characters from the beginning of a UITextField:
txtView.selectedRange = NSMakeRange(5, 0);
Now, if I have a cursor at an arbitrary position as shown in the image below, how can I move the cursor up, down, left and right?
Left and right should be more or less easy. I guess the tricky part is top and bottom. I would try the following.
You can use caretRect method to find the current "frame" of the cursor:
if let cursorPosition = answerTextView.selectedTextRange?.start {
let caretPositionRect = answerTextView.caretRect(for: cursorPosition)
Then to go up or down, I would use that frame to calculate estimated position in UITextView coordinates using characterRange(at:) (or maybe closestPosition(to:)), e.g. for up:
let yMiddle = caretPositionRect.origin.y + (caretPositionRect.height / 2)
let lineHeight = answerTextView.font?.lineHeight ?? caretPositionRect.height // default to caretPositionRect.height
// x does not change
let estimatedUpPoint = CGPoint(x: caretPositionRect.origin.x, y: yMiddle - lineHeight)
if let newSelection = answerTextView.characterRange(at: estimatedUpPoint) {
// we have a new Range, lets just make sure it is not a selection
newSelection.end = newSelection.start
// and set it
answerTextView.selectedTextRange = newSelection
} else {
// I guess this happens if we go outside of the textView
I haven't really done it before, so take this just as a general direction that should work for you.
Documentation to the methods used is here.

Dynamically change position based on scrollView

I have a "U" shaped UIBezierPath which I use as the path for my myImage.layer to animate on. I also have a scrollView. My goal is to have a custom "Pull to Refresh" animation.
The problem I am having is that I want my myImage.layer to update based on how much the scrollView scrolled.
As the scrollView is pulled down, the myImage.layer animates along a "U" shape path. This is the path in my code which I created as a UIBezierPath.
This is how I calculate how far the scrollView is pulled down:
func scrollViewDidScroll(scrollView: UIScrollView) {
let offsetY = CGFloat(max(-(scrollView.contentOffset.y +, 0.0))
self.progress = min(max(offsetY / frame.size.height, 0.0), 1.0)
if !isRefreshing {
This is the function to dynamically update the position (it is not working):
func redrawFromProgress(progress: CGFloat) {
// PROBLEM: This is not correct. Only the `x` position is dynamic based on scrollView position.
// The `y` position is static.
// I want this to be dynamic based on how much the scrollView scrolled.
myImage.layer.position = CGPoint(x: progress, y: 50)
Basically, this is what I want:
If the scrollView scrolled is 0.0, then the myImage.layer position should be CGPoint(x: 0, y: 0) or the starting point of the path.
If the scrollView scrolled is 0.5 (50%), then the myImage.layer position should be at 50% of the path, I don't know what the CGPoint value would be here.
and so on...
I tried getting the CGPoint values along the UIBezierPath and based on the % of the scrollView scrolled, assign that CGPoint value to it but don't know how to do this. I also looked at this post but I can't get it to work for me.
By using this extension, I was able to get an array of CGPoints which contain 10 values based on my UIBezierPath:
extension CGPath {
func forEachPoint(#noescape body: #convention(block) (CGPathElement) -> Void) {
typealias Body = #convention(block) (CGPathElement) -> Void
func callback(info: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, element: UnsafePointer<CGPathElement>) {
let body = unsafeBitCast(info, Body.self)
// print(sizeofValue(body))
let unsafeBody = unsafeBitCast(body, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>.self)
CGPathApply(self, unsafeBody, callback)
func getPathElementsPoints() -> [CGPoint] {
var arrayPoints : [CGPoint]! = [CGPoint]()
self.forEachPoint { element in
switch (element.type) {
case CGPathElementType.MoveToPoint:
case .AddLineToPoint:
case .AddQuadCurveToPoint:
case .AddCurveToPoint:
default: break
return arrayPoints
I also rewrote the function above called redrawFromProgress(progress: CGFloat) to this:
func redrawFromProgress(progress: CGFloat) {
let enterPath = paths[0]
let pathPointsArray = enterPath.CGPath
let junctionPoints = pathPointsArray.getPathElementsPoints()
// print(junctionPoints.count) // There are 10 junctionPoints
// progress means how much the scrollView has been pulled down,
// it goes from 0.0 to 1.0.
if progress <= 0.1 {
myImage.layer.position = junctionPoints[0]
} else if progress > 0.1 && progress <= 0.2 {
myImage.layer.position = junctionPoints[1]
} else if progress > 0.2 && progress <= 0.3 {
myImage.layer.position = junctionPoints[2]
} else if progress > 0.3 && progress <= 0.4 {
myImage.layer.position = junctionPoints[3]
} else if progress > 0.4 && progress <= 0.5 {
myImage.layer.position = junctionPoints[4]
} else if progress > 0.5 && progress <= 0.6 {
myImage.layer.position = junctionPoints[5]
} else if progress > 0.6 && progress <= 0.7 {
myImage.layer.position = junctionPoints[6]
} else if progress > 0.7 && progress <= 0.8 {
myImage.layer.position = junctionPoints[7]
} else if progress > 0.8 && progress <= 0.9 {
myImage.layer.position = junctionPoints[8]
} else if progress > 0.9 && progress <= 1.0 {
myImage.layer.position = junctionPoints[9]
If I pull down the scrollView very slow, the myImage.layer actually follows the path. The only problem is that if I pull down on the scrollView very fast, then the myImage.layer jumps to the last point. Could it be because of the way I wrote the if statement above?
Any ideas?
Thanks to #Sam Falconer for making me aware of this:
Your code is relying on the scrollViewDidScroll delegate callback to be called frequently enough to hit all of your keyframe points. When you pull quickly on the scroll view, it does not call that method frequently enough, causing the jump.
Once I confirmed this, he also helped by mentioning:
Additionally, you will find the CAKeyframeAnimation class to be useful.
With CAKeyfraneAnimation I am able to manually control it's value with this code:
func scrollViewDidScroll(scrollView: UIScrollView) {
let offsetY = CGFloat(max(-(scrollView.contentOffset.y +, 0.0))
self.progress = min(max(offsetY / frame.size.height, 0.0), 1.0)
if !isRefreshing {
func redrawFromProgress(progress: CGFloat) {
// Animate image along enter path
let pathAnimation = CAKeyframeAnimation(keyPath: "position")
pathAnimation.path = myPath.CGPath
pathAnimation.calculationMode = kCAAnimationPaced
pathAnimation.timingFunctions = [CAMediaTimingFunction(name: kCAMediaTimingFunctionEaseOut)]
pathAnimation.beginTime = 1e-100
pathAnimation.duration = 1.0
pathAnimation.timeOffset = CFTimeInterval() + Double(progress)
pathAnimation.removedOnCompletion = false
pathAnimation.fillMode = kCAFillModeForwards
imageLayer.addAnimation(pathAnimation, forKey: nil)
imageLayer.position = enterPath.currentPoint
Thanks again for the help guys!
Your code is relying on the scrollViewDidScroll delegate callback to be called frequently enough to hit all of your keyframe points. When you pull quickly on the scroll view, it does not call that method frequently enough, causing the jump.
You may want to try calculating a custom path based on a segment of an arc representing the path between your current position, and your desired position. Basing an animation on this, instead of deconstructing your custom path (which looks very close to just being an arc), may be easier.
CGPathAddArc() with x, y, and r being constant, should get you 90% to what your path is now. You could also get fancier with the path to add that line segment like you have at the beginning of your path. It would just take a bit more work to get the partial path to come out right for all the "I'm at this position, get me a path to this other position" logic.
Additionally, you will find the CAKeyframeAnimation class to be useful. You can feed it a CGPath (perhaps one based on the arc segment to travel), and the timing for the animation, and it can make your layer follow the path.
Here is some example code for how to draw a partial arc on a CGPath from the current progress to the new progress. I made it work in reverse too. You can play with the numbers and constants, but this is the idea of how to draw an arc segment from a certain percentage to a certain percentage.
Please keep in mind when looking at the CoreGraphics math that it may seem backwards (clockwise vs counterclockwise, etc). This is because UIKit flips everything upside down to put the origin in the upper-left, where CG has its origin in the lower-left.
// start out with start percent at zero, but then use the last endPercent instead
let startPercent = CGFloat(0.0)
// end percent is the "progress" in your code
let endPercent = CGFloat(1.0)
// reverse the direction of the path if going backwards
let clockwise = startPercent > endPercent ? false : true
let minArc = CGFloat(M_PI) * 4/5
let maxArc = CGFloat(M_PI) * 1/5
let arcLength = minArc - maxArc
let beginArc = minArc - (arcLength * startPercent)
let endArc = maxArc + (arcLength * (1.0 - endPercent))
let myPath = CGPathCreateMutable()
CGPathAddArc(myPath, nil, view.bounds.width/2, 0, 160, beginArc, endArc, clockwise)
Here is the full arc segment as defined by the constants minArc and maxArc.

Swift - Jigsaw Snap to Place

So I am developing an Ipad app that allows the user to solve a jigsaw puzzle. I've worked out getting the panning motion for each piece, but getting them where I want to has not worked properly. I am trying to make a piece snap into it's final destination when it's within a small range, which is followed by a clicking sound.
Here is a bit of code for a single puzzle piece. When my new game button is pressed, an Image View gets set to the corresponding picture, and randomly placed on the canvas.
#IBAction func NewGameTapped(sender: UIButton){
let bounds = UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds
let height = bounds.size.height
let width = bounds.size.width
image1.image = UIImage(named:"puzzleImage1.png") = CGFloat(100 + arc4random_uniform(UInt32(width)-300)) = CGFloat(100 + arc4random_uniform(UInt32(height)-300))
//Create Panning (Dragging) Gesture Recognizer for Image View 1
let panRecognizer1 = UIPanGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: "handlePanning1:")
// Add Panning (Dragging) Gesture Recognizer to Image View 1
This is where I am having some issues.
func handlePanning1(recognizer: UIPanGestureRecognizer) {
let center = dict1_image_coordinates["puzzleImage1"] as![Int]
let newTranslation: CGPoint = recognizer.translationInView(image1)
recognizer.view?.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeTranslation(lastTranslation1.x + newTranslation.x, lastTranslation1.y + newTranslation.y)
if recognizer.state == UIGestureRecognizerState.Ended {
lastTranslation1.x += newTranslation.x
lastTranslation1.y += newTranslation.y
checkPosition(image1, center: center)
func checkPosition(image: UIImageView, center: [Int]){
let distance: Double = sqrt(pow((Double( - Double(center[0])),2) + pow((Double( - Double(center[1])),2))
//if the distance is within range, set image to new location.
if distance <= 20{ = CGFloat(center[0]) = CGFloat(center[1])
For whatever reason, the puzzle piece only wants to snap to it's spot when the piece begins the game within the acceptable snap distance. I have tried checking for the object position in various different parts of my program, but nothing has worked so far. Any help or other tips are greatly appreciated.
The issue is likely caused by this line
Usually people add gestureRecognizer on the parentView, or the rootView of the view controller instead of the image1 itself. The benefit is that the parentView never moves, where as the image1 is constantly being transformed, which may or may not affect the recognizer.translationInView(x) method return value.
do this instead:
and change to this line in handlePanning1 function:
image1.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeTranslation(lastTranslation1.x + newTranslation.x, lastTranslation1.y + newTranslation.y)

Keeping an object within the screen. Swift SpriteKit

I am new to swift a Sprite kit. In the app I am trying to make I have a submarine moving through the ocean. Every time the user clicks the screen the gravity starts pulling the sub in the opposite direction. My problem is that i can't find a way to keep the sub from leaving the screen. I have tried to solve it by making a physicsBody around the screen, but the sub still leaves the screen. I have also tried the following code in the updateCurrentTime fund.
override func update(currentTime: CFTimeInterval) {
/* Called before each frame is rendered */
self.physicsWorld.gravity = CGVectorMake(0,gravity)
if (sub.position.y >= self.size.height - sub.size.height / 2){
sub.position.y = self.size.height - self.sub.size.height / 2
if (sub.position.y <= sub.size.height / 2) {
sub.position.y = self.sub.size.height / 2
But this doesn't do anything either.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!!! thanks in advance!
P.S. I can't believe that it is that hard to keep things on the screen!!!
Try SKConstraint - it doesn't require a physicsBody. The code would look something like this, and would constrain the sub sprite to the scene:
let width2 = sub.size.width/2
let height2 = sub.size.height/2
let xRange = SKRange(lowerLimit:0+width2,upperLimit:size.width-width2)
let yRange = SKRange(lowerLimit:0+height2,upperLimit:size.height-height2)
sub.constraints = [SKConstraint.positionX(xRange,Y:yRange)]
Try this in the update:
if sub.frame.maxY >= view!.frame.height {
sub.position.y = view!.frame.height - sub.size.height / 2
sub.physicsBody!.affectedByGravity = false
if sub.frame.minY <= 0 {
sub.position.y = sub.size.height / 2
sub.physicsBody!.affectedByGravity = false
And then inside of the event where you want to reverse gravity don't forget to do this:
sub.physicsBody!.affectedByGravity = true
Alternatively, instead of using gravity you could use this which is a better option in my opinion:
// This moves the object to the top of the screen
let action = SKAction.moveToY(view!.frame.height - character.size.height / 2, duration: 5.0) // Or however much time you want to the action to run.
action.timingMode = .EaseInEaseOut // Or something else
// Change view!.frame.height - character.size.height / 2 to just character.size.height / 2 to move to the bottom.

Animate object size within GameScenes.swift (Swift)

We need to animate an object's size within GameScene.swift. Other Stack Overflow posts suggest using UIView.animateWithDuration, but this isn't available inside GameScene.swift. We need to animate inside GameScene.swift because we also need access to SKAction to run an action forever.
Right now, we are using the code below, but it is too clunky. The hope is animation will smooth out the appearance of the object as it shrinks.
func shrinkItem() {
let curWidth = item.size.width
if curWidth < 15 {
item.size = CGSize( width: CGFloat(item.size.width - 20 ), height: CGFloat(bird.size.height - 20) )
What you are trying to do is to shrink your bird, right ? That correspond to scale it down.
Why are you doing it manually inside a runBlock ?
You might want to give a look at the SKAction Class Reference :
Inside which you'll see all the possible actions, and scaleBy:duration: (or another one) might be what you're looking for.
let shrinkAction = SKAction.scaleBy(0.5, duration: 1.0)
let waitAction = SKAction.waitForDuration(0.5)
let sequenceAction = SKAction.sequence([shrinkAction, waitAction])
let repeatAction = SKAction.repeatActionForever(sequenceAction)
Depending on what you'll do next, take note that some action are automatically reversible (through reversedAction) and some aren't.
