Unexpected error "incorrect use of identifier" when running DXL code - ibm-doors

I have a script which calls functions from this script:
which is distributed under the LGPL. I have found several references to this script online, indicating that it works. For my own purposes, I removed the part of the code which executes on load (some 20 lines at the bottom of the file) and converted the file to an .inc, to serve as a library. I haven't done any other changes.
My own script has worked for a few months at this point. But now, all of a sudden, when I try to run it, I get these errors:
-E- DXL: <DOORSImporter\Import_From_Excel.inc:291> incorrect use of identifier (rtfValue)
-E- DXL: <DOORSImporter\Import_From_Excel.inc:292> incorrect use of identifier (nonRTFValue)
-E- DXL: <DOORSImporter\Import_From_Excel.inc:346> incorrect use of identifier (temp)
-E- DXL: <DOORSImporter\Import_From_Excel.inc:464> incorrect use of identifier (columnHeading)
-E- DXL: <DOORSImporter\Import_From_Excel.inc:1127> incorrect use of identifier (cellValue)
-I- DXL: All done. Errors reported: 5. Warnings reported: 0.
Below is a snippet of code which shows this error. I marked lines 291 and 292
bool richTextTruncated(int rowNumber, int columnNumber) {
Buffer rtfValue = create
Buffer nonRTFValue = create
rtfValue = ""
nonRTFValue = ""
rtfValue = copyRichTextFromCell(""intToCol(columnNumber) "" rowNumber"") // get the rich text
rtfValue = trimWhitespace(stripRichText(tempStringOf(rtfValue))) // strip off RTF formatting. <----- 291
nonRTFValue = trimWhitespace(getCellValue(rowNumber, columnNumber)) //<----- 292
if(tempStringOf(rtfValue) != tempStringOf(nonRTFValue)) { // if the two strings aren't equal
return true // return that text was truncated
return false
The function trimWhitespace itself is defined as
string trimWhitespace(string s) so it's OK to assign its output to a buffer.
So this is all very confusing because, like I said, this has worked and the code has not been changed (last check in of the file DOORSImporter\Import_From_Excel.inc is from last November, whereas I have used the script even in January.
Our IT department might have updated DOORS recently, I don't know. I checked the latest version of the dxl reference manual for any recent changes which might have caused this, but I couldn't find any change to the way buffers are handled.
To be fair, I have found working with buffers quite confusing. In my own code, I ended up discarding them altogether. However, the script Import_From_Excel has worked unchanged for a long time now.
Any support with this will be greatly appreciated.
********** Edit 27.02.2020 **************
The function copyRichTextFromCell is defined as below. Its sourced is from the link below.
string copyRichTextFromCell(string loc) {
if(!getCell(loc)) {
if(!checkResult(oleMethod(objCell, cMethodSelect))) { // selects the cell
if(!checkResult(oleMethod(objCell, cMethodCopy))) { // copies the contents of the cell to the clipboard
return stringOf(richClip)
********** Edit 28.02.2020 **************
The function trimWhitespace is as below.
string trimWhitespace(string s) {
int first = 0;
int last = length(s) - 1;
while(last > 0 && (isspace(s[last]) || s[last] == '\n' || s[last] == '\r' || s[last] == '\t')) {
while(isspace(s[first]) && first < last) {
if(s[first:last] == " ") {
While playing around, I discovered that if I modify as below, one of the errors disappears. It is beyond me as to why that might happen, because the code is equivalent, as far as I can tell...
bool richTextTruncated(int rowNumber, int columnNumber) {
Buffer rtfValue = create
Buffer nonRTFValue = create
string fooString
rtfValue = ""
nonRTFValue = ""
rtfValue = copyRichTextFromCell(""intToCol(columnNumber) "" rowNumber"") // get the rich text
fooString = trimWhitespace(stripRichText(tempStringOf(rtfValue)))
rtfValue = fooString // strip off RTF formatting.
fooString = trimWhitespace(getCellValue(rowNumber, columnNumber))
nonRTFValue = fooString
if(tempStringOf(rtfValue) != tempStringOf(nonRTFValue)) { // if the two strings aren't equal
return true // return that text was truncated
return false
So the lines with fooString do not throw an error anymore. In the initial version, these lines were just e.g. rtfValue = trimWhitespace(stripRichText(tempStringOf(rtfValue))) and this would throw an error.


Determining context at a position in file using ANTLR4

I'm trying to write a Language Extension for VS Code in JavaScript and I seem to be missing something.
I have a Lexer.g4 and Parser.g4 for my language and can generate a tree using them.
My issue is that the VS Code API gives me a document and a position in that document (line #, character #). From any of the examples I've looked at for ANTLR4 I can't seem to find any functions generated that take a position in the file and give back the nodes of a tree at that position.
I want to know, for example that the cursor is placed on the name of a function.
Am I supposed to be walking the entire tree and checking the position of tokens to see if they enclose the position I'm in in the editor? Or maybe I'm not using the right tool for the job? I feel like I'm probably missing something more fundamental.
Yes, you have to walk the parse tree to find the context at a given position. This is a pretty simple task and you can see it in action in my ANLTR4 exension for vscode. There are multiple functions returning something useful for a given position. For instance this one:
* Returns the parse tree which covers the given position or undefined if none could be found.
function parseTreeFromPosition(root: ParseTree, column: number, row: number): ParseTree | undefined {
// Does the root node actually contain the position? If not we don't need to look further.
if (root instanceof TerminalNode) {
let terminal = (root as TerminalNode);
let token = terminal.symbol;
if (token.line != row)
return undefined;
let tokenStop = token.charPositionInLine + (token.stopIndex - token.startIndex + 1);
if (token.charPositionInLine <= column && tokenStop >= column) {
return terminal;
return undefined;
} else {
let context = (root as ParserRuleContext);
if (!context.start || !context.stop) { // Invalid tree?
return undefined;
if (context.start.line > row || (context.start.line == row && column < context.start.charPositionInLine)) {
return undefined;
let tokenStop = context.stop.charPositionInLine + (context.stop.stopIndex - context.stop.startIndex + 1);
if (context.stop.line < row || (context.stop.line == row && tokenStop < column)) {
return undefined;
if (context.children) {
for (let child of context.children) {
let result = parseTreeFromPosition(child, column, row);
if (result) {
return result;
return context;

Find Words in entire module

I have skip list contains an ADC, FIFO, DAC, FILO etc.
I want to know whether these words are used in the entire module or not .if used in the module should return the unused words.
I have a program but it is taking too much time to execute.
Please help me with this.
Here is the code :
Skip Search_In_Entire_Module(Skip List)
int sKey = 0
Skip sList = create()
string data = ""
string objText1
Object obj
for data in List do
int var_count = 0
for obj in m do
objText1 = obj."Object Text"
if objText1!=null then
if (isDeleted obj){continue}
if (table obj) {continue}
if (row obj) {continue}
if (cell obj) {continue}
Buffer buf = create()
buf = objText1
int index = 0
index = contains(buf, data, index)
if(0 <= index)
index += length(data)
if (var_count ==0)
return sList
Unused_Terminolody_Data = Search_In_Entire_Module(Terminology_Data)
Just wondering: why is this in a while loop?
index = contains(buf, data, index)
if(0 <= index)
index += length(data)
I would instead just do:
index = contains ( buf, data )
if ( index == -1 ) {
buf = ""
I would also not keep deleting and recreating the buffer. Create the buffer up where you create the object variable, then set it equal to "" to clear it, then delete it at the end of the program.
Let me know if this helps!
Balthos makes good points, and I think there's a little more you could do. My adaptation of your function follows. Points to note:
I implemented Balthos's suggestions (above) of taking out the
'while' loop, and buffer creation/deletion.
I changed the function signature. Given that Skip lists are passed
by reference, and must be created and deleted outside the function
it's syntactically confusing (to me, anyway) to return them from a
function. So, I pass both skip lists (terms we're seeking, terms not
found) in as function parameters. Please excuse me changing variable
names - it helped me to understand what was going on more quickly.
There's no need to put the Object Text in a string - this is
relatively slow and consumes memory that will not be freed until
DOORS exits. So, I put the Object Text in a buffer earlier in the
function, and search that. The 'if (!null bufObjText)' at my line 34
is equivalent to your 'objText1!=null'. If you prefer, 'if
(bufObjText != null)' does the same.
The conditional 'if (var_count ==0)' is redundant - I moved it's
functions into an earlier 'if' block (my line 40).
I moved the tests for deleted, table, row and cell objects up, so
that they occur before we take the time to fill a buffer with object
text - so that's only done if necessary.
Item 2 probably isn't going to have a performance impact, but the others will. The only quesiton is, how large?
Please let us know if this improves the running time over what you currently have. I don't have a sufficiently large set of sample data to make meaningful comparisons with your code.
Module modCurrent = current
Skip skUnused_Terminology_Data = create
Skip skSeeking_Terminology_Data = create()
put (skSeeking_Terminology_Data, 0, "SPONG")
put (skSeeking_Terminology_Data, 1, "DoD")
void Search_In_Entire_Module(Skip skTermsSought, skTermsNotFound)
Object obj
Buffer bufObjText = create()
int intSkipKey = 0
int index = 0
string strSkipData = ""
for strSkipData in skTermsSought do
int var_count = 0
bool blFoundTerm = false
for obj in modCurrent do
if (isDeleted obj){continue}
if (table obj) {continue}
if (row obj) {continue}
if (cell obj) {continue}
bufObjText = obj."Object Text"
if (!null bufObjText) then
Regexp re = regexp2 strSkipData
blFoundTerm = search (re, bufObjText, 0)
if ( blFoundTerm ) {
put(skUnused_Terminology_Data, intSkipKey, strSkipData)
bufObjText = ""
delete (bufObjText)
Search_In_Entire_Module (skSeeking_Terminology_Data, skUnused_Terminology_Data)
string strNotFound
for strNotFound in skUnused_Terminology_Data do
print strNotFound "\n"
delete skUnused_Terminology_Data
delete skSeeking_Terminology_Data

readString is throwing TypeError: malformed UTF-8

This function returns a ctypes.unsigned_char.array() and I do read string on it. It is getting the titles of windows. The problem is sometimes it throws TypeError.
try {
console.error('straight readString on XWindowGetProperty data:', rez_GP.data.readString());
} catch (ex) {
console.error('ex on straight readString:', ex);
Please notice the rez_GP.data.readString()
For example this instance: TypeError: malformed UTF-8 character sequence at offset 48. In this situation the window title is Editing js-macosx/bootstrap.js at base-template · Noitidart/js-macosx - Mozilla Firefox The 48th offset is that dot chracter you see, it's chracter code is 183. How to do readString() on this buffer without getting this error?
readString expects a utf-8 encoded string. This is true for strings returned by _NET_WM_NAME, but not for WM_NAME.
I found a way to read the string propertly even ifs not utf-8, but im not sure if its he best way or the recommended way. This works though, i have to cast it to unsigned_char (must be this, so not char or jschar) then do fromCharCode:
function readAsChar8ThenAsChar16(stringPtr, known_len, jschar) {
// when reading as jschar it assumes max length of 500
// stringPtr is either char or jschar, if you know its jschar for sure, pass 2nd arg as true
// if known_len is passed, then assumption is not made, at the known_len position in array we will see a null char
// i tried getting known_len from stringPtr but its not possible, it has be known, i tried this:
//"stringPtr.contents.toString()" "95"
//"stringPtr.toString()" "ctypes.unsigned_char.ptr(ctypes.UInt64("0x7f73d5c87650"))"
// so as we see neither of these is 77, this is for the example of "_scratchpad/EnTeHandle.js at master · Noitidart/_scratchpad - Mozilla Firefox"
// tries to do read string on stringPtr, if it fails then it falls to read as jschar
var readJSCharString = function() {
var assumption_max_len = known_len ? known_len : 500;
var ptrAsArr = ctypes.cast(stringPtr, ctypes.unsigned_char.array(assumption_max_len).ptr).contents; // MUST cast to unsigned char (not ctypes.jschar, or ctypes.char) as otherwise i dont get foreign characters, as they are got as negative values, and i should read till i find a 0 which is null terminator which will have unsigned_char code of 0 // can test this by reading a string like this: "_scratchpad/EnTeHandle.js at master · Noitidart/_scratchpad - Mozilla Firefox" at js array position 36 (so 37 if count from 1), we see 183, and at 77 we see char code of 0 IF casted to unsigned_char, if casted to char we see -73 at pos 36 but pos 77 still 0, if casted to jschar we see chineese characters in all spots expect spaces even null terminator is a chineese character
console.info('ptrAsArr.length:', ptrAsArr.length);
//console.log('debug-msg :: dataCasted:', dataCasted, uneval(dataCasted), dataCasted.toString());
var charCode = [];
var fromCharCode = []
for (var i=0; i<ptrAsArr.length; i++) { //if known_len is correct, then will not hit null terminator so like in example of "_scratchpad/EnTeHandle.js at master · Noitidart/_scratchpad - Mozilla Firefox" if you pass length of 77, then null term will not get hit by this loop as null term is at pos 77 and we go till `< known_len`
var thisUnsignedCharCode = ptrAsArr.addressOfElement(i).contents;
if (thisUnsignedCharCode == 0) {
// reached null terminator, break
console.log('reached null terminator, at pos: ', i);
console.info('charCode:', charCode);
console.info('fromCharCode:', fromCharCode);
var char16_val = fromCharCode.join('');
console.info('char16_val:', char16_val);
return char16_val;
if (!jschar) {
try {
var char8_val = stringPtr.readString();
console.info('stringPtr.readString():', char8_val);
return char8_val;
} catch (ex if ex.message.indexOf('malformed UTF-8 character sequence at offset ') == 0) {
console.warn('ex of offset utf8 read error when trying to do readString so using alternative method, ex:', ex);
return readJSCharString();
} else {
return readJSCharString();

How to parse text in Groovy

I need to parse a text (output from a svn command) in order to retrieve a number (svn revision).
This is my code. Note that I need to retrieve all the output stream as a text to do other operations.
def proc = cmdLine.execute() // Call *execute* on the strin
proc.waitFor() // Wait for the command to finish
def output = proc.in.text
//other stuff happening here
output.eachLine {
line ->
def revisionPrefix = "Last Changed Rev: "
if (line.startsWith(revisionPrefix)) res = new Integer(line.substring(revisionPrefix.length()).trim())
This code is working fine, but since I'm still a novice in Groovy, I'm wondering if there were a better idiomatic way to avoid the ugly if...
Example of svn output (but of course the problem is more general)
Path: .
Working Copy Root Path: /svn
URL: svn+ssh://svn.company.com/opt/svnserve/repos/project/trunk
Repository Root: svn+ssh://svn.company.com/opt/svnserve/repos
Repository UUID: 516c549e-805d-4d3d-bafa-98aea39579ae
Revision: 25447
Node Kind: directory
Schedule: normal
Last Changed Author: ubi
Last Changed Rev: 25362
Last Changed Date: 2012-11-22 10:27:00 +0000 (Thu, 22 Nov 2012)
I've got inspiration from the answer below and I solved using find(). My solution is:
def revisionPrefix = "Last Changed Rev: "
def line = output.readLines().find { line -> line.startsWith(revisionPrefix) }
def res = new Integer(line?.substring(revisionPrefix.length())?.trim()?:"0")
3 lines, no if, very clean
One possible alternative is:
def output = cmdLine.execute().text
Integer res = output.readLines().findResult { line ->
(line =~ /^Last Changed Rev: (\d+)$/).with { m ->
if( m.matches() ) {
m[ 0 ][ 1 ] as Integer
Not sure it's better or not. I'm sure others will have different alternatives
Also, beware of using proc.text. if your proc outputs a lot of stuff, then you could end up blocking when the inputstream gets full...
Here is a heavily commented alternative, using consumeProcessOutput:
// Run the command
String output = cmdLine.execute().with { proc ->
// Then, with a StringWriter
new StringWriter().with { sw ->
// Consume the output of the process
proc.consumeProcessOutput( sw, System.err )
// Make sure we worked
assert proc.waitFor() == 0
// Return the output (goes into `output` var)
// Extract the version from by looking through all the lines
Integer version = output.readLines().findResult { line ->
// Pass the line through a regular expression
(line =~ /Last Changed Rev: (\d+)/).with { m ->
// And if it matches
if( m.matches() ) {
// Return the \d+ part as an Integer
m[ 0 ][ 1 ] as Integer

How to find functions in a cpp file that contain a specific word

using grep, vim's grep, or another unix shell command, I'd like to find the functions in a large cpp file that contain a specific word in their body.
In the files that I'm working with the word I'm looking for is on an indented line, the corresponding function header is the first line above the indented line that starts at position 0 and is not a '{'.
For example searching for JOHN_DOE in the following code snippet
int foo ( int arg1 )
/// code
void bar ( std::string arg2 )
/// code
aFunctionCall( JOHN_DOE );
/// more code
should give me
void bar ( std::string arg2 )
The algorithm that I hope to catch in grep/vim/unix shell scripts would probably best use the indentation and formatting assumptions, rather than attempting to parse C/C++.
Thanks for your suggestions.
I'll probably get voted down for this!
I am an avid (G)VIM user but when I want to review or understand some code I use Source Insight. I almost never use it as an actual editor though.
It does exactly what you want in this case, e.g. show all the functions/methods that use some highlighted data type/define/constant/etc... in a relations window...
(source: sourceinsight.com)
Ouch! There goes my rep.
As far as I know, this can't be done. Here's why:
First, you have to search across lines. No problem, in vim adding a _ to a character class tells it to include new lines. so {_.*} would match everything between those brackets across multiple lines.
So now you need to match whatever the pattern is for a function header(brittle even if you get it to work), then , and here's the problem, whatever lines are between it and your search string, and finally match your search string. So you might have a regex like
/^\(void \+\a\+ *(.*)\)\_.*JOHN_DOE
But what happens is the first time vim finds a function header, it starts matching. It then matches every character until it finds JOHN_DOE. Which includes all the function headers in the file.
So the problem is that, as far as I know, there's no way to tell vim to match every character except for this regex pattern. And even if there was, a regex is not the tool for this job. It's like opening a beer with a hammer. What we should do is write a simple script that gives you this info, and I have.
fun! FindMyFunction(searchPattern, funcPattern)
call search(a:searchPattern)
let lineNumber = line(".")
let lineNumber = lineNumber - 1
"call setpos(".", [0, lineNumber, 0, 0])
let lineString = getline(lineNumber)
while lineString !~ a:funcPattern
let lineNumber = lineNumber - 1
if lineNumber < 0
echo "Function not found :/"
let lineString = getline(lineNumber)
echo lineString
That should give you the result you want and it's way easier to share, debug, and repurpose than a regular expression spit from the mouth of Cthulhu himself.
Tough call, although as a starting point I would suggest this wonderful VIM Regex Tutorial.
You cannot do that reliably with a regular expression, because code is not a regular language. You need a real parser for the language in question.
Arggh! I admit this is a bit over the top:
A little program to filter stdin, strip comments, and put function bodies on the same line. It'll get fooled by namespaces and function definitions inside class declarations, besides other things. But it might be a good start:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
int main() {
enum {
} state = NORMAL;
unsigned depth = 0;
for(char c=getchar(),prev=0; !feof(stdin); prev=c,c=getchar()) {
switch(state) {
case NORMAL:
if('/'==c && '/'==prev)
else if('*'==c && '/'==prev)
else if('#'==c)
else if('\"'==c) {
state = IN_STRING;
} else {
if(('}'==c && !--depth) || (';'==c && !depth)) {
} else {
else if('/'==prev && NORMAL==state)
else if('\t'==c)
c = ' ';
if(' '==c && ' '!=prev)
else if(' '<c && '/'!=c)
if(' '>c)
state = NORMAL;
if('/'==c && '*'==prev) {
c = '\0';
state = NORMAL;
if('\"'==c && '\\'!=prev)
state = NORMAL;
return 0;
Its c++, so just it in a file, compile it to a file named 'stripper', and then:
cat my_source.cpp | ./stripper | grep JOHN_DOE
So consider the input:
int foo ( int arg1 )
/// code
void bar ( std::string arg2 )
/// code
aFunctionCall( JOHN_DOE );
/// more code
The output of "cat example.cpp | ./stripper" is:
int foo ( int arg1 ) { }
void bar ( std::string arg2 ){ aFunctionCall( JOHN_DOE ); }
The output of "cat example.cpp | ./stripper | grep JOHN_DOE" is:
void bar ( std::string arg2 ){ aFunctionCall( JOHN_DOE ); }
The job of finding the function name (guess its the last identifier to precede a "(") is left as an exercise to the reader.
For that kind of stuff, although it comes to primitive searching again, I would recommend compview plugin. It will open up a search window, so you can see the entire line where the search occured and automatically jump to it. Gives a nice overview.
(source: axisym3.net)
Like Robert said Regex will help. In command mode start a regex search by typing the "/" character followed by your regex.
Ctags1 may also be of use to you. It can generate a tag file for a project. This tag file allows a user to jump directly from a function call to it's definition even if it's in another file using "CTRL+]".
u can use grep -r -n -H JOHN_DOE * it will look for "JOHN_DOE" in the files recursively starting from the current directory
you can use the following code to practically find the function which contains the text expression:
public void findFunction(File file, String expression) {
Reader r = null;
try {
r = new FileReader(file);
} catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(r);
String match = "";
String lineWithNameOfFunction = "";
Boolean matchFound = false;
try {
while(br.read() > 0) {
match = br.readLine();
if((match.endsWith(") {")) ||
(match.endsWith("){")) ||
(match.endsWith("()")) ||
(match.endsWith(")")) ||
(match.endsWith("( )"))) {
// this here is because i guessed that method will start
// at the 0
if((match.charAt(0)!=' ') && !(match.startsWith("\t"))) {
lineWithNameOfFunction = match;
if(match.contains(expression)) {
matchFound = true;
System.out.println("No matching function found");
} catch (IOException ex) {
i wrote this in JAVA, tested it and works like a charm. has few drawbacks though, but for starters it's fine. didn't add support for multiple functions containing same expression and maybe some other things. try it.
