Square Payment Form Request Card Nonce not working in versions of safari - asp.net-mvc

I seem to be having an issue with the requestCardNonce() function for some safari users This is using the Javascript API in my .net MVC application.
The current version I'm testing on appears to be working (13.0.4) but users are still reporting an inability to complete their orders with previous versions of safari. When filling in their information they're able to see the dialog that contains the fields for the Card Name, Number, CVV, and Postal code and expiration date but can't seem to proceed to the next dialog. The onGetCardNonce(event) function seems to be having issues executing properly.
The code I have currently looked like this
if (gateway == "Square Payment Gateway") {
paymentForm = new SqPaymentForm({
applicationId: appId,
inputClass: 'sq-input',
autoBuild: false,
cardNumber: {
elementId: 'sq-card-number',
placeholder: 'Card Number'
cvv: {
elementId: 'sq-cvv',
placeholder: 'CVV'
expirationDate: {
elementId: 'sq-expiration-date',
placeholder: 'MM/YY'
postalCode: {
elementId: 'sq-postal-code',
placeholder: 'Postal'
// SqPaymentForm callback functions
callbacks: {
cardNonceResponseReceived: function (errors, nonce, cardData) {
let errMsg = "";
if (errors) {
// Log errors from nonce generation to the browser developer console.
console.error('Encountered errors:');
errors.forEach(function (error) {
console.error(' ' + error.message);
errMsg += ' ' + error.message;
alert('Encountered errors' + errMsg);
var isValid = true;
$('#CardName,#CardNumber').each(function () {
if ($.trim($(this).val()) == '') {
isValid = false;
"border": "",
"background": ""
else {
"border": "",
"background": ""
if ($("#Total").val() == "0.00" || $("#Total").val() == "0")
isValid = true;
if (isValid == false) {
$('#PayCreditCard')[0].disabled = false;
else {
var targetUrl = $(this).attr("href");
// Open Terms & Conditions
autoOpen: false,
modal: true,
buttons: {
"Proceed": function () {
if ($('#AgreeToTerms').is(':checked')) {
$(':input[type="submit"]').prop('disabled', true);
else {
alert("You must agree to the terms & conditions.");
"Cancel": function () {
$('#PayCreditCard')[0].disabled = false;
function onGetCardNonce(event) {
// Don't submit the form until SqPaymentForm returns with a nonce
// Request a nonce from the SqPaymentForm object
function closeCC() {
Originally the issue was that payment form was not found so I moved the definition of that outside the if statement and that seemed to clear up the issue for safari 13.0.4+
Does anyone have suggestions on how to make the square payment form (v2) work on all (or at least the last 3+ years) of versions of Safari (not on mobile)?


OAuth2 in electron application in current window

I'm trying to implement OAuth2 authentication in Angular 2 ( Electron ) application.
I achieve that on the way with a popup that is called after user click on 'Sign In' button.
In popup user types their credentials and allows the access and on confirm code is returned and I'm able to catch redirect request which I can't do without popup.
Here is implementation that works:
return Observable.create((observer: Observer<any>) => {
let authWindow = new electron.remote.BrowserWindow({ show: false, webPreferences: {
nodeIntegration: false
} });
+ `?client_id=${CLIENT_ID}&response_type=code&scope=api_search&`
+ `redirect_uri=${REDIRECT_URL}&code_challenge=${challenge}&code_challenge_method=S256`;
if (this.clearStorage) {
authWindow.webContents.session.clearStorageData({}, () => {
this.clearStorage = false;
} else {
authWindow.webContents.on('did-get-redirect-request', (event, oldUrl, newUrl) => {
const code = this.getCode(newUrl, authWindow);
if (!code) {
this.clearStorage = true;
grant_type: 'authorization_code',
code: code,
code_verifier: verifier,
redirect_uri: REDIRECT_URL
.subscribe((response: { access_token: string, refresh_token: string }) => {
// Reset the authWindow on close
authWindow.on('close', () => {
authWindow = null;
and as you can see in above code I'm creating new BrowserWindow with:
new electron.remote.BrowserWindow({ show: false, webPreferences: {
nodeIntegration: false
} });
and with that approach I'm able to catch up redirect request with a block of code that starts with:
authWindow.webContents.on('did-get-redirect-request', (event, oldUrl, newUrl) => {
but I'm not able to solve this without popup ( modal ).
Here is my attempt:
return Observable.create((observer: Observer<any>) => {
let authWindow = electron.remote.getCurrentWindow();
+ `?client_id=${CLIENT_ID}&response_type=code&scope=api_search&`
+ `redirect_uri=${REDIRECT_URL}&code_challenge=${challenge}&code_challenge_method=S256`;
if (this.clearStorage) {
authWindow.webContents.session.clearStorageData({}, () => {
this.clearStorage = false;
} else {
authWindow.webContents.on('did-get-redirect-request', (event, oldUrl, newUrl) => {
// this is not called, I'm not able to catch up redirect request
// Reset the authWindow on close
authWindow.on('close', () => {
authWindow = null;
With my approach I get login screen from remote URL in a current window, but the problem is that I'm not able to catch redirect request with ('did-get-redirect-request') event.
I also tried with 'will-navigate' and many others.
Although I don't have a direct answer I thought I'd point you to Google's AppAuth-JS libraries, which cover OAuth based usage for Electron Apps.
My company have used AppAuth libraries for the mobile case and they worked very well for us, so that we wrote less security code ourselves and avoided vulnerabilities.
There is also an Electron Code Sample.

Phonegap Cordova FileSystem not persistent on iOS?

I am working on an app for iOS and Android, and I am using Cordovas File plugin to save some data to a file on the device.
This file will contain information about the user, so he/she does not have to log in every time they use the app, so the information has to be there even if the app is exited and relaunched.
On Android this works fine:
window.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, 20*1024*1024, app.onFileSystemSuccess, fail);
On Android the data I save is there next time I open the app, but on iOS the file is empty (or not existing).
Does this not work for iOS?
Here is the whole source:
var app = {
initialize: function()
bindEvents: function()
document.addEventListener('deviceready', this.onDeviceReady, false);
onDeviceReady: function()
initAPP: function()
window.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, 20*1024*1024, app.onFileSystemSuccess, fail);
onFileSystemSuccess: function(FS)
FS.root.getDirectory('MyAPPDir', {create:true}, app.gotDir, fail);
gotDir: function(Dir)
app.appRoot = Dir;
app.appRoot.getFile('authInfo.txt', {create:true}, function(fileEntry){
alert('Got file authInfo.txt')
var Reader = new FileReader();
Reader.onloadend = function(e){
if( e.target.result == '' ){
document.authInfo = e.target.result;
alert('You are now auhtorized');
} catch(e){
authUser: function()
email = $("#email").val();
password = $("#password").val();
url: AUTH_URL,
type: 'POST',
email: email,
password: password
success: function(data){
resp = $.parseJSON(data);
if( resp.status == 'success' ){
app.appRoot.getFile('authInfo.txt', {create:true}, function(fileEntry){
writer.onwriteend = function(){
writer.onwriteend = function(){
alert('Wrote '+JSON.stringify(resp)+' to '+fileEntry.toURL());
catch (e){
} else {
function fail(a){
I get this message in iOS:
Wrote {.......myjson.....} to cdvfile://localhost/persistent/MyAPPDir/authInfo.txt
But then when it tries to read it on launch it seems like the file does'nt exist any more, or is empty?

gapi.auth.signOut(); not working I'm lost

Below is the code I am using to login with google. I have an element on login.php with id authorize-button. When clicked it logs in just fine.
I have a logout link in my header file. When I click the logout it calls gapi.auth.signOut(); then it destroys session and redirects back to login.php
This happens as far as I can tell but then it just logs the user right back into our site with google. This is a pain as some of our users switch from google to facebook logins.
Thanks in advance for any help.
function handleClientLoad() {
window.setTimeout(checkAuth, 1);
function checkAuth() {
gapi.auth.authorize({client_id: clientId, scope: scopes, immediate: true}, handleAuthResult);
function handleAuthResult(authResult) {
var authorizeButton = document.getElementById('authorize-button');
if (authResult && !authResult.error) {
//authorizeButton.style.visibility = 'hidden';
} else {
//authorizeButton.style.visibility = '';
authorizeButton.onclick = handleAuthClick;
function handleAuthClick(event) {
gapi.auth.authorize({client_id: clientId, scope: scopes, immediate: false}, handleAuthResult);
return false;
function signOut() {
function makeApiCall() {
gapi.client.load('oauth2', 'v2', function() {
var request = gapi.client.oauth2.userinfo.get();
request.execute(function(logResponse) {
var myJSON = {
"myFirstName": logResponse.given_name,
"myLastName": logResponse.family_name,
"name": logResponse.name,
"socialEmailAddress": logResponse.email
gapi.client.load('plus', 'v1', function() {
var request = gapi.client.plus.people.get({
'userId': 'me'
request.execute(function(logResponse2) {
myJSON['profilePicture'] = logResponse2.image.url;
myJSON['socialId'] = logResponse2.id;
type: "POST",
url: "includes/login-ajax.php",
data: "function=googleLogin&data=" + JSON.stringify(myJSON),
dataType: "html",
success: function(msg) {
if (msg == 1) {
//window.location = "settings.php";
Make sure you have set your cookie-policy to a value other than none in your sign-in button code. For example:
function handleAuthClick(event) {
client_id: clientId,
scope: scopes,
immediate: false,
cookie_policy: 'single_host_origin'
return false;
Note that sign out will not work if you are running from localhost.
Weird issue, but solved my problem by rendering the signin button (hidden) even if the user is authenticated.
See full question/answer here https://stackoverflow.com/a/19356354/353985
I came across the same issue today. I have search for solution the whole. The only reliable solution that worked for me is through revoke as explained here
I stored access_token in session which is needed during revoke
Below is my code you may find it useful
function logout() {
var access_token = $('#<%=accessTok.ClientID %>').val();
var provider = $('#<%=provider.ClientID %>').val();
if (access_token && provider) {
if (provider == 'GPLUS') {
var revokeUrl = 'https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/revoke?token=' +
// Perform an asynchronous GET request.
type: 'GET',
url: revokeUrl,
async: false,
contentType: "application/json",
dataType: 'jsonp',
success: function (nullResponse) {
// Do something now that user is disconnected
// The response is always undefined.
error: function (e) {
// Handle the error
// console.log(e);
// You could point users to manually disconnect if unsuccessful
// https://plus.google.com/apps
else if (provider == 'FB') {
FB.getLoginStatus(function (response) {
if (response.status === 'connected') {
} else {

JQuery UI Multiple Dialogs Not Working

I have a page with two links that open two different modals, the "forgotten password" link opens the "forgotten password" modal and the "tell-a-friend" link opens the "tell-a-friend" modal.
Both modals contain forms that can be submitted.
The problem is if I open the first modal and submit it or close it, I cannot submit the second modal.
I can open the second modal, but I cannot submit it.
Please advise what the problem could be!
Here below is the javascript code that resides in separate javascript file, which is then imported into the HTML file. It is not inline javascript, if that would matter.
var forgottenPasswordDiv;
var tellAFriendDiv;
function clearErrorMessages() {
function openForgottenPassword() {
forgottenPasswordDiv = $('#forgotten-password');
position:'left+35% top+20%',
function closeForgottenPassword() {
function submitForgottenPassword() {
var email = $('#email').val();
if (email == null || email == '') {
$('#errorMessage').text("Please enter your user name or email");
} else {
/* Ajax Post */
var formData = $("#forgottenPasswordForm").serialize();
type: "GET",
url: "/Templates/include/new/ajax/forgottenPassword.jsp",
data: formData,
success: function(data) {
if (data.error != null) {
} else {
$('#forgottenPasswordForm , .info').fadeOut(1000);
dataType: 'json'
function openTellAFriend(gunId) {
tellAFriendDiv = $('#tell-a-friend');
$('#tell-a-friend').load("/Templates/include/new/ajax/modal/tellAFriend.jsp?id=" + gunId)
position:'center top+10%',
function closeTellAFriend() {
function submitTellAFriend() {
var yourname = $('#yourname').val();
var errorMessage = "";
if (yourname == null || yourname == '') {
errorMessage += "Please enter your name<br />";
if (errorMessage != '') {
} else {
/* Ajax Post */
var formData = $("#tellAFriendForm").serialize();
type: "GET",
url: "/Templates/include/new/ajax/tellAFriend.jsp",
data: formData,
success: function(data) {
if (data.error != null) {
} else {
dataType: 'json'
The ui-dialog widget will stay in the DOM as a hidden element even after the dialog is closed.
So, in order to isolate your two dialog functionalities from each other I'd suggest that you call:
in your "closeForgottenPassword" function and
in your "closeTellAFriend" function.
This will return the dialog back to its pre-init state (which is not harmful at all because you reinit it in your "open" functions.)

Context is Missing when using Unobtrusive ajax in asp.net mvc-3

i have just shifted to unobtrusive ajax that ships with mvc-3 but it is breaking at one point.
Here is my link
<%:Ajax.ActionLink("Edit", "Home", "Edit", new{id = Model.SomeID}, new AjaxOptions{OnSuccess = "DoSomething"})%>
this is my js function that will be called on success
<script type="text/javascript">
function DoSomething(data)
var clickedLinkID = this.id; // this line breaks it used to work with microsoft ajax
//rest of code goes here
i found this article in which imran describes how to solve the problem. but it involves adding one line to jquery.unobtrusive-ajax.js. Does it have any side effects? should i be changing jquery files? if not how can i get id of the link that was clicked without changing jquery.unobtrusive-ajax.js file
Here is a complete copy of edited MS unobtrusive AJAX including a newly minified version. It contains the context (source element missing) fix plus another important fix whereby the documented "cancel" class was not honoured when applied to submit items (should prevent validation but doesn't).
** Unobtrusive Ajax support library for jQuery
** Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
** Fixed version (see full comments for details)
Fix for "validation ignores cancel class" applied from
Line 144 changed to:
// Fixed to pass class name (needed for other fixes and useful anyway)
$(form).data(data_click, name ? [{ name: name, value: evt.target.value, className: evt.target.className }] : []);
Line 154 changed to:
// Fixed for "cancel" class not honoured (so correct documented behavior of non-validating/cancel buttons are restored)
if (clickInfo.length > 0 && clickInfo[0].className.indexOf('cancel') < 0 && !validate(this)) {
Fix for "source element missing on post-back event handler" applied from
Line 101 inserted:
// Fixed to pass source element in context (so source element can be discovered in handlers)
options.context = element;
/*jslint white: true, browser: true, onevar: true, undef: true, nomen: true, eqeqeq: true, plusplus: true, bitwise: true, regexp: true, newcap: true, immed: true, strict: false */
/*global window: false, jQuery: false */
(function ($) {
var data_click = "unobtrusiveAjaxClick",
data_validation = "unobtrusiveValidation";
function getFunction(code, argNames) {
var fn = window, parts = (code || "").split(".");
while (fn && parts.length) {
fn = fn[parts.shift()];
if (typeof (fn) === "function") {
return fn;
return Function.constructor.apply(null, argNames);
function isMethodProxySafe(method) {
return method === "GET" || method === "POST";
function asyncOnBeforeSend(xhr, method) {
if (!isMethodProxySafe(method)) {
xhr.setRequestHeader("X-HTTP-Method-Override", method);
function asyncOnSuccess(element, data, contentType) {
var mode;
if (contentType.indexOf("application/x-javascript") !== -1) { // jQuery already executes JavaScript for us
mode = (element.getAttribute("data-ajax-mode") || "").toUpperCase();
$(element.getAttribute("data-ajax-update")).each(function (i, update) {
var top;
switch (mode) {
case "BEFORE":
top = update.firstChild;
$("<div />").html(data).contents().each(function () {
update.insertBefore(this, top);
case "AFTER":
$("<div />").html(data).contents().each(function () {
function asyncRequest(element, options) {
var confirm, loading, method, duration;
confirm = element.getAttribute("data-ajax-confirm");
if (confirm && !window.confirm(confirm)) {
loading = $(element.getAttribute("data-ajax-loading"));
duration = element.getAttribute("data-ajax-loading-duration") || 0;
$.extend(options, {
type: element.getAttribute("data-ajax-method") || undefined,
url: element.getAttribute("data-ajax-url") || undefined,
beforeSend: function (xhr) {
var result;
asyncOnBeforeSend(xhr, method);
result = getFunction(element.getAttribute("data-ajax-begin"), ["xhr"]).apply(this, arguments);
if (result !== false) {
return result;
complete: function () {
getFunction(element.getAttribute("data-ajax-complete"), ["xhr", "status"]).apply(this, arguments);
success: function (data, status, xhr) {
asyncOnSuccess(element, data, xhr.getResponseHeader("Content-Type") || "text/html");
getFunction(element.getAttribute("data-ajax-success"), ["data", "status", "xhr"]).apply(this, arguments);
error: getFunction(element.getAttribute("data-ajax-failure"), ["xhr", "status", "error"])
options.data.push({ name: "X-Requested-With", value: "XMLHttpRequest" });
// Fixed to pass source element in context (so source element can be discovered in handlers)
options.context = element;
method = options.type.toUpperCase();
if (!isMethodProxySafe(method)) {
options.type = "POST";
options.data.push({ name: "X-HTTP-Method-Override", value: method });
function validate(form) {
var validationInfo = $(form).data(data_validation);
return !validationInfo || !validationInfo.validate || validationInfo.validate();
$(document).on("click", "a[data-ajax=true]", function (evt) {
asyncRequest(this, {
url: this.href,
type: "GET",
data: []
$(document).on("click", "form[data-ajax=true] input[type=image]", function (evt) {
var name = evt.target.name,
$target = $(evt.target),
form = $target.parents("form")[0],
offset = $target.offset();
$(form).data(data_click, [
{ name: name + ".x", value: Math.round(evt.pageX - offset.left) },
{ name: name + ".y", value: Math.round(evt.pageY - offset.top) }
setTimeout(function () {
}, 0);
$(document).on("click", "form[data-ajax=true] :submit", function (evt) {
var name = evt.target.name,
form = $(evt.target).parents("form")[0];
// Fixed to pass class name (needed for other fixes and useful anyway)
$(form).data(data_click, name ? [{ name: name, value: evt.target.value, className: evt.target.className }] : []);
setTimeout(function () {
}, 0);
$(document).on("submit", "form[data-ajax=true]", function (evt) {
var clickInfo = $(this).data(data_click) || [];
// Fixed for "cancel" class not honoured (so correct documented behavior of non-validating/cancel buttons are restored)
if (clickInfo.length > 0 && clickInfo[0].className.indexOf('cancel') < 0 && !validate(this)) {
asyncRequest(this, {
url: this.action,
type: this.method || "GET",
data: clickInfo.concat($(this).serializeArray())
** Unobtrusive Ajax support library for jQuery
** Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
** Fixed version (see full comments for details)
(function(a){var b="unobtrusiveAjaxClick",g="unobtrusiveValidation";function c(d,b){var a=window,c=(d||"").split(".");while(a&&c.length)a=a[c.shift()];if(typeof a==="function")return a;b.push(d);return Function.constructor.apply(null,b)}function d(a){return a==="GET"||a==="POST"}function f(b,a){!d(a)&&b.setRequestHeader("X-HTTP-Method-Override",a)}function h(c,b,e){var d;if(e.indexOf("application/x-javascript")!==-1)return;d=(c.getAttribute("data-ajax-mode")||"").toUpperCase();a(c.getAttribute("data-ajax-update")).each(function(f,c){var e;switch(d){case"BEFORE":e=c.firstChild;a("<div />").html(b).contents().each(function(){c.insertBefore(this,e)});break;case"AFTER":a("<div />").html(b).contents().each(function(){c.appendChild(this)});break;default:a(c).html(b)}})}function e(b,e){var j,k,g,i;j=b.getAttribute("data-ajax-confirm");if(j&&!window.confirm(j))return;k=a(b.getAttribute("data-ajax-loading"));i=b.getAttribute("data-ajax-loading-duration")||0;a.extend(e,{type:b.getAttribute("data-ajax-method")||undefined,url:b.getAttribute("data-ajax-url")||undefined,beforeSend:function(d){var a;f(d,g);a=c(b.getAttribute("data-ajax-begin"),["xhr"]).apply(this,arguments);a!==false&&k.show(i);return a},complete:function(){k.hide(i);c(b.getAttribute("data-ajax-complete"),["xhr","status"]).apply(this,arguments)},success:function(a,e,d){h(b,a,d.getResponseHeader("Content-Type")||"text/html");c(b.getAttribute("data-ajax-success"),["data","status","xhr"]).apply(this,arguments)},error:c(b.getAttribute("data-ajax-failure"),["xhr","status","error"])});e.data.push({name:"X-Requested-With",value:"XMLHttpRequest"});e.context=b;g=e.type.toUpperCase();if(!d(g)){e.type="POST";e.data.push({name:"X-HTTP-Method-Override",value:g})}a.ajax(e)}function i(c){var b=a(c).data(g);return!b||!b.validate||b.validate()}a(document).on("click","a[data-ajax=true]",function(a){a.preventDefault();e(this,{url:this.href,type:"GET",data:[]})});a(document).on("click","form[data-ajax=true] input[type=image]",function(c){var g=c.target.name,d=a(c.target),f=d.parents("form")[0],e=d.offset();a(f).data(b,[{name:g+".x",value:Math.round(c.pageX-e.left)},{name:g+".y",value:Math.round(c.pageY-e.top)}]);setTimeout(function(){a(f).removeData(b)},0)});a(document).on("click","form[data-ajax=true] :submit",function(c){var e=c.target.name,d=a(c.target).parents("form")[0];a(d).data(b,e?[{name:e,value:c.target.value,className:c.target.className}]:[]);setTimeout(function(){a(d).removeData(b)},0)});a(document).on("submit","form[data-ajax=true]",function(d){var c=a(this).data(b)||[];d.preventDefault();if(c.length>0&&c[0].className.indexOf("cancel")<0&&!i(this))return;e(this,{url:this.action,type:this.method||"GET",data:c.concat(a(this).serializeArray())})})})(jQuery)
I am disappointed that these critical normal behavioural fixes have not been corrected in such a long time (especially since there are just three simple edits). Even the latest September 2013 release of the AJAX toolkit is still using the now legacy "Sys" Microsoft AJAX Library whilst the rest of the world already migrated to jQuery UI. Maybe this will all be clarified with the RTM of Visual Studio 2013 specifically MVC 5?
As you are now using jQuery you need to wrap it in the $ to get the context. So the code will be something like
You can find more from the api docs here.
