There is a print invoice API / Endpoint for the SDK? - sdk

There is a way to print PDF or HTML or whatever format an invoice from Authorize SDK (Sending the transaction ID )?

No, there is not. Authorize.Net does not handle invoicing. It only facilitates the payment.


Paypal restful apis canada, Not able to create app on

I have one mobile application. In which we have payment function. In our application we have below mentioned payment flow.
User can add credit card, For this first we are calling Paypal api ( to get token. As we got token then we are calling api ( to get credit card details form paypal.
We are sending response details to our server. Our server will store that response.
Later from application if user want to pay then we are showing list of added card & user can select any of card.
We are sending card id to our server & based on stored details our server call charge api of paypal for charge.
Till now we are using sandbox account which belongs to USA. But Now we want to create live app on paypal & for this we are using our original account which belongs to Canada. But in create app section on we are not able to create application.
- Is this function of payment is not available in Canada ? If not then Please let us know how we can achieve it ?
- Is there any alternate exists for above mentioned payment function ?
Please let us know how we can create app and get clientid & secret for above mentioned payment function .
Thanks :)
REST API in PayPal for Credit Card is only allowable in US and UK Pro. Other country is not yet available.
Further information in here.

How to do payment using stripe

I am using Stripe to make payment in my application. I got the token Successfully.
I want to know that how the charges will be done, as there is no changes reflected in my Stripe dashboard. I'm using my Stripe Account TestPublish Key.
Tokens only represent a card or payment method, not an actual transaction.
Once you've collected and tokenized a customer's payment information, you need to send the token to your backend server so you can use it in an API request, e.g. a charge creation request or customer creation request.
You can find more information in this tutorial:
Common error - you need to test on a real device, not the simulator. Just one of the gotchas of the Stripe API.

How to Verify Paypal Account via REST API

In my iOS application i am using paypal, so, when user going through signup process i need to verify his paypal account is vaild or not.
i am using the rest API but didn't see any API related to this.
Still there is no way in REST API's to check the validity of a PayPal account by just providing the email address and name .As of now it can only be done using "GetVerifiedStatus" classic API .

How to refund the payment using Paypal in ios?

I am using paypal native sdk , in this there is no concept of refund payment. For this do we need REST API's? If we use REST API's then we need to get transaction id. How can we achieve this?
Thanks , Suggestions are really appreciated.
It has to be implemented with your server-side APIs (PayPal REST API - Refund a Sale).
A payment ID will be returned in the JSON response when your app makes a successful payment with a PayPal Mobile SDK.
Your app communicates with your server and sends the ID to your server
Your server can store the payment id value in a database, and look up the payment resource with a GET request to the payment uri, this is also to verify the mobile payment (by checking serveral fields in the response)
The JSON response will contain a Sale object in related_resources, with "state": "completed", obtain the sale id, which will be used in the refund call
Make the refund API call, with the sale id from step#4
Reference links:
Verify a mobile payment
Refund API reference

ReceivePayment Pending for Quickbooks XML and Merchant Services

In the Quickbooks SDK Manual, there is a section called "Using ReceivePayment for Credit Card Authorization and Capture". It reads...
Using ReceivePayment for Credit Card Authorization and Capture
If the company is subscribed to QBMS, you can record a ReceivePaymentAdd that is basically a pending transaction. That is, in this usage, you want to save a QBMS authorization transaction into QuickBooks. Thus, the ReceivePaymentAdd contains a CreditCardTxnInfo aggregate with a CreditCardTxnType of Authorization. QuickBooks saves this as a pending transaction. Later, when the authorized charge is captured to become a real charge in QBMS, you can record that charge into QuickBooks by modifying that ReceivePayment (ReceivePaymentMod). The ReceivePaymentMod will have a CreditCardTxnInfoMod containing data from the QBMS capture transaction, with a CreditCardTxnType of Capture. QuickBooks automatically removes the pending status and records the transaction.
My question is, How do you actually do that with QBXML?
Right now, I have a VB.NET application that sends invoices to quickbooks, but then users have to switch to quickbooks, and click "Customers -> Receive Payments" to charge their credit card (using Quickbooks Merchant Services). It would be awfully nice to automate this in some way, perhaps by sending Quickbooks an XML message to charge the card?)
I'm not quite sure what you mean... the way I would approach it is:
Use the QBMS XML API to authorize the card
Push the receive payment and authorization to QuickBooks
When ready, use the QBMS API to charge the card
Issue an ReceivePaymentMod to record the capture in QuickBooks
As far as I know, there is no way to tell QuickBooks to do the capture on it's own. But you can use the QBMS API to do the capture.
