How is it possible that data in Kafka survives container recycling? - docker

First, I do not know whether this issue is with Kafka or with Docker … I am a rookie regarding both topics. But I assume that it is more a Docker than a Kafka problem (in fact it will be my problem not really understanding one or the other …).
I installed Docker on a Raspberry 4 and created Docker images for Kafka and for Zookeeper; I had to create them by myself because 64-bit Raspi was not supported by any of the existing images (at least I could not find anyone). But I got them working.
Next I implemented the Kafka Streams example (Wordcount) from the Kafka documentation; it runs fine, counting the words in all the texts you push into it, keeping the numbers from all previous runs. That is somehow expected; at least it is described that way in that documentation.
So after some test runs I wanted to reset the whole thing.
I thought the easiest way to get there is to shut down the docker containers, delete the mounted folders on the host and start over.
But that does not work: the word counters are still there! Meaning the word count did not start from 0 …
Ok, next turn: not only removing the containers, but rebuild the images, too! Both, Zookeeper and Kafka, of course!
No difference! The word count from all the previous runs were retained.
Using docker system prune --volumes made no difference also …
From my limited understanding of Docker, I assumed that any runtime data is stored in the container, or in the mounted folders (volumes). So when I delete the containers and the folders on the Docker host that were mounted by the containers, I expect that any status would have gone.
Obviously not … so I missed something important here, most probably with Docker.
The docker-compose file I used:
version: '3'
image: tquadrat/zookeeper:latest
- "2181:2181"
- "2888:2888"
- "3888:3888"
- "8080:8080"
- /data/zookeeper/config:/config
- /data/zookeeper/data:/data
- /data/zookeeper/datalog:/datalog
- /data/zookeeper/logs:/logs
ZOO_SERVERS: "server.1=zookeeper:2888:3888;2181"
restart: always
image: tquadrat/kafka:latest
- zookeeper
- "9091:9091"
- /data/kafka/config:/config
- /data/kafka/logs:/logs
restart: always
The script file I used to clear out the mounted folders:
set -eux
sudo rm -R "$KAFKA_DATA"
sudo rm -R "$ZOOKEEPER_DATA"
mkdir -p "$KAFKA_DATA/config" "$KAFKA_DATA/logs"
mkdir -p "$ZOOKEEPER_DATA/config" "$ZOOKEEPER_DATA/data" "$ZOOKEEPER_DATA/datalog" "$ZOOKEEPER_DATA/logs"
Any ideas?

Kafka Streams stores its own state under the "state.dir" config on the Host machine its running on. In Apache Kafka libraries, this is under /tmp. First check if you have overridden that property in your code.
As far as Docker goes, try without volumes first.
Using docker system prune --volumes made no difference also …
That would clean unattached volumes made with docker volume create or volumes: in Compose, not host-mounted directories.

As I assumed right from the beginning, the problem was mainly my lack of knowledge.
The behaviour I observed is not related to a magical data store for Docker that survives all attempts to kill it; it is not related to Docker at all.
I use those Docker images to run Zookeeper and the Kafka server on it. Then I switched back to my workstation machine, wrote that code (the "Wordcount" sample) that implements a Kafka Stream processor. When I started that in my IDE, it was executed on my local machine, accessing Kafka over the network.
My assumption was that any state was stored on the Kafka server, so that dumping that should reset the whole thing; as that does not work, I dumped also the Zookeeper, and as this was to no avail also, I removed nearly everything …
After some hints here I found that Kafka Streams processors maintain their own local state in a filesystem folder that is configured through state.dir (StreamsConfig.STATE_DIR_CONFIG) – see Configuring a Streams Application. This means that a Kafka Streams processor maintains its own local state independent from any Kafka server, and – as in my case when it runs on my local machine – also outside/unrelated to any Docker container …
According to the documentation, the default location should be /var/lib/kafka-streams, but this is not writeable in my environment – no idea where the Stream processor put its state instead.
After setting the configuration value state.dir for my Streams processor explicitly to a folder in my home directory, I could see that state on my disk, and after removing that, the word count started over with one.
A deeper look into the documentation for Kafka Streams revealed that I could have got the same with a call to KafkaStream.cleanup() before starting or after closing the stream processor (no removing files on the filesystem required).


Is necessary rebuild container to change ports or stop/start is enough?

I have a composer file with four services. I need to OPEN one of them to outside by settings ports.
After changing .yml file, do I need to 'rebuild the container' (docker-compose down/up) or do I just need to stop/start? (docker-compose stop/start)?
Specifically, what I neet to do accesible to outside is a Posgree Server. This is my actual postgres service definition in .yml:
image: postgres:9.4
- db-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data
I think I just need to change it to:
image: postgres:9.4
- "5432:5432"
- db-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data
I'm worried of loosing data on 'db-data' volume, or connection to the other services, if I use down/up.
Also, there are 3 other services specified in the .yml file. If it is necessary to REBUILD (without loosing data in db-data, of course), I don't want to touch these other containers. In this case, which would be the steps?:
First, rebuild 'mydb' container with 'docker run' (Could you provide me the right command, please?)
Modify the .yml as stated before, just adding the ports
Perform a simple docker-compose stop/start
Could you help me, please?
If you're only changing settings like ports:, it is enough to re-run docker-compose up -d again. Compose will figure out which things are different from the existing containers, and destroy and recreate only those specific containers.
If you're changing a Dockerfile or your application code you may specifically need to docker-compose build your application or use docker-compose up -d --build. But you don't specifically need to rebuild the images if you're only changing runtime settings like ports:.
docker-compose down tears down your entire container stack. You don't need it for routine rebuilds or container updates. You may want to intentionally shut down the container system (and free up host ports, memory, and other resources) and it's useful then.
docker-compose stop leaves the containers in an unusual state of existing but without a running process. You almost never need this. docker-compose start restarts containers in this unusual state, and you also almost never need it.
You have to rebuild it.
For that reason the best practice is to map all the mount points and resources externally, so you can recreate the container (with changed parameters) without any loss of data.
In your scenario I see that you put all the data in an external docker volume, so I think you could recreate it with changed ports in a safe way.

Docker container with Mariadb - Can the container get bricked and lose data

I thought I can use Bound volumes as suggested for my another post
Docker-compose mariadb external volume mapping issue
But I read that containers should be stateless. So it seems my thinking is wrong?
I do not know what catastrophic failures can occur, so is there a possibility that I may lose all data, if the container is bricked? or is there a way to use external storage and recover?
How to manage this situation? I have a schema table which manages migrations, so don't want that table to be new and start from square 1
Question: Should I let the mariadb container on cloud write to wherever it likes? or write to host folder?
My docker -compose snippet
image: mariadb:10.4
- backend
restart: on-failure
- maria_volume:/var/lib/mysql
command: --character-set-server=utf8mb4 --collation-server=utf8mb4_general_ci
# Volumes
Another version is (./mariadb instead of maria_volume in volumes section)
- backend
restart: on-failure
- ./mariadb:/var/lib/mysql
command: --character-set-server=utf8mb4 --collation-server=utf8mb4_general_ci
Your application at large needs to keep data somewhere. Having a relational-database container with storage mounted is fine. In a production environment you could choose to run a non-container database or use a cloud-hosted database if that met your needs better.
I feel like the actual storage mechanisms are pretty robust, both for named volumes and bind-mounted host directories. You probably will not have data-corruption problems in either case. As always, make sure you have backups of your data if it's at all important.
There's not a clear choice between using named volumes and host directories here. Host directories are probably easier to back up and restore; on some platforms named volumes will be faster. In both cases, in normal operation, the data will survive destroying and recreating the container. It'll be a little easier to destroy a named volume's state using docker commands, which depending on your specific use case could point in either direction.
It has occasionally happened to me that Docker's internal state gets corrupted, and when this happens the easiest workaround is to delete the entire /var/lib/docker tree and start over (there is an equivalent "reset" button in the Docker Desktop application). This path would lose named volumes too. On native Linux it's been widely observed that the actual named-volume storage is just a directory, so you might be able to preserve this.

Slow mounting of Docker volumes with large number of files on Linux

We are experiencing some very strange behaviour when mounting volumes with large amount of data (e.g a million files )
The current setup:
Docker host: Container Linux by CoreOS 1465.7.0 (Ladybug)
Docker version client: 18.06.1-ce
Docker version host: 17.09.0-ce
I have tried different versions of docker and CoreOs, both newer and older releases without any differences.
The data-directory on the docker-host is probably mapped to some storage tech, im not sure about the setup here, but I can fill out with details if necessary, but from my point of view it looks like a normal folder.
The initial error happened when switching from an anonymous volume mounted through a dummy-container (docker-compose v1) to a named volume (docker-compose v3). After creating a named volume, i shut down the docker-service and does a manual copy of the files from the old volume to the new volume. This has been tested with small data amounts, and that works so it doesnt seem to be an issue with the actual moving data in the internal /var/lib/docker-domain. I am also able to recreate this issue with a new installation where I copy a decently large amount of data.
Building container with compose works fine:
build: myservice
restart: always
- "8080:8080"
- type: volume
source: repo
target: /home/repo
The repo-volume beeing the volume with a lot of data. Now, when trying to up the services, I get a timeout on the up, and the service gets stuck in "Created":
ERROR: for my-servce-new_exp_1 HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=2376): Read timed out. (read timeout=60)
ERROR: for exp HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=2376): Read timed out. (read timeout=60)
ERROR: An HTTP request took too long to complete. Retry with --verbose to obtain debug information.
If you encounter this issue regularly because of slow network conditions, consider setting COMPOSE_HTTP_TIMEOUT to a higher value (current value: 60).
I have tried to increase the timeout, but something I get another timeout after a while.
Now, if I RESTART the docker-service or host now, the service is getting up and running (but doing it this way causes issues with internal dns-mappings between services)
If i up the service with an empty / small volume, it works as expected.
As a curiosity, I found something possibly releated when trying to mount the same volume to a docker-container:
docker run -it --rm --name rmytest --volume my-service-new_repo:/data ubuntu:latest
This will time out after e.g 30 minutes or so.
If I, on the other hand, adds any option to the consistency-parameter of the volume-mapping, it runs within a couple of seconds:
docker run -it --rm --name rmytest --volume my-service-new_repo:/data:consistent ubuntu:latest
I have had no success adding the same options to the compose files either, e.g
- type: volume
source: repo
target: /home/repo
consistency: delegated
Yields the same results; timeout and not working. Any help and pointers in the right direction would be much appreciated.
As mentioned in my own comment, this was due to SeLinux and labeling of date when mounting. To avoid this issue, we had to turn of the labeling:
build: mycontainer
restart: always
# To avoid issue with named volume and mounting time
- "label=disable"
Disclaimer: Im not 100% sure about the full consequences of using this option, but in our situation this was the feasible way of solving this for now.

Files in Docker volumes not refeshing on Windows on file change

I had Docker for Windows, switched to Docker toolbox and now back to Docker for Windows and I ran into the issues with Volumes.
Before volumes were working perfectly fine and my containers which running with nodemon/tsnode/CLI watching files were restarting properly on source code change, but now they don't at all, so it looks like file changes from host are not populated in the container.
This is docker-compose for one service:
context: ./api
dockerfile: Dockerfile-dev
- ./api:/srv
working_dir: /srv
- mongo
- mongo
- 3030:3030
MONGODB: mongodb://mongo:27017/api_test
- traefik.enable=true
- traefik.frontend.rule=Host:api.mydomain.localhost
This id Dockerfile-dev
FROM node:10-alpine
ENV NODE_ENV development
CMD yarn dev // simply nodemon, working when ran from host
Can anyone help with that?
C drive is shared and verified with docker run --rm -v c:/Users:/data alpine ls /data showing list of files properly.
I will really appreciate any help.
We experienced the exact same problems in our team while developing nodejs/typescript applications with Docker on top of Windows and it has always been a big pain. To be honest, though, Windows does the right thing by not propagating the change event to the containers (Linux hosts also do not propagate the fsnotify events to containers unless the change is made from within the container). So bottom line: I do not think this issue will be avoidable unless you actually change the files within the container instead of changing them on the docker host. You can achieve this with a code sync tool like docker-sync, see this page for a list of available options:
Because we struggled with such issues for a long time, a colleague and I started an open source project called DevSpace CLI:
The DevSpace CLI can establish a reliable and super fast 2-way code sync between your local folders and folders within your dev containers (works with any Kubernetes cluster, any volume and even with ephemeral / non-persistent folders) and it is designed to work perfectly with hot reloading tools such as nodemon. Setup minikube or a cluster with a one-click installer on some public cloud, run devspace up inside your project and you will be ready to program within your DevSpace without ever having to worry about local Docker issues and hot reloading problems. Let me know if it works for you or if there is anything you are missing.
I've been stuck into this recently (Feb 2020, Docker Desktop 2.2) and nothing from the base solutions really helped.
However when I tried WSL 2 and ran my docker-compose from inside Ubuntu shell, it became to pick up the changes in the files instantly. So if someone is observing this - try to up Docker from WSL 2.

docker rabbitmq how to expose port and reuse container with a docker file

Hi I am finding it very confusing how I can create a docker file that would run a rabbitmq container, where I can expose the port so I can navigate to the management console via localhost and a port number.
I see someone has provided this dockerfile example, but unsure how to run it?
version: "3"
image: "rabbitmq:3-management"
- "5672:5672"
- "15672:15672"
- "rabbitmq_data:/data"
I have got rabbit working locally fine, but everyone tells me docker is the future, at this rate I dont get it.
Does the above look like a valid way to run a rabbitmq container? where can I find a full understandable example?
Do I need a docker file or am I misunderstanding it?
How can I specify the port? in the example above what are first numbers 5672:5672 and what are the last ones?
How can I be sure that when I run the container again, say after a machine restart that I get the same container?
Many thanks
What you posted is not a Dockerfile. It is a docker-compose file.
To run that, you need to
1) Create a file called docker-compose.yml and paste the following inside:
version: "3"
image: "rabbitmq:3-management"
- "5672:5672"
- "15672:15672"
- "rabbitmq_data:/data"
2) Download docker-compose (
3) (Re-)start Docker.
4) On a console run:
cd <location of docker-compose.yml>
docker-compose up
Do I need a docker file or am I misunderstanding it?
You have a docker-compose file. The rabbitmq:3-management is the Docker image built using the RabbitMQ Dockerfile (which you don't need. The image will be downloaded the first time you run docker-compose up.
How can I specify the port? In the example above what are the first numbers 5672:5672 and what are the last ones?
"5672:5672" specifies the port of the queue.
"15672:15672" specifies the port of the management plugin.
The numbers on the left-hand-side are the ports you can access from outside of the container. So, if you want to work with different ports, change the ones on the left. The right ones are defined internally.
This means you can access the management plugin after at http:\\localhost:15672 (or more generically http:\\<host-ip>:<port exposed linked to 15672>).
You can see more info on the RabbitMQ Image on the Docker Hub.
How can I be sure that when I rerun the container, say after a machine restart that I get the same container?
I assume you want the same container because you want to persist the data. You can use docker-compose stop restart your machine, then run docker-compose start. Then the same container is used. However, if the container is ever deleted you lose the data inside it.
That is why you are using Volumes. The data collected in your container gets also stored in your host machine. So, if you remove your container and start a new one, the data is still there because it was stored in the host machine.
