Build fail if i choose IOS Deployment Target below 11.0.0 - ios

I'm developing Hybrid app using ionic 3 framework and everything is working fine when Deployment target is set to 11.0.0 or above.
But as soon as I set iOS deployment target to 9.3 or 10.0.0 or 10.3.0(Below 11.0.0) am getting build failure with below error message.
linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
So i have to build my app with Deployment target 11.0.0. but if i do that i cant run app in the devices which has vsersion below 11.0.0.
my Xcode version is Version 10.1 (10B61)

I think there must be some packages or methods in the iOS native environment which doesn't work for iOS below then 11.0. You should analyse the error information to see which method or framework is not supported for iOS below 11.0.

The problem is in your pod files i think.
Click on pods.
Select one pod on left side and click on build settings.
Under development section check the version once for all the pods.


Flutter App building from xcode but failing from android studio

After upgrading to xcode 15 if I launch my flutter app from android studio it fails to build but works on my iphone11 device. It also builds on the ios emulator if launched from xcode. I keep getting this error :
Xcode's output: ↳
ld: in /Users/macbook/Desktop/dis_or_dat/ios/Pods/mobile-ffmpeg-audio/lame.framework/lame(VbrTag.o),
building for iOS Simulator, but linking in object file built for iOS,
for architecture arm64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
note: Using new build system
note: Planning
note: Build preparation complete
note: Building targets in parallel
/Users/macbook/Desktop/dis_or_dat/ios/Pods/Pods.xcodeproj: warning: The iOS Simulator deployment target
'IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET' is set to 8.0, but the range of supported
deployment target versions is 9.0 to 15.0.99. (in target 'FMDB' from
project 'Pods')
ios>open "Podfile"write platform :ios, '9.0'
Seems like your project deployment target is set for iOS version 8 and later, you need to update that (iOS 9 should be minimum target).
Navigate to project's ios folder and open 'Podfile'. Uncomment the second line and set it to any later version than 8.
If the problem still doesn't get solved, this thread might help:
Commenting here for the unwary who like me, spent far too long trying to work out what was going on.
It turns out this is an issue with Flutter sound. The app will build in XCode, and on a real device but not on a simulator.
Bug being tracked here:

Firebase react-native iOS build fails with "-fobjc-weak is not supported on the current deployment target"

If I try to run my react-native app from XCode, xcode fails with the message:
-fobjc-weak is not supported on the current deployment target
If I run from a shell react-native run-ios, then I get also an error message:
The following build commands failed:
CompileC /Users/michel/Development/Androdev/Firebase/Sample/FlightLogIos/ios/build/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ Target\ Support\ Files/nanopb/nanopb-dummy.m normal x86_64 objective-c
(1 failure)
However, the app still runs. It is annoying though as I think I will have at some point to do some Objective C code for my project. Does anybody know how to resolve this issue?
I'm using Firebase in a regular, non-react-native Xcode project. I had the same error when building nanopb target. When I checked settings, deployment target for nanopb was set to 4.3. Just updating it to something more recent, like 9.0 fixed this error for me.
i just ran into the same problem. i fixed it for me by increasing the ios deployment target of the nanopb target to iOS 8.0 (its 4.3 per default). Pods Project -> target: nanopb -> iOS Deployment Target: iOS 8.0
I had the same problem with my ionic app, and I did this steps:
Close xcode
Command line remove ios platform
Command line add ios platform
Open xcode and open PROJECT.xcworkspaces
Xcode give me some recommendations in project and apply
Clean and build and it's works
I hope this helps

'SFSafariViewController' is only available on iOS 9.0 or newer (React Native Build)

I am able to run my React Native application in the simulator via Expo, but as soon as I try to build it with Xcode, I receive this error:
'SFSafariViewController' is only available on iOS 9.0 or newer (React
Native Build)
These are the steps I took to build.
Run npm run eject
Eject with 'ExpoKit' option
cd into the ios directory
Run pod install
Open up the xcworkspace file in Xcode
In both the project and the target, I changed the Deployment Target value to 11.0
Run the build to a iOS version 11 simulator
The build then fails with 7 of the above errors. I am using Xcode version 9.0, Pods version 1.3.1.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
For me, the errors were coming from the "AppAuth" dependency.
I fixed this issue by setting the "iOS Deployment Target" of this package to iOS 9.0.

IOS: How to do twitter integration using Fabric for ios8 and ios9

For ios9 Twitter integration using Fabric is working fine but when I am doing it for ios8 its showing all the 3 error
1) Could not build module 'TwitterKit'
2) Could not build module 'TwitterCore'
3) Cocoa/Cocoa.h' file not found
Try setting deployment target to iOS 8 (for project and target)in xcode 7 or above.I faced similar problem when i tried building using xcode 6.3.Also you can't iOS 7 as deployment target as TwitterCore doesn't support for iOS 7.Hope it helps :)
setting deployment target for project
For setting deployment target for target
I have used xcode 7.2 for running on device.It doesn't give any error.

Xcode 7 error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

I'm getting an error when i open my app in xcode 7:
I've tried everything from re adding all of my linked libraries to editing the build settings, but this error will not go away? I've tried google searching this, but all the answers i came accross wont work. What do i do?
The error does not show up in xcode 6, why is it in only xcode 7?
Change deployment target to a lower version and see if it is a version problem. Try deployment target to iOS 6.0 :)
However, this could be dangerous if you are using APIs that only support iOS 8 and above. Use this fix cautiously to make sure not to cause any problems in other areas of your project. Therefore, be sure to test on an iOS 6.0 device or iOS 6.0 simulator.
Looks like your Bolts pod dependency is somehow added to the Build Phases pane under Link Binary With Libraries of your Targets settings. Try by removing the library ".a" file from the Build Phase.
