Dart await while(true) but users cannot input with stdin - dart

import 'dart:io';
main() async {
await loop();
print('Your input:${stdin.readLineSync()}');
//Future.delayed(Duration(days:5),(){});//works fine
//while(true);//does not work
Why cannot users input anything when while(true) is being executed inside loop(), instead, Future. delayed works fine with stdin?

Dart is single-threaded. That means that at most one piece of Dart code is running at a time (per isolate if you have isolates).
Code like while(true); is a tight loop that never stops. No other code will run in the same isolate until the loop ends, and the loop never ends. This is busy waiting, and it does not give other code time to run.
You never even get to the part of your code which calls stdin.readLineSync().
The await in front of loop() does nothing, because the code never gets to it. It calls loop and stays there forever.
If you create a Future.delayed(...), then ... it doesn't actually do anything. You are not returning it, so the await won't be waiting for it to complete. All you do is to create a timer, create a Future object, and when the timer runs out, something will happen which will complete the future. If you return the future, then the await will wait for that.
What did you want or expect this code to do?


How does one (and should one?) cancel a stream from an await-for loop in Dart?

I have a question about Dart streams, as follows. When I use a Stream via its listen() method, I can assign the result returned by listen to a variable and cancel the Subscription when I'm done (such as a dispose() method). How should I go about canceling a Stream listened by an await-for loop?
Just to clarify, I am not looking to change the flow of execution (as in, to cancel the Stream so that the code after the await-for runs), but to prevent memory leaks when I don't need the Stream anymore.
The one and only way to cancel the subscription created by an await for is to exit the loop.
The moment you leave the loop using a control flow operation like return, break, continue, throw or rethrow (or a yield operation in an async* function where the listener on the stream has cancelled), the cancel method on the underlying subscription is automatically cancelled.
If the loop terminates itself, then it is because the stream is already done, so there is nothing to worry about.
If you want to keep computing inside the loop for a long time, and then exit the loop, then I recommend restructuring the code to do the computation outside of the loop instead. That is:
await for (var event in stream) {
if (event.isTheOne) {
await longComputation(event);
will keep the stream alive and paused until longComputation completes.
instead I'd do something like:
var theOne = null;
await for (var event in stream) {
if (event.isTheOne) {
theOne = event;
if (theOne != null) await longComputation(theOne);
or something similar.
I think How should I go about canceling a Stream is a bit misspelled. In case of listen method you have properly written cancel the Subscription, because you cancel subscription, not a steam itself.
listen() is non-blocking, it creates a subscription, registers a callback and then continues to execute the next code in the current block of code. The await for construct is blocking, it does not create a subscription to the stream. The execution of code will not go beyond the await for scope until the stream is closed. It is described with examples here. So per my understanding you don't need to worry about memory leaks in case of await for.

Invoking async function without await in Dart, like starting a thread

I have two functions
callee() async {
// do something that takes some time
caller () async {
await callee();
In this scenario, caller() waits till callee() finishes. I don't want that. I want caller() to complete right after invoking callee(). callee() can complete whenever in the future, I don't care. I just want to start it just like a thread and then forget about it.
Is this possible?
When you call the callee function, it returns a Future. The await then waits for that future to complete. If you don't await the future, it will eventually complete anyway, but your caller function won't be blocked on waiting for that. So, you can just do:
caller() {
callee(); // Ignore returned Future (at your own peril).
If you do that, you should be aware of what happens if callee fails with an error. That would make the returned future complete with that error, and if you don't listen on the future, that error is considered "uncaught". Uncaught errors are handled by the current Zone and the default behavior is to act like a top-level uncaught error which may kill your isolate.
So, remember to handle the error.
If callee can't fail, great, you're done (unless it fails anyway, then you'll have fun debugging that).
Actually, because of the risk of just forgetting to await a future, the highly reocmmended unawaited_futures lint requires that you don't just ignore a returned future, and instead wants you to do unawaited(callee()); to signal that it's deliberate. (The unawaited function can be imported from package:meta and will be available from the dart:async library in SDK version 2.14).
The unawaited function doesn't handle errors though, so if you can have errors, you should do something more.
You can handle the error locally:
caller() {
callee().catchError((e, s) {
logErrorSomehow(e, s);
(Since null safety, this code only works if the callee() future has a nullable value type. From Dart 2.14, you'll be able to use callee().ignore() instead, until then you can do callee().then((_) => null, onError: (e, s) => logErrorSomehow(e, s)); instead.)
or you can install an error handling zone and run your code in that:
runZoned(() {
}, onError: logErrorSomehow);
See the runZoned function and it's onError parameter.
Sure, just omit await. This way callee() is called immediately and when an async operation is called the call will be scheduled in the event queue for later execution and caller() is continued immediately afterwards.
This isn't like a thread though. As mentioned processing is enqueued to the event queue which means it won't be executed until the current task and all previously enqueued tasks are completed.
If you want real parallel execution you need to utilize isolates.
See also

Using blocks with dispatch_async

Trying my hand with blocks in Objective C.
I ran into a strange problem.
Below i have created a block and submitted the block for asynchronous execution on a global dispatch queue.
It doesn't print anything for me. When i replaced the keyword async with sync it works fine and prints the result immediately.
#implementation BlockTest
+(void) blocksTest{
__block int m = 0;
void (^__block myblock)(void);
myblock = ^(){
NSLog(#"myblock %u ", ++m);
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{
NSLog(#"dispatch_async dispatch_get_global_queue");
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
[BlockTest blocksTest];
Can someone please help me with this problem ?
Your program is exiting before the block has a chance to run.
The nature of an asynchronous call like dispatch_async() is that it returns and allows the caller to continue on, possibly before the task that was submitted has completed. Probably before it has even been started.
So, +blocksTest returns to the call site in main(). main() continues to its end (by the way, without returning a value, which is bad for a non-void function). When main() returns, the whole process exits. Any queues, tasks, worker threads, etc. that GCD was managing is all torn down during process termination.
The process does not wait for all threads to exit or become idle.
You could solve this by calling dispatch_main() after the call to +blocksTest in main(). In that case, though, the program will never terminate unless you submit a task which calls exit() at some point. For example, you could put the call to exit inside the block you create in +blocksTest.
Actually, in this case, because the task would run on a background thread and not the main thread, anything which delays the immediate exit would be sufficient. For example, a call to sleep() for a second would do. You could also run the main run loop for a period of time. There's no period of time that's guaranteed to be enough that the global queue has had a chance to run your task to completion, but in practical terms, it would just need a fraction of a second.
There's a complication in that methods to run the run loop exit if there are no input sources or timers scheduled. So, you'd have to schedule a bogus source (like an NSPort). As you can tell, this is a kludgy approach if you're not otherwise using the run loop for real stuff.
Because when you used dispatch_async, the block may have started the execution, but haven't reached the point where you print. However, if you use dispatch_sync, it makes sure that the entire block execution is done before it returns. Remember, dispatch_sync is the main thread.

Syncronous waiting for a Future or a Stream to complete in Dart

I'm playing with a tiny web server and I'm implementing one version using the async package, and one synchronous version executing each request in a separate isolate. I would like to simply pipe a file stream to the HttpResponse, but I can't do that synchronously. And I can't find a way to wait for neither the Stream nor a Future synchronously. I'm now using a RandomAccessFile instead which works, but it becomes messier.
One solution would be to execute a periodical timer to check if the future is completed (by setting a boolean or similar), but that is most definitely not something I want to use.
Is there a way to wait synchronously for a Future and a Stream? If not, why?
For future visitors coming here simply wanting to perform some task after a Future or Stream completes, use await and await for inside an async method.
final myInt = await getFutureInt();
int mySum = 0;
await for (int someInt in myIntStream) {
mySum += someInt;
This may be technically different than performing a synchronous task, but it achieves the goal of completing one task before doing another one.
AFAIK there isn't a way to wait synchronously for a Future or a Stream. Why? Because these are asynchronous pretty much definitionally, and as you are discovering, the APIs are designed with asynchronous behavior in mind.
There are a couple of Future constructors, Future.value() and Future.sync(), that execute immediately, but I don't think these are probably what you have in mind.

Launching multiple async futures in response to events

I would like to launch a fairly expensive operation in response to a user clicking on a canvas element.
mouseDown(MouseEvent e) {
print("entering event handler");
var future = new Future<int>(expensiveFunction);
future.then((int value) => redrawCanvas(value);
print("done event handler");
expensiveFunction() {
for(int i = 0; i < 1000000000; i++){
//do something insane here
redrawCanvas(int value) {
//do stuff here
print("redrawing canvas");
My understanding of M4 Dart, is that this future constructor should launch "expensiveFunction" asynchronously, aka on a different thread from the main one. And it does appear this way, as "done event handler" is immediately printed into my output window in the IDE, and then some time later "redrawing canvas" is printed. However, if I click on the element again nothing happens until my "expensiveFunction" is done running from the previous click.
How do I use futures to simply launch an compute intensive function on new thread such that I can have multiple of them queued up in response to multiple clicks, even if the first future is not complete yet?
As mentioned in a different answer, Futures are just a "placeholder for a value that is made available in the future". They don't necessarily imply concurrency.
Dart has a concept of isolates for concurrency. You can spawn an isolate to run some code in a parallel thread or process.
dart2js can compile isolates into Web Workers. A Web Worker can run in a separate thread.
Try something like this:
import 'dart:isolate';
expensiveOperation(SendPort replyTo) {
var result = doExpensiveThing(msg);
main() async {
var receive = new ReceivePort();
var isolate = await Isolate.spawn(expensiveOperation, receive.sendPort);
var result = await receive.first;
(I haven't tested the above, but something like it should work.)
Event Loop & Event Queue
You should note that Futures are not threads. They do not run concurrently, and in fact, Dart is single-threaded. All Dart code runs in an event loop.
The event loop is a loop that runs as long as the current Dart isolate is alive. When you call main() to start a Dart application, the isolate is created, and it is no longer alive after the main method is completed and all items on the event queue are completed as well.
The event queue is the set of all functions that still need to finish executing. Because Dart is single threaded, all of these functions need to run one at a time. So when one item in the event queue is completed, another one begins. The exact timing and scheduling of the event queue is something that's way more complicated than I can explain myself.
Therefore, asynchronous processing is important to prevent the single thread from being blocked by some long running execution. In a UI, a long process can cause visual jankiness and hinder your app.
Futures represent a value that will be available sometime in the Future, hence the name. When a Future is created, it is returned immediately, and execution continues.
The callback associated with that Future (in your case, expensiveFunction) is "started" by being added to the event queue. When you return from the current isolate, the callback runs and as soon as it can, the code after then.
Because your Futures are by definition asynchronous, and you don't know when they return, you want to queue up your callbacks so that they remain in order.
A Stream is an object that emits events that can be subscribed to. When you write canvasElement.onClick.listen(...) you are asking for the onClick Stream of MouseEvents, which you then subscribe to with listen.
You can use Streams to queue up events and register a callback on those events to run the code you'd like.
What to Write
main() {
// Used to add events to a stream.
var controller = new StreamController<Future>();
// Pause when we get an event so that we take one value at a time.
var subscription = controller.stream.listen(
(_) => subscription.pause());
var canvas = new CanvasElement();
canvas.onClick.listen((MouseEvent e) {
print("entering event handler");
var future = new Future<int>(expensiveFunction);
// Resume subscription after our callback is called.
print("done event handler");
expensiveFunction() {
for(int i = 0; i < 1000000000; i++){
//do something insane here
redrawCanvas(int value) {
//do stuff here
print("redrawing canvas");
Here we are queuing up our redrawCanvas callbacks by pausing after each mouse click, and then resuming after redrawCanvas has been called.
More Information
See also this great answer to a similar question.
A great place to start reading about Dart's asynchrony is the first part of this article about the dart:io library and this article about the dart:async library.
For more information about Futures, see this article about Futures.
For Streams information, see this article about adding to Streams and this article about creating Streams.
