How to automize an UDS command by a CAPL script - can-bus

For test automatization in my current project it is necessary to automize the sending of UDS commands with a simple CAPL script inside of CANoe. The possible UDS commands are given by a ODX file.
How can I write and execute such a CAPL script and how can I transform the UDS commands inside of the ODX file to the CAPL script.
I'm relatively new here in the automotive sector, so that my question might by a bit unspecific. Can someone give assistance and suggest some further readings.

I would recommend you to configure the Diagnostics Console, using the Diagnostic/ISO TP Configuration. Provide it with a Diagnostic Description file, as well as a DLL containing the keys needed to enter the different sessions on the ECU.
After you have succesfully set default values, such as timing and ID messages for the requests and responses of the ECU, you can call the Diagnostic Services through the Diagnostic Console and CAPL.


Progress ABL How to Test for WEBSPEED in the PRE-PROCESSOR

I want to conditionally compile some blocks of code depending on type of client i'm running in. this is fine for batch and tty as i can use the {&BATCH-MODE} but how to test for when the code is being compiled in webspeed agent? eg. {&IF} not {&SOMETHING} EQ "YES" {&THEN}
it would be helpful if this did not rely on defines auto generated by the architect in .w's etc but that would be a nice to have not essential.
Compile time isn't run time. If the program can be run different ways (as a part of a of webpage using webspeed, as a part of a batch and as a part of some other kind of client etc) you're most likely better of evaluating this in run time instead.
You can identify in what environment you're running:
This will identify your type of client.
Type of client Attribute value
-------------------------------- -----------------------
ProVision standard ABL client 4GLCLIENT
AppServer agent APPSERVER
WebSpeed agent WEBSPEED
Pacific Application Server agent MULTI-SESSION-AGENT
Other special-purpose clients Unknown value (?)
Using VST
If you have at least one database connected
_Connect-ClientType tells you what kind of client this particular connection is:
Value Client
-------- ---------------------
ABL ABL client
SQLC SQL client
WTA Webspeed agent
APSV AppServer agent
SQFC SQL Federated client
FIND FIRST _myconnection NO-LOCK.
FIND FIRST _connect NO-LOCK WHERE _connect._connect-usr = _myconnection._MyConn-userid.
DISPLAY _connect._Connect-ClientType.
Based on OS
Perhaps you run different OS:es?
Other ways
There's a number of other ways of doing this, including perhaps looking at PROPATH, Working directory etc.
Try to stick with a solution that won't change over the course of time because of Progress upgrades, new OS:es, new directory structures etc.
IMHO there is no such preprocessor variable out of the box.
But you could create your own include file and include that in the code that's relevant. You need two versions of that file, one says
&GLOBAL-DEFINE WebSpeed WebSpeed
and the other
&GLOBAL-DEFINE NoWebSpeed NoWebSpeed
And then configure your compile sessions so that they find exactly one of the files in propath.
But as you will agree, this is probably dangerous as the result will heavily rely on the proper PROPATH used during compilation. I'd rather attempt to use a runtime condition instead.
What are you trying to achieve in detail?
finally figured it out this morning {&webstream} and {&out} are not defined in in normal sessions so i can just test for that. runtime is not an issue in my case i just want to compile the code in all cases. in this shop dont ask me why but every single piece of code is session compiled. poor cpu but there u go. i could be defensive and add some logic with session:Client-type for bells and whistles you're right. if not can-do then boogie :)

How to integrate CANOE with Jenkins?

I want to integrate CANOE with Jenkins. Can anybody please tell me how to do that. For now I am able to open CANOE window through Jenkins. But it shows a disclaimer on startup. I want to click on "I accept" button automatically through Jenkins using any command. Can you please tell me how to do that or what is that command?. Is there any other way to click on that button without pressing the key?
CANoe is implemented as a COM-server. Using the COM-interface, you can start CANoe from a script and thus bypass the disclaimer. I have managed to do this either using C# or python with pywin32. The CANoe help-section contains some help on what COM-server commands are available to get you started.
If CANoe is associated with cfg-files as standard application, you can call the cfg-file directly and have it launch CANoe. That will still require you to manually click the disclaimer dialog though. In a script, such as the one I mentioned earlier, you can create it in such a way that you are able to specify which cfg-file to use as an input parameter. It can also be written so that you can specify certain test-suites containing your CAPL-scripts. It can basically give you access to most CANoe features necessary to run test-suites with different settings. However, I've not tried a lot of them yet.
Unfortunately, none of your examples can be achieved without creating this kind of script.
CANOE simply loads a .cfg configuration file. For jenkins, I am using the Visual Basics script and same triggering into the Jenkins job.
In this was it bypasses the "I accept" and other windows and loads the desired configuration also also using same kind of VB scirpt you can close the application.
'ToStart CANoe_Start.vbs
Set App = CreateObject("CANoe.Application")
dim fso: set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
dim CANoe_config
CANoe_config = fso.BuildPath(fso.GetAbsolutePathName("."), "<target.cfg>")
After that you can add the operations in jenkins jobs; to close the same appilcation use :
'ToStop CANoe_Stop.vbs
Set App = CreateObject("CANoe.Application")
This worked for me. You can call the vbs's over jenkins jobs.

Running a Blf file in constant Loop for Emulation using CAPL

I want to run a .blf file using the Replay Block in CANalyzer . I want to run this file in a constant loop for emulation purpose. Is it possible using CAPL or can some one instruct me how to do this even without CAPL.
You don't need CAPL to replay a log file in a loop.
Right click the Replay block
In the "General" tab, enable "Repetitive output sending mode"

Applescript: print first or other specific pages

How can you instruct an application or the printer to only print the first page, a page range or just odd or even pages of a file? I attempt this with the help of the Preview app, which looks promising:
set theFile to "[file-path/file]""
tell application "Preview"
print theFile with properties {target printer:"Printer", ending page:1} without «class pdlg»
--these properties isn't available for the printer app, here just limiting amount of printed pages
end tell
But with this I'm bitten by the sandboxd process that tells me the file can't be opened for printing and I get a deny file-read-data result in the log.
In the CUPS suggestion by adamh I encounter issues with umlauts and have other execution issues as well, possibly also because of sandbox rules. The code works from the command line, but not when called in automated fashion.
I tried to look up useful examples of the print command in a reference, in my books and tried searching the online Apple references, but I can't seem to find many examples fitting to the present day situation with sandbox, if any.
You could script printing by command line tool lp & lpr.
These talk to CUPS, Common Unix Printing System
To target pages / ranges:
lp -o page-ranges=2-4 "my_great_document.pdf"
To call it from applescript use do shell script
do shell script "lp -o page-ranges=2-4 'my_great_document.pdf'"
For more ideas see:

How do I do an http request upon successful Inno Setup install, for tracking purposes?

When my program successfully installs via Inno Setup, how do I run a URL in the background? I want to just load a tracking pixel (or a postback) which says that my program was installed.
I'm aware than in the [Run] section, I can run a .url file with the flag "runhidden", but as far as I know that won't do what I need it to. Am I wrong about that, or are there better option?
Thank you.
There is no TCP/IP related Support Functions, defined by default.
You could build this functionality into a DLL and call it from you Install Script.
This is done installation's where Activation is required to make the program work.
However, I would just launch a browser window using the [Run] section that contains "Getting Started" information. You can then track hits to that page.
