Can't count the occurences of the entity with a field of particular value inside a nested property using Spring Data ElasticSearch Repository - spring-data-elasticsearch

I have the Article entity and inside it there is a nested property, let's say Metadata.
I need to count all articles, which have a particular field inside this nested property, let's say indexed, assigned to e.g. 1.
Java Document Snippet:
#Document(indexName = "article", type = "article", useServerConfiguration = true, createIndex = false)
#Setting(settingPath = "/mappings/settings.json")
#Mapping(mappingPath = "/mappings/articles.json")
public class Article {
// getters and setters, empty constructor are omitted for brevity
private String id;
private Metadata metadata;
// remainder of the body is omitted
Metadata.class snippet
public class Metadata {
// getters and setters, empty constructor are omitted for brevity
private Integer indexed;
// remainder of the body is omitted
The query I use to retrieve articles, which satisfy the given criteria and which I put as a value of on top of the custom method:
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"nested": {
"path": "metadata",
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"match": {
"metadata.indexed": 1
My custom Spring Data ElasticSearch repository snippet with a custom method:
public CustomSpringDataElasticsearchRepository extends ElasticsearchRepository<Article, String> {
#Query("The query from above")
Long countByMetadata_Indexed(int value);
When I use the repository method shown above , I get java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Expected 1 but found n results.
Custom Spring Data Elasticsearch Repository method(without #Query) returns 0(version without underscore returns 0 as well) though it should return everything correctly.
How do I get the correct results using Spring Data ElasticSearch Repository? Why does the custom method without #Query doesn't work as well?
UPD: The version of spring-data-elasticsearch used is 3.1.1.RELEASE.

Repository query methods currently(3.2.4.RELEASE) don't support the count by the fields inside nested fields.
As was mentioned previously, #Query annotation doesn't support custom count queries as of the latest version(3.2.4.RELEASE).
In other words, currently, the only way to do this query through Spring Data ElasticSearch is to use ElasticsearchTemplate bean or ElasticsearchOperations bean.
Credit: P.J.Meisch


Mock data generation for storybook

I am trying to generate mock data using relay for storybook.
My query is
const QUERY_LIST = graphql`
query modelControllerAllUsersQuery #relay_test_operation {
allUsers {
pageInfo {
edges {
node {
and provided RelayEnvironmentProvider as a decorator to the story. I'm trying to return some default values to my query using custom mock resolvers.
const customMockResolvers = {
allUsers:() => ({
id :'id',
lastName :'lname',
and calling it as
(operation) => MockPayloadGenerator.generate(operation, customMockResolvers)
I don't seem to be able to get the default values returned.
Currently, it is returning
What am I doing wrong?
When using the #relay-test-operation, the keys within your customMockResolvers object must match the type name of the fields, which can be different from the field names themselves.
For example, you could have the following in your schema:
type Foo {
id: ID!
name: String!
and the following query:
query FooQuery #relay_test_operation {
foo {
Then the customMockResolvers object would look like this:
const customMockResolvers = {
Foo: () => ({
id: "fooId",
name: "fooName"
Notice that I'm passing in Foo as the key instead of foo.
You can check your schema and see what the the type name of allUsers is. I suspect it would be something like AllUsers or allUsersConnection, or something similar.
Also, if you're interested in creating Storybook stories for Relay components, I created a NPM package just for that:
It doesn't require adding the #relay-test-operation directive to your query, and instead relies only on resolving the String type (which is the default for all scalar properties). You can of course still add the #relay-test-operation directive and also extend the resolvers by providing customResolvers in the config.
You can also extend the the String resolver as well, by providing extendStringResolver in the config.
Feel free to review the source code here if you want to implement something similar:
Note: it's still in its early days, so some things might change, but would love some feedback!

How to correctly wrap a Flux inside a Mono object

I have a web-service which returns student and enrolled class details.
"name": "student-name",
"classes": [
"className": "reactor-101",
"day": "Tuesday"
"className": "reactor-102",
"day": "Friday"
The DTO for this class is as below:
public class Student {
private String name;
private Flux<StudentClass> classes;
public static class StudentClass {
private String className;
private String day;
The main REST controller logic to fetch the student is as follows:
Flux<StudentClass> studentClassFlux = studentClassRepository.getStudentClass(studentName);
return Mono.just(new Student(studentName, studentClassFlux));
The problem with this is, I get the following output after making the REST call:
"name": "student-name",
"classes": {
"prefetch": 32,
"scanAvailable": true
I can achieve the desired output by blocking on the flux request to get completed and then convert the output to list.
List<StudentClass> studentClassList = studentClassRepository.getStudentClass(studentName)..toStream().collect(Collectors.toList());
return Mono.just(new Student(studentName, studentClassList)); // Change the Student#classes from flux to list
I am new to reactive-programming.
What is the correct way of using the Flux & Mono here to get the desired output?
Reactive types aren't meant to be serialized when wrapped in each other.
In that particular case, you probably want your Student object to contain a List<StudentClass>. You can achieve that like this:
public Mono<Student> findStudent(String studentName) {
return studentClassRepository
.map(studentClasses -> new Student(studentName, studentClasses));
I think, in the case that you really need a Flux in your result, you would want to break down the API so that you have separate methods to retrieve the entities.
One for student properties, and another for their classes. The student GET method could be a Mono, while the classes would return a Flux.

Gorm: Filtering criteria by a property related field

I have the following criteria:
And I need to filter with a "property's property" field:
Something like:
Restriction.eq("", roomId)
How can I add this restriction to the main criteria?
You can write this in much more of a Grails 'way' using the HibernateCriteriaBuilder's DSL:
Using Nested Closures
Alert.createCriteria().list() {
device {
room {
idEq(roomId) could be replaced with eq('id', roomId) and then used with non-id properties as well.
Using createAlias
Alert.createCriteria().list() {
createAlias('device', 'd')
createAlias('', 'r')
eq('', roomId)

Nested Entities in JsonResultsAdapter

I am trying to connect to a third party service using Breeze with a custom JsonResultsAdapter.
The third party service has the "metadata" related to an entity in the root node of the array, then the variables are in a "data" property on the "metadata" object.
The format has two ways of defining relationships. One is via a "#ref" field which references the id of another entity. The other is by having the related object defined inline (instead of the "#ref") which does not have an explicit id, but which is only ever referenced by the "parent" object.
The data looks like:
"id" : "abc",
"type" : "foo",
"data": { "relationshipRef" : { "#ref" : "someid" } }
"id": "someid",
"type" : "bar",
"data" : { "relationshipInline" : { "type" : "baz",
"data" : { "something" : "whatever",
"innerRelation" : { "#ref" : "abc"}
I'm currently (in JsonResultsAdapter's visitNode function) moving the properties in the "data" object up into the "root" node, and then replacing any object with an "#ref" property with the value of the "#ref" key and appending an ID to the end (so that relationships can use the original name in the EntityType). IE, the first object would become:
"id" : "abc",
"type" : "foo",
"relationshipRefID" : "someid"
This works for top level entities and relationships, but I'm having problems with the nested ones.
How would you approach solving this problem?
I was going to use ComplexTypes but the documentation mentioned that they cannot have "navigationProperties" (relationships), which as you can see above is required (the "innerRelation" property).
In some cases, the entities can be nested down to 3 levels or so.
Here is my current visitNode function:
visitNode: function(node, parseContext, nodeContext) {
if(node instanceof Object && node.type != null) {
if(node.deleted) {
//TODO: make sure the object is removed from the manager
return {ignore:true};
//We need to tweak the data structure to fit what breeze expects.
//It expects properties to be in the same level as the "metadata" for an object ("type" etc),
//So we need to move the properties from the data object into the node, and fix up relationships.
if(parseContext.entityManager.metadataStore.getEntityType(node.type, true) != null) {
var data =;
for(var key in data) {
var prop = data[key];
//Move any foreign key fields to be "relationID":id instead of "relation":{"#ref":id}
if(prop instanceof Object) {
var ref = prop["#ref"];
if(ref != null) {
node[key+"ID"] = ref
data[key] = null;
//TODO: Handle inline references <- This is where I need help!
node[key] = data[key];
return {
entityType: node.type,
else {
return {ignore:true};
Well, apparently I should have tested more before asking here.
It turns out that this works automatically based on the navigationProperties defined in the model! Awesome. I did have to generate ids for the inner nodes that did not have them, but that was simple.

Best way to model map values in Grails?

I have to implement map values in my Grails app.
I have a class that can contain 0..N OsmTags, and the key is unique.
In Java I would model this with a Map in each object, but I don't know how to map classes in Grails.
So I defined this class:
class OsmTag {
/** OSM tag name, e.g. natural */
String key
/** OSM tag value, e.g. park */
String value
static constraints = {
key blank:false, size:2..80,matches:/[\S]+/, unique:false
value blank:false, size:1..250,matches:/[\S]+/, unique:false
That works ok, but it's actually quite ugly because the tag key is not unique.
Is there a better way to model this issue?
If your tags are simple strings, then you can use a map directly.
class Taggable {
Map tags // key : String, value : String
If I understand your question correctly, then you want to ensure that each tag is unique within a particular instance of the tagged entity?
Assume that the entity to which the tags are attached is named Taggable, then
you can enforce this requirement using a custom constraint:
class Taggable {
static hasMany = [ tags: OsmTag ]
class OsmTag {
static belongsTo = [ taggable: Taggable ]
/** OSM tag name, e.g. natural */
String key
/** OSM tag value, e.g. park */
String value
static constraints = {
key(blank:false, size:2..80,matches:/[\S]+/, unique:false,
validator: { val, obj ->
if (obj.taggable.tags.key.count(val > 1)) {
return false
value(blank:false, size:1..250,matches:/[\S]+/, unique:false)
If you're looking for a NoSQL solution, you could try using MongoDB with Grails. The most recent version (1.4) supports Geospatial indexing and querying.
