Why do I get dependency-error trying to install package "tidytext" in RStudio - install.packages

I tried to install tidytext package and received below dependency-ERROR. Please help.
ERROR: dependency ‘ISOcodes’ is not available for package ‘stopwords’
ERROR: dependency ‘stopwords’ is not available for package ‘tidytext’

Looks like you need to install the ISOcodes package. Try that out:


Latex package missing but tlmgr says I have it

I'm trying to render a latex document I got from school. the problem seems to be coming from the document using the package "diagrams".
I get the error: "diagrams.sty Latex error: File 'pstricks.sty' not found"
When I go to the terminal and run sudo tlmgr install pstricks, I get the response tlmgr install: package already present: pstricks. So I'm not sure what to do next.
I'm using the app TexPad on MacOS and just updated my tex install via MacTex. Thanks in advance for any advice!

Cannot install libswscale-ffmpeg3

I am trying to install opencv 2.4.13 on my rpi3. During this process, libswscale-ffmpeg3 needs to be installed. However, rpi3 returns with this error:
E: Unable to locate package libswscale-ffmpeg3
Any ideas on how to fix this error? Thanks in advance.

Mesa Installation: confiuguration process is ok but error in installation process

Hello i am a new user of ubuntu. I am trying to install mesa in ubuntu.The configuration process is ok.But when i am try to install, it shows this message
xmlconfig.c:34:19: fatal error: expat.h: No such file or directory
what will be the solutions of this problem?
Thanks in advance
Have you got the build-essential package installed?

pod2man not found while installing Wireshark

I was trying to install WireShark 1.10.5 in linux.I was following the instructions provided with the software. Now,I am having problems while installing. It says pod2man cannot be found. How can i fix this?
checking for pod2man... no
configure: error: I couldn't find pod2man; make sure it's installed and in your path
apt-get install perl-modules
According to FOSSology bug 5619:
the pod2man utility which is used by the build process has been moved to a different package in Fedora 19 called perl-podlators
In previous versions it was in the package perl
so it appears you need to install the package "perl-podlators" to get pod2man.

Is there a workaround for pub dependency resolution through proxies?

I'm trying to play with https://github.com/dart-lang/web-ui-code-lab for dart development. If I follow the pdf and open step05, then try to run chat_server.dart, I get this error (my path has no spaces in it, in case that's relevant):
dart --enable-checked-mode bin/chat_server.dart
Unable to open file: path/to/web-ui-code-lab-master/step05/bin/packages/dart_chat/file_logger.dart'file:///path/to/dart/web-ui-code-lab-master/step05/bin/chat_server.dart': Error: line 5 pos 1: library handler failed
import 'package:dart_chat/file_logger.dart' as log;
I presume this means that there are some missing dependencies, but I can't run pub install because I'm behind a corporate http proxy:
Running pub install ...
Pub install failed, [1] Resolving dependencies...
Timed out trying to find package "web_ui 0.2.8+6" at http://pub.dartlang.org.
Hence, I started looking for a temporary workaround for pub dependency resolution. I tried changing the pubspec.yaml to go through the git:// protocol instead of http (which won't resolve without going through the proxy):
name: dart_chat
description: This is a chat app written in Dart using the Dart Web UI package
git: git://github.com/dart-lang/web-ui.git
I get further than before with pub install, so I think it successfully went through the git protocol and is trying to resolve web_ui's dependencies, but unfortunately doing so fails on web_ui's dependency for logging (which looks like it's still going through http://):
Running pub install ...
Pub install failed, [1] Resolving dependencies...
Timed out trying to find package "logging 0.2.7" at http://pub.dartlang.org.
It looks like I can't change the yaml to use the sdk's logging dependency either:
sdk: logging
because that's an incompatible source with web_ui:
Pub install failed, [1] Resolving dependencies...
Incompatible dependencies on 'logging':
- 'dart_chat' depends on it from source 'sdk'
- 'web_ui' depends on it from source 'hosted'
Is there any other way to get around this proxy issue with the current dev tools? Could I mirror pub.dartlang.org somehow? Or mirror the git repositories for each dependency? Thanks.
You said that you're using a Mac. If it's a laptop, why don't you try doing it from home? I'll notify the author of pub about this issue to see if he has any suggestions.
Currently there is no way to set a proxy in the Dart Editor, you can star this issue to check when it will be available.
I found a workaround to run the Pub install/update behind a proxy: in Windows, you can acess the "Environment variables" and add a variable named HTTP_PROXY with the value
