Microblink : Scanning both side of ID card - ios

I am trying to scan both side of national card with mircoblink, based on their documentation for scanning both side you have to use MBDocumentVerificationOverlayViewController for controller and MBBlinkIdCombinedRecognizer for recognizer. but only my front side scanning works well.
I am using demo serial key, I don't know is it related to to my serial key or not.
here is my code:
/** Create BlinkID recognizer */
blinkIdRecognizer = MBBlinkIdCombinedRecognizer()
/** Create BlinkID settings */
let settings : MBDocumentVerificationOverlaySettings = MBDocumentVerificationOverlaySettings()
/** Crate recognizer collection */
let recognizerCollection : MBRecognizerCollection = MBRecognizerCollection(recognizers: [blinkIdRecognizer!])
/** Create your overlay view controller */
let documentOverlayViewController : MBDocumentVerificationOverlayViewController = MBDocumentVerificationOverlayViewController(settings: settings, recognizerCollection: recognizerCollection, delegate: self)
/** Create recognizer view controller with wanted overlay view controller */
let recognizerRunneViewController : UIViewController = MBViewControllerFactory.recognizerRunnerViewController(withOverlayViewController: documentOverlayViewController)
/** Present the recognizer runner view controller. You can use other presentation methods as well (instead of presentViewController) */
present(recognizerRunneViewController, animated: true, completion: nil)
This is my delegate code:
extension MyVC: MBDocumentVerificationOverlayViewControllerDelegate {
func documentVerificationOverlayViewControllerDidFinishScanningFirstSide(_ documentVerificationOverlayViewController: MBDocumentVerificationOverlayViewController) {
print("First Side Scanned")
func documentVerificationOverlayViewControllerDidFinishScanning(_ documentVerificationOverlayViewController: MBDocumentVerificationOverlayViewController, state: MBRecognizerResultState) {
if (self.blinkIdRecognizer?.combinedResult.resultState == MBRecognizerResultState.valid) {
guard let result = blinkIdRecognizer?.combinedResult else {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
if self.blinkIdRecognizer?.combinedResult.scanningFirstSideDone == true {
} else {
documentVerificationOverlayViewController.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
func documentVerificationOverlayViewControllerDidTapClose(_ documentVerificationOverlayViewController: MBDocumentVerificationOverlayViewController) {
self.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
And scanning first side delegate never get called, but I see response in DidFinish
thanks for any help

What version of the SDK are you using?
In version 5.2, we have added scanning for both the front and backside of the German ID.
You can download the latest release here:
Can you please test it now and let us know if that worked?

Last time I've worked with microblink was over a year ago but if I recall correctly documentVerificationOverlayViewControllerDidFinishScanningFirstSide is only available for the supported id cards.
If you're scanning an ID card from another country you'll need to implement that yourself.
For example:
func documentVerificationOverlayViewControllerDidFinishScanning(_ documentVerificationOverlayViewController: MBDocumentVerificationOverlayViewController, state: MBRecognizerResultState) {
if step == .first {
// Present another ViewController for the back
} else {


Microblink: getting values after scanning

I've set up the Microblink card reader to read only one side, and not give the user the ability to edit the scan results:
func didTapScan() {
/** Create BlinkCard recognizer */
blinkCardRecognizer = MBCBlinkCardRecognizer()
blinkCardRecognizer?.extractCvv = false
blinkCardRecognizer?.extractIban = false
blinkCardRecognizer?.extractExpiryDate = false
/** Create BlinkCard settings */
let settings : MBCBlinkCardOverlaySettings = MBCBlinkCardOverlaySettings()
settings.enableEditScreen = false
/** Crate recognizer collection */
let recognizerList = [blinkCardRecognizer!]
let recognizerCollection : MBCRecognizerCollection = MBCRecognizerCollection(recognizers: recognizerList)
/** Create your overlay view controller */
let blinkCardOverlayViewController = MBCBlinkCardOverlayViewController(settings: settings, recognizerCollection: recognizerCollection, delegate: self)
/** Create recognizer view controller with wanted overlay view controller */
// NOTE that I put a bang on the end of this - not good
let recognizerRunneViewController : UIViewController = MBCViewControllerFactory.recognizerRunnerViewController(withOverlayViewController: blinkCardOverlayViewController)!
/** Present the recognizer runner view controller. You can use other presentation methods as well (instead of presentViewController) */
self.present(recognizerRunneViewController, animated: true, completion: nil)
After scanning, I check in the delegate callback for a valid state, and then I try to retrieve the values from the cardRecognizer, but I'm getting nothing but crashes:
func blinkCardOverlayViewControllerDidFinishScanning(_ blinkCardOverlayViewController: MBCBlinkCardOverlayViewController, state: MBCRecognizerResultState) {
// this is done on background thread
// check for valid state
if state == .valid {
guard let result = blinkCardRecognizer?.combinedResult else {
print (result)
// first, pause scanning until we process all the results
DispatchQueue.main.async(execute: {() -> Void in
// self.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
What am I missing here?
You've done everything correctly regarding the first block of code.
Regarding the second part (in the blinkCardOverlayViewControllerDidFinishScanning method), the .combinedResult is the parent of the result object, so you can use the blinkCardRecognizer.result instead.
Also, there seems to be an issue with the recognizer's description method (blinkCardRecognizer.result), so you would need to specify which information you want to extract.
An example code would be:
extension ViewController: MBCBlinkCardOverlayViewControllerDelegate {
func blinkCardOverlayViewControllerDidFinishScanning(_ blinkCardOverlayViewController: MBCBlinkCardOverlayViewController, state: MBCRecognizerResultState) {
/** This is done on background thread */
if state == .valid {
guard let result = blinkCardRecognizer?.result else {
DispatchQueue.main.async(execute: {() -> Void in

Trigger UIAlertViewController Based on Time

I have UITable to display different animals. When you select a cell in the table, a new view controller with a large UIImage is pushed. Currently, when you zoom in on the image, a UIAlertView is triggered that asks the user if they would like to download hi res images. If they click yes, the "hi-res-flag" is set to "yes" in user defaults and they no longer see the pop up. However, if they select no, the hi-res-flag will continue to pop up each time they zoom in on a photo.
Instead, if they answer no, I would like to have this flag pop up occasionally. Not every time the click a cell in the species table, nor every time they open the app. Something more like once or twice a month. Is there a way to use time in the logic of an iOS app? For instance, erase the value set for "high-res-flag" (if already equals 'no') in user defaults, once a month?
Store the time you showed the alert last in the user preferences, and then check that value every time before you present the alert whether a certain time has passed.
I have written a time checker class that does the job. The code is in Swift. You can use it from your Objective-C code as well. You can find this code in gist here.
Below, you use the viewWillAppear delegate method to see if the hiResFlag is existing. If it is present and false, then you check to see if you can display the popup:
import UIKit
class ImageViewController: UIViewController {
//Whenever you enter the Image View Controller, you check whether to show popup or not
override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
if let hiResFlag = hiResFlag {
if hiResFlag == false {
if PopUpTimeChecker.shouldShowPopUp() {
func presentAlert() {
let alert = UIAlertController.init(title: nil, message: "Show Pop up", preferredStyle: .alert)
let action = UIAlertAction.init(title: "Yeahh!", style: .default, handler: nil)
self.present(alert, animated: true, completion: nil)
The following code implements the time-checking algorithm. Edit popUpTimeInterval below for setting your minimum time. Right now, it is set to be 15 days (in seconds). Once in every 15 days the pop-up will be shown when you call the shouldShowPopUp method.
import UIKit
//Below 4 variables, I have made them Global. No need to make them global in your case
#objc var popUpTimeInterval: UInt64 = 1296000 //15 days in seconds
#objc var hiResFlag: Bool? {
get {
return UserDefaults.standard.object(forKey: "HiResFlag") as? Bool
set {
UserDefaults.standard.setValue(newValue, forKey: "HiResFlag")
#objc var isFirstTimePopUp: Bool {
get {
let value = UserDefaults.standard.object(forKey: "IsFirstTimePopUp")
return value == nil ? true : value as! Bool
set {
UserDefaults.standard.setValue(newValue, forKey: "IsFirstTimePopUp")
#objc var lastDateOfPopUp: Date? {
get {
return UserDefaults.standard.object(forKey: "LastDateOfPopUp") as? Date
set {
UserDefaults.standard.setValue(newValue, forKey: "LastDateOfPopUp")
#objc class PopUpTimeChecker {
#objc static fileprivate func setLastPopUpDate() {
//Setting current date to last shown pop up date
lastDateOfPopUp = Date()
#objc static fileprivate func timeIntervalSinceLastPopUp() -> UInt64 {
//Returning how much time (in seconds) has passed from last popup date until now
return UInt64(Date().timeIntervalSince(lastDateOfPopUp!))
#objc static func shouldShowPopUp() -> Bool {
//We proceed further only if we have the last date when pop up was displayed, else we create and set it as the current date
if let _ = lastDateOfPopUp {
let timeInterval = timeIntervalSinceLastPopUp()
if timeInterval > popUpTimeInterval {
return true //Show pop up
} else {
if isFirstTimePopUp {
//If this is the first time, you just allow the pop up to show, don't allow otherwise
isFirstTimePopUp = false
return true
} else {
return false
} else {
self.setLastPopUpDate() //Since we don't have a last date, we set it here for starting off
return self.shouldShowPopUp() //Recursively call method

how can I handle properly the behavior of camera in my Swift app?

In my swift app I'm allowing users to take photos.
For that purpose I've decided to use CameraManager from here: https://github.com/imaginary-cloud/CameraManager
When user opens my app, he sees a button - when he presses it, the camera view appears and he can take a photo. He also can dismiss the camera view and later on, at some point, press the button one more time to open camera view again.
If I understand it correctly from the plugin docs, I need to add a camera view to my view during first usage, then - in case of dismiss - invoke stopCaptureSession(), and during every next usage call resumeCaptureSession().
Currently in my swift code I have three methods:
let cameraManager = CameraManager()
fileprivate func addCameraToView()
cameraManager.addPreviewLayerToView(cameraView, newCameraOutputMode: CameraOutputMode.stillImage)
fileprivate func stopCaptureSession() {
fileprivate func resumeCaptreSession() {
The IBAction for the button has the following code:
let currentCameraState = cameraManager.currentCameraStatus()
if currentCameraState == .notDetermined {
cameraManager.askUserForCameraPermission({ permissionGranted in
if permissionGranted {
} else if (currentCameraState == .ready) {
} else {
print("we do not have access to camera")
and in the IBAction for the dismiss button I had:
print("cancelling camera")
To make it work properly, I need to call addCameraToView() somewhere earlier - until now I was adding it in viewDidLoad, but I realized that I cannot do that because while doing so - the camera stays active until user presses the dismiss button.
So I thought about changing my code in IBAction for the camera button and add a camera from there. However, I have to add it only in case it wasn't add before - in the other case I need to call resumeCaptureSession().
The problem is that in CameraManager the function responsible for adding camera to the view is declared like this:
open func addPreviewLayerToView(_ view: UIView, newCameraOutputMode: CameraOutputMode) -> CameraState {
return addLayerPreviewToView(view, newCameraOutputMode: newCameraOutputMode, completion: nil)
open func addLayerPreviewToView(_ view: UIView, newCameraOutputMode: CameraOutputMode, completion: ((Void) -> Void)?) -> CameraState {
if _canLoadCamera() {
if let _ = embeddingView {
if let validPreviewLayer = previewLayer {
if cameraIsSetup {
cameraOutputMode = newCameraOutputMode
if let validCompletion = completion {
} else {
_setupCamera({ Void -> Void in
self.cameraOutputMode = newCameraOutputMode
if let validCompletion = completion {
return _checkIfCameraIsAvailable()
and resumeCaptureSession() is defined like this:
open func resumeCaptureSession() {
if let validCaptureSession = captureSession {
if !validCaptureSession.isRunning && cameraIsSetup {
} else {
if _canLoadCamera() {
if cameraIsSetup {
_setupCamera({Void -> Void in
if let validEmbeddingView = self.embeddingView {
So my question is - when user opens camera view, how can I check if camera was added to the view before, and if it was added - call resumeCaptureSession(), otherwise do not call it and just leave it with calling addCameraToView?

iOS: Unit test with a void func in Swift

I want to test this method that doesn't return a value but I want to check if works fine.
Can you give me some suggestions?
func login() {
if Utility.feature.isAvailable(myFeat) {
if self.helper.ifAlreadyRed() {
} else {
let firstVC = FirstViewController()
} else {
let secondVC = SecondViewController()
so what's the best approach to apply unit test here?
Testing side effects is one approach. But for an example like the code in question, I actually prefer a subclass-and-expect approach.
Your code has three different paths.
If feature is available and already red, show web view controller.
If feature is available and not already red, show first view controller.
If feature is not available, show second view controller.
So assuming this login() function is part of FooViewController, one possibility is writing tests that follow this format:
func testLoginFeatureAvailableAndNotAlreadyRed() {
class TestVC: FooViewController {
let setRootExpectation: XCTExpectation
init(expectation: XCTExpectation) {
setRootExpectation = expectation
override func setRootController(vc: UIViewController) {
defer { setRootExpectation.fulfill() }
XCTAssertTrue(vc is FirstViewController)
// TODO: Any other assertions on vc as appropriate
// Note the lack of calling super here.
// Calling super would inaccurately conflate our code coverage reports
// We're not actually asserting anything within the
// super implementation works as intended in this test
override func showWebViewController() {
XCTFail("Followed wrong path.")
let expectation = expectationWithDescription("Login present VC")
let testVC = TestVC(expectation: expectation)
// TODO: Set the state of testVC to whatever it should be
// to expect the path we set our mock class to expect
waitForExpectationsWithTimeout(0, handler: nil)

Present GameCenter authenticationVC again

I'm facing a little issue here and I hope someone will help me figure out what is wrong.
*The test project presented below can be find here : http://goo.gl/wz84aA (FR) or https://goo.gl/0m8LrZ (Mega.NZ) *
I'm trying to present to the user the authentification view controller proposed by apple for the GameCenter feature. More precisely, re-present it if he canceled it on the first time.
I have a game with a storyboard like that :
GameNavigationController :
class GameNavigationController: UINavigationController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(self, selector: Selector("showAuthenticationViewController"), name: PresentAuthenticationViewController, object: nil)
func showAuthenticationViewController() {
let gameKitHelper = GameKitHelper.sharedInstance
if let authenticationViewController = gameKitHelper.authenticationViewController {
self.topViewController.presentViewController(authenticationViewController, animated: true, completion: nil)
deinit {
MenuViewController :
class MenuViewController: UIViewController {
#IBAction func didTapLeaderboardBTN() {
// TRY 2
//if ( !GameKitHelper.sharedInstance.gameCenterEnabled) {
//} else {
GameKitHelper :
import GameKit
import Foundation
let PresentAuthenticationViewController = "PresentAuthenticationViewController"
let singleton = GameKitHelper()
class GameKitHelper: NSObject, GKGameCenterControllerDelegate {
var authenticationViewController: UIViewController?
var lastError: NSError?
var gameCenterEnabled: Bool
class var sharedInstance: GameKitHelper {
return singleton
override init() {
gameCenterEnabled = true
func authenticateLocalPlayer () {
let localPlayer = GKLocalPlayer.localPlayer()
localPlayer.authenticateHandler = { (viewController, error) in
self.lastError = error
if viewController != nil {
self.authenticationViewController = viewController
NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().postNotificationName(PresentAuthenticationViewController, object: self)
} else if localPlayer.authenticated {
self.gameCenterEnabled = true
} else {
self.gameCenterEnabled = false
func showGKGameCenterViewController(viewController: UIViewController!) {
if ( !self.gameCenterEnabled ) {
println("Local player is not authenticated")
// TRY 1
let gameCenterViewController = GKGameCenterViewController()
gameCenterViewController.gameCenterDelegate = self
gameCenterViewController.viewState = .Leaderboards
viewController.presentViewController(gameCenterViewController, animated: true, completion: nil)
func gameCenterViewControllerDidFinish(gameCenterViewController: GKGameCenterViewController!) {
gameCenterViewController.dismissViewControllerAnimated(true, completion: nil)
What is currently working :
if the user is previously logged-in (within the GameCenter app) then he's able to open the leaderboard view ;
if the user wasn't logged-in then he's prompted to log-in when the game navigation controller is loaded (and then open the leaderboard).
What is NOT currently working :
if he cancel three time the authentification, then the authentification won't appear anymore (even at launch) ; // Apparently a known "problem", not "fixable"
if the user cancel his authentification, when he tries to load the leaderboard the authentification won't appear again.
I tried 2-3 things as you can see in the commented code above, but none of them is working ; I can't make the authentification view appear again.
PS : My code is written in Swift, but help in Objective-C is welcomed as well.
As you have found out, if the Game Center authentication dialog is canceled 3 times, then you can't bring it back without resetting the device.
There is another "security feature" built into Game Center which does not allow an app to re-authenticate if the user has already canceled the dialog without leaving the app. So for your authentication dialog to show, the user must leave and then re-enter your app.
There is really no way around it. What I've done in a couple of projects is to display a message to the user:
Game Center not available. Please make sure you are signed in through the Game Center app
I will show that message after trying to authenticate and if Game Center isn't available or the user is not signed in.
If you want to be able to re-present this to your user then go to settings -> General -> Reset -> -> Reset Location & Privacy.
This will force iOS to forget preferences for apps for example whether they can use location services, send you push notifications and also game centre preferences. Keep in mind this will reset privacy settings for all apps.
