Newbie: Unable to Install Homebrew on MacOS - ios

I have been having certain issues while trying to setup my Mac (OS:Catalina) for a React Native Development.
I have read multiple guides and tutorials as I am facing issues initializing a react native build (react-native init). I keep getting err lifecycle validation
Multiple articles suggest to download Homebrew and it might solve a lot of the issues related to package folders for node etc.
When I try installing Homebrew using the below link -
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
I get a message on my terminal :
Curl: (7) Couldn't connect to server.
If I try to type in the address on the browser, I get the installation code which I saved on the Mac storage as install.rb
Entering '/usr/bin/Ruby install' throws a prompt that the folder doesn't exist.
I already have Xcode and Xcode Command Line Tools installed.
I would appreciate any help I can get on how I can just prepare my system for learning react native development for iOS.
I am at a bit of 'no clue what I am doing wrong' phase.

Try this command on terminal
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"


Installing Google's ios-webkit-debug-proxy

I'm attempting to get google's ios webkit debug proxy working on my laptop, running ubuntu 15.04.
I've followed their installation instructions as best I could. However, I'm new to both web development and linux and am having trouble at the step where I run ./
It runs its checks for a while, but then I receive the following error from the terminal:
checking for libimobiledevice... no
configure: error: Package requirements (libimobiledevice-1.0 >= 1.2.0) were not met:
Requested 'libimobiledevice-1.0 >= 1.2.0' but version of libimobiledevice is 1.1.6
Consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if you
installed software in a non-standard prefix.
Alternatively, you may set the environment variables libimobiledevice_CFLAGS
and libimobiledevice_LIBS to avoid the need to call pkg-config.
See the pkg-config man page for more details.
I've tried my luck with troubleshooting this on my own but can't figure it out.
Anyone out there familiar with this error and what it wants me to do? Is my file-path messed up or do I need a different version of libimobiledevice (which I believe I have the most updated one)?
As the error says, you need libimobiledevice 1.2 or higher. Compiling it from source is a solution:
Download libimobiledevice 1.2:
Extract: tar xf libimobiledevice-1.2.0.tar.bz2
cd libimobiledevice-1.2.0
sudo make install
You should now be able to successfully build ios-webkit-debug-proxy.
You may need to run sudo ldconfig afterwards to update the library cache.

Manual Install of Xcode command line tools not working

I've manually installed the Xcode command line tools from the Apple website, and I went through the install process but it doesn't seem to be working. I ran this from the terminal to see if it installed:
Zach-Boyette-MacBook-Pro-2:~ zachboyette$ pkgutil
volume: /
location: /
install-time: 1398301024
So it looks like the command line tools have installed, but when I run this:
Zach-Boyette-MacBook-Pro-2:~ zachboyette$ xcode-select --install
A popup says: The "xcode-select" command requires the command line developer tools. Would you like to install the tools now?
I clicked install and then it said: Can't install the software because it is not currently available from the Software Update server.
I've read on other answers that the solution is to do a manual install, but I just did that so I don't understand why it's not working. Also, in Xcode downloads, it's not showing the Command Line Tools.
I've tried installing it manually many times so I don't know why it's not working.
Installing Jekyll still won't work:
Zach-Boyette-MacBook-Pro-2:~ zachboyette$ sudo gem install jekyll
Building native extensions. This could take a while...
ERROR: Error installing jekyll:
ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.
EDIT: echo $PATH returns this:
Zach-Boyette-MacBook-Pro-2:~ zachboyette$ echo $PATH /usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/Users/zachboyette/.rvm/bin
Command Line Tools are not included in XCode 5.1.1
You have to install it manually, BUT DON'T USE "xcode-select --install". It does not work.
Open Xcode app.
Click on Xcode > Open Developer Tools > More Developers Tools.
That will take you to Downloads for Apple Developers web site.
Use your AppStore Id to login.
Download Command Line Tools for your Mac OS X version.
I have stumbled across this issue before when I completely hosed my development environment by deleting an ancient Xcode version.
Have you tried running sudo xcode-select -r to clean up? This sorted my problem.
From the man page:
-r, --reset
Unsets any user-specified developer directory, so that the
developer directory will be found via the default search mecha-
nism. This command must be run with superuser permissions (see
sudo(8)), and will affect all users on the system.
The easiest work around is to install the XCode app from the App Store then open XCode and agree to the Terms and Conditions.
From there the Command Line Developer Tools package can be installed on using xcode-select --install or by trying to use any command line developer tool in Terminal like git.

Problems installing iOS PonyDebugger

I am trying to install PonyDebugger. I am typing into the terminal the commands
curl -sk | \
python - --ponyd-symlink=/usr/local/bin/ponyd ~/Library/PonyDebugger
and installing the script and the files with success.
However, when I type ponyd serve --listen-interface=, i receive from the terminal -bash: ponyd: command not found.
Any solutions on how to move from this step? I already installed XCode command line tools.
One of the PonyDebugger developers here. Try adding /usr/local/bin to your PATH.
An alternative is to run ponyd directly from the installation path.
~/Library/PonyDebugger/bin/ponyd serve --listen-interface=

GeoIP install failure, advice needed

Several hours of frustration here and looking to see if anyone has any advice.
I'm trying to install GeoIP vie Homebrew and receive the following error just prior to the install finishing:
"Error: The linking step did not complete successfully
The formula built, but is not symlinked into /usr/local
You can try again using `brew link geoip'"
brew link geoip returned this error:
"Error: Could not symlink file: /usr/local/Cellar/geoip/1.4.8/etc/GeoIP.conf.default
/usr/local/etc is not writable. You should change its permissions."
I also tried "sudo link geoip" and recieved this error:
"Cowardly refusing to `sudo brew link'"
I'm not entirely familiar with permissions and such and was wondering what I needed to do from the command line to get this to link properly. Any help greatly appreciated.
I think I found the answer. This script fixes the permissions issue:
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

Can't compile Erlang R14B03 when trying install RabbitMQ using Homebrew on Mac OS X

I am developing a django app and it will utilize the Celery notification system. To use Celery I need the install the RabbitMQ server. I am trying to install it using homebrew. So I just:
sudo brew install rabbitmq
But erlang is a prerquisit for the install. So Homebrew tries to compile erlang-otp (R14B03), but during this process it always gets stuck for hours. I even let it sit over night and nothing happend. So I aborted the compilation and did:
sudo brew install -v erlang
to see the progress of the compile. It gets stuck a the and states the following error:
=== Entering application hipe
(cd ../main && make hipe.hrl)
sed -e "s;%VSN%;3.8;" ../../hipe/main/hipe.hrl.src > ../../hipe/main/hipe.hrl
erlc -W +debug_info +inline -o../ebin hipe_rtl.erl
(no error logger present) error: "Error in process <0.1.0> with exit value: {{badfun,[<<5 bytes>>,<<69 bytes>>,<<9 bytes>>,<<3 bytes>>,<<2 bytes>>,<<5 bytes>>,<<11 bytes>>,<<2 bytes>>,<<8 bytes>>,<<8 bytes>>,<<5 bytes>>,<<7 bytes>>,<<5 bytes>>,<<11 bytes>>,<<2 bytes>>,<<11 bytes>>,<<15 bytes>>,<<4 bytes>>,<<72 bytes>>,<<5 bytes>>,<<1 byte>>,<<7 bytes>>,<<10 bytes>>,<<7 bytes>>,<<6 bytes>>,<<7 bytes>>,<<7 bytes>>,<<6 bytes>>,<<12 bytes>>]},[{erlang,apply,2}]}\n"
I've tried it multiple times, but I get he same result. Could be because I have the wrong version of autoconf? Have any of you guys had a similar experience? What are some recommendations to get a successful compile?
I appreciate the help. Many thanks in advance.
Erlang has problems building with Xcode 4's compilers.
You should be able to get it to compile if you turn off optimization with CFLAGS=-O0.
You can get a pre-compiled package for Mac OSX from Erlang Solutions.
I had the same issue on a new Lion install with Xcode 4.1. The following command installed erlang successfully.
brew install erlang --use-gcc
