Yarn v2 and Cocopods: node_modules folders doesn't exist - ios

I have upgraded Yarn to v2. I see that there is no node_modules folder anymore. But my Podfile is still looking for it. How can I fix it?

node_modules are unavailable with default Yarn 2 PnP install strategy. But you can change this, add the line below to your .yarnrc.yml file to change install strategy from PnP to node_modules:
nodeLinker: node-modules


yarn symlinks wrong package in .bin of workspace in monorepo

I have two workspaces in my mono repo workspace-a and workspace-b. One depends on jest version 26 the other on 29. When I do yarn install it will install jest-26 in the root node_modules and the other one in node_modules of workspace-b.
It will then symlink the jest script in workspace-b/.bin/jest to the older jest version in the root node_modules.
So when I run yarn workspace workspace-b jest it will invoke jest-26 even though the dependency is states as 29 and it actually installed the correct version in the corresponding node_modules directory.
To me this behavior seems odd.
I could fix it and manually link it to the right version but I wonder if I did anything wrong in the setup or if this is the default behavior.
Here is a small repository to reproduce the behavior:

vips/vips8 file not found #include <vips/vips8> in Ionic cordova in IOS

I found an error in sharp.
After that, I found a blog in which they ask to delete sharp from the node module and run sudo npm i.
I have gone through GitHub and write minipass - 2.7.0
After that, I got a new error in
vips/vips8 file not found #include <vips/vips8>
I'm using Ionic with Angular on Macbook
I use commands which is
1.sudo npm install
2.sudo npm i gulp-sass -ES --unsafe-perm=true
3.sudo ionic cordova platform add ios
I very recently ran into a similar issue after making some changes to a project's package.json on my Mac (not an Angular or Cordova project).
I came across this GitHub issue for the sharp package which mentioned you may need to update the globally-installed version of libvips: https://github.com/lovell/sharp/issues/1148
In my case, since I use Homebrew but had not directly installed this package previously, I was able to resolve by running brew install vips and then re-running npm install. Note that it has a lot of dependencies so installation may take some time.
Edit: if that doesn't work, you may need to try a fresh install by removing node_modules, then re-running npm i.
This might be not applicable to everyone, but remove package-lock.json and node_modules directory first and then try npm install again. (I also added the minipass in my package.json, by the way)
In my case, I had encountered the same error, but I could solve it by doing the above.

Is there a way to install dependencies for just one package in a yarn2 monorepo?

to do a yarn immutable install for all packages it yarn 2 recommends yarn workspaces focus --production --all, is there a way to do this for just one workspace? reason being I would like to not have all dependencies for everything installed into docker containers for different applications.
yarn workspaces focus --production (without --all flag)
installs production dependencies just for the workspace in current working directory. You can also specify the name of the workspace as an argument, e.g.:
yarn workspaces focus --production frontend

yarn install skips packages on Jenkins

When run manually, yarn install works without a hitch.
When run from Jenkins, however, one package is simply missing! Even when run after a manual execution. I only run a single instance of yarn each time.
In both cases (manual and Jenkins) I use the same working directory and the same user. The missing package is ng, and it's a dependency of #angular (yarn install creates more package.json files in nested folders).
Any ideas what could be the cause of this issue?
Currently I use yarn install --check-files as a workaround until I figure out why yarn deletes packages in the first place. If anyone has a better solution I'd like to hear it :)

Managing bower dependencies with ionic

After starting with a new ionic app, I can see at bower.json that comes with ionic is in devdependencies. Why is it a devdependency and not a normal dependency?
"devDependencies": {
"ionic": "driftyco/ionic-bower#1.0.0-rc.0"
Thanks, I feel confused right now
having devDependencies gives you the opportunity to simplify the steps that drive you from the source files (a git clone of the project) to the production ready app
when you don't need to make changes and (develop) the application, you could just run
bower install --production
npm install --production
they work the same
bower install options
-F, --force-latest: Force latest version on conflict
-p, --production: Do not install project devDependencies
-S, --save: Save installed packages into the project’s bower.json dependencies
-D, --save-dev: Save installed packages into the project’s bower.json devDependencies
-E, --save-exact: Configure installed packages with an exact version rather than semver
bower documentation
npm install options
By default, npm install will install all modules listed as
dependencies. With the --production flag (or when the NODE_ENV
environment variable is set to production), npm will not install
modules listed in devDependencies.
npm documentation
This way you take less time to ship the app and don't waste bandwidth downloading stuff you won't need.
Given that, to me, the choice of listing ionic as devDependecy is a poor one: it implies that I could take advantage of this choice to get ready the app for execution this way:
git clone my-project
git cd my-project
npm install --production # ionic not installed here
ionic state restore
ionic build ios
Now, if you ignore the content of /lib folder in your sources, this should not work, and if it works because the ionic-cli does some more checks to save your ass, I think this is unclear.
From what I understand, dependencies are required to run, and devDependencies are only for development, like minification, unit tests, etc.
Both will install when you do npm install but only dependencies will install when you do npm install $package, unless you add the --dev option
