What is the best way to rotate a view in swift and convert it to an image? - ios

I have been given the task of creating a dynamic "ticket" in Swift. I am passed the ticket number, amount, etc from our servers API, and I am to generate the barcode, along with all labels associated with this ticket. I am able to generate all the necessary data without any issues.
The problem
The issue arises with laying it out. I need to have a thumbnail view for this ticket, along with a fullscreen view. This seems to be best done by converting the view into an image (right?) as it allows for features like zooming, having the thumbnail view etc. The main cause of the issue is the ticket labels and barcode need to be laid out vertically, or basically in landscape mode.
What I've tried
I have created the image manually with UIGraphicsBeginImageContext() and associated APIs. This allows me to flip each view and convert it to an image. However, this method forces me to manually create a frame for each view and loses all accuracy and does not seem like the right way to do it when I have to add 10-15labels to a blank image.
Next I tried laying everything out in a UIView with autolayout and applying a CGAffineTransform to each view and then converting the whole view to an image. This seems to work with the exception that I lose precision and can't line up views correctly. CGAffineTransform throws off constraints completely and I have to experiment with constraint constants until I get the view looking somewhat right and even then that doesn't translate all that well to all device sizes.
Landscape Mode
Lastly, I tried laying out the views normally, and forcing the view into landscape mode. Aside from the number of issues that arose because my app only supports portrait mode, I got it to work when the view is presented, but I have no idea how to get the thumbnail view which is supposed to show before the ticket view is presented to be in landscape mode. If I try doing so the thumbnail comes out in portrait mode and not landscape.
Do you guys have any ideas on a better way to accomplish this or should I stick to one of the methods that I've tried and try to work out all the bugs? I can provide code as needed but there's a lot that goes into it so I didn't want to just throw all the code in here if it wasn't necessary.
The following is an example of what I need to create except I need to add additional labels on there such as issue date, expiration date, etc:
Any help would be appreciated!

You asked:
What is the best way to rotate a view in swift and convert it to an image?
If you want to create a rotated snapshot of a view, apply a rotate and a translateBy to the context:
func clockwiseSnapshot(of subview: UIView) -> UIImage {
var rect = subview.bounds
swap(&rect.size.width, &rect.size.height)
return UIGraphicsImageRenderer(bounds: rect).image { context in
context.cgContext.rotate(by: .pi / 2)
context.cgContext.translateBy(x: 0, y: -rect.width)
subview.drawHierarchy(in: subview.bounds, afterScreenUpdates: true)
func counterClockwiseSnapshot(of subview: UIView) -> UIImage {
var rect = subview.bounds
swap(&rect.size.width, &rect.size.height)
return UIGraphicsImageRenderer(bounds: rect).image { context in
context.cgContext.rotate(by: -.pi / 2)
context.cgContext.translateBy(x: -rect.height, y: 0)
subview.drawHierarchy(in: subview.bounds, afterScreenUpdates: true)
Obviously, if you want the Data associated with the image, instead, use pngData or jpegData instead:
func clockwiseSnapshotData(of subview: UIView) -> Data {
var rect = subview.bounds
swap(&rect.size.width, &rect.size.height)
return UIGraphicsImageRenderer(bounds: rect).pngData { context in
context.cgContext.rotate(by: .pi / 2)
context.cgContext.translateBy(x: 0, y: -rect.width)
subview.drawHierarchy(in: subview.bounds, afterScreenUpdates: true)
func counterClockwiseSnapshotData(of subview: UIView) -> Data {
var rect = subview.bounds
swap(&rect.size.width, &rect.size.height)
return UIGraphicsImageRenderer(bounds: rect).pngData { context in
context.cgContext.rotate(by: -.pi / 2)
context.cgContext.translateBy(x: -rect.height, y: 0)
subview.drawHierarchy(in: subview.bounds, afterScreenUpdates: true)
If you don’t really need the image, but just want to rotate it in the UI, then apply a transform to the view that contains all of these subviews:
someView.transform = .init(rotationAngle: .pi / 2)


Removing statusbar from screenshot on iOS

Im trying to remove the top part of an image by cropping, but the result is unexpected.
The code used:
extension UIImage {
class func removeStatusbarFromScreenshot(_ screenshot:UIImage) -> UIImage {
let statusBarHeight = 44.0
let newHeight = screenshot.size.height - statusBarHeight
let newSize = CGSize(width: screenshot.size.width, height: newHeight)
let newOrigin = CGPoint(x: 0, y: statusBarHeight)
let imageRef:CGImage = screenshot.cgImage!.cropping(to: CGRect(origin: newOrigin, size: newSize))!
let cropped:UIImage = UIImage(cgImage:imageRef)
return cropped
My logic is that I need to make the image smaller in heigh by 44px and move the origin y by 44px, but it ends up only creating an image much smaller of the top left corner.
The only way that I get it to work as expected is by multiplying the width by 2 and height by 2.5 in newSize, but that also double the size of the image produced..
Which anyways doesnt make much sense.. can someone help make it work without using magic values?
There are two main problems with what you're doing:
A UIImage has a scale (usually tied to resolution of your device's screen), but a CGImage does not.
Different devices have different "status bar" heights. In general, what you want to cut off from the top is not the status bar but the safe area. The top of the safe area is where your content starts.
Because of this:
You are wrong to talk about 44 px. There are no pixels here. Pixels are physical atomic illuminations on your screen. In code, there are points. Points are independent of the scale (and the scale is the multiplier between points and pixels).
You are wrong to talk about the number 44 itself as if it were hard-coded. You should get the top of the safe area instead.
By crossing into the CGImage world without taking scale into account, you lose the scale information, because CGImage knows nothing of scale.
By crossing back into the UIImage world without taking scale into account, you end up with a UIImage with a resolution of 1, which may not be the resolution of the original UIImage.
The simplest solution is not to do any of what you are doing. First, get the height of the safe area; call it h. Then just draw the snapshot image into a graphics image context that is the same scale as your image (which, if you play your cards right, it will be automatically), but is h points shorter than the height of your image — and draw it with its y origin at -h, thus cutting off the safe area. Extract the resulting image and you're all set.
Example! This code comes a view controller. First, I'll take a screenshot of my own device's current screen (this view controller's view) as my app runs:
let renderer = UIGraphicsImageRenderer(size: view.bounds.size)
let screenshot = renderer.image { context in
view.layer.render(in: context.cgContext)
Now, I'll cut the safe area off the top of that screenshot:
let h = view.safeAreaInsets.top
let size = screenshot.size
let r = UIGraphicsImageRenderer(
size: .init(width: size.width, height: size.height - h)
let result = r.image { _ in
screenshot.draw(at: .init(x: 0, y: -h))
Experimentation will confirm that this works perfectly on every device, regardless of whether it has a bezel and regardless of its screen resolution: the top of the resulting image, result, is the top of your actual content.

Overlaying image onto CGRect swift

I'm using the following sample app that Apple provides to do some object detection.
I'm trying to paste an image of a face on top of the green rectangle in the video. (Video Download Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aw5L-6uBMTxeuq378Y98dZcTh6N_Y2Pf/view?usp=sharing)
So far, I'm able to detect the green rectangle from the video very consistently, but whenever I try to overlay an image, the frame just does not appear in the view.
Here's what I've tried so far:
In TrackingImageView.swift, I've added an instance variable called faceImage and I've tried adding it to the screen by adding the following code to the bottom of the draw function.
UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(self.imageAreaRect.size, false, 0.0)
// self.faceImage.draw(in: CGRect(origin: CGPoint.init(x: rect.minX, y: rect.minY), size: rect.size))
self.faceImage.draw(in: CGRect(x: previous.x, y: previous.y, width: polyRect.boundingBox.width, height: polyRect.boundingBox.height))
// self.faceImage.draw(in: rect)
let newImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()
self.image = newImage
Then in TrackingViewController, in the function called func displayFrame(_ frame: CVPixelBuffer?, withAffineTransform transform: CGAffineTransform, rects: [TrackedPolyRect]?), I've added the following lines.
self.trackingView.faceImage = UIImage(named: "dwight1")
self.trackingView.displayImage(rect: self.trackingView.polyRects[0].boundingBox)
UPDATE, Here's another approach I tried:
This is what it says in the documentation: Use the observation’s boundingBox to determine its location, so you can update your app or UI with the tracked object’s new location. Also use it to seed the next round of tracking.
So in the function func performTracking(type: TrackedObjectType) in VisionTrackerProcessor, I added this:
And in TrackingViewController I added this:
func updateImage(_ rect: CGRect) {
self.faceImage.frame = rect
And faceImage is this:
#IBOutlet weak var faceImage: UIImageView!
When I print out the CGPoints of the rectangle where I want to place the image, I get the following output:
(0.45066666666666666, 0.5595238095238095, 0.09599999999999997, 0.16666666666666663)
(0.4521519184112549, 0.5643428802490235, 0.09600000381469731, 0.16666666666666663)
(0.4546553611755371, 0.5875609927707248, 0.09555779099464418, 0.16589893764919705)
(0.4543778896331787, 0.5984047359890408, 0.09505770206451414, 0.1650307231479221)
(0.454343843460083, 0.6052030351426866, 0.09476101398468023, 0.16451564364963112)
(0.45296874046325686, 0.6065650092230903, 0.09457258582115169, 0.16418851216634112)
(0.4510493755340576, 0.6057157728407118, 0.09507998228073117, 0.1650694105360243)
(0.4481017589569092, 0.5987161000569662, 0.09499880075454714, 0.16492846806844075)
(0.44568862915039065, 0.5735456678602431, 0.09511266946792607, 0.16512615415785048)
(0.4434205532073975, 0.5485235426161025, 0.09506692290306096, 0.16504673428005645)
(0.4413131237030029, 0.5238201141357421, 0.09566491246223452, 0.1660849147372776)
(0.4388014316558838, 0.5072469923231336, 0.09601176977157588, 0.1666870964898003)
(0.4374812602996826, 0.4967741224500868, 0.09586981534957884, 0.16644064585367835)
(0.43827009201049805, 0.48819330003526473, 0.09551617503166199, 0.1658266809251574)
(0.44115781784057617, 0.4852377573649089, 0.09499365091323853, 0.1649195247226291)
(0.4417849540710449, 0.4845396253797743, 0.0949023962020874, 0.1647610982259115)
(0.4476351737976074, 0.49016346401638455, 0.09391363859176638, 0.16304450564914275)
(0.4497058391571045, 0.49209620157877604, 0.09434010386466984, 0.16378489600287544)
(0.4514862060546875, 0.49223976135253905, 0.09459822773933413, 0.16423302756415475)
(0.454580020904541, 0.4904879252115885, 0.0949873864650726, 0.16490865283542205)
(0.4566154479980469, 0.48613760206434464, 0.09480695724487309, 0.16459540261162653)
(0.45992450714111327, 0.47563196818033854, 0.09525291323661805, 0.1653696378072103)
(0.464534330368042, 0.46896955702039933, 0.09566755294799806, 0.1660895029703776)
(0.4682444095611572, 0.4513437059190538, 0.09700422883033755, 0.16841011047363275)
(0.4709425926208496, 0.438845952351888, 0.09843692183494568, 0.17089743084377712)
(0.47597203254699705, 0.4264893849690755, 0.10058027505874634, 0.17461851967705622)
(0.48175721168518065, 0.42467672559950087, 0.10141149759292606, 0.1760616196526421)
(0.483599328994751, 0.44046991136338975, 0.10279589891433716, 0.17846510145399308)
(0.4847916603088379, 0.44517923990885416, 0.10338790416717525, 0.17949288686116532)
(0.4889643669128418, 0.45437651740180124, 0.09983686804771424, 0.17332788043551978)
(0.49118928909301757, 0.4580091264512804, 0.09644789695739747, 0.16744425031873916)
(0.4905869483947754, 0.45951224433051213, 0.09397981166839603, 0.16315938101874455)
(0.4874621868133545, 0.45792486402723526, 0.09055853486061094, 0.15721967485215932)
(0.48279714584350586, 0.4531046549479167, 0.08872739672660823, 0.1540406121148004)
(0.4783169269561768, 0.4456812964545356, 0.0860174298286438, 0.1493358188205295)
(0.4728221893310547, 0.44693773057725694, 0.084199583530426, 0.14617982440524635)
(0.471103572845459, 0.4579927232530382, 0.08219499588012691, 0.14269964430067272)
(0.4676462173461914, 0.47325596279568144, 0.08054903745651243, 0.1398420651753744)
(0.463164234161377, 0.4803483327229818, 0.07916470766067507, 0.13743872112698025)
(0.4597337245941162, 0.4865601857503255, 0.07723031044006345, 0.1340803888108995)
(0.4575923442840576, 0.4861404842800564, 0.07577759623527525, 0.13155832290649416)
(0.456453275680542, 0.48211678398980035, 0.0741972386837006, 0.12881464428371853)
(0.45630569458007814, 0.47852266099717883, 0.0741972386837006, 0.12881464428371853)
(0.45930023193359376, 0.4749870724148221, 0.0741972386837006, 0.12881464428371847)
(0.4619853973388672, 0.460075675116645, 0.0741972386837006, 0.12881464428371853)
(0.4647641658782959, 0.44653006659613714, 0.0741972386837006, 0.12881464428371858)
(0.46242194175720214, 0.43739403618706596, 0.07220322489738468, 0.1253528171115451)
(0.4625579357147217, 0.41982913547092016, 0.07062785029411311, 0.12261778513590493)
(0.46608676910400393, 0.4134985182020399, 0.06866733431816097, 0.11921412150065108)
(0.46996197700500486, 0.41352043151855467, 0.0672459602355957, 0.11674645741780598)
(0.4733128547668457, 0.42267172071668835, 0.06592562794685364, 0.11445420583089194)
(0.4805797576904297, 0.4420909881591797, 0.06590123176574703, 0.11441185209486215)
(0.48854408264160154, 0.46238810221354165, 0.06529000997543333, 0.11335069868299696)
(0.4921866416931152, 0.47235264248318143, 0.06412824392318728, 0.11133375167846682)
(0.4948731899261475, 0.481452645195855, 0.06294543147087095, 0.10928025775485567)
(0.49323139190673826, 0.48434698316786023, 0.06219365000724797, 0.10797508027818464)
(0.4935962200164795, 0.47917471991644967, 0.061773008108139016, 0.10724479887220595)
(0.49112601280212403, 0.4626174502902561, 0.06177300810813907, 0.107244798872206)
(0.48893303871154786, 0.4498925950792101, 0.06069326996803287, 0.10537025663587785)
(0.4902684688568115, 0.45128373040093317, 0.06060827970504756, 0.10522270202636719)
(0.4870577812194824, 0.45470954047309026, 0.06060827970504756, 0.10522270202636724)
(0.45066666666666666, 0.5595238095238095, 0.09599999999999997, 0.16666666666666663)
(0.45066666666666666, 0.5595238095238095, 0.09599999999999997, 0.16666666666666663)
Any help with overlaying the image on top of my detected object would be amazing. Thanks!
Are you realising that the coordinates you get from the Vision framework are normalised ones(between 0 and 1)?. You will have to transform those to fit the size of your view.
In addition, as far as I remember, Vision coordinates start from the bottom left corner (contrary to UIKit, starting from the top- left), so you might have to flip them vertically as well(not 100% sure here).
I see you have available videoReader.affineTransform, you can give it a try modifying your CGRects using that transform.

Is there a faster way to render paths onto an UIImage than UIGraphicsImageRenderer?

I want to display a map in my iOS application. Therefor, I got a floorplan image (UIImage) and use the following code to render paths (which represent the buildings or rooms) onto the map image:
static func draw(paths: [[CGPoint]], toImage image: UIImage?) -> UIImage? {
if let image = image {
let renderer = UIGraphicsImageRenderer(size: image.size)
return renderer.image { context in
image.draw(at: CGPoint(x: 0, y: 0))
context.cgContext.setFillColor(UIColor.init(white: 0.1, alpha: 0.5).cgColor)
for path in paths {
if path.count > 2 {
context.cgContext.move(to: path[0])
for point in path {
context.cgContext.addLine(to: point)
context.cgContext.addLine(to: path[0])
context.cgContext.drawPath(using: .fill)
} else {
return nil
The result of this method is then set to an UIImageView. However, this takes about two seconds, so way too long.
I am new to iOS development and this was the only way I found.
Does anyone know a faster way? Maybe using custom views or something?
I would suggest to have a look at CAShapeLayer, it is usually quite fast, although I can't say if it outperforms UIGraphicsImageRenderer in your case. My guess is that it will, because it also scales as needed, so removes the need to create a large image.
In case you are new to layers, they are like views except they don't have a user input part. They are easy to work with, since every UIView actually have a .layer for its rendering, which also can be used as a layer parent.
To make a layer work with a view, you just add it to your views layer property as a sub-layer, and then make sure it has the right size. Best way to size the layer is either by using the layers .contentsGravity or to set it manually in the views layoutSubviews.
Read more about CAShapeLayer in the docs
A tutorial on layers

Cropping UIImage to custom path and keeping correct resolution?

I have a view (blue background...) which I'll call "main" here, on main I added a UIImageView that I then rotate, pan and scale. On main I have a another subview that shows the cropping area. Anything out of that under the darker area needs to be cropped.
I am trying to figure out how to properly create a cropped image from this state. I want the resulting image to look like this:
I want to make sure to keep the resolution of the image.
Any idea?
I have tried to figure out how to use the layer.mask property of the UIImageView. After some feedback, I think I could have another view (B) on the blue view, on B I would then add the image view, so then I would make sure that B's frame would match the rect of the cropping mask overlay. I think that could work? The only thing is I want to make sure I don't lose resolution.
So, earlier I tried this:
maskShape.frame = imageView.bounds
maskShape.path = UIBezierPath(rect: CGRect(x: 20, y: 20, width: 200, height: 200)).cgPath
imageView.layer.mask = maskShape
The rect was just a test rect and the image would be cropped to that path, but, I wasn't sure how to get a UIImage from all this that could keep the large resolution of the original image
So, I have implemented the method suggested by marco, it all works with the exception of keeping the resolution.
I use this call to take a screenshot of the view the contains the image and I have it clip to bounds:
public func renderToImage(afterScreenUpdates: Bool = false) -> UIImage {
let rendererFormat = UIGraphicsImageRendererFormat.default()
rendererFormat.opaque = isOpaque
let renderer = UIGraphicsImageRenderer(size: bounds.size, format: rendererFormat)
let snapshotImage = renderer.image { _ in
drawHierarchy(in: bounds, afterScreenUpdates: afterScreenUpdates)
return snapshotImage
The image I get is correct, but is not as sharp as the one I crop.
Hoe can I keep the resolution high?
In your view which keeps the image you must set clipsToBounds to true. Not sure if I got well but I suppose it's your "cropping area"

Swift how to place pictures on top of pictures

I would like to make an app which enables you to take a photo and then choose from a set of pre made "pictures" as you will to apply on top of that photo.
For example, you take a photo of someone and then apply a mustage, a chicken in it and fake lips.
App example is Aokify app.
However searched all corners of the internet but can't find an example that points me in the right direction.
Another more simple implementation may be to use a UIImageView as a parent view, then add a UIImageView as a subview for any images you wish to overlay on top of the original.
let mainImage = UIImage(named:"main-pic")
let overlayImage = UIImage(named:"overlay")
var mainImageView = UIImageView(image:mainImage)
var overlayImageView = UIImageView(image:overlayImage)
Edit: Since this has become the accepted answer, I feel it is worth mentioning that there are also different options for positioning the overlayImageView: you can add the overlay to the same parent after the first view has been added, or you can add the overlay as a subview of the main imageView as the example demonstrates.
The difference is the frame of reference when setting the coordinates for your overlay frame: whether you want them to have the same coordinate space, or whether you want the overlay coordinates to be relative to the main image rather than the parent.
For answering the question properly and fulfilling the requirement, you will need to add option for moving and placing the overlay image at proper position according to the original image but the code for adding one image over another image will be the following one-
For Swift3
extension UIImage {
func overlayed(with overlay: UIImage) -> UIImage? {
defer {
UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(size, false, scale)
self.draw(in: CGRect(origin: CGPoint.zero, size: size))
overlay.draw(in: CGRect(origin: CGPoint.zero, size: size))
if let image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext() {
return image
return nil
image.overlayed(with: overlayImage)
Also available here as a gist.
The code was originally written to answer this question.
Thanks to jesses.co.tt for providing the hint i needed.
The method is called UIGraphicsContext.
And the tutorial i finally found that did it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1QnT72I6f0 it's by thenewboston.
